King of Blue Flames

Chapter 39: Chapter 36

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“Just… you, Olivia.”

They arrived at a pleasant area where there was plenty of greenery. There were flowers everywhere. Some were in bloom. Some were at their peak. The variety of colours and scents was a sight to behold. He could smell the greenery, the flowers, the trees, and the grass.

Everything seemed in harmony with one another. The trees and the sun's light appeared to create a rainbow-coloured light in the air. The wind blew gently, like a soft hand that stroked his hair. He was in his element.

Rinaldo inhaled the scent of the flowers. It made him feel calm and clearheaded. “I could use some fresh air.”

“I'm with you. I'm all for fresh air, too.” Olivia smiled and nodded in agreement.

Rinaldo found a patch of grass to lie down on. It was a peaceful spot, where the birds and bees were gathering for the day. Rinaldo put his arms behind his head and closed his eyes. He would not think about anything or anyone.

He was just going to enjoy the moment, and he was going to live in the moment. The moment he lay down, he realised it was the first time in a while he had relaxed fully. His mind felt free. The birds were chirping, the bees buzzing, and the sun was warm on his skin.

It was almost like he was at one with nature. The wind blowing across the open grass felt amazing. For a few minutes, all he could do was lie there and take in all the beautiful sights and sounds around him. It was like paradise.

As Rinaldo continued the conversation, Olivia agreed with him. They talked about various things as they walked, and they had so much to talk about. Rinaldo felt so contented, so happy, so alive. He had never felt that way before.

The people were nice, the flowers were beautiful, and his time with Olivia was wonderful. He felt a flutter in his heart. It was as if all the stars had aligned, and the heavens had opened up for him. It was hard to explain, and he wondered if Olivia would understand.

She smiled and looked at him. “It's the first time I've seen you like that.”

“No, I've always been this way.” Rinaldo teased. “You just haven't noticed.”

Olivia laughed. “I've noticed. And I love it. It's a nice change from you. I like this Rinaldo.”

“I'm glad.” Rinaldo smiled.

“I really like the way you are. I've met no one like you before. It's like you have an aura about you. Like you have something special. You just exude peace.” She was still smiling. “I like that. I'm so happy with you.”

Olivia's words surprised Rinaldo. It felt good to hear someone tell him he was special. Not that he didn't think he was special, but he never thought that the people who surrounded him knew he was special.

“Thank you, Olivia. It means a lot.”

Olivia got down on her knees in the grass. “It really means a lot to me, too. I just wish there were more people like you, Rinaldo.”

“You're special, too. I've noticed. And that's enough for me.” He smiled. “I love you, Olivia.”

“You're special, too, Rinaldo. I love you.”

A few more things occurred to Rinaldo as he and Olivia walked around the capital. It was just a small walk, but it was enough to feel slightly confused. His mind seemed so clear and focused, and he just wanted to enjoy the moment.

What surprised him was that he didn't feel scared or worried about anything. He didn't feel tense or afraid. He wasn't worried. The way he was feeling was so unlike him. He didn't feel upset or confused about anything. He just felt a pleasant feeling in his heart, and he kept it there.

Olivia and Rinaldo talked about random things. Rinaldo was feeling very mellow and in an enjoyable state of mind. It was almost like he could just sit down and wait for the world's end, and he wouldn't be worried about anything.

Olivia looked at him. “You're smiling a lot today. Why is that?”

“I just…” Rinaldo struggled to explain. “I feel so free, Liv.”

“That's a nice feeling.” Olivia smiled.

“And I have nothing to worry about.” Rinaldo's smile grew.

It felt like the whole day was just like that for a while. Something about being with Olivia just made him feel good. There was something about her that made him feel good. It was as if the world around him had disappeared, and only she and he remained.

They continued to talk and walk, and they had so many things to talk about. Everything they were talking about sounded so interesting. Rinaldo wasn't talking about people. He wasn't discussing politics, his problems, or the world around him.

The two of them mostly they talked about the things that made them happy. Rinaldo talked about his childhood, and Olivia spoke about her life. They both did their best to talk about everything they enjoyed in life.

“You're very talkative today.” Olivia noticed the difference in Rinaldo.

“You just made me realise how I've been feeling. It's nice to know why I feel good, and why I'm not worried.”

Olivia listened intently as he talked. She was very interested in what he had to say. She would ask questions to get to know him better. Rinaldo would answer anything she wanted to know. He felt like he could talk to her about anything.

She was also one of the nicest people he'd meet, and she was astute. She liked and cared about everything. It didn't matter to her if it was something that made him laugh or something that made him sad. It was nice to talk to her.

Everything they were talking about felt so right. It was as if they were talking about what made them happiest. They found something they liked and agreed with each other on everything they talked about.

“I really like this Rinaldo.”

“Me, too, Liv. It feels nice to be with you.”

Olivia's smile grew. She loved hearing that. They continued walking, and everything felt so right. It felt good to be with the only person who made him feel good. She was a nice person. Her smile made him smile, and he was the happiest man on the face of the earth.

“So, do you have any big plans for our wedding?”

Rinaldo laughed. “That's a good question. I guess I don't really know.”

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Olivia laughed with him. “What are you waiting for? Let's go to the courthouse and pick the date. We have to pick the date soon.”

