Kingdom of Wax

Chapter 2: 2 – The Birds and the Arachnids

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The last train is stopping, have I got my things?

The last train is stopping, I don’t know what to do.

The last train is stopping, and a ringing fills my ears.

The last train is leaving, and as I gaze out to the white-touched pastures and witness a sun just as pale as the snow that became to cover everything;

The last train is gone.

That is when I begin to wonder who I truly am in this world or if I’m truly worthy of life.

  • Emilia Andrews


It must have been an hour, perhaps longer since I first woke up in this world, basically killing my mother during birth as well as becoming so disoriented about my current situation. So reincarnation was real and for whatever reason, it decided to throw me out as some weird spider thing?

To be fair it could be a lot worse. Could have been reborn as a sentient onion, destined to make people cry from my layers of tragedy and the power of bullying of the level of a fourth-year student who really, really likes to point out the things you are sensitive about and then proceed to dig deeper when they know they touch a sore spot.

Being reincarnated as a spider-thing was pretty neat though. I get to make my own webs and stuff. No clue how big I am just yet, I need something I can actually compare myself to, like an actual human.

Being reincarnated as any other insect sounds kinda meh, to be honest… Although the spider is not an insect, it is an arachnid, like the scorpion. But details.

Maybe except for ants? Ants are super cool, that would have been a lot of fun. Like, I dunno, an ant that has gravity magic sounds neat.

Would have loved to have been reincarnated as a dragon. One with wings at least! Then I can be cool and ‘pew-pew’ the countryside with my fiery breath! But alas…

Anyway… I was reincarnated, killed mom, and decided to contemplate life for a bit while looking up at the night sky. Then, upon realising I got reincarnated/isekai’d, decided to experiment and one question entered my mind.

Do I have a status screen?

I was no stranger to the ‘transported into another world’ trope. Or an isekai as it's more commonly known. Most of them had worlds that relied on a game system so people (and monsters) could get experience, level up, get new combat or profession classes and in some cases even evolve. Or in some cases, only the transmigrator has that ability.

Very much like a game! And while I haven’t played video games in like… A few years? I was familiar with some stuff even if some terms escape me. It’s a popular light novel trope right now and honestly, I do enjoy the genre cause the concept sounded hella rad. And if this is the typical fantasy world… Hm. Then do Demon Lords and the like exist? If so, can I become a Demon Lord? I want to be a lord who is also demony, then I’ll create super mutant spiders to rule over the world with an iron fist. ‘Cause, why not?!

I mean, ignoring that, I have to have one right, right? Having game mechanics in an isekai world is practically the norm now and I don’t recall any recent ones that haven’t… Then again, I am not cultured enough nor did I have time to watch anything for the past few years. So, I began to experiment by saying the command: Status!

...Is what I tried at first, but oh boy, this mouth is impossible to work with. If I want to reveal the whole thing the jaw moves flawlessly, but even saying ‘apple’ is like having a stroke; my speech is forever slurred and it makes me beyond miserable. Communicating verbally was going to be impossible if this keeps up. At the very least I want to be able to make my words understandable. Even if my sentences are short.

But alas, I keep trying.


Come on mouth!

“Tus… Tus!”




Hell yeah! Now let me see that screen!


Umm… Hello..?

“Sta- Status!”

Am I saying this right? Let me try another word…



“Abb- aili- Abilities!”

Still nothing.

My voice sounds and feels hoarse. It hurts to speak...

But wow, okay, maybe this world doesn’t have a game system and I have to rely on things the old fashion way, aka, the power of real life. But now that I think about it, didn’t that mystery voice say something about a system? I remember that I needed to stand by to register the Arachxei Queen, so maybe I just have to wait?


First part is obviously taken from the word: arachnid. And the second part, no clue. Xei. Pronounced as zee, I think? Or was it say? Arach-zee? Arach-zay? Regardless, it was my species name now and it absolutely confirms that I was some sort of spider… If that wasn’t obvious enough. What this spider can do isn’t exactly clear, and judging by the fact I have a cyclops eye and four smaller eyes on the side tells me that I might be alien enough to do more than spew webs and become an arachnophobe's worst nightmare. There are also a few things I noticed about this form.

