
Chapter 4: 4. Not Another Foxgirl

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When we got back home I helped Stacey put away all the groceries, though I was left with a blushy grin when I discovered I definitely couldn't reach the top shelf in the pantry anymore. At least I could still reach the freezer ok, even if I couldn't see stuff at the very back of it.

Once that was all done I hurried into the bedroom. I was eager to mess around with my new outfits, though there was a tiny bit of disappointment that my girlfriend wasn't there to watch. She slumped onto the living-room sofa though, and I figured maybe she was tired or something.

I got the idea to just model stuff for her instead, and quickly got changed into my first new outfit. I went with leggings and a cute pink top, with one of my new bras underneath. I didn't bother with socks or shoes since I planned on changing a few times in short order, I just stayed barefoot as I emerged from the bedroom then stopped in my tracks as soon as I saw my girlfriend.

Stacey was still on the sofa, but she wasn't relaxing or taking it easy. She was sitting up, with the little black fox plushy in her left hand and the instruction card in her right. And she was staring at the instructions with a deep lost-in-thought look on her face.

"Stace?" I asked as I moved to join her on the sofa. I leaned against her arm and asked, "Are you seriously thinking about becoming a foxgirl too? You know there's no going back, right? The instructions are pretty clear about that, and everyone who posted on that discord said the same thing."

She took a deep breath, then leaned forward and set the card and the plushy down on the coffee table. Then she sat back and sighed as she slowly shook her head.

"No. I wasn't thinking about that Meg," she said quietly. There was some stress in her voice though, and for once she didn't sound her usual strong confident self.

I frowned as I cuddled a little closer against her, "You were thinking about something though right? And you seem tense now. Is there anything I can do? Or do you want to talk about it?"

My girlfriend took another deep breath then grimaced, "Gods this is harder than I thought. There's something that's been on my mind for a while, but I've kept it to myself. I uh, didn't want to distract or take away from you Meg. Like I didn't want you to think I was just reacting to you in some way."

"You mean reacting to me becoming a fox?" I asked. "Or part-fox anyways?"

She shook her head, "No cutie. This isn't about being a fox or a foxgirl. It's about..."

Stacey grimaced again then mumbled to herself, "Oh fuck Stace just spit it out already..."

Before I could respond to that she turned to face me and stated in a quiet nervous voice, "Megan I think I might be a boy, and I've been thinking about using that magic plushy because it could turn me into a foxboy and the more I think about it the more I like the idea."

For a few seconds I had no idea what to say or how to react. I honestly had no idea she was questioning her gender, but suddenly I was starting to connect some dots in my head.

She liked being the tall strong one, and she'd acted like the guy in our relationship since long before I even came out to her as trans. She was always strong and confident. She was a tomboy through and through, the only dresses or girly clothes in the house belonged to me. She rarely wore make-up, I owned more of that than she did and I had more experience using it too.

"Meg?" Stacey asked quietly. "Are you... What do you think about all that? Are you ok with it? Please say something?"

I moved closer to hug her again, "Sorry Stace. I was surprised, but of course I'm ok with you. I love you no matter what."

"Would you like me to start using different pronouns for you?" I asked a moment later. "And do you have another name you'd like me to call you?"

Their strong arms wrapped around me as they hugged me back, "Thanks Meg. I was so worried you'd be upset, that you wouldn't accept this. And um, maybe we could try using he/him pronouns for me? I'm really not sure about a name yet. For now I'm ok being Stacey. It's um, maybe not common but it's actually one of those names that works for both guys and girls."

I gave him a supportive smile, "Ok Stacey. One other question. Can I call you my boyfriend now?"

He hesitated and gave me a slightly worried look, "Are you ok with that? Actually are you even attracted to guys?"

"I'm attracted to you," I stated. "If you're a guy then that means I'm attracted to guys. Or one guy anyways."

Stace sighed, "That's easy for you to say right now Meg. You know I'm not going to look like this for much longer if I start to transition. And if that black fox toy works for me like the white one did for you, I could look very different in the next few minutes."

