King’s War Game

Chapter 7: Ch.6: Questions and Answers

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            “So, where should we start?” Glyn asks, staring at the Elder.

The old man stares at Glyn and nods. “You’re an interesting one. A Half-Elf. Those are incredibly rare.”

            “Not so much on the mainland.” Glyn sighs as he opens his book. “Between the declining Elvan population and how… let’s say excited elves make humans, it’s not too uncommon.”

            “Oh, I see. I haven’t been to the mainland in some time. Not since I went to the capital to visit the king.”

Glyn raises an eyebrow. “So, you’ve seen the old man?”

            “Yes, he still looked like a beast of a man when I last saw him. It’s hard to imagine such a man has died. The stability of the country must be close to the breaking point.”

            “Somewhat. There was some chaos for a while. But the nobles pulled together some form of stability. Now they just want a figurehead to stand at the front and help maintain this fragile peace.”

            “But let’s move on and let me ask about you. What do you want to do on my island?”

            “Really nothing. This place is nothing more than a backwater. I just want to find some capable allies and take someone out of the game.”

            “Oh, really?”

            “Yup. I don’t care who becomes king. I just want to take out one person for personal reasons.”

            “I have to admit. You are interesting. But I can’t help but feel you're holding a few cards close to your chest.”

            “Aren’t you?”

            “I admit I am.” The Elder takes in a breath. “Do you know what rumors are spreading about you?”

Glyn smirks. “Let me guess that I’m some kind of walking curse or I’m bad luck?”

            “Yes. Your presence, combined with a stampede, has caused the villagers to go into an uproar. I had to suppress a group who wanted to kill you, and they’re not the only ones.”

            “Well, aren’t I popular?”

            “This is a serious matter.”

            “I know it is.” Glyn stands up and stares down at the Elder. “Do you think this is the only time I’ve had people after my life?”

The Elder pauses. “I’m sorry. Life on the mainland must not have improved for Half-Elves, has it?”

            “Yeah, it’s crap. But it’s nothing new to me.”

            “Either way, can you please do me this favor? Can you leave the island?”


            “I don’t expect you to leave empty-handed. I’ll give you resources and you can take out your vendetta if you so choose. Just please do not get us involved in it.”

Glyn pauses as he sits down. “I can’t.”


            “The only way I have to strike at him is in this game. If I don’t, then I’ll lose out on something very important to me. I’m sorry, but I can’t leave yet.”

            “Then we’ll force you out.”

            “Harming me will bring the might of the kingdom down on you.”

The Elder nods. “I am aware. But there are other things we can do. We can lock you up and ally with someone else to drive you out of the game. We could also torture you mentally until you decide to leave.”

            “Do your worse. Lock me away and I’ll break out. Torture me and I’ll find some way to overcome it.” Glyn smiles. “Do your worst.”

            “Please wait!” A voice screams out from the door.

Mila bursts through the door and rushes towards the Elder. She bows as her tails twist around before staring up at him.

            “Please wait, Elder!”

            “Mila!” Miller yells out as he rushes into the room. “What’re you doing? You can’t interrupt the meeting.”

            “But if I don’t, then they will force Glyn off the island!” Mila stands up as her tails point upwards. “I can’t let that happen!”

            “What are you talking about?”

            “Glyn did nothing wrong!? He helped us. He’s not someone bad.”

            “You’ve only known him for a day!”

            “But… Brother!”

The Elder laughs. “Miller. You always get so flustered with this girl.”

            “Uncle please. Don’t be mad at Mila. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. She’s just confused.”

            “I’m not! Glyn is a good person. We shouldn’t punish him for something that’s not his fault!”

Glyn sighs and grabs Mila. “Come on. You ruined my whole big scheme.”


            “Yeah, I was gonna push the old guy into a corner and cut some kind of deal with him. But your little outburst ruined the tension.”

Mila stares at Glyn. “Oh. I’m sorry.”

