Kingdom of Wax

Chapter 6: 6 – Roar

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Horizon is a massive, diverse continent. Full of wonders and dangers.

Yes. Utmost dangers.

Who knew that such frightening events would occur in these lands? A small series of events that built up to become a catastrophe capable of ascending beyond what is possible within the restrictions of Mirage. The administrators are cruel beings.

Yet, I cannot help but wonder. With the incidents and their reactions…

…Was this planned? A severe case of boredom? Or had something gone rogue?

I wonder.

And I fear dying or succumbing to a fate worse than death before I can ever find the answer.

Ah. They are here. That cursed

To anyone who finds this, tell my family that I, Y

-A torn and bloodied note that was excavated from the ruins of Wedgefort in the Sundered Bloom. The writer is unknown.

What do I have?

Webs. Corrosive Fangs. Psionics. Tunnelling…

What would be the most effective?

As I stare at the zombified dinosaur, I begin to take notes silently. Despite the fact most of its brain was mush and it had no eyes, it still kept up with the chimaera man who kept high in the air. It didn’t seem to have any long-range attacks; only biting and swiping whenever he tried getting close enough to attack.

…Except for sometimes, on occasion, it would suddenly leap into the air and come down with an earth-shaking seismic ground pound. A leap so strong I had to skitter away on the occasion.

And it hurt.

My exoskeleton and wounds would ache. Not only that, it felt as if each time it came back down, my head would throb and my vision would blur. It snapped me out of my shift too. The sudden return to reality each time did not help my headache.

Eventually, I came to quickly realise that it was some sort of stun. And I was even quicker to realise that I was so glad the zombie’s focus was on the guy and not me because I absolutely would have died to it already. So thank you, mystery guy-


Dodging a noxious wallop of saliva, I edge further back into the shadows.

Can’t be out in the sunlight.

Zombiesaur is causing a right ruckus.

And one of my legs is gone.

…I’m getting an idea or two, and it might just work if I do this quickly, and carefully. It’s a big boy but I’m almost as big, probably not as strong but that means something. Okay, let’s do this. Grab some web and get scootin!

Now with renewed determination, I begin my plan.

This spot had large rocks and massive trees, many of which were quite girthy things. Even with the Allosaurus's sheer size and noxious spit, it would still take a bit to knock one over, which is perfect for what I was planning.

One end of a thread goes on this tree, another goes onto the other! Good! Reinforce it, firm and stretchy! Multiple layers if I must!

How’s it going over there? Still fighting? The chimaera guy is doing well but I better hurry up anyway. Okay, then if I go over to the other side, plant some sticky web on the ground like so…

Wait, is there enough time to dig some dirt out? No, most likely not. C’mon, c’mon-

Focusing, I hastily throw out the last of my web for the trap, just in time to turn and feel another bout of sharp pain strike the side of my abdomen.


With a strangled roar the Zombiesaur, in a fit of rage, pivots on the spot. Swinging its tail with enough strength that the resulting force of the wind created was enough to fracture the bark of the nearby trees and cause the chimaera to suddenly ascend high into the air. However, although very small, something also launched out from the end of the decaying tail.

Pieces of bone.

Searing into the ground, the wood and my exoskeleton. I can feel the pieces stuck into me, like painful glass shards.

Like… Glass shards…?

“Sh-shit. Haru, you ass-”

“Dude, stop moving so much. Now, what lesson did we learn?”

“Sh-shaddup you brat.”


“...Be careful where you swing the baseball bat?”

“Yep, and now we have a broken window and I ain’t gonna be explaining to-”


Another blast of bone fragments is sent flying, piercing past my exoskeleton and burying itself painfully into my flesh like barbs. Goddamnit, that freaking hurts!

Why am I thinking of that now?! Focus on the battle, you’re taking too much damage! It’s a life or death situation, you fool! Concentrate, concentrate!

Another rumbling bellow alerts me to the zombie. Despite the lack of eyes, I could feel its non-existent gaze burning into my already damaged side. Its mutilated brain was pulsating, my spear still firmly lodged inside. But the monster showed no signs of acknowledging it, at least, not anymore. Dammit, was hoping it would have done more damage.

…Hey, if there is one thing I know about zombies. If taking out the brain doesn’t work, might as well annihilate the body until not even its dust remains.

Alright, c’mon! If I can’t outrun ya, I gotta outpower and outsmart ya!

Come at me!

The zombiesaur runs right at me, bones cracking with each powerful step. And, after having the briefest of doubts linger in my mind, I get into position. Within seconds I find myself staring into the horrific maw of death itself. Teeth ready to tear me asunder within seconds.

