Kingdoms Reborn

Chapter 1: Prologue- Earth’s demise

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The year 2023- December 31st.

"Wow, The Hermit, Sir Oslo, has finally decided to leave that sheltered nest of his and join his one and only friend for an occasion," retorted a young male, his light blonde hair waving about in the wind as he spoke. Compared to the average male, his physique was slightly above theirs, and his beauty created envy among his male peers while enticing most women.

"My studies are important to me, and you know this Finn," dejected Oslo.

"Yeah, yeah. You've made it quite known these past few years, let's go to the party already," Finn paused for a second and raised his hand, "drinks are on me tonight."

Oslo looked at his friend, and sighed, "I won't be drinking. I still have a few topics to go over once I get back," the boy expressed as he followed behind Finn's seemingly large back.

Finn laughed and put his arm around Oslo's neck, "ah, you're such a spoilsport, just one drink will do..." 

Leaving the high-end apartment they resided in, the two boys headed toward the center of their city.

The duo hopped into a cab which would be a ten-minute drive to Long Street- a single street in the middle of Cape Town holding the city's best clubs and bars, and a place most Cape Tonians would go to in their free time.

The drive was a silent one, while Oslo revised the most recent topics he studied- a detailed encyclopedia of house insects, Finn stared out the window allowing his thoughts to run loose as the city's night lights flashed by. 

Finn stared at Oslo while he was stuck in a gaze, his friend had always been a shut-in since primary school, but he had always worked hard no matter what the circumstance, but "why?" asked Finn softly.

Oslo's thoughts came to an abrupt stop, his eyes hung low as he turned his head toward his friend, "why what?"

Finn was taken aback, he now stared at a version of Oslo he had become very accustomed to. Although he had become used to the way his friend would look at him, he would still feel a cold chill run down his spine as he stared at those stone-cold eyes, one that belonged to someone that seemed to never be present.

"Why do you study so hard?"

Oslo sat in silence for a minute before responding, "bottomless pit."

The now confused Finn asked once more, "what do you mean by that."

"Simple- being alone most of your life creates something inside of you, some call it an imaginary friend or a beast that eats at your thoughts as you lay in wake. Some hear voices, whom they succumb to eventually, and some just feel purposeless- their ability to commune with others then becomes an everyday problem."

"So, which one are you..."

"I hear no voices, nor is there anything inside of me that eats at my thoughts, but there is something- the conclusion I've come to was-"

Finn cut his friend off, "a bottomless pit, yeah, but why?"

"I feel empty, but not in the way you might think, simply put- life bores me, so I fill myself with the knowledge that somehow fills the bottomless pit inside me. Funny right, it sounds corny as hell, but that is genuinely how I feel."

Finn rolled his eyes and looked back out the window as he muttered to himself, "maybe life wouldn't be as boring if u left that little nest of yours."

"Partying and drinking until can one barely remember what they're doing sounds more damaging than fun, and it sounds like a life someone who depends on short-lived pleasure would live."

Finn put his hand on his chest, slightly offended, "life is short, so why wouldn't one indulge in such activities."

Oslo smiled, "exactly, life is too short to waste your time on such mundane activities. You call it the soft life, but it seems more like you're putting yourself into a cheap wooden casket even faster."

A slight unnoticeable tremor ran through the city streets as the boys spoke.

"What if a faster death is what those people seek?"

Oslo stopped to ponder once more, "if you live a life of immediate pleasure, is that really a life worth living for?"

Silence emanated in the vehicle, allowing everyone to ponder on Oslo's words.

The cab driver, who could feel the tension in the air, cleared his throat and spoke up, "two more minu-"

The words of the cab driver were cut short as the cab crashed into the rear of a car that came to a sudden halt, jerking everyone's neck forward in the car, and giving them whiplash.

"What the..." muttered Finn.

"Look out the window!" Shouted the cab driver.

Eerie, sputtering garnet-shaded portals formed in the sky, with a mysterious hum.

