Koukando ga Mieru you ni natta n da ga, Heroine ga Count Stop shite iru Ken

Chapter 5: 5

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5 – You can contact me anytime #1



The day after I and Kujou-san became friends. As I sat in my seat, I was feeling very nervous from this morning.


Friends, huh? Can we hang out together? No, it’s too early for that, isn’t it? But, is there such a thing as too early or too late for friends doing so? Maybe there is.


As I held my head and banged my forehead on the desk, the meddlesome girl, Miku, came over.


“You’re so annoying! Are you an idiot, banging your head against the desk?”
“S, sorry. Unconsciously, I…….”


Then Miku put her finger on her forehead and shook her head, as if to say she didn’t understand.


“Lemme guess, it’s about Kujou-san, right? Why don’t you just go talk to her instead of hesitating?”
“I want to! I want to do it, but I couldn’t muster up the courage. I thought about talking to her this morning, but then I thought maybe in the lunch break would be better.”
“If you keep putting it off like that, before you know it, it’ll be harder and harder to do, you know? And besides, Kujou-san isn’t expecting high of you, is she?”
“Uuuu. You’re certainly right.”


Miku is hitting a sore spot. But she’s right. From your point of view, I am just a boy who was approaching her.


“Alright! I’ll do it in the lunch break!”
“In the end, it’s the lunch break, huh. I’ll go with you then. I want to get to know her too.”
“Ooh! Okay, let’s go together later!”


It’s more convenient for me, because I’m hoping the four of us can hang out together someday. Well, she’s nice to everyone except me, so I’m sure they’ll get along well.


As I stood in front of her with a glint in my eye, she gave me a dumbfounded look.


“Just so you know, I’m not going to help you, okay.”
“Of course! Right, let’s take Haruki with us! It’ll be great if we could all get along!”

“Ee…… Yes, you’re right! Haruki too. Right…….”


For some reason, Miku seemed unhappy with my suggestion. but it wouldn’t be good if Haruki was the only one left out.


When I questioned her, she just responded with, “I, I’ll see you at lunch break then,” and hurried off. As she left, Miku’s affinity meter dropped from 100 to 98.


What a strange lass.


Finally, the lunch break period arrived. I felt that my heart was beating so unusually. I suppressed my anxieties and started to have my lunch.


I finished my lunch, but Miku and Haruki were still chewing their lunches. At times like this, I felt that their behavior was strangely slow. I wanted to rush them, but I thought that was not the right thing to do.


What should I say to her when we meet? No, first of all, how should I greet her? “Good morning”? No, it’s already noon, so I should say “Good day”. No, that’s not good either.


As I was pondering with my hand on my chin, Miku tapped my desk lightly.


“What are you waiting for? Let’s get going.”
“What? O, okay!”


And so, after lunch, we went to the sixth class. When I peeked inside the classroom, I saw that Kujou-san was having a post-lunch chat with her friends.


Oh no, ……. Do I have to break into that group? I hadn’t thought of that.


As usual, I became such a coward and hesitated at the entrance to the classroom. Then, Haruki also peeked into the classroom. At that moment, the gazes of all the girls in the classroom flew towards here at once. Of course, they were looking at Haruki.


Are they equipped with a kind of sensors? When I was dumbfounded by the bizarre scene, my eyes met Kujou-san’s. I reflexively raised my hand lightly, and then she gave me gentle smile and stood up from her seat.


“What’s wrong?”

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Kujou-san, who seemed to be in a good mood, asked.


“No, I don’t have any particular……. Ah, yes, I wanted to introduce you to Miku and Haruki!”


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When I said that, both Miku and Haruki greeted Kujou-san with a smile.


“I’m Asamiya Miku. I’ve been friends with Touma and Haruki since kindergarten. Nice to meet you. If Touma does something to you, please report to me immediately. I’ll make sure he gets his punishment.”



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eget pellentesque velit, non pellentesque mauris. Donec congue, mauris sed rhoncus auctor, ligula leo placerat leo, ut faucibus nisi enim a odio. Pellentesque quis dolor enim. Donec lacinia odio nec massa tincidunt lacinia. Ut mollis quam elit, tempor rhoncus dui convallis et. Vivamus luctus libero ante, sit amet pulvinar libero finibus vitae. Phasellus a purus a purus placerat vulputate. Proin finibus orci dolor, eget ullamcorper felis tincidunt sed. Cras et libero augue. Pellentesque congue sapien diam, sed pulvinar nibh ultrices non. Maecenas eget eros in mi efficitur feugiat quis et ex.


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"Donec a urna metus."

"Donec ac arcu lacus. Donec eu bibendum neque."