I kept my arms around him as I felt my cheeks colouring slightly. "I won't lie, I'm more attracted to girls. But there's been a few guys who've caught my eye. Back before I hatched I was scared to say anything and I definitely never acted on those thoughts, most of the guys I fancied were straight as far as I knew. And as long as I've been with you I haven't really looked at anyone else, girls or guys."

"I guess what I'm saying is, maybe I'm not as bi as you might be?" I added quietly. "But I'm not exclusively into girls. All that's irrelevant anyways though. Because it's you, and I'm attracted to you whatever you look like. If you're a guy, that's who you are and I'm still in love with you."

He gave me a gentle squeeze, "Thank you Meg. You don't know how happy I am to hear that."

"I sure do," I replied with a grin. "You know it was only a couple months ago we had this exact conversation with the roles reversed."

Stacey grimaced, "Ok point taken. I haven't forgotten about that by the way, I just didn't want to make assumptions, you know? And I really didn't want to come across as expecting or assuming you'd feel the same way about things today as I did then."

The two of us continued to hold each other as I replied, "It's ok Stace, I get it. And in all honesty this is a bit of a shock to me? But in retrospect there's things that kind of make sense, now that I'm thinking about it."

After a brief pause I asked, "How long have you been questioning, if you don't mind sharing?"

"It's been a while," he admitted. "Thinking back, there's been a lot of little things my whole life that didn't quite fit? I never really considered the possibility that I was trans though? I don't think I get dysphoria as bad as some folks. Definitely nowhere near as bad as you do. And the stuff I hate the most is stuff even cis women bitch about right? Like I don't think I know a single woman who looks forward to her period."

He continued, "And I'm lucky that my boobs never got big? I might have had more dysphoria about them if they were as big as my mom's. I was lucky to get some of my looks from my dad's side of the family, along with my height."

I smiled, "I'm happy for you there. Inheriting my dad's looks was kind of shit luck for me. But I don't have to worry about that anymore."

"Sorry cutie," Stacey apologized. "I'm sorry you had it so rough, but I'm beyond happy that the magic plushy really worked. You look fucking amazing and hot and cute and perfect. And it suits you too, you know? It's like everything about you on the inside is now visible on the outside too, for all the world to see."

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His words had me blushing again, but they also got me thinking about the magic again.

I looked up at him and asked, "So are you still thinking about using that plushy? What do you think you'll look like as a foxboy?"

"Huh," Stace got that thoughtful look on his face again. Then with a wry grin he commented, "Considering you got pretty much everything you wished for, I'm going to be careful what I say here."

He paused for a moment then began to describe his ideal self, "I'd actually like to be a few centimetres taller. Honestly if I could be your old height that would be ideal? I'd be slim and fit, with a bit of muscle but not ripped like some sort of bodybuilder. There'd be some muscle, but I'd rather be more svelte I think. I'm assuming my hair would be black, along with my ears and tail? That works for me. Maybe my skin would get a bit darker too, sort of an olive or dusky complexion like you see around the Mediterranean?"

"You're the fair-skinned snow-white beauty," he grinned at me, "And I'll be the tall dark handsome guy."

I smiled back, though it shifted to more of a smirk as I asked "What about the naughty stuff? Is my foxboy boyfriend going to be hung like a horse, or what can I expect in that department?"

Stacey laughed, "You naughty little vixen, I honestly didn't think that'd be the first thing you wanted to know. Let's just say, above average but not freakishly large. Ok?"

"Ok," I giggled, though I was blushing. I hadn't expected I'd be so curious or so relaxed about that kind of thing either, to be honest. Changing the subject slightly I asked, "Are you the kind of guy who's going to be sporting a beard or moustache?"

My boyfriend shook his head, "Nah. Honestly I kind of agree with you on the subject of body hair and facial hair? That's one thing I never regretted or missed, having to shave every day. The only time I want whiskers is when I'm on all fours being your boy fox. When I'm a foxboy I'd prefer to keep my smooth skin."

