Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu

Chapter 66: 66

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Shirotaka and Charikot

[this chapter contains gruesome descriptions of battle]

“The commander-in-chief has ordered the 3rd squad to cut off the front legs! As soon as the dragon falls to the ground after the archers’ attack, 3rd squad will charge! Follow me!”

Sergio, the captain of the 3rd squad, raised his sword to the sky and shouted loudly.

In response, the swordsmen raised their swords and their shouts resounded through the air.

The pitch-black magical mist gathered together and gradually solidified into the shape of a dragon.

This time it was a large dragon. Looking at the height of its head, it looks to be about the size of a three or four-story building.

Aiden touched his left wrist. The bracelet wrapped around it gives him courage.

This was given to him by Ena, who said, ‘I made you a good luck charm, so wear it.’

“3,000 G! Isn’t it fashionable for a reasonable price?” He remembered that he laughed at the price.

Why is it that only in tense situations does he recall such casual exchanges?

He wanted to return home safely and have a casual chat with her again. “You’re getting your bracelet dirty right away!” She would say, and he’d reply with ‘I’m sorry’ and apologize with a smile.

“Archers, prepare to attack!”

The captain of the archers shouted loudly.

The magic fog solidified, and finally the large dragon spread its wings. It flaps its wings to fly, and dust rises.

At that moment, the command of the large bows was given.

“Begin attack! Release!”

On cue, large iron arrows flew out and the sound of arrows whistling through the air on the battlefield.

One arrow pierces through the wing and makes a hole, the other pierces and weighs it down. Despite taking two kinds of damage, the dragon-type demon is still only pinned down.

The bigger the wings, the longer it will take to drop.

As Aiden waited tensely, Charikot next to him tapped him on the shoulder.

“Sorry, I’m leaving for a while~! I’ll be right back!”

“Huh! Hey, the captain will get angry…!”

Charikot waved his hand and ran backwards. Seriously, even at a time like this, he’s a loose cannon…

Behind the squad, the priests stood by. Charikot ran to Shirotaka.

When he rushed over, Shirotaka widened his golden eyes.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”

“No, not at all. I have a principle of not quarreling and holding a grunge, so I came to apologize.”

Shirotaka was dumbfounded, but Charikot continued regardless.

“I’m sorry for arguing with you earlier. As an apology, I’ll give you Alme-chan’s bracelet.”

“I can’t accept it. It was given to you by Miss Alme. It would be rude to give it to someone else…”

“No, it’s for Alme-chan’s sake. This bracelet is an amulet for the blessing of the God of war, but if I die while wearing it, she’s going to be really worried, isn’t she? She might say something like, “The talisman didn’t work, right?” I don’t want to make my friend depressed, so I’ll take it off first. I’m sure you’ll take good care of it, so I’ll give it to you. I can’t take it off because I’m wearing a glove, so why don’t you take it off for me?”

“No, thank you.”

When he held out his left hand, Shirotaka pushed it back with all his might.

It’s the wish of a soldier going to his death, so Shirotaka should have listened to it, but…he’s a stubborn guy. Charikot thought that this guy is not so nice after all.

But when he saw the expression on Shirotaka’s face, he immediately changed his mind.

He was smiling. Even though he was a rear-guard priest, he looked brave, as if he were a fighter on the front line.

“I will not accept Miss Alme’s bracelet. Keep it on. Don’t worry, I won’t let you die.”

Where did that confidence come from? He felt a mysterious strength that made him want to believe.

Ever since the fortune-telling gave an ominous result, he felt heavy. He felt a little better.

When feeling unstable, he wanted to put his trust in someone who is unmoved. For Charikot, his sister is that “unflappable person”,……, and now he felt that Shirotaka had joined her.

No, not at all, don’t be moved by that reassurance.

“…what’s that? Reassurance?”

“Look, if you’ve finished talking, go back to your squad. Orders to charge will be issued soon.”

“Even if you don’t say it, I know. Lastly, I’d like to say one more thing. Alme-chan’s bracelets, yours is her favorite. Then I’ll go!”

He let the conversation run its course and ran off.

From behind him, ‘Her favorite?’ he heard a muffled voice, but he ran without looking back.

If he was late for the assault, he would receive a long lecture from the captain. Of course, if they both make it out alive.

But somehow, he felt like he’s going to be okay. He felt like he can get through this safely.

Charikot got back in formation and joined Aiden again.

“Oh, you’re back! What the hell are you doing? I thought you ran away.”

