Kingdom of the gods

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 Stealing Identity

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Lei Shun rushed inside the cave, hiding behind a large boulder to avoid being noticed with a surprised expression. He was greeted by an underground clearing full of plants, just like the one on the outside. A crystal implanted in the centre blazed brightly, acting as a little sun. Crystals cover the ceiling above Earth's surface as well, they're fashioned like diamonds and emit just enough light to see without harming your eyes. Below is a city with stone walls and sentries patrolling. Lei Shun observed people queuing outside security checks, inquiring about what they were carrying.

Lei Shun left his current location and began exploring the nearby area. While exploring, Lei Shun was astonished by how beautiful and amazing the scenery is. Including how fresh the air smelled with the ground slightly moist despite knowing there is great danger lurking about. Suddenly, Lei heard noises from a distance, using his shadow walk ability he sneakily approached them to discover a goblin merchant wearing a coat that extends past his knees.

The coat appeared to be a bright color with a fox fur trim, cotton pants, leather shoes, and wearing a belt with a purse attached. His two bodyguards wore leather armour, one red and the other black. Each had a sword at their waist and was defending themselves against some large wolves that resembled Dire wolves, he once saw them in a book on Blue World. “AARGH! Rozuis, why don't we flee from these wolves?" the red-leather armour goblin warrior yelled to the black-leather armour goblin warrior on his right side, not far from their boss's merchant carriage.

"No Vaardor!" We have our order, and there's no escape path since the wolves are blocking us!" he remarked solemnly, stabbing one of the wolves as the animal dodged. "This is so f***ed up!" replied Rozuis "Warriors don't fear, I'll pay you extra coin, I Fadurd give you, my word!" yelled the merchant master behind the warriors.

With encouragement, the goblin warrior began to fight back, and they were no longer in a passive state. When Lei Shun witnessed all of this, he devised a strategy to decide whether to rescue or murder the merchant. "Why rescue when I can steal his identity?", he kept gazing in the shadows with a malicious smirk, waiting for any opportunity to strike like a snake stalking a mouse ready to devour.

The wolves realized they were about to lose the fight when Vaardor stabbed one of the wolves in the chest as it tried to bite him on the shoulder. The Alpha wolf recognized that something was amiss and promptly howled "Oowww!" to alert the other wolves that it was time to flee. "We did it"! Vaardor exclaimed, wiping his blade on the wolf's fur that he had killed. With a smile on his face, the goblin warrior had a little celebration and successfully chased off the wolves.

 He looked back and his grin froze, which changed into a look of disbelief, only to discover Rozuis on the ground with a lot of blood gushing out of him; he hurried to his corpse, but he was already dead. Vaardor decided to seek for the merchant and raced behind the carriage, pushing the covering open, only to discover him dead with his eyes still wide, looking stunned. "What the f**k is going on!?" "How! When! Who!" he wondered, his face tense?

He turned around and began to flee the scene, knowing he would be held responsible for the crime. Meanwhile, Lei Shun was proud of his work and the speed with which he killed without making a sound. Lei Sun used his shadow walk to sneak into the back carriage before the wolves fled, where he saw the merchant inspect the cargo for damages, "Good, nothing was damaged." Fadurd exhaled a sigh of relief as Lei Shun immediately slashed his throat with his dagger. Fadurd spun around, stunned, gripping his throat to stop the bleeding with his right hand and reaching out to his attacker with the other, but it was too late to beg for mercy.

Then Lei Shun exited the cargo and made his way towards Rozuis, who was struggling to defend himself, and just as the Alpha wolf signalled to retreat and the wolves obeyed, Lei Shun quickly sliced his throat just like Fadurd, he looked at Vaardor who killed the wolf which leaped, deciding not to kill him because he needed an alibi, Lei Shun turned back and blended into the shadows.

"It's now time to reap the benefits." Lei Shun began to open the carriage's load, which was stocked with gems and gold coins. "It's no surprise that burglars make a lot of money in a single day, lucky everything fits perfectly." he said as he continued to open the cargo and transfer it into his storage.

He then looked at Fadurd and began to undress him, commenting, "He seems to be the same size," as he tried on outfits and examined himself. Then Lei Shun left the scene to return to the city, and the wolves that had been chased away returned to consume the dead corpses in vengeance.

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