
Chapter 2: 2. Very Smol, Definitely Cute

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"Oh my gods Meg!" Stacey yelped in shock as she continued staring at me.

I tilted my head to one side and yipped in confusion as I looked up at her. I wasn't sure yet what got her freaking out, but the way she was acting so alarmed had my nerves on edge as well. A quick glance around the apartment didn't reveal anything obviously wrong, though something seemed a little off about the place.

Looking up at my girlfriend again I realized something wasn't quite right with her too. She looked like she always did, tall and strong and attractive. Except she was still staring down at me with her mouth hanging open, which was starting to make me feel self-conscious.

I stood up on the sofa cushion next to her then carefully stepped onto her lap, and nudged her jaw closed with my nose. Then I sat on her knees with my best smug look on my face while my tail started wagging happily behind me.

And that's when it finally hit me what she was acting so surprised about.

I twisted around on her lap and found myself staring at the big floofy white appendage as it swished from side to side. Seeing it with my own eyes only made it wag even faster. I turned to look up at Stacey again just in time for her to scoop me up in her arms.

"Holy fuck Megan!" she half-shouted as she cuddled me against her chest, "It fucking worked! And you're utterly fucking adorable!"

For a moment I started to panic and instinctively tried to struggle free. Then my girlfriend yelped as my claws scratched her, and I immediately stopped my squirming. I whimpered a quiet apology, but she wasn't upset. Instead she cuddled me even tighter against her chest and started scritching my fuzzy ears and stroking my soft white fur. Next thing I knew I was a melty little fox, a fuzzy white puddle with a rapidly-wagging tail sticking out the back.

I'd never felt so safe and calm and content as I did right then. I didn't care that I was suddenly an animal, I didn't care that apparently I was tiny, I didn't care that I couldn't talk or use a phone or computer. All I cared about was being held in Stacey's strong arms, and the happy feelings she was giving me with the pets and scritches.

"I can't believe it really fucking worked," my girlfriend commented quietly as she continued cuddling and petting me. A moment later she gave me a worried look and asked, "Are you ok there Meg? Sorry I didn't stop to ask how you were doing, I hope this didn't trigger your anxiety. Are you freaking out?"

Rather than try and talk, I answered by twisting around so my belly was exposed. It was a blatant request for tummy rubs, and Stacey didn't have any trouble understanding what I wanted. She grinned and obliged, sending me right back to melty fox-puddle heaven.

A few seconds later she laughed, "Oh my gods you're purring! I didn't know foxes could purr!"

Neither did I, but I didn't let that stop me. I was a happy purry fuzzy fox, and the only part of me that hadn't completely melted was my tail. My floof kept flapping back and forth in a happy fluffy white blur.

Unfortunately all good things eventually come to an end, and after a few minutes so did the belly-rub.

Stacey continued hugging me but she stopped petting and asked, "As much as I might like keeping you around as my cute little pet fox, I think I'd also like to have my girlfriend around here now and then too. How about you try the other transformation, and see what the magic does for you?"

I actually had to stop and think for a second or two if I wanted to give this up. I could have spent the rest of the evening curled up on her lap or cuddled against her chest, but I knew she was right. And now that she'd mentioned it I couldn't help feeling some nervous excitement about what else the magic toy had in store for me.

The little fox plushie was resting on the sofa cushion next to us, along with all my clothes. I hadn't even thought about that, but seeing them made me realize my clothing somehow came off when I transformed.

Being careful of my claws I twisted and climbed out of Stacey's arms onto her lap, then stepped onto the sofa cushion next to her. I circled the plushy and sniffed it, and was surprised to find there was no scent on it. Not even any kind of chemical or plastic or anything. It may as well have not been there, but I realized that probably had something to do with the magic.

Tentatively, I reached out with a paw and rested it lightly atop the small toy. Then like the instructions said, I tried to think as loud as I could 'Kon!'

Right away I glanced around the apartment, then looked at my girlfriend again. Things seemed slightly different again, but like before the change was subtle. I was left wondering what actually happened this time, if anything. Except something must have happened, Stacey was staring at me with wide eyes and a slack jaw just like before.

"What happened?" I asked. "Did it work?"

Then I gasped as I realized I could talk again. And I gasped once more when it hit me what my voice sounded like.

