Kuishinbo Elf

Chapter 29: CH 29

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Five months have passed since I came to this school.

And the relationships with the people around have changed little by little.

First, Vivid-oniichan and Tiffa-oneechan got married.

It seems that they fell in love after surviving the battlefield of the healers.

Besides … it seems that they were interested in each other for a long time already.

“Congratulations! Vivid-oniichan  ! Tiffany!”  

For the wedding,

the two wore a fine tuxedo and a beautiful wedding dress.

Looking closely together at the couple,

Everyone  seemed to feel that this couple would build a happy family.

Of course, I felt the sameway.

And, instead of the pregnant Tifa-onee chan,

Vivid-oniichan began to work as a healer in the treatment room.

The stall venue healers seems to be off for a while.

The adventurers seemed to lament a lot about that … ….

Because stall venue healers healed them cheaply.

Adventurers in the war tend to be saving treatment costs.

Cheat reincarnator, Futa went back to his own territory.

His wives seem to be giving birth.

Explode riajuus.  (rolls white eyes)

And our mother …… Mr. Eleanor … …  got married (blood tears)

And surprisingly the partner is our hero busamen, Takaki.

Gigigi … … If it is the busamen, I can’t help it, but give up.

Dammit, I bless them both. (Jealousy)        

Anyways, more and more relationships are showing up with the suppression of the Demon King, and it seems the the goal-in decisive factor was them supporting each other when it was difficult and painful.


辛く苦しい時も互いも支えあったことが、ゴールインの決め手となったそうだ。The raw if anyone have a better translation.>

Takaki’s appearance is a little that, but he have an honest personality … … and even if they fight a little, it is within expectation.

Both of you be happy!

And the return group of Deimond oji-san and the others completely retired,

Returning to their calm life.

Between my work, I went to the house of Deimond oji-san

and I got him to eat Momo sensei.

The attendant is Nesha.


Deimond oji-san … It seems that he doesn’t have much time left.

It seems that the result of him trying too hard have shown itself.

In this case, even magic can’t do anything about it.

Magic is not all-purpose .

“Saint-sama, do not look like that,

it is a result that I’ve chosen myself .

I do not regret it … “

“But … ….”

While feeling sorry for Deimond oji-son, I fell over.

He stroked my head with his big hand.

“Saint-sama, people are somewhat born with a mission,

My mission is to live as a healer …

and that was achieved …

I’m proud of that and I have no regret.”

“Deimond oji-san … ….”

Surely, goodbye is coming with him in the not so far future.

But … until then, I wanted to learn a lot from him as a healer.

From this great senior healer … ….

Miranda is accepting the thought of Alp-ossan.

As expected, Miranda still have thoughts of her previous husband … …

Would it take one more step?

Umu … should I invite Alp-ossan and activate the final strategy?

No, is it still soon? Umm … … First of all, should I talk about it with Alp-ossan?

And Delkette-jisan starts to spoil me.

Originally, he already spoil me, but now it was even more.

What is the cause? Speaking of what I recently did ……


Because I am indebted to you everyday, I will give you [shoulder striking]!”

I said while I was about to strike his shoulders. … ….

Even if I say shoulder striking, I am different from those of little kids.

This is the [hybrid shoulder striking] that uses the [heels] of both hand,

I penetrate deeply to treat both pleasantness and pain at the same time nano da!

And … the cause, I still don’t understand.

For now, let’s hold this case on hold.

Let’s do that.

The otchans of the food stalls

seemed to worry about what happened,

as I was peeping at the stalls less ,

I explained the fact that I started school and they showed a relieved face.

“So that was why, I was worried.

Because the amount of times that you come to peep decreased.”

“Fukyun, sorry that I made you worry!”

I wasn’t around for a while and it seems like the food on the menus increased.

Umumu… … can’t look down on the food stalls. Like this I can never conquer the stalls ! !

It seems like it doesn’t want me to conquer all of it! Hhmp, how evil.

I moved my ears with a pico pico while wondering what to eat.


To clear up one problem, I headed towards a certain place.

That place is … Baron Etil’s mansion.

It is the first generation’s home.

I was thinking of going to go many times,

but I never found the chance to, so this case was put to a hold.

<いまいち踏ん切りがつかず、保留になってた件である HALP>

Now that the environment is changing, I will report daringly.

Whatever the end result, I have no choice but to accept it … …

I’m a little scared (convulsions).

Taken by Nesha-san, we head towards Northern Philimichia.

After 20 minutes of walking, we arrived at Etil’s mansion that is near the Philimichia castle.

By the time I arrived, the sun was setting … ….

The baron’s mansion is neither small or large for his status.

It was a mansion with a good quality and healthy.

I told the gatekeeper-looking soldier that I’ve come to visit the baron and I was invited in after a while.

We are guided to the drawing room and wait for the owner of the mansion, Yash-san to come.

Even though not much time have passed, it feels like a very long time have passed. Come quickly! First generation’s papan.

Eventually the door opened, the owner Yash-san appeared.

A middle aged old man with red hair in an all back hairstyle and mustache in his mouth to make it a catchy look, Yash-san.

<赤い髪をオールバックにし、口にヒゲを蓄えガッチリとした 体躯の良い、中年のおっさん。HALP especially the mustache part.>

Very Dandy.

I was looking at him while fidgeting during the hero summoning ceremony, so he is probably the actual person.