"In ullamcorper posuere turpis, eget tristique ante faucibus id. Donec sodales venenatis nunc et lacinia. Donec et urna hendrerit dui vehicula lobortis ut et ex. Donec gravida efficitur leo a varius. Nam porta aliquet ligula a scelerisque. Suspendisse ut arcu scelerisque, egestas ante ut, aliquet nunc."

"Fusce consectetur semper arcu. Nunc eu velit non enim rhoncus sollicitudin at et risus. Aliquam ut erat ac felis iaculis gravida pretium pharetra magna."


Praesent tristique accumsan neque et vehicula. Ut mollis tortor et est tincidunt pellentesque. Donec dictum est ut justo commodo tempus. Donec ullamcorper sapien eget lorem bibendum fermentum. Phasellus ut ligula erat. Vivamus eget ante at purus vehicula maximus luctus ut dui. Fusce odio lectus, condimentum eget ullamcorper quis, vestibulum nec tortor.


Aliquam in sollicitudin leo. Suspendisse tristique ligula dolor, ut maximus libero mattis vel. Duis risus neque, bibendum ac velit quis, ultrices placerat lorem. Sed a venenatis augue. Maecenas id neque lacus. Nunc a ipsum nulla. Vestibulum cursus dapibus orci. Duis aliquet quam orci, vitae feugiat sapien ullamcorper vitae. Maecenas tempor erat vitae tellus rhoncus accumsan. Sed tempus dictum lacus, sit amet tempus turpis tincidunt eget.


"Donec laoreet felis hendrerit commodo luctus. Vivamus id ultricies eros. Suspendisse tempus viverra ante, vel ultricies sem pretium sed."

"Donec eleifend quis lacus in vulputate. Morbi rutrum tortor eu dapibus tempor. Nunc pretium in massa vitae accumsan. Maecenas commodo ante felis, et tempus felis ornare sit amet. Vestibulum quis rutrum elit."

"Etiam id interdum lectus. Proin quis turpis quis ante hendrerit aliquet sed sed nisl. In dignissim tincidunt interdum. Suspendisse efficitur, risus id faucibus commodo, urna magna semper augue, eu semper neque ipsum sit amet magna."


Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur turpis sapien, pulvinar at orci a, venenatis ultricies nisl. Donec at tincidunt ex. Etiam fringilla, erat at semper fringilla, mi nunc ultrices justo, nec tempor nunc nisl blandit ex. Nunc aliquam augue quis dui aliquet ornare. Duis lectus lorem, venenatis non leo a, molestie euismod elit. Nam nisl magna, consectetur ac nulla at, ultricies rutrum eros. Suspendisse sed risus tempus, dapibus turpis ut, dictum nulla. Suspendisse at dignissim felis.


"Vivamus eu pharetra odio. Aliquam ipsum arcu, tempor at blandit ut, porttitor vitae massa. In commodo tincidunt mauris, facilisis feugiat justo volutpat at."

You are reading story Koukando ga Mieru you ni natta n da ga, Heroine ga Count Stop shite iru Ken at novel35.com

"Pellentesque quis nunc tristique, convallis nulla laoreet, interdum lorem. In tempor mattis accumsan. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas ac lobortis metus, at luctus quam."

"Nulla auctor suscipit magna iaculis sodales. Nunc lobortis dolor nunc, in viverra dolor congue a. Quisque eget magna sed leo hendrerit facilisis. Phasellus ultricies nisl dolor, in viverra nisl accumsan eu. Etiam tristique rhoncus consectetur. Aenean cursus eleifend egestas. Nulla vitae lacus vehicula, accumsan turpis nec, ullamcorper nisl."


Morbi eu neque orci. Vivamus hendrerit odio vitae massa placerat molestie sed vel augue. Nullam tempus id velit et congue. Morbi eget erat urna. Praesent elementum erat vitae justo molestie interdum. Mauris id mauris non velit sollicitudin facilisis ut vel lectus. Etiam accumsan quam sapien, id maximus nisl elementum nec. Sed eu aliquet tellus. Ut tincidunt, mi vitae iaculis vulputate, ex ligula luctus est, id eleifend libero metus sed felis. Aliquam condimentum pharetra nunc, in vehicula orci ultricies vitae. Nullam scelerisque commodo velit, pretium finibus dolor ultricies in. Sed commodo nisi enim, non gravida nulla finibus ac. Maecenas gravida blandit tellus. Ut et ullamcorper lacus, nec interdum ligula. Etiam id sapien nec diam efficitur venenatis.


"Pellentesque ac tincidunt sem, et sodales elit. Etiam quis dui sed lectus dignissim luctus sed at magna. Pellentesque auctor eu lectus nec hendrerit."