"Oh my gods listen to my voice!" I exclaimed with a wide happy grin. And once again my tail was wagging like crazy behind me.

Stacey nodded slowly as she continued to stare, "Your voice sounds almost as cute as you look Megan... Um, you should check the mirror hon because you look... Wow."

"Yeah!" I grinned. "I have to see this!"

I jumped to my feet as Stacey stood up next to me, and I felt a lurch and a wave of something like vertigo. This time it was my turn for the wide-eyed slack-jawed look, as I slowly tilted my head up to look at her.

"How small am I?!" I squeaked.

My girlfriend looked like she was trying to hold back some laughter as she reminded me, "I seem to recall you wishing you'd be 'very small and very cute'... Looks like you got your wish, cutie."

I turned and dashed into the washroom to check the mirror, while Stacey followed a few paces behind me. I had to reach up higher than normal to turn on the lights, then I found myself staring in happy shock at the white-haired foxgirl I found looking back at me.

She was undeniably adorable. I still wasn't sure about my height but compared to Stacey who was standing next to me I was positive I'd lost at least twenty centimetres. My masc body stood one-seventy-eight centimetres tall while Stacey was one-seventy. Only now she had to be more than ten centimetres taller than me. Maybe even fifteen.

The foxgirl in the mirror was naked, with her smooth soft fair skin on full display. She had narrow shoulders and a narrow waist, but wide hips and a full chest. Her boobs seemed a bit big to me, but that might have been because I wasn't used to them. And they definitely fit in with her proportions.

Her face was cute, sort of rounded with kissable pink lips and a cute little boopable nose. Her eyes were amber coloured, and her pupils were vertical ovals rather than round. And the wide smile on her face revealed two cute little fangs that were just slightly longer than a human's.

Her soft smooth hair was pure white and hung down a few centimetres past her shoulders, long enough that there were lots of options for styling it, but not so long that it'd get in the way all the time. And sticking up through that hair was two tall fuzzy white triangle ears. I twisted around slightly to get a look at the long poofy snow white tail that was once again wagging up a storm.

Finally I brought my attention back to my face again and frowned slightly. Ontop of all the other things that had changed, there was one that didn't make sense to me.

"Did I get younger?" I asked as I stared.

The girl in the mirror looked like she was eighteen, maybe nineteen tops. Except I was twenty-three. I'd be twenty-four in a month and a half.

Stacey shook her head slowly, "I don't know if you became younger, but you look younger? Like if I was tending bar and you ordered a drink I'd definitely be asking to see some ID. Maybe that's part of the whole 'very cute' thing you wished for?"

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After a moment she added, "It's not a bad look for you though? I mean, you look fucking amazing Meg. Like I can't even put into words how hot you look."

Hearing that sent my heart fluttering and my expression slowly shifted into a perfect uwu smile.

"You think I'm hot?" I half-whispered. Then my shoulders slumped while my tail and ears drooped. "You don't think I'm a freak do you? I'm part animal now, I'm not a normal human anymore..."

She gave me a look, then without a word pulled me into another tight hug. It felt simultaneously weird and wonderful to be so much smaller than her. She was already stronger than me in my original body, now I was probably even weaker than that. It left me with a renewed sense of vulnerability, but despite that I felt safe in her arms. She'd look after me and protect me, just like she always did.

"You're not a freak Megan," Stacey said in her firm confident voice. "And you're definitely hot. Like the only thing stopping me from tossing your cute little foxgirl tush in bed and ravishing you with kisses and cuddles is -"

My phone buzzed with a text, but my girlfriend just smiled and continued "Is dinner. And I bet that's the delivery now."

"I'll get it," I said out of habit.

Stacey chuckled, "No you won't you silly little fox. Not until we find you some clothes. I'll get it."

"Ok," I blushed. "Thanks Stace."

"Why don't you get out the dishes and cutlery?" she said as she let go of me and headed for the door.

While she was doing that I went into the kitchen and got us some cutlery from the drawer. Then as I reached up to get the plates out of the cupboard it struck me, I wasn't going to be able to reach the top shelves anymore. Even the second shelf was a bit of a stretch.

That left me with some strange flutters in my stomach. It wasn't a bad feeling, more like I was just kind of surprised. Like I was still getting used to my new body, and even though it was pretty much exactly what I wished for I definitely needed some time to get used to everything.