One: I was really tall. No clue about the exact height or length but I was, without a doubt, over a foot taller than I used to be, maybe more. Said size also made me feel a bit slow, but considering that my limbs can reach a longer distance, it sorta balances it out. Turning was not fast though.

Two: That thing above my head? Some sort of gosh dang glowing blue fireball that casually hovered above my bony crown. I could touch it, its warmth comforting me somewhat, but whenever I tried to move it about it made my eyes water like they had been poked. Whatever it was, it was pretty and it didn’t want to be moved. It was as if it was the centrepiece of my crown.

Three: My abdomen was so thick and heavy that it was actually preventing me from moving quickly with my balance intact. Hopefully, it's possible to fix this with some balance training, but it looks like I’m going to have to move slow and steady and make damn sure nothing can attack me from behind until then.

Four: The red claws I have on my feet and hands were deadly sharp. I tested them on some bark earlier and one slice was enough to leave a notable mark. Now I’m worried that I’ll break them if I use them too hard… But hey, I got a weapon to defend myself now. Just gotta keep them clean and healthy.

Five: Underneath my chest (thorax?), there seemed to be something popping out. It’s spherical and feels like glass, but I can feel a gentle warmth coming off of it. No clue what it is but it tingles when I touch it. I also seem a little bit capable of turning my head independently thanks to this thorax. Now I can look to the right and the left, not quite behind though! Although judging by my dump truck I highly doubt I could even see behind me… Does this thorax make me an ant? Spiders have two segments, but I have three segments like an ant or a bee. Not only that I have this sorta thick yet soft, light blue fuzz growing on top of my thorax and abdomen. It reminds me of bee fuzz. And considering my mother… That might be the case.

Six: I seemed incapable of actually spewing webs. I tried my best, even screaming garbled commands as if it would help. All I feel is something inside me tensing before completely fading each time I try. Hopefully, it's just a part of the registration thing and not… Yeah. I prefer being a regular spider, not a scary tarantula, no offence to the bigger guys. Wait, even they can spew webs. Okay, now I’m hoping it's not a big issue.

That’s all the major notes. I’d have to figure out the rest later.

Dammit, couldn’t have I just been, I dunno, an orc? Slime? A dragon?! At least I know what those are and don’t have to play a guessing game and question my own biology! Oh god, can I even eat spicy food anymore?! Say it ain’t so!


Well, no use crying over delicious spilt milk now. I gotta focus on the important stuff, more tests with this body while I wait the thing out. Need to play it safe. I may be a big, monster spider, but that doesn’t mean there aren't bigger fish out there, waiting to slap me into the fifth dimension. Tragically I don’t think my big ole’ anime eye is capable of laser-beaming my foes into dust.

Trust me. I tried. There’s a reason there’s now a chunk of bark lying miserably on the floor.

Oh, the life of a newborn. Can’t laser beam things until they stop breathing? Clearly an unlucky roll. Better find the nearest truck and start over-


The loud noise of a branch snapping and falling to the ground made me jump out from my thoughts.

Bah! Was probably just nothing-



This time I wasn’t left to wonder if it was just a dead branch or something that knocked it off, as the sounds of feathery wings flapping sent my instincts into a frenzy. Bad news, my brain kept repeating, a fragmented chitter against my skull. Hide. Hide from the bird! But where am I to hide? It sounds far too large to be a normal-sized bird and I don’t want to take my chances fighting a giant pigeon right now!

Er, think! Oh god, a branch just snapped!

Dammit, there isn’t anywhere I can hide, I’m too big! Damn you abdomen! All I have is this tree bark I was trying to laser beam earlier. Maybe if I hide it in front of my face, it won’t see me! …Oh god, I hope it's stupid!