These harsh red portals were appearing everywhere the eye could see, filling the sky and coloring it an ominous red. As the group stared at the strange alien-like outlets, they felt their souls slowly getting sucked into them.

Suddenly, a message appeared above the newly created portals in the sky.

[ Integrating the great transfer of Earth to Planet Newborn. ]

You are reading story Kingdoms Reborn at

[ Selected humans will be transferred when certain conditions are met. ]

Oslo- an avid book worm had a good grasp of the situation, but with little information, he couldn't truly figure out what the true meaning behind those words was.

The messages said that they'd be transported through these created portals and that all the humans on Earth would be taken to a new planet, but there were too many variables.

Why are they being transferred?

What were the conditions to be met?

Why did the portals look so evil-looking portals?

"Yo, Oslo, do you see that?" Asked Finn, as he pointed his finger forward in disbelief.

What could be seen upfront was nothing short of a horror film, with no censorship of any gore, monsters- creatures deemed to be from fantasies and our imagination, crawled out of the ominous red portals. 

Little green gremlins the size of a toddler with nasty claws and fangs ran out of the portals situated closest to the streets, their bloodlust filling the air and scaring the nearby civilians. They were all equipt with rusted weapons, scraps of war presumably, but without any source of defense against these ankle-biting freaks, the civilians perished left, right, and center.

[ Stage one- Initiation commenced ]

[ Culling of the human race has started ]

[ Humans, your main mission now is to survive, the weak cannot be transferred. Thus they shall be culled. ]

A new series of messages appeared this time in front of every human on Earth, and not in the sky.

Oslo and Finn barely had time to react as a green midget jumped onto their cabs bonnet, and smashed the window- sending thousands of tiny glasses pieces flying into the car. Obscuring the vision of the three men.

In a state of panic, Oslo yelled, "get out!"

The driver was too distracted by the glass shards that fell into his eyes, so he proved himself to be good bait for the tiny little green devil who sought after them.

Oslo and Finn reacted almost immediately and left the vehicle, "let's find a safe place first," suggested Finn as he ran toward Oslo.

With the disgusting green toddler distracted by the screaming driver, the two ran into the closest alleyway and rummaged around for something to use as a weapon.

"Goblins, they're imp-like beasts with low intelligence- mainly that of a child. They're weak individually, but prove to be stronger in groups. They love shiny objects, killing things, and raping women. They're one of the lowest beings on the food chain in any fantasy book," Oslo characterized the beast that they had just encountered while picking up a brick, the size of his hand.

"How do you know this?" replied Finn.

"I read a lot, quickly now we need to get out of this alleyway before we get swarmed."

The two hadn't found much to use as weapons, but Oslo was now equipped with a brick and Finn brandished a short rusty metal pole barely dubbed as a weapon, due to its state of decay.

"How do we deal with these, goblins?" asked Finn while the two ran through the streets filled with ear-splitting screams.

"Their body structure is the same as ours, so a blow to the head or piercing their heart should do."

Finn weighed the weapon in his hand, "I've never killed before."

"Well, I think in this situation, it's either kill or be killed. I've already made up my mind, I want to see this so-called new world, so I'll choose to kill."

Finn stared at Oslo, his whole demeanor had changed- the once shut-in bookworm now had a hungry look in his eyes as he stared at a goblin tearing the organs out of an unlucky civilian.

"Yo, Oslo, you good?" 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just thinking of the best solution to the problem at hand. Our police force is horrendous, so we can't depend on them. This leaves us with what we have at the moment. While it's not guaranteed that our country's army will come to save us, there is some hope in the fact that our army can save us. So, Finn, how do we survive right now?"

"We can hide, and wait until we're transferred?"

"Or, we can kill, and get used to the feeling. Who's to say we will be able to live a peaceful life on the other side? I'd rather get used to it right now before we transfer than struggle while we're there?"

Finn turned toward the goblin once more, "I guess... our path of bloodshed starts now?"




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