King of Blue Flames

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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“… Critical error… the core system 'Katarina' has been terminated… rebooting…”

Katarina remained motionless for a moment, looking like a lifeless statue. Her eyes opened wide and her pupils dilated. She stared at the person in front of her with a blank expression, then her body started shaking and her breathing became more and more rapid. She was having a panic attack.

Rinaldo didn't know why she was spouting those nonsensical words and was referring to herself in the third person. If he had to hazard a guess, it must be because she was not in a state to say something that would make more sense. It usually happened often to people with a high fever or head trauma.

A person's brain worked strangely. That the Count's assistant could still talk was a testament to the capacity of her brain. Some people had it worse—or not.

It would be better to fall unconscious rather than stay wide awake while feeling trapped inside your own body. The experience was far from pleasant.

“Katarina, it's okay. I'm here.” The Count wrapped his arms around her. Her whole body was trembling, and she was gasping for air. “Breathe, Katarina. In and out. Slowly.”

Her panic attack subsided after a few minutes, and she could calm down. The Count sat with her until she felt better.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause a scene.”

“Don't be sorry, my dear.” The Count reassured her. “It's been a tough day for you. Why don't you get some rest? I'll check on you later.”

Katarina nodded and went into her room. Rinaldo wondered if he should start wearing a blindfold so he would be less likely to see a repeat of this situation. Other than negating the effect his “cursed eyes” had on people, it also made him look cooler.

He knew Charlie would approve even if it hindered him. The emperor always prioritised coolness over anything else.

“Is she going to be alright?” Rinaldo couldn't hide the concern in his voice.

“Yes. She will be fine,” the Count replied. “For now, why don't I escort you to your room? Or would you rather stay the night at your parent's house?”

“I will stay here.”

“Very well. Let me take you to your room, then.”

The two of them walked to the room the Count had prepared for Rinaldo. It was a comfortable room, with a bed, a dresser, and a small table and chair. There was a window that looked out onto the garden.

“This is a pleasant room.”

“Thank you. I'm glad you like it.”

Rinaldo sat down on the bed and thought about everything that had happened. It had been a long day, and he was tired. However, he was also excited about the new adventure that lay ahead of him. He knew it would not be easy, but he was determined to succeed.

With that thought in mind, he lay down and fell asleep, dreaming of the day when he would make the entire world a better place for all. In his dream, he saw a world where people were kind to one another, and where there was no more hate or bigotry.

He saw a world where everyone treated each other equally, and where everyone had the same opportunities in life. No one would have to grow up with a parent who spoiled them while neglecting their sister, or a cruel cousin who always found an opportunity to belittle them.

The next day, Rinaldo woke up feeling hopeful and inspired. He knew that one day, his dream would become a reality. After waking up and going through his usual morning routine, Rinaldo made his way to the lobby to see Olivia.

When he got there, he found her sitting on one couch, looking lost in thought.

Rinaldo sat down next to Olivia. “Good morning, Olivia.”

His greetings caused her to snap out of her reverie. “Good morning. You seem in a good mood today.”

“I am. I was just thinking about my dream and how I'm going to make it come true.”

This dream was something he knew was possible to achieve, but it would take a lot of work. Even if it would require unwavering dedication and determination, it was a dream worth chasing. Rinaldo was certain even Charlie would think the same. Great minds think alike.

“That's great. I'm sure you'll achieve it.”

“Thank you.” Her faith in him touched Rinaldo. “I'm going to need all the support I can get.”

“You can always count on me.”

Rinaldo nodded, his heart warming at her words. He was lucky to have her in his life. She was so unlike a certain cousin of his who was always quick to humiliate him. He had never understood why his cousin did that. It was as if he had done something terrible to her just by existing.

Before Rinaldo could ruin his good mood by thinking about Viola, out of all people, he returned his thoughts to the woman before him. Both were blonde and were about the same age, yet their personality was different. Olivia was the opposite of Viola.

This thought pleased Rinaldo. Olivia was kind, caring, and polite. She was everything that Viola was not. Rinaldo felt himself drawn to her. He wanted to get to know her better.

“I'm glad you think so. I only hope I can make you as happy as you've made me.”

Olivia smiled at him in response, and Rinaldo felt his heart swell. He was sure that he had found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

“Sorry. Am I interrupting something?”

Rinaldo turned to see Katarina standing in the doorway. The Count's assistant was looking better than yesterday. She was still pale but had colour on her cheeks. The sight of her standing there gave him a slight pang of guilt, but it passed as it came.

“No, of course not.” Rinaldo tried to avoid the woman's eyes. “What can I do for you?”

“The Count wishes to speak with you two.”

“Very well, we will be right there.”