Protect me bark!

Oh jeez oh jeez, give me a break! M-Maybe it's a friendly bird. Maybe I just misheard the wing flaps and over-exaggerating it, yeah!

Yeah! Just over-exaggerate…rating…

Oh, noooooo.

H-Hello there.

You are reading story Kingdom of Wax at

It was a birdie. A large birdie. A huge birdie in fact.

Looking bigger than a human and resembling a hawk with more tropical colours, its more intricate features remained unknown even in the bright moonlight and my vision. It certainly wasn’t a bird from home from what I knew, and judging by the flashing red lights going off in my brain, it was something I had to avoid.

Ah man, we’re not having a boss fight, are we?! Ooohh, I think I can use my bite attack if it gets too close-

< Please do not attempt combat while registration is being completed. All attempts will be automatically rendered null to reduce faulty code and glitching. >


Oooooh, you can’t be serious? I can’t even defend myself? I ain’t gonna be able to climb out of this tree in time and if I somehow do, no way in hell am I outrunning a human-sized bird!

< Individual is experiencing high amounts of stress. Please reduce the amount of stress you are experiencing. >

I’m gonna give you a good reason to be stressed in a minute you damn computer! What, are you being run on, a potato? Is that why you’re shit? Is that why no one loves you?! I might as well throw myself in front of the next moving truck I see and pray I reincarnate as a spirit that will exist purely to spite you by making sure you experience a logic error for the rest of your life! Or if you were created by someone, curse them to stub their toe on their bed frame every day for the rest of their life!

The bird tilted its head, its yellow eyes examining the hollow of the dead tree intently before halting on me. It stayed still for a moment, large peacock tails bristling behind it as it let out a sudden squawk and-

“Blink see?”

Eek! The bird can talk?! No wait, that’s not the bird!

Another voice, adult and sounding like a squawk, had called out from behind the bird. I couldn’t see them at all, only hear a voice and the sound of talons tapping against the deadwood.

“Shame shame.” The mystery… Girl? Yes, girl, tutted. “No honey here, just dead buzz. Shame shame indeed. Oh...”

The bird let out a noise that suspiciously sounded like a purr. For a brief moment, its peacock tail feathers glowed a gentle gold, briefly illuminating them and even more briefly showing the girl’s dusty brown and white feathers, decorating her wings that were in the place of arms as well as her legs that ended in sharp hawk talons.

A Harpy.

Hoooo-ly moly it's a harpy. She looks so freaking cool! And her feathers look so fluffy even with a lack of lighting. But wait, why does she have scales and a tail? That’s a lizard tail innit?

Double eek! She sees me too! Don’t give me that look!

“Shame.” The mystery harpy tutted. “No honey here, just dead buzz, just lingering predator. Shame shame indeed. Oh...”

Then, she tilts her head, looking at me more intently. There’s an expression of confusion on her face and for a moment, continues to look so until she gasps and bonks her bird companion over its head, which the creature flinches at.

“Scared webby one!” She scolds. “Bad. Bad! Leave alone, leave alone! Shame dead buzz alone, Garula will guide, yes, guide!”


“Shame shame shame, real shame.” Man, she loves that word. “No normal dead buzz, dead broodmother buzz. No broodmother. Blink sad. Sad moon, sad. Garula will guide.”

“No no, cannot, cannot. Broodmother soul lingers, no regrets no? Leave broodmother to webbed one? Blink will leave. Broodmother eater will commence rites, is Garula pleased?”

...Is she talking to herself or the bird?

“Le’sta Garula. Blink will journey again… The system will guide, Garula will bless. Hark, myeta. Kuss wela encentra. Kuss wela encentra. Pal’la’ka yul Hollust Berus, Garula.”

Flapping its wings, the large bird ascends into the night sky, creating a draft of air around us as it took off with its tails leaving behind a golden trail into the night. The harpy scoffed in response, preparing to take off with a mighty leap that shattered the deadwood from the strength of her muscular legs-

“Ese ca’bre!”