I grabbed some napkins as well, then met Stacey back in the living-room. We set everything up on the coffee table, and at that point things almost felt like a normal Friday night for the two of us. Or as normal as you can get after you've been magically transformed into the body of your dreams, along with animal ears and a tail.

We got something streaming on the TV as we settled in and enjoyed our dinner. The food tasted a little different to me, but it wasn't better or worse. Just different. I still liked the broccoli beef and the General Tsao chicken, I liked the pork fried rice and the spring rolls. Same with my cola, it tasted different but ok. The carbonation maybe felt a little harsher than usual on my tongue but even that wasn't too bad.

For me the most noticeable thing wasn't the food, it was the euphoria. I was sitting there naked next to Stacey and I didn't hate myself, I didn't want to shy away and disappear or cover myself up out of shame.

The other big change was my large floofy white tail, which still wanted to wag up a storm. I had it wrapped around so it was on the sofa between Stacey and I, and the tip kept moving back and forth, bapping her left knee every other time it moved.

"So we're going to have to figure out some new clothes for you," Stacey commented after we'd both had enough to eat. "If we can put together something that works then I'll take you shopping tomorrow and we'll start putting together a new wardrobe. If we can't figure something out that you can wear to the store then I'll just take a bunch of measurements and go out on my own. If I can get you enough for one outfit then we can go out again together to get the rest."

I felt my cheeks heating up, "I hadn't thought about that. It's not just my clothes, it's everything. My parents aren't going to believe this, they won't even know me. And I have no idea what to do about work."

"Let's just focus on one thing at a time," she suggested. "We'll get the clothes sorted out tomorrow, then maybe tomorrow night or Sunday we can figure out how to tell your parents, and what to do about work."

I looked up at her and asked, "What do you want to do tonight then?"

Stacey smiled, "First let's tidy up and put away the left-overs."

That didn't take long, we packed up the food and put it in the fridge while the dishes were rinsed off but left in the sink. Stacey got herself another glass of wine, and this time I had one as well. Then the two of us got comfy on the sofa again.

At first I was just cuddled up against her side, but it didn't take long before I was actually sitting on her lap with my head against her shoulder. I had an arm around her waist while both her strong arms were around my body. And my tail didn't seem to know if it wanted to wag or wrap around Stacey in a big floofy hug.

Before long a soft rumbling sound emanated from deep in my chest as I discovered I could purr in this form too.

"I take it you're happy?" Stacey asked quietly.

I smiled and nodded slowly, "Very happy. I feel content. And I feel safe, protected, and loved when I'm in your arms like this."

"It's really nice being the small girlfriend for a change," I added with a happy sigh.

Stacey chuckled softly, "I'm glad you like it cutie, because from the sound of it your only options are small and smaller. You sure were cute as a little white fox."

"Thanks," I replied with a blushy grin. "It actually wasn't so bad being a fox you know? Especially once I got used to you holding me."

My girlfriend raised an eyebrow and teased, "Is that so? Maybe when we're picking out new clothes for you tomorrow we should swing by a pet store and get you a collar and leash too. You can be my pet fox as well as my cute foxy girlfriend."

I felt like my cheeks were burning and I tried to hide my face against her shoulder as I whispered, "I um... That might actually be a fun idea?"

She chuckled softly as she held me a little tighter against herself. Then after a few quiet moments she commented, "You know, I've always wanted to be the strong protective one. Especially for you cutie, you always gave off this vibe of needing someone strong to look after you. And I have to say, I do like being the taller one too."

"Thanks Stace," I sighed happily. "Seriously, I can't thank you enough. For getting me that plushy obviously, but not just that. Thanks for being you, for being there for me. Thanks for not dumping me when I came out. Thanks for everything, really."

She held me a little tighter again, but rather than reply she just leaned down and kissed me. Which was more than enough to remind me how she felt. I kissed her back, and we continued quietly cuddling.

Eventually we got ready for bed, I normally would have put on my cute pink pyjamas but they were miles too big on me so I didn't bother. Stacey got into one of her nightgowns, then we climbed into bed together where the cuddling resumed.

I was half expecting some sort of sexy shenanigans, but in truth we didn't actually get intimate that often. Mostly because of my dysphoria. And even though I didn't have to worry about that anymore, cuddling in bed was still really nice. In fact it felt even better now that I had a body I loved.

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