…Which is a shame for the big guy, cause I’m not dying!

With a shriek, I duck and strike upwards with my claws and instantly I get results. Flesh peels under my sharp claws and the horrific smell only intensifies, becoming something utterly indescribable once my fangs join with the claws.

How I didn’t pass out on the spot was beyond me. But I could feel nausea building up and, I don’t know why but...

Something tells me I shouldn’t let that nausea build up too much.

Corrosion burns away at its chest and stomach and I quickly realise this wasn’t a good idea when my eyes begin to burn from the smog emitting from the flesh. Corrosion and disease, mixed into one. While I was immune to the former it didn’t seem like I was immune to the latter, and it kicks my nausea to the point of feeling hazy and weak all over.

Crud. If I let go now, I’ll just be an easy target. Gotta try and cripple it in some way…

I could feel the monster clawing away at me with frantic swipes. Little by little, piece by piece, hurting me and nearly making me lose my grip. But my fangs merely dig deeper, my arms moved to its legs in an attempt to try and prevent it from moving. However, another bout of pain stops me. And my vision blurs.

There’s another bout of weightlessness as I feel my body knocked backwards with a kick, however this time I feel far too aware of the teeth digging into my abdomen.


That’s what I was, lucky.

I’m not sure how I didn’t die there. I could feel the tips of its teeth penetrate through my exoskeleton and I could absolutely feel the pain of something inside being pierced. An organ, right? Spiders have their organs in there. But somehow, I find myself still alive, even as the zombiesaur gnaws on my back.

But, gods, did it fucking hurt.

I scream. I scream, and I scream. And I scream.

Even as I try to claw at its face.

Was I lucky that it was struggling to even properly tear my exoskeleton open? I’m surprised that the jaw isn’t that strong-

…The jaw.

S-shite- Okay- Let’s do this-

My fangs could barely scrape against its head. However, the moment I feel my fangs graze its jaw I immediately activate Corrosive Bite and spray the corrosive fluids. Most of it is completely off the mark and just spills onto the floor. But the small amount that does hit sizzles beautifully, slowly melting away at flesh and bone.

Yet, the grip remains strong. I can feel it slowly pushing deeper into me.

Goddamnit, c’mon, let go of me!

I shoot another blast of corrosion. This time it hits the mark and then some. Half of the jaw was starting to melt away in clouds of acid and rot that makes me gag, including the area further up. More specifically, the joints of the jaw that connected it to the skull.

Yes, perfect! C’mon, if I get one more shot…!

Another spray blasts the side of its face. And I cannot help but shriek in glee as I immediately feel the jaw begin to lose its strength. Much to the zombiesaur’s frustration, it cannot hold me for much longer and instead tries to toss me, only to lose its grip on me before it could even prepare the throw, giving me plenty of time to scamper away towards my webs.

Of course, it tries to give chase.

I wasn’t expecting the chimaera to suddenly come out of nowhere and divebomb the thing though.

The force of the dive causes the zombiesaur to instantly fall onto its side with a loud bang that should have popped my eardrums. And down comes the chimaera, looking rather dazed but considerably better than me. It seemed he agreed. I can see that grimace, don’t try and hide it now!

Goddamn though, how do you divebomb like that and leave what looks like a collapsed ribcage and not get hurt from it? And this dino is so freaking sturdy! Only now is it showing signs that it acknowledged its injuries and is struggling to get up. My corrosion melted the joint in its jaw to the point I could see it threatening to tear off completely. Not only that, its guts were spilling out from my attack earlier!

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Just freaking die!

Okay, new plan! Clearly, the problem is the movement. So if I turn on my other sight, activate telekinesis and grab one of the large rocks over there like so…

Hope your leg isn’t immune to bludgeoning!



Now. Just. Freaking. STAY DOWN!



I don’t even need my full vision to feel my rock snap its bone, nor do I need it to hear it roaring in… Maybe pain? Regardless, I waste no time, adjusting myself to deal with the other leg. Like so!



God, the smell is getting worse…



One more should do it!


Another satisfying crack. This time the zombiesaur doesn’t even utter a sound, only twitching in pain on the floor. Guess I didn’t need that trap after all.

Well, I guess I should work on destroying the body then? Unless I can burn it, I gotta be careful using my corrosion to melt it down.


Hm? Oh, hello again chimaera person. What’s up? At least you seem friendly. Don’t worry now, I’ve crippled the legs, bugger shouldn’t be able to get back up. Still gotta be careful now though. Why am I acting like I’m actually talking to you..? Stop it.

