King’s War Game

Chapter 4: Ch.3: Island Ways

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In the exorcism's aftermath, the ghosts that haunted the manor were destroyed. The light from the spell shined down onto the village, alerting everyone to the goings-on. As they watch this an old man stares at the light, stroking a long beard as the commander stands at his side. The pair look at each other and nod before the commander orders the guards to clear the crowd.

            “It’s impressive.” The old man says.

            “He’s a strange one, that’s all I can say.” The commander says, returning to his side. “But to think he’d do something like this? Why?”

            “If I hazard a guess, it’s his way of showing what he can do.” The old man nods. “I’ve decided. We’ll have to make sure of his intentions before we go along with him. And I think I know the perfect test for someone like him.”

            “If you say so. At the very least, let’s make sure we monitor him and wait and see what’s he gonna do.”

            “He’s a wild card alright. He can either be of value to the island or he’ll bring disaster to us all.” The old man says.

The commander nods. “If it comes to that, then I’ll deal with him. I keep our home safe, no matter what.”


In the battle's aftermath, Glyn forces himself up the stairs and through the house. Making his way up towards a small room on the first floor. Collapsing with Mila on top of him, he quickly drifts off to sleep from exhaustion.


Glyn’s eyes open and he wanders around a vast field. A large tree sits in the middle of the field with various figures standing around it. At the bottom of the tree, a young man stands holding a staff in his hand. Glyn approaches the man and glares at him as he points the staff at him. He reaches for his book and a flurry of dark energy rushes out of the tome, filling up the surrounding air.


            “You bastard!” A voice screams out, breaking Glyn from his dream.

Glyn’s eyes snap open and he pushes Mila out of the way as he dodges a sword and reaches for his book. As his vision focuses, he sees an enormous figure moving toward Mila.

            “Don’t you dare touch her!” He screams out.

Mila awakens and looks up. “Brother?”

Glyn’s eyes focus and he sees Miller standing over her with a sword pointed at Glyn. “Stay behind me, Mila.”

            “What’re you doing Brother?”

            “Gramps and Gran said you didn’t come home last night, so I expected you were here with him. But to find you in bed together. What did he say? Did he force you?”

            “Bed?” Mila asks, tilting her head.

            “You knocked her out!” Miller yells.

Glyn stands up and glares at Miller. “Stop this yelling nonsense!”

            “I will not stop. I will not see my sister dishonored in such a way!”

            “Dishonored!” Mila leaps up and rushes in front of Glyn. “Brother, we did no such thing. We were just exercising the ghosts in this manor and I tired myself out.”

            “We were exhausted. I promise this was just an emergency. We’ll never share a bed again, understand?”

Miller observes the two and then nods and sheaths his sword. “Fine, then.”

            “But brother? Are you two siblings are something? You don’t look alike. Is one a bastard, or adoption?”

            “Brother introduces yourself,” Mila says.

            “Why should I?”


Miller sighs. “Fine. I am Miller Gill, a captain of the city guard.”

            “So, I guess your name is Mila, huh? Kind of rude to make him give me his full name, but you never did.”

Mila lowers his head. “I don’t have a family.”


Miller grips his fist. “You bastard, Mila is uncomfortable about this topic.”

Glyn stares at her as she shuffles around. “If you don’t want to explain it, then don’t. Who am I to make you do something like that?”

            “No. I’ll say it.” Mila takes in a deep breath. “I’m an outsider.”


            “Mila washed onto our island when she was a four-year-old child with no memories. Because she is an outsider, she has no family ties and, as such, no family name until she is to take a husband.”

            “And judging from your closeness, your folks took her in?”

            “Yes. My grandparents took her in and raised her.”

            “Grampa and Grandma take care of me. Even if everyone on the island looks down on me.” Mila says.

            “Of course, this entire island seems to hate outsiders. I don’t know if it’s a cultural or historical thing. But it sure is annoying.”

Miller glares at Glyn and then turns to Mila. “Let’s go home.”

            “But Brother, my job is to watch after him.”

            “It is. But I say he should be under house arrest in this place until we can prepare a boat for him to leave.”

Glyn stands up and checks himself. “I kind of stink.”

            “Are you listening to me!?”

            “Sorry, but I have work to do.”


Glyn smiles a wide, mischievous grin. “I’ve got to figure out what I can do to get you guys to let me stay.”


            “I only have a month until the game's startup. And if I’m not ready, I’ll never accomplish my goal.”

            “What to be king?”

            “No. I could not care less about the throne. That just sounds like more annoying work.” Glyn opens up his book. “I only have one goal out here. And that is to kill someone and make sure he doesn’t get the throne.”

            “Why? Is this some noble goal or whatever? Or court politics?” Miller asks. “I hear you nobles fight and kill each other over all kinds of things.”

            “Oh, none of that. It’s entirely personal. And yeah, some nobles act like that, but I stay out of that stuff.” Glyn leaps up and rushes towards the door. “But I’ve got to get to work, so I’ll see you two later!”

Glyn rushes out of the door, leaving the two alone. Mila looks at Miller before jumping up and chasing after him.

            “Wait, I’m supposed to watch you!”

            “That one’s an odd one for a noble. But there’s something even stranger about him? What’s that book he’s always looking in?” Miller asks.


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Glyn rushes out of the manor with Mila on his heels. He stops to catch his breath, with Mila catching up to him and patting his back.

