kloud’s divine adventure

Chapter 3: a totally “normal” school day

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I woke to my decent-sized room after that tiring interaction with my mirror person thing whatever it was I got ready for school while I was putting on my shoes I heard my dad "breakfast ready Kloud come down and get it we gotta go". I put on my eye patch tie my shoes and start the walk down the small hallway

"alright" I respond in a cherry tone my dad is a tall man with red spikey hair and an average-sized build I get my hair color shape and well some of my attitude from him.  I was walking down the hallway I ran into my mom coming out of the bathroom she has short black hair it's not spikey at all she has some running down her forehead though I inherited her facial structure. "hey honey you know we aren't angry about the accident right".

"yeah," that was all I could say it's great to have some backing behind you after such an incident.

"Great now come in for this hug" she grabs me and hugs me tightly "if I didn't carry you for nine months I would have sworn you're a gender-bent version of your father".

"you're choking me mom let go please I beg of you"! She pulls harder I'm taller than her at 5'8 but her hugs are dangerous.

"ah don't be such a baby about it now accept this hug from your mother"! after those words left her mouth she let go I quickly walk a couple of feet ahead "let's go see what you made me father". I know my father I shouldn't expect pancakes but the child in my brain can't help but get excited for the deliciousness known as pancakes. I walk into the kitchen and see the thing that has been the make-it-yourself breakfast food store-bought waffles fresh from the air fryer.

"I know I shouldn't expect much but the waffles, not even a grilled cheese". my disappointment is palpable. then out of nowhere my mom while going out the door she imparts the piece of knowledge I already know the sad fact that "your old enough to make your breakfast so if you don't like it make your own".

I sigh as a response and grab the syrup and eat the addictingly sweet concussion known as waffles I go to the bus stop I'm not allowed to drive for a long ass time because of the accident. half an hour later the bus comes and picks me up I don't see my friend until the second period and now I don't have any internet or service but I did download some music and manga I'm just too lazy to pay for a plan nor prepaid cards so Ima be offline for the next 30 minutes.

my first block is food science it's mad boring I mean when we get to cook is fun but in the morning I don't talk at all so I have zero friends and have no intention of gaining any. so as the person whos retelling this we're gonna skip this period.

"chole how's it been I know I've been gone for a couple of months"?  chole had black hair before she met me she has bangs and long hair plus she dyed her hair red after becoming friends and this change worked out for her she got popular after dying it last year and she knows so many people it's baffling.

"hey I should be the one asking that question but I was really worried for you um how is it having one eye"?

"eh there's nothing to talk about its just reduced vision put one hand over your right eye hahaha"

"How can you be so jolly about losing an eye girl it ain't something I'd get over so quickly"?! her eyes widen.

"you know I was sad as hell at the hospital I thought the universe hated me for a while then I had a pep talk from mom and dad and then I had a eureka moment I realized that mopping around wouldn't help anything and I should get up and do crap plus the disabled parking spots"!

"he he he HA HA HA HA HA HA only you Kloud Basetree would thank of the benefits of losing eye a month after losing it"!

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"hey get back to work" damn I forgot to mention I have a lot of work to catch up on and can't afford to fail a test, especially in November my average has already taken a massive dive and this month is usually a make-up month for the last ten assignments from last month.

"Sorry, Mr.lavance," me and chole said exactly at the same time, and then some deep murderous type of energy starts rising it's only a matter of time before space starts tearing and this energy becomes visible and I don't know to turn this place into a black hole or a heavy gravitational push. so for the first time since literally yesterday, I try to contact the dark no mirror version of myself.

"OI what the hell and why the hell is this energy and why do I want to rip apart Mr.lavance". the white-haired figure puts her hand on her for head and then says "Lanvance hmm... there's no way you could have known this I have an instinctual deep hatred of HIM the one you call god and all his subbortantes".

"and what does this has to do with Mr.Lanvance"?

"HIS original name was Trenton Lavance Florence he got rid of this name once he gained consciousness".

"Can you hurry this up"! I can see tiny distortions through the giant monitor-like screen that is looking through my eyes.

"he instead named his children ranking them by strength the firstborn Trenton is the strongest lavance the second strongest and Florence the underdog the third strongest I was born with this deep hatred and the will to kill GOD thanks to the constant growth and evolution of mine I naturally attracted their attention I defeated Florence-".


"I got defeated by Florence near the peak and had to train in secret and I hate him I don't want to hear the name kill the teacher for me".

"no no NO remember no combat training even if theoreticaly Mr.Lavance was the one from 3000 years ago he would change appearance multiple times".

"fine ill takes that energy away but if he does anything outside of normal human activity ill take your body from you and kill him myself".

"I walk away from that entity and back to reality I realized almost immediately I lost 30 minutes of instruction time ill just ask chole for her notes.

end of the chapter thanks for reading

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