"Nice," I replied. To be honest I was secretly relieved, the idea of kissing someone with scratchy whiskers or a beard kind of freaked me out a bit, but I wasn't going to tell him that either way.

Then I smiled and commented, "So I'm picturing this tall dark and handsome foxboy in my mind, and honestly he looks pretty hot. I bet there's a wild side to him right? He's got that whole inner animal thing going on? You mentioned his hair's black, is it as short as yours? Or how would you style it as a guy?"

Stacey thought a few moments, "I might let it grow a bit longer? If it gives me that sort of relaxed or wild care-free look then I'd keep it. If longer hair made me look more effeminate or girly though, then I'll be cutting it back again."

"Fair enough," I nodded.

We were both quiet again for a few moments after that. Eventually I looked towards the coffee table where the black fox plushy and the instruction card were waiting. Then I looked back at Stacey and asked, "So what do you think? No pressure, but you're obviously considering it?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I am. I'm also thinking about some of the logistics. Like on the one hand I could borrow some of your old clothes. The masc ones I mean, the stuff you wore to work or to visit your folks. And I could call in sick Monday too, then go with you down to the Service Ontario place. I don't know if they'll just do new ID for me because I look different, but I can ask them. And be there to give you moral support."

He grimaced, "On the other hand I'm more concerned about work. No offence Megan, but it's no big deal for you to quit or walk away from your retail job. I can't afford to lose mine, and I really don't want to. Then there's my parents, all our friends... At least you're already out to some folks. It'll be less of a shock for you to reveal your new look."

I frowned at him, "Now it sounds like you're making excuses to stay in the closet. Trust me, I'm a bit of an expert in that area so I know what I'm talking about. And the only people I'm out to apart from you and my doctor, and I guess that asshole pharmacist, are two of your coworkers and one mutual friend from college. And even those people are going to flip when they see what I look like now."

"I get what you're saying about work and your family though," I added. "Believe me I know what that stress is like? But still, you have to be true to yourself. I seem to remember you saying the same things to me a few months back, when I was dragging my feet about the name change and booking appointments with doctors and things."

"Ok ok," he laughed. "You're right Meg. I guess there's a fine line between being realistic and being pessimistic?"

I shrugged, "There's a lot wrong with the world, but it's going to be just as wrong whether you're happy or sad. So why not pick happy? If this'll make you happy then go for it."

Stacey chuckled, "You're using my lines against me again. I feel like that should be against the rules or something."

"That's what you get for waiting so long to come out to me," I teased. "You gave me lots of time to listen to all your advice."

He grimaced again, then finally let go of me. I could tell he needed some space so I did the same, then moved back to my usual spot at the end of the sofa.

I watched quietly as Stacey leaned forward and picked up the little black fox plushy again. Then he leaned back and carefully looked over the small knitted toy while his expression became equal parts thoughtful and serious.

After another few seconds he asked, "What's it feel like? When you change, I mean?"

"Exactly like everyone else said back in June," I replied. "There's no sensation at all. I didn't even realize I'd changed at first. Like I was standing on all fours on your lap with my tail wagging before I finally clued in that I wasn't human anymore."

Stacey laughed, "That's pretty clueless. Maybe that's just a 'you' thing though."

"Hey!" I pouted and gave him a friendly swat on the arm. "Apart from not noticing the change, being a fox actually felt pretty cool. Though a lot of that might have been because you were holding me. I um, felt really good in your arms."

"So you're still thinking about being my pet fox huh?" he asked with another chuckle. "Good thing I picked up that collar and leash today."

Then he gave me a wide grin, "If we're both foxes then maybe I'll be your alpha male? I'll be king of the pack, you'll be my devoted little vixen who happily does whatever I ask of her."

I blushed but gave him a naughty smile, "You're already my alpha Stacey, and I'll do almost anything you want as it is. I'm still excited to meet my tall dark and handsome foxboy boyfriend, but I don't want you to feel pressured or..."

"Kon," he stated suddenly, and my eyes widened as I stared.

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