            “Are you okay?”

            “Fine. Just tired. Between yesterday and just now, I’ve exercised more than I have in my entire life.”

Mila nods. “Anyway. What do you plan to do?”

            “First, find some food. My food stores are all burned up on my ship, thanks to you.”

            “Sorry about that.”

            “Second, I want to see more of the island before I go to the village. But food comes before anything else.” Glyn points his finger toward Mila. “So, you have any?”

Mila sighs. “I hate to do this but…”

            “Mila, take him to Gramps and Gran,” Miller says, approaching the pair.

            “Are you sure?”

            “Yes. We can’t let him starve after all. We’re supposed to be watching him after all.”

Mila nods. “Yes, Brother.”

            “So, where are we going?”

            “Gramps and Gran live on the outskirts of the village. Even if you’re an outsider, they’ll treat you kindly and offer you a meal.”

Mila nods excitedly. “Grampa and Grandma are the best!”

Glyn nods. “Well, as long as they have food, they're nice enough to me.”


On the way down the hill towards a small grove in a series of trees, a house sits under the shade of a ring of trees. Outside of the house, a figure sits in a chair staring out down the road. The three approach the figure as she rises from her chair and runs forward.

            “Oh, it’s good to see you, dearies!” A short old woman with long grey hair and wolf ears stands before the three and walks up to Miller. “Have you been eating? I haven’t seen you for a week.”

            “Grandma, I was busy with work. I don’t have a lot of time to come visit.”

            “Mila!” A tall muscular black-haired old man with wolf ears rushes forward toward Mila. “I was so worried when you didn’t come home last night! I was about to run across the island. Are you okay? Are the kids bullying you again?”

            “I’m fine Grampa. I was working. I’m in charge of watching that king candidate.”

            “Oh, one of those fighting to be king?” The old woman asks.

            “I still can’t believe the old king is dead? The man was built like an ox. It’s impossible for someone like that to be dead.” The old man says.

Glyn steps forward. “Well, I can confirm the old king is dead. I saw his corpse and everything.”

            “So, you’re the one who’s trying to be king of the island?” The old man asks.

            “Not really. I just want to make sure someone else doesn’t get to be king in all honesty.” Glyn says with a smile. “But before any of that, I need something to eat. Do you have any food?”

            “How rude! I don’t know how you from the mainland do things, but you’re supposed to introduce yourself before asking for food!”

The old man stares at Glyn and nods. “May I ask your name?”

            “My name is Glyn Mattox. The bastard half-elf son of house Mattox.” Glyn says, introducing himself.

            “I see a half-elf. That still doesn’t explain it.”

            “Explain what?” Glyn asks.

            “Never mind any of that. You said you’re hungry. If you and Mila were working all night, then you’ll both need food. Come along now!” The old woman grabs Glyn’s hand and pulls him along. “Come along.”

The old woman drags Glyn off as Mila follows behind with a smile on her face.

            “That’s a strange boy? He should be dead in all honesty.” The old man says.

            “If it wasn’t for the word from the mainland, we would’ve killed him. No one wants to get wrapped up in some dumb game to seat a king we'll never see.”

The old man turns to him. “What’re you talking about?”

            “How he’s an outsider. And how he’ll bring disaster to our island. Isn’t that what you’re referring to?”

The old man shakes his head. “Hell no. Are you one of those doom and gloom types? If your Pa were still alive, I’d beat his ass for letting those words come through your mouth.”


            “Besides, Mila is an outsider. That’s why those damned fools wouldn’t let us give her our family's name. Fools we can’t keep ourselves closed off for so long or else we’ll eat away at ourselves.”

            “Gramps. Talk like that is why you and Gran are living outside of the village. If you’d just apologize to the chief, then…”

The old man turns away. “Apologize to that old fart. He’s the one who owes me an apology. Getting our boys killed on that damned mission.”

            “Please, you and Uncle’s fight has been going on for so long.” Miller shakes his head. “Never mind that. Why did you say he should be dead?”

            “The boy is cursed.”


            “Cursed. And it’s a strong one too. Surprisingly, he’s alive, as it is to have such a powerful curse on him. Something like that can only come from a demon of some sort.”

Miller’s eyes widen. “What?”

            “The boy’s demon touched all right. Shame he seems like such a nice kid.” The old man walks down the road. “Best come to the house before all the food is gone. Are you going to stand there all day?”

            “No, I’m coming.” Miller chases after the old man. “How can you be sure he’s cursed?”

            “I can smell it. You could too if you didn’t have many ass-backward thoughts in your head. Mila probably can’t though, but she must sense something off unconsciously.”

As the two walk to the house, they find Glyn sitting on the porch, peeking into his book.

            “The women are inside finishing up the food. They said I wasn’t allowed to touch anything.” He says, turning a page.

            “You must’ve tried to sneak a bite. Old Gran’s not the type to let someone like that in her kitchen.” The old man says, laughing. “That’s why old Milly and I aren’t allowed in there either.”


Miller coughs. “Gramps, please do not call me that in front of the detainee.”

            “Sorry. But you gotta learn to relax.”

            “Detainee? Am I under arrest now or something?”

            “You’ve always been under arrest. But I have something unrelated to ask you. Are you cursed?”

Glyn nods. “Yeah. I’m cursed. I have been since the day I was born.”

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