“Do you really want to pick the date, Liv?”

Olivia laughed. “Of course! I want everything to be perfect.”

Rinaldo felt the same way. He also wanted their wedding to be perfect. That was something he could easily see happening. That would be the nicest day of his life. The day he got to marry Olivia was the day he'd be happy for the rest of his life.

A smile spread across his face. It was amazing. He could see everything falling into place. They were happy together, and they wanted their wedding to be perfect. Everything had to be perfect. It would happen soon. That was all he knew.

“We should talk to Charlie to see when the best day is. It's a little weird, but we could do it soon. I just need to know when to pick the date.”

Olivia looked at him. She was very excited about the idea. “Perfect! You're right, Rinaldo. It's gonna be so much fun.”

They continued walking, and they kept talking about the wedding. It felt as if everything was coming together nicely. It was hard to believe they had just got to know each other a few weeks ago. Now, they were in love and talking about their wedding.

Rinaldo felt that something was about to happen. He wanted to see where this could go. How much he felt about her surprised him. He had never felt so strongly for any girl before. It was all very new, but it felt very natural.

They continued talking about everything they were doing, and Rinaldo looked at Olivia. She was so pretty. Her face was so innocent, and he found it difficult not to stare. She was so beautiful. They looked at each other, and it felt like they'd been doing that for a long time.

It felt good. It felt as if they were already married. He smiled and felt the same way. “I want to be with you for the rest of my life, Liv.”

“I want you to be with me for the rest of my life, Rinaldo.”

The two smiled at each other. Everything seemed like a perfect dream as they continued to walk. They wanted to be together. They wanted to keep talking. Rinaldo could talk to Olivia about anything, and she wanted to know what he thought about everything.

“I think we need to get back.” Olivia turned to Rinaldo.

He nodded in agreement. It was getting late, and they should probably return to the palace. The two went back and talked to the Emperor. He'd know when the best day was, and he'd be able to tell them the exact date.

They walked to the palace, feeling so happy with everything they'd just experienced. They found Charlie in his room, and seeing them didn't surprise him. He noticed the two approaching, and he smiled. He also had nothing to say to them.

Rinaldo walked over to the Emperor. “I need you to help us find the best day for our wedding. We were wondering what the best day would be for us.”

The Emperor thought for a moment. “How about tomorrow? The sooner the better, right? We'll make it a very nice day for you, and it'll be perfect.”

Rinaldo couldn't believe it would happen so quickly. “Are you sure? What about the preparations?”

The Emperor shook his head. “It's no trouble at all. I have already prepared everything in advance. It's about time you asked.”

“That would be perfect!” Olivia couldn't hide her excitement. The idea of tying the knot soon sounded great. “Thank you so much!”

Planning a wedding was not a small task. It usually took several months to figure out. However, with the Emperor's help, they could do it much faster. Rinaldo was grateful for the help, and he felt so happy. Olivia felt just as excited, and she didn't know what to think.

“I'm happy about that. I can't wait to have a party after the wedding.”

The Emperor smiled. “We'll have one, just you wait and see. I'll tell everyone you're married. It'll be a huge party. It'll be so great.”

Olivia couldn't stop smiling. “I can't wait for that. It sounds like so much fun.”

Rinaldo glanced at the Emperor before he left the room. “You seem troubled. Do you need help with anything?”

“The Central Church is planning something on a large scale. We don't know what it is, but I don't think you have to worry about anything yet.”

They returned to their quarters, and he knew they had another busy day ahead. Everything was going so well, and Rinaldo was excited about their plans. The wedding was coming fast. Everything was perfect, and the best day was just around the corner.

It was a day Rinaldo couldn't wait to start. He was looking forward to the best day of his life, and the excitement was so great. He was about to marry the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. They ate dinner together, and it was a great night.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?”

“I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I'm very excited, Rinaldo.”

“I'm excited, too. We're gonna have a great wedding.”

The following day, Rinaldo woke up. It was a beautiful morning, and he felt thrilled. The wedding was fast approaching, and Rinaldo had a lot to do. Olivia was getting a little nervous, but she couldn't hide it. The thought of becoming a married woman was exciting. She always wanted to start a family.

Rinaldo couldn't wait, either. He wasn't that nervous, and he felt great. Finally, he was ready to take the plunge. Olivia was his woman, and that was all he wanted. He would keep her happy, and he knew she'd be the best woman in the world.

Rinaldo and Olivia had everything set up, and ready to go. The wedding was beautiful. All the people who mattered were there. The minister was ready, and the wedding was about to start. Rinaldo had told many people about what was going to happen.

The priest then began the ceremony. “What the Divine Creator has joined together, let no man put asunder. Now I pronounce you husband and wife.”

Everyone clapped and cheered. Rinaldo couldn't believe it. He was now married to Olivia, and they were both pleased. It was a perfect moment, and Rinaldo knew they'd be together forever. Rinaldo and Olivia were ready to move on with their lives together.

They were ready to start their new life as a married couple, and Rinaldo knew it would be a fantastic life. It was going to be a wonderful marriage, and Olivia was the one for him. He would never lose her, and he would always love her.

“You may now kiss the bride.”

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