King’s War Game

Chapter 18: Prologue 2: A Warrior’s Duty

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The king’s death affected everyone across the continent, but none more so than the elves. Because of their magical power, the elves were the first to be attacked by the Demon Lord upon his awakening. They devastated their numbers. They were only saved by the future king on his travels slaying Demons. However, with their population low, only a handful of fighters could join his crusade in exterminating the Demon menace.

Even after the Demons were exterminated and the king sat upon his throne, the elves continued to suffer. Because of their lack of population, they lacked political power and were often dismissed or looked down upon in matters of court and governance. Nearly losing their homeland as they continued to struggle for survival.

Their only salvation once more came from the king, who advocated for the elves in their plight. In return, the elves shared their magic and medicine with the crown, using whatever they could to extend the king’s life. However, even the elves couldn’t keep him alive for long and, with his death, they panic once more forced into a dangerous position.


A group of elves sit in the large room gathered around a pit filled with wood. One holds out his hand and a fireball shoots out of his palm, igniting the wood and illuminating the room. They each stare at each other nervously as one leans forward, putting his hand to his chin.

            “Man, this sucks.” He says out loud as the others turn to him.

            “Counselor!” An old man yells out, stroking his beard.

            “Come on, old man. We’re in a bad spot. Our biggest advocate in the royal court was the king. Most of them care little for us elves.” The counselor says, staring at the group. “We’ve been able to live freely till now, but as soon as a new king shows up, we’re screwed.”

            “We have a chance. I heard about the War Game happening on the Aloock Islands where the new king will be selected.” The old man says. “If we send warriors to serve these potential kings….”

            “We’d be putting ourselves in danger. Our numbers still haven’t recovered from the wars. To send our youths away and to put them against each other, that would go against our ways.” An old woman says.

            “Counselor, it is the only way!” The old man yells.

            “Counselor!” The old woman yells.

The counselor stands holding up his hand as everyone goes quiet. “The chief is still too young to govern. In a decade, he’ll be old enough to lead us in this new era. My job as a counselor is to ensure we survive into that new era, and for that, we need a new ally in the house of government or a protector should war break out across the continent.”

            “And what do you suggest?” The old woman asks.

            “No one will make any moves until after this War Game ends. So, we will take advantage of that, an operation on two fronts. First, we’ll send our warriors to the twelve candidates for the king. Second, we’ll work on improving our status with the noble houses. Hopefully, doing this will secure us the time we need.”

            “A wise decision, counselor.”

            “Each of you gathers the twelve strongest warriors among our people. They will prepare to head to the Aloock Islands immediately!”

 After a while, they gathered a group of young people at the door of the room. Each one stands at attention as the counselor looks over them with a nod. Among them, a young woman stands at the end of the line standing at attention with a stern expression on her face.

            “The twelve of you are the best young warriors we could muster for this task. We’ll be sending you to the Aloock Islands, where each of you will be assigned to a young king and follow their lead. Carry favor with your king however you can and do what you can to save our people.”

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After the speech, the crowds gather in front of the building as the warriors leave. The girl walks through the crowds waving as she makes her way home. She climbs a tree into a hut and she digs through her equipment.

            “Tisha.” The old man says, climbing up the tree.


            “You don’t have to do this. We can send someone else you can remain here.”

Tisha shakes her head. “I have to do this. Without the crown's backing, we don’t have enough people to maintain our domain. I have to go and make my candidate the king.”

            “Just be careful, Tisha. You’ve never left the village before. There are all kinds of dangers in the outside world. Not to mention monsters.”

            “I have it, Grandfather. I can take out any monsters I come across; I won’t lose to anyone!”

            “Please be safe, Tisha. The Aloock Islands aren’t as safe as they appear and rumors have it that some of the candidates aren’t as honest as they appear.”

            “Do you have faith in this plan, Grandfather?”

            “No. But it’s the best thing we can do. We only have a little over a thousand pureblood elves left. We can’t afford to lose any of our kind.”

Tisha nods. “I know Grandfather. And even when pushed to fight my brethren, I will do what I can to protect them.”

            “Good. Please be safe, my dear child. You are the last hope for our bloodline.”

Tisha nods. “I understand.”


As the sun rises on the next day, Tisha and the eleven other warriors make their way to the nearest port. They each board their boats and transportation, making their way across the sea. Tisha takes a small raft sailing across the waters as she makes her way towards the Aloock Islands.

            “Jubert Island. My candidate is one Glyn Mattox. I haven’t heard of him. He’s likely some minor noble of minor note, but why is he in this battle, then?” She talks to herself as the boat goes across the waves. “Well, he may be a nobody, but I can carry him to the throne. I have to pull this off and save everyone. It’s my duty and my destiny. Just you watch, Grandfather, I’m going to save us all!”

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