"Donec odio est, lobortis vitae mauris id, iaculis elementum ex. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rhoncus arcu orci, eu placerat libero scelerisque vel."

"Mauris malesuada ullamcorper quam. Duis scelerisque nisl in orci mollis iaculis."


Maecenas consequat imperdiet metus, sit amet luctus nisl ultrices sit amet. Mauris volutpat blandit risus. Proin elementum fringilla felis, finibus imperdiet diam aliquet in. Pellentesque eu hendrerit nisl. Pellentesque id tincidunt sapien, quis faucibus metus. Fusce imperdiet vel turpis non maximus. Duis rhoncus in purus in dictum. Aliquam hendrerit mollis nisi sed mollis. In nec ex molestie, dapibus nisl nec, ornare est.

What the h*ll is this Miku saying? I glared at her, but she ignored me. Then, in response to Miku’s self-introduction, Kujou-san replied “Please” in a gentle voice.


I don’t know what she meant by “please”……. Then, Haruki introduced himself next.


“I’m Nanase Haruki. We have had a talk yesterday. And as Miku has said, we are childhood friends. Nice to meet you.”


Haruki smiled refreshingly as he said that. Kujou-san also returned the smile, and the self-introduction was over.


This series of moments took about a minute. I still want to be here, but I have no reason to be. Feeling awkward, I said, “Well, then,” and turned over to go back to my classroom. But,


“Ki, Kirisaki-kun!”



I was stopped by a strained voice. When I turned around, Kujo-san was looking straight at me.


“U, umm, Kirisaki-kun, do you have LaIN?”
“Eh? Yes, I do have.”


LaIN is a messaging app that most people who have a smartphone have installed.


“If, if you like, can we exchange contact!”


As soon as she said that, Kujou-san thrust her smartphone to me, which she holds in both hands. I was taken aback by her action, as if she was asking for a lifelong favor.


“O, of course! I mean, please by all means!”


I too was so happy that I bowed my head deeply. When I slowly raise my head, Kujou-san with the corners of his mouth raised, holding her smartphone displaying the QR code on its screen.


Is this real? I operated my smartphone with trembling hands and scan the QR code. Then the name Kujou Momoka and a profile picture of Kujou-san appeared on the screen.


A picture of her laughing happily with her friends. I wondered which tourist spot this was. As I was thinking about this, Kujou-san spoke to me.


“U, um, can you send me a simple chat?”
“Y, yes! I’ll send it!”


I opened the chat and thought. What should I send? After much deliberation, I sent her a single [Good morning] sticker. Then, Kujou-san registered my account.


“You guys are really close, aren’t you?”


She smiled as she said that. I’m sure it’s about my profile photo. The picture of us, a group of childhood friends, using our bodies to represent the alphabet. I like it a lot.


I said, “Oh well,” and put my smartphone in my pocket.


translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz | Mbah Du-chan | Aku Suka Web-Novel | translated by tresnokoe ⌈dot⌋ xyz

“I’ll be back then. I’ll send you Haruki’s and Miku’s contacts later.”
“I’ll be in your care then.”


Kujou-san bowed lightly. I’m glad we were able to exchange contact. But there was one thing that bothers me.


“Y, you know, we’re on the same age, so…… I don’t think we should speak so formally, ahaha.”


Speak clearly, me. When I was thinking about telling myself that, Kujou-san chuckled.


“Fufufu, you’re right. Yup! So, once again, please treat me well.”
“Yes! I’ll be in your care then!”


When I replied that, Kujou-san chuckled again.


“Fufufu, you’re still speaking formally.”
“Ahaha. I’ll be back, then. See you later!”


On the way back to the classroom, I was so happy that my cheeks relaxed. Then, Miku beside me gave me a mischievous smile.


“Weelll, you’re really showing off, are you not. It almost made me itch.”
“Wha, it’s normal!”


Haruki started laughing when I replied in annoyance.


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“Haha. But I know what you mean. I’ve never seen Touma like that before, and it made me tingle.”
“You as well, Haruki? Please stop it.”


I’m really embarrassed. I can’t believe I’ll be treated like this much for exchanging contacts. But now I have Kujou-san’s contact. This is really serious.


Without thinking, I took out my smartphone. I open LaIN and tap Kujou-san’s name. Yes, that Kujou-san is now on my contact list.


Then we went back to the classroom and send Kujou-san’s contact to Miku and Haruki. I hope we can have a group chat sometime.


With this hope in my mind, the afternoon class came. Of course, I couldn’t concentrate at all because I was too lost in thought.

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