“I’m not that weak! In fact, I’m really motivated! I feel like I can beat a big dragon right now!”

Aiden laughed when he suddenly came back with a strong spirit. Even though he’s been whining, “Dragons are scary…” all day.

As soon as Charikot returned, the captain, Sergio, gave the order.

“3rd squad, ready your swords!”

The swordsmen regained their grip on their swords with both hands. A clang of swords and armor rang out, and the soldiers began chatting a spell.

Demon claws will not tear

Demon fangs will not bite

Demon tail will not lash

This is a spell of the soldiers. It is an ancient spell that says, ‘The demon’s attack will strike in vain, and you will not be hit.’ It is to be recited before fighting large demons.

Aiden and Charikot also repeatedly muttered the spell.

“Demon flight disabled! Archers, cease fire!”

“First squad, second squad, start attacking!”

“Third squad, follow me! Don’t be scared! Keep moving–!”

With a shout from the captain, the 3rd squad started running. They charged head-on toward the giant dragon.

At the same time, first and second squad also ran to the flanks of the dragon.

The 3rd squad is aiming for the front legs. A four-legged dragon can’t move once it loses its wings and two front legs.

To prevent demon damage to nearby villages and towns, the first step is to destroy its means of transportation.

After that, they launch an all-out attack against the dragon that is lying on the ground, but this is not easy either. The cornered dragon will go on a rampage, so it will be troublesome until the very end.

The dragon swung its large head to greet the 3rd squad. They dodged the bared fangs and ran into the dragon’s body.

Aiden swung his sword vigorously and stabbed it into the base of its front leg. The dragon twisted and shook off, and the swordsmen slammed to the ground.

He rolled over, got up, and avoided the swinging claws. The claws are sharp and as long as a child’s height. If it scratched him, it would rip his body open.

A group of young swordsmen pounced and took several to drop the dragon’s finger.


“I dropped two of its nails!”

The swordsmen shouted bravely.

But it was only for a moment that they gained momentum. One was scratched by claws and swept away, another was bitten and shattered his armor.

Before the blood flows, the light of healing magic instantly flies. A wounded recovery squad ran over and carried them to the healing priests.

Another squad cuts into the dragon’s flank. As they attracted the dragon’s attention, Aiden once again, with all his might, slashed at its front leg. His blade pierced deeply.

You are reading story Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu at novel35.com

The feeling of cutting demons is similar to the feeling of cutting hardened mud.

Several people, including Charikot, joined in and cut off one of its front legs. Black bodily fluids erupted, and the dragon groaned.

Shortly thereafter, the opposite front leg was also dropped. It seems that the captain and the vice-captain sliced it off.

“It’s going down! Evacuate!”

The dragon lost its balance and fell forward in a heap. The impact caused a thud and an explosion of dust.

Aiden couldn’t see it due to poor visibility, but the forefoot cut seemed to have worked.

The soldiers cheered, and the commander-in-chief gave the next order.

“Squad 4, Squad 5, ready your swords! Commence an all-out attack……”

“No! Get down!”

Captain Sergio’s loud voice rose as if to overshadow the command.

Before he could move as ordered, Aiden’s body was blown backwards.

It seems that the dragon used its hind legs to attack. What a skillful way to move. The dragon was swinging on its hind legs and rampaging.

Aiden let out a moan as his body slammed to the ground.

The claws hit him, shattering his chest armor and tearing at his flesh. In an instant, healing magic flies in and the pain disappears. The blood stops immediately, leaving only the wound.

Checking his body while rolling on the ground, this is a serious injury… he thought. Since it will be an immediate surgery course, it seems that he will not be able to participate in the all-out attack after this.

When he turned his head to the side, there were several other people lying around.

Charikot seemed to have been attacked by the same move. Even though the bleeding should have stopped with magic, his body is bright red. What a terrible injury…

He was shocked after confirming that much.

“Charikot…? Hey! Charikot…!!”

Aiden forced himself up to check on him.

There is a large crack in his armor, cutting roughly from his neck to his chest. Or rather, his body is ripped wide open. It looks like a torn cloth doll.

There was no light in his eyes, which remained open, and he was no longer breathing.

Instant death.

The moment he understood, his body shuddered.

“It’s a lie, isn’t it… you… you’re not the kind of person who would die like this…” 

A few years ago, he went with him to buy a birthday present for his sister. After some hesitation, he finally decided to buy a rugged sword and chuckled.

He looked happy, saying that he was somewhat pleased when he gave it to her.

In the previous mopping-up battle, he played a prank on the relaxing priests by inciting demons, and the captain scolded him, so he was sitting on his knees.

