kloud’s divine adventure

Chapter 1: rough start

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I got into a severe car accident 3 months ago. The other guy was fine; he only broke his right arm and cracked a few ribs. I, on the other hand, lost my right eye and then I broke both my arms and a leg but it's mostly healed now I'm suffering the consequences of being blind in one eye sucks losing half of the visual range someone could sneak up me from my right side and I probably wouldn't even notice until it was too late.

I sigh "welp nothing I can do about it now" accepting that I'll never see out that eye again now that I think about it I came close to losing it several times that time I fell off my old friend's trampoline and almost fell face first into the broken bottle on the left side of the damn thing.

I was almost at my home at the end of the street and then almost everything even the very movement of time stopped.

"Hey, do you want your eye back" a deep voice with several different voices layering if that didn't tell me that was a supernatural thing when I turned around its "appearance" if you can even call it that I can't describe it simply exist on a larger scale then me than all humans.

I have to say yes everything tells me to say yes my instincts, my deep primal instincts are telling me to say yes even the concepts are guiding me to say yes or there will be serious SERIOUS consequences.

"Yes, I would love to have it back mister misses I can't tell I can't even see nor comprehend you".

"Oh my bad human adolescent, my true form exists on a larger dimensional scale than you can't perceive it " that thing's indescribable form slowly becomes a describable black sphere darker than any black hole or anything space could produce.

"Here's the deal human I give you my eyes only if you follow these conditions since I don't want to be bored outta my mind "supporting you" my existence itself attracts the gods, the demons, and finally the spirits you have to fight them kill them or defeat them ravage them for all I care."

I'm naturally terrified of these entities that are attracted to this thing's existence everyone thinks that fighting mystical entities with zero experience would be so cool the thing is it would be cool because it's an idea it's fictional in concept. now for me, it's real and I have to deal with it wait a minute "is there anything else I should know about cause I feel like I have no choice but to accept".

" oh thanks for reminding me". Well shit, there's more to this let's see what it is.

"You know I can read your mind like a script girl the final things you'll have to face are yourself and him And then me those are the conditions".

It's too late to back out everything around is frozen in time even the atoms, molecules, and air particles I don't know how I am breathing right now this thing might as well be" stop that thought right there human I might be above most planes of existence but I'm not above all things he still binds me to this I shouldn't go on for much longer"

That interruption of internal thoughts fucking stomps me mentally all mention of thoughts of god are now prohibited.

"I accept and agree to these terms and conditions" as soon as those words come out of my mouth I feel immense pain it's like having a migraine and hypertension with a boring fucking headache.

The black mass get rid of my glass eye and seeped into my eye socket creating a black sclera and yellow primal eyes the same eyes as an ancient predator in contrast with my red left eye and my long spiky red hair with my lame brown jacket I now look like someones edgy female self insert oc god damn it after the immense head pain ended so did the time stop.

I wonder what can I do now I feel amazing so I started experimenting I took the nearest stick they weren't too hard to find since you know it's winter trees are dying I take I feel something deep inside me telling me to swing at full force so I do it and then vurush schaling those sounds are otherworldy as a small slit in space appears " ah shit" I shouldn't have touched it I'm bleeding the dark purplish liquid. That's quite interesting it'd probably hit me harder than normal that I'm not human anymore tomorrow because of that thing I should probably give a name to that thing it is giving me enough energy to get home and get to bed because I have to start training because ima have to face a lot of shit my injury heals it feels like when you put achool on a wound it stings a little bit.

i limp back to the house I'd lived in for all of my life I'm 17 years old and was planning to move out but the accident changed that I'll be here for the next 3 years .

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