The two of them made their way to the Count's office, where he was waiting for them. As the head of Viennetta's Mage Guild, the man had his own office. The office was small, but it was comfortable and tidy. A large window overlooked the city, and a small fire crackled in the fireplace.

In one corner of the room was a large mahogany desk, and in the other was a small table with two chairs. A map of the city hung on one wall, and on the other was a painting of a woman in a white dress.

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The woman in the painting was stunning, with long dark hair and slightly drooping blue eyes that conveyed a gentle appearance. She was standing in a garden, and in her hand, she held a rose.

“I didn't see anything. Nothing to see here.”

Rinaldo pretended not to notice the painting was there. He had seen it before, of course, back when the woman was still the Head of Viennetta's Mage Guild. But it still made him uncomfortable. It was as if the painting had a life of its own.

Viennetta's Mage Guild specialised in alchemy—a branch of magecraft aiming at the study and understanding of the structure of matter, decomposing it, and then reconstructing it. In short, it was all about gaining control over bodies, life, and souls.

For centuries, they practised alchemy responsibly, banning the darker and sinister side of alchemy like human transmutation from the guild, and excommunicated anyone who practised it in the open. However, it all changed when that woman took over.

“Ah, good, you're here.” The Count gestured to the chairs at the small table. “Please, have a seat.”

The two of them sat down, and the Count spoke. “I'm sure you're both wondering why I've summoned you here. The truth is, I have some bad news.”

The Count paused, waiting for a response, but the two visitors said nothing. Their silences spoke volumes about their character. Most people didn't react well in the face of bad news. But these two—they took it like a pair of soldiers.

Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that they were actual soldiers, or knights, the Count thought. He took a deep breath before continuing.

“There has been another case of disappearance in the city. This time, it was one of my apprentices.”

Rinaldo raised his eyebrows. “Your apprentice?”

“Yes.” The Count nodded. “At first I thought he'd probably just run away, but then I realised he wouldn't do that without letting the entire guild know.”

“What makes you think that?”

“First, my apprentice was very unhappy. He was always complaining about how I treated him, and how I never let him do anything.”

“I see.” Rinaldo understood. “And you think he might have run away because of that?”

“It's possible, but like I said, he would have told the guild. And he didn't. So I looked into it, and I found out that he'd been talking to someone before he disappeared.”

Olivia wondered who that person was. “Who?”

“I don't know, but I have a feeling it might have something to do with the disappearances.”

“Do you think this person is behind them?” Rinaldo had his suspicion.

“I'm not sure, but I would like to find out.”

The Count wasn't the only person who wanted to know the truth. Everyone else must have felt the same way. Well, not everyone. Whoever was responsible for what was happening wouldn't be as interested as Rinaldo, unless they didn't know what they were doing themselves.

When pressed for more information, the Count explained the person they were looking for was a woman. The security orbs captured an image of her feminine form, but the rest of her features were undistinguishable because of a lack of proper lighting.

Rinaldo was curious. “The security orbs?”

The Count shrugged. “Cameras hadn't invented yet.”

“I see.” Olivia looked closer at the figure in the image. “I will see what we can do.”

“But we can't make any promises.”

“I understand. Thank you for your time.”

Rinaldo watched as the Count left, then he sat down and thought about what the Count had just requested them to do. He knew it was an arduous task, but he also knew that it was important. He would have to think about it carefully before he decided what to do.

Orlando was right: there had been something strange going on in the city lately. If the Count's apprentice had been talking to someone before he disappeared, then it was possible that this person had something to do with it.

Rinaldo decided he would look into it, and see if he could find out anything. The woman in the portrait was the first person he suspected. After all, she was a known practitioner of the dark arts. If she was behind the disappearances, then Rinaldo would stop her.

Olivia noticed how Rinaldo was trying to bore a hole into the painting with his eyes. “I don't think the painting is responsible for this.”

He stared at the painting for a few more minutes. “Perhaps not, but I want to make sure. I'm going to go talk to her.”

“You're serious, aren't you? You want to talk to the painting?”

“The woman in the painting, I mean. I think it might be the only way to figure out what's going on.”

“Be careful, Rinaldo. She's the previous guild head. If she's behind this, she's dangerous. I'll come with you.”

“You're right. I shouldn't face her alone. It's a stupid thing to do.”

Rinaldo and Olivia went to confront the previous guild head. He had a feeling that he was onto something, and he was determined to find out what was going on.

Olivia followed him out like his shadow, and they walked together down the hall. He could sense her presence behind him, and he felt her hand in his. He didn't mind it, and he even found it quite comforting.

“Do you know where she is? Should we ask someone?”

“There is no need for that. Mother never leaves her house after father's death.”

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