            “I can’t be too mad. You’re trying to help me out so I can appreciate that.”

            “You helped the village by taking out all of those monsters before.”

            “Speaking of!” Miller yells out, glaring at Glyn. “How can you not use magic? That was clearing a spell you used.”

            “You know what they say. First, fool your allies before you can trick your enemies.” Glyn says with a smile.

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Miller glares at him. “And you call him a good person.”

            “I am cursed. And under normal circumstances, I couldn’t use magic. But it took some effort, but I can use some magic. But I drain all the mana in my body using a spell as strong as that.” Glyn sighs and falls to the bed. “It’s quite the annoyance.”

            “Either way….”

            “Miller! I believe I’m not done with our guests.”


            “Are you finally ready to play then, old man?” Glyn leans forward and smiles. “So, show me your cards.”

The Elder nods. “I can delay the wraths of the villagers. But I’m sure with time they will go over my authority and assail you themselves.”

            “So, you’re losing your grip on the civilians?”

            “Unfortunately. As the days go on, rumors about my age and how my best days are behind me. There is a slowly growing movement to push me out of my position and force me to choose a successor.”

            “Then why don’t you?”

            “I can’t.”

Miller steps forward. “The way it works here is that normally such a role is inherited from the parent to their child. But Uncle lost his son and wife in an unfortunate accident years ago.”

            “And I lost the respect of my brother that day as well.”

            “So, you don’t have a successor, or you don’t believe anyone can take up the role?”

            “I have been viewing those who possess potential. But at the moment we’re in crisis and it is not appropriate for me to change overpower in such a disastrous state.”

Glyn nods. “So, how about this? I want you to end the current crisis.”

            “I figured you would say that. I have to figure out where the monsters are coming from and stop them. Is that what you’re saying?”

The Elder nods. “Yes. For someone as clever as you, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

            “But Uncle. This is a job for the Defense Force.”

            “Typically, yes. But I’d like to test our new quest.” The Elder turns to Mila. “And besides Mila. You will join him on this task, correct?”

Mila nods. “Of course. My job is to watch Glyn! I’ll work hard to help him.”

            “Good. I’ll be putting my trust in the two of you.”

            “Alright. And I can assume if I fail, you’ll be kicking me off of the island?”

            “Of course.” The Elder says with a wide grin.

            “Fine, I’ll accept those terms. Let’s play, old man!”

            “Show some respect!” Miller yells out.

Mila hides behind Glyn. “Please don’t yell.”

            “Alright,” Miller says.

            “We’ll start in the morning. Mila, I’ll need you to show me around the island so I can get a sense of everything.”


            “I mean, you were already going to do it. So why not make it part of our plan tomorrow?”

Mila nods. “Right!”

            “Well, I’ll leave you two at it. Miller, help me get home, okay?”

            “Yes, Uncle.”


The two exit the manor as Miller looks back at it with the Elder laughing as he walks along.

            “That child is interesting.”


            “He can even get a stick in the mud like you to relax.”

            “What do you mean?”

            “You haven’t noticed that you’ve been calling me ‘Uncle’ this whole time.”

Miller pauses and bows to the Elder. “I’m sorry Elder!”

            “It’s fine. I enjoyed it. It makes this whole thing more entertaining.”

Miller shoots up. “I still hate how close he’s getting close to Mila.”

            “If we’re lucky, then maybe Mila might finally make a loyal friend.”


The Elder pauses and stares up at the sky. “I feel I failed that child. She appeared before a series of unfortunate events, and people referred to her as a cursed child. I couldn’t do anything at the time to help her back then. I was wrapped up in my grief.”

            “But Uncle, I know you tried your best. Mila’s situation is just……”

            “Still, I am supposed to unify our brethren together. But for years she’s been ostracized. Maybe he will be someone who can tear down the walls that surround her.”

            “I’m fine with Mila making friends even if they're boys. But why’d it have to be him? I’d rather it be almost anyone else!”

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