He edges towards the downed monster, eying the tail until he’s close enough to reach a wing out and touch it. His grimace intensifies and takes a step back-


Only to slam his clawed foot into the tail, talons instantly setting ablaze as it digs into scaly skin and spreads like… Well, wildfire! Moments later, the stench is dying down, replaced by the sound of my ringing ears from the screeches of our dying friend as the flames engulf him. Soon, flesh and bone begin to turn into ash and seconds later only the upper half remains, screaming and thrashing about in vain.

Wow… Is that magic? Or is that just some skill he can do?

Well, at least the dino is dead now.

…Dammit. I absolutely could have done that whole thing better. What was I thinking, not going straight for the legs for instant immobilisation? You can have the most deadly bite in the world but it means nothing if you’re unable to move.

You even examined the situation before attacking, you dumb, oversized spider! God, Ma’kaol, get your head in the game. The thoughts of my friend didn’t help either- Fuck, that wasn’t the time to reminisce about your old life as-

…My old life as…?



That- That’s strange.

My old name.

What was my old name?

< The Blighted Puppeteer has revealed itself from the Blighted Knight Allosaurus. Do not die. >

Wait, what.

A loud shriek alerts me towards the Allosaurus. However, that was not a noise from its mouth. Instead, the shriek continues to rise in pitch from the bugling chest and-

Tears half of my hand off in an instant.


Blades like knives for limbs, a wrinkled main body covered in nasty warts and pustules with a singular eye that stared at me. I cannot see any teeth, but I can absolutely see beyond the pain of the missing half of my hand hovering in suspension and getting devoured by something that vaguely resembles a mouth within a shroud of darkness.

And it stared at me. With a single eye filled with mirth as I crumple to the ground.

A mirth that becomes nothing as it's suddenly forced into the ground by the man's tail, pierced by a scorpion stinger that I never noticed before. Just like that, pathetically curling up and dying in a single blow.

< The Blighted Puppeteer has been slain. Calculating participation… Loading… Loading… >

< You have achieved Level 2. One Perk Point has been rewarded. >

< You have achieved Level 3. One Perk Point has been rewarded. >

< You have achieved Level 4. One Perk Point has been rewarded. >

< You have achieved Level 5. One Perk Point has been rewarded. >

< You have achieved Level 6. One Perk Point has been rewarded. >

Man, th-that’s a bit of experience, ain’t it? Certainly no regular enemy… And dammit, I was hoping a level-up would heal me. But nothing healed, there are still bone fragments in my exoskeleton and the agony is only getting worse. My hand especially, burning like it had been set ablaze.



Goddamn, that hurts… It all freaking hurts.

My hands bleeding really bad, dammit, gotta wrap it up. Gods, it smells so freaking awful. Everything is aching and… My head…

< Ding! Calculation is now complete, you have obtained: 27 PP You have: 37 PP in total. >


< Thank you for being patient! The shop for the Arachxei is now available for usage. If you wish to purchase a skill, access the menu and look for what you want in the shop. Or you are struggling to find something, you can think of certain tags a skill might have to help narrow things down. For example, Long-Range. This will look for the skills that have long-range. >

R-really now..?

Dammit, long-range is good but… Lemme access the menu then, no time to examine the new stuff.

Now, system? Healing.

< Beep! >< Loading… >

Everything’s getting hazy. C’mon… Load already.

< Search complete. 1 result has been found. >

Just- Just one? Let’s see it.

< [Regeneration]: A passive that greatly boosts the natural regeneration or grants it depending if the user already had natural regeneration, healing wounds over time. The more energy the user has, the faster wounds will regenerate. Costs 50 PP. >

…Oh, you have got to be kidding me. I don’t h-have that much. F-feeling faint-

Breathe. Breathe.

Don’t pass out, j-just get on your feet and…

My attempts of getting back up failed. Each time I tried my legs would give out. Breathing was starting to hurt too. My lungs ached and my throat felt hoarse.

There’s a voice. It sounded like the man’s but the voice felt so strangely distant and even if I could understand what he was saying, I couldn’t quite pick any of his words up. Could I pick any emotion out from his tone? Frantic?

The next thing I feel starts to fade is my vision. The ground was slowly turning an inky grey… No… That’s not right. It feels weird. Why does the ground feel strange?

He’s noticed too and… My bio-light is turning on…?

Can’t… Drift off…

Gotta… Stand… Up…

Gotta… Live…

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