Suddenly a small blaze of orange fire summoned itself from her words, briefly burning underneath her before disappearing almost immediately, leaving behind the sounds of a harsh wind that lifted her further up into the night sky. It didn’t take long for her to disappear from sight, no longer could I hear her or her companions' wings.

Woah… She used the fire to summon a strong draft! So cool!

Ah, enough of that. Is the coast clear?

I’ve been waiting in here for a few minutes on the off chance they return, totally not because I’m paralysed out of fear, but no flappy noises ever came to my attention. Good.

Now what?

Should I wait a bit longer until this whole dumb thing is done? Of course, dumb question-

< Beep! >

< Due to complaints and criticism from the individual, a small set of skills had been given priority for registration, granted to ensure survival. Complete skill registration will be complete in about 2 years, 8 months, 1 day, 3 hours and 24 minutes…. Updating, progress will be complete in 2 hours, 45 minutes. >

< [Spider’s Thread]: Can generate spider threads, as well as customise certain attributes to suit your needs. >

< [Grip]: Grants a bonus to grip, allowing better scaling of surfaces without letting go. >

< [Corrosive Bite]: A powerful, wide-ranged bite filled with toxins secreted by a special gland that can erode metal such as iron. Derived from the Scylla Arachnid. >

< [Corrosion Immunity]: Become immune to the effects of corrosion. >

< [Tunnelling LVL 1]: Provides the instinct to dig and increases efficiency and effectiveness greatly. Bonus efficiency applied. >

< [Dusk Bioluminescence]: As a monster born in Dawnwood, parts of your body glow in response to the darkness and nearby creatures that emit Bio-Light. Monsters of Duskwood despise the light and no energy is consumed producing this light. >

< [Bio-Light]: Your horns glow a bright Bio-Light to light up the darkness. Monsters of Duskwood despise the light and no energy is consumed producing this light. >

Y’know what? Fine. I can deal with this. Tunnelling? A burrowing species? Or am I secretly an ant in disguise? Mysterious! And the Duskwood? Even more so!

But you came a lil’ late, didn’t you? Too late now! I appreciate it, but gimme a freaking break! Oh well, at least I do have something now to defend myself. That bite seems great, considering it can melt wood.

Wait, melt wood?

Man, it’s been ages, but now that I think about it, can wood even melt? I swear we’ve had a lesson on this back like a decade ago. Something sciency I cannot recall. Maybe my corrosion is just that strong? Do things work differently?

Well, whatever. Not important right now. What is important is this: Should I leave now?

I’ve got skills, not all of them, but it seemed like I had the important stuff. So I could totally just head out. But at the same time, what if I have something super important still loading in this noggin? You always gotta be fully prepared after all, especially me. But at the same time, I don’t want to wait around in this tree for too long; the mere thought of being attacked by birds was enough to make me ill right down to the core of my abdomen. Some part of me was screaming to leave and find somewhere safe.

I’m awful when it comes to survival situations like this. Haru was better, but even then not by much.

He’s the type who just trips on a tree root and smashes his face into the ground.

I’m the type who trips on a tree root, smashes my face into the ground, breaks my arm, falls off a cliff and somehow gets several diseases because a tiny bit of dirt got into an open wound. Then he’d laugh at my misery, then treat me to take-out.

The thought of my best friend makes me frown in realisation.

Was he okay? God, he’s not gonna take my death well, is he? Well, as long as Gunter is around, he’ll be fine. Wish my brain wasn’t so hazy about how I died though. Maybe it was in my sleep, or something so sudden that I can’t recall at the moment. As silly as the idea was, I highly doubted I was instantly killed by a burrito.

Well, it's something to think about. Just not right now. I can ponder about it later, somewhere safe and be sad about then. All I can hope is that he can move on well and that his future is free from as much pain and strife as possible.

Now, with that out of the way, let me slow down and think.

Wait? Or go onward?

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