Not long ago, he was rejected, but still bragged to Shirotaka about getting a bracelet from Alme, and fought like a child.

Will such a useless guy have his body torn apart and die like a broken doll?

“… anyway… you should die in a funny way, you idiot… this is probably too much…”

Slowly, tears begin to well up in his eyes.

Such an abrupt, tragic, instant parting. He thought he was prepared for it, but it didn’t feel real at all.

He couldn’t believe that his friend had turned into a corpse…

Tears welled up in his eyes, and before he could let them flow out, he was suddenly jolted back to consciousness.

“Get a hold of yourself! What are you doing? Get him over here, quickly!”

The yell was like thunder. It was the male god – no, the white falcon – who cast the thunder.

The wounded retrievers carried Charikot in a great hurry, followed by Aiden. They rolled him to the priests and removed his armor.

Aiden was watching Charikot’s treatment, which started next to him, as his own body was treated.

Falk deftly removed Charikot’s head and chest armor. Busily using surgical tools, he treats his torn body and casts healing magic on it.

Once the wound was closed, he began to resuscitate him with powerful magic. A dazzling light poured over Charikot’s body.

Aiden had never seen such mighty healing magic before.

Aiden heard that priests make a contract with a medical god to give them healing magic – but what in the world did he pay for in exchange for this dazzling magic?

Shirotaka pressed his heart with all his strength while casting magic. He put his mouth to Charikot and blew his breath over and over again.

“If you die, the ice cream shop will have one less customer! Come on! Get up! I won’t allow you to die in front of me!”

Aiden thought he heard a slightly strange word, but he decided not to listen.

Shirotaka repeated the resurrection motion like a machine over and over again. While using strong magic, with all my might…

While doing so, Charikot’s hand twitched, then his body contorted and at last a gasping breath of life.

Then, with a whimper, his eyes opened.


“Good! You have done well. Mr. Kyle, please continue the healing magic on this person. Now, on to the next injured person.”

Falk patted Charikot’s cheek and handed over the treatment to another priest.

Then, without a pause, he moved on to the next injured patient.

The next injured person who was brought in had lost one of his arms. A young swordsman who had just graduated from the military academy.

The swordsman cried and babbled nonsense. He seemed to be in shock and panicking.

“Ugh my arm is …… my arm is ahhh my …… my …… ahhh ……”

“It’s no problem. As long as I have all the body parts, I can fix you up nicely.”


Falk pressed a cloth dripping with medicine against the soldier’s nose to force him to sleep. He then quickly attached his arms and pushed him back to another priest.

Then another injured person is brought in. This time it is a swordsman with a pitiful leg after being blown off by the dragon.

“For now, I’ll put the bone back in place. I’ll take the pain away, but if you don’t feel well, I’ll treat you while you’re asleep.”

“Ahh, please let me sleep…ugh…”

Falk put him to sleep before he finished listening and began surgery on his leg.

He rushed through the injured in a fluid manner, giving instructions to the other priests in between.

Aiden thought he was like a precision machine.

He was impressed that this was the true form of the white falcon on the battlefield.

Shirotaka’s gorgeous blue and white knight uniform was already stained with blood, dirt, and demon body fluids. However, it seemed to shine strangely and beautifully.

While he was seriously observing the work, Aiden’s treatment was also completed.

He immediately went to Charikot, who is still receiving healing magic, and saw how things are going.

His eyes are closed but he is breathing properly. He seems to have woken up once, but has undergone the sleep procedure again.

Next time Charikot wakes up, he’ll tell him about the resurrection. That he was revived by the kiss of the prince of the temple.

He couldn’t wait to see the look on this guy’s face. He was sure that Charikot would give the funniest response. Then, Aiden will hug him and laugh his head off.

Aiden wiped away the tears he failed to shed at the corner of his eyes and smiled mischievously.

Shirotaka stood up after dealing with the seriously injured. Raising his magic wand, he turned to support the combatants again.

While watching over the battlefield where the all-out attack began, he muttered his oath.

“I will make sure everyone returns safely. Including me, of course. I will keep my promise.”

While receiving the protection of a reliable guardian deity, the soldiers headed for the giant dragon.

The black magical fog gradually faded, and eventually the blue sky and white clouds became faintly visible.

You can find story with these keywords: Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu, Read Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu novel, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu book, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu story, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu full, Kouri Mahou no Ice Creamya-san wa, Atsugari Shinkan-sama no Gohiiki desu Latest Chapter

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