It is also consistent with his figure in the memory of the first generation.

“This is … Saint-sama, coming to this kind of a place … …”

“No, this is what I had wanted forcefully” (convulsions)

After that … a moment was free.

<それから……ちょっと間が空いた Welp, this is the third time that I need help.>

Because my head blanked out.

Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! ! The simulation should have been perfect.

How did this happen? How did this happen! Convulsions)

“Eltina … … the name of my last daughter.”


Yash said all of a sudden.

His face is becoming stiff.

“About you, Saint-sama ….

From Highest Priest Delkette I’ve roughly heard about it.”

My heart skipped a beat.

Delkette-jisan, how far have you talked …?

Even so, I didn’t tell him much about myself.

On Healer Association’s card, my full name was displayed,

So I think that is all he knows about ……

You are reading story Kuishinbo Elf at novel35.com

“Also … I refrained from interacting with you until you came yourself …”

Yash-san stayed silent for a short while.

And after looking at my face with a serious look, he opened his mouth again.   

“The fact that you call yourself Eltina ….

The reason you call yourself Eltina Ranford Etil

Is it to tell us?”



 教えてくれるためですね? Yeah, I need help again. I’m quite sure that I got this part about 80% correct, but I want to make sure.>

I nodded with resolution.

Yash-san also nodded, closed his eyes and begin to talk.

“For a while …… let me talk about the past,”

Yash-san started talking about when the first generation was borned,

Some upper nobles were keeping an eye on him.

He gradually told me that he had troubled because he could not handle his daughter.

“That time, all I thought about was the survival of the house,

I didn’t have the leeway to think about my daughter.

Even though I’m just a baron in name, it is a title that the great king, His Majesty.

If I let the house fall,

I would be throwing mud in His Majesty’s face.

Fuu …… He sighed and lifted his face again and stared straight at me.

His facial expression becomes even more stiff and wrinkles between the eyebrows become deep.

“When my daughter told me that she wanted to become an adventurer, all I said was [Is that so]”

The fist that I held is trembling.

“Five years after Eltina became an adventurer,

I stuffed as much rumors about my daughter as possible into my head.

Getting up to C rank at an excellent speed, getting blessed with good comrades,

Realizing her dream, finding a man she loved…. ”

Yash-san continued to speak of the rumors as if spitting them out.

His lips were trembling.

“After a while … … I heard that my daughter was dead.

The body was stored at the Adventurer Guild and I went there to confirm it.

I wished that it was some sort of a mistake,

Unfortunately, my wish wasn’t heard.

Without a doubt, it was my daughter Eltina.”     

Yash’s lip continued to tremble,,

But the reason changed.

From sorrow … it changed to anger.

“The body of my daughter … … was awful ,

I guess she was beaten, there were bruises and scars in my body.”

His anger is transmitted to me through my skin.

It is almost like a volcano before the eruption.

“Then I searched for the culprit who killed my daughter, but

 unfortunately I couldn’t grasp any clues.

 According to the information shop,

  apparently the upper noble was involved with the culprit.

 Information was restricted …… My daughter’s death has been made

unclear! ”

Ban! And hit the table with a fist.

Blood was flowing from the fist.

“I realized that I loved my daughter so much …. It was after death !!

 For the past few years, unbearable feelings … tormented me! !

 I hate the culprit … I hate him! ! But I have no more moves that I can make …! !

 When everything was exhausted, when I tried to give up … … You appeared.

 Having the name of my daughter … … the Saint-sama! You … Who on earth are you? ”

After I finished what I have to say,

Yash-san looks at me for a while.

After I finish listening to his story, I found my resolution and

I told him everything about the first generation and I without hiding a thing.

“Is that so …… Thank you very much.

 That child also, having meeting with you in her last moment … she was probably saved.

 Then, Alan! Just know his name is all I need.

 I’ll make sure he gets what he deserves …… !! ”

Yash-san have renewed his determination.

I felt I could see a black flame in his eyes.

My heart hurts from seeing those eyes filled with vengeance.

No, is it really my mind? Or … ….

… That’s right, there was something to hand to him.

“Yash-san, this … …”

From my [Free Space],

I took out a bear shaped stuff animal and hand it to him.

It is an old thing, but I can understand well that it was cherished very much.

It is because marks of being repaired again and again can be seen.

“Th, This is … …!”

The hands holding the bear shaped stuff animal is trembling.

“It is a gift that I sent to my daughter for her school’s entrance celebration.

To think that she still have it …”

“There is a message from her”

From the memories that I inherited,

I pulled out the memories regarding her father

And told Yash-san.

“I’m sorry for being a bad daughter.

 But, I loved dad very much .”

It was a very simple message, but everything was included in that message.

I understand, because I inherit memories and thoughts … ….

Yes, I’m … … We’re [Eltina].

That’s why we have to stop him.

He … … so that my father does not fall into a vengeance.

First generation … … please lend me your power … …!

“But please don’t take vengeance for my sake.

I’m an adventurer, I was resolve for death.

It is regrettable that it became like this ….

But it isn’t my intention to make father unhappy himself.”

These words came out of my mouth naturally.

It’s as if the first generation was talking through my mouth.

“Eltina … …”

Yash-san took these words … … and quietly shed tears.

◆ ◆ ◆

After I told Yash-san about everything,

I was officially accepted as part of the Etil family.

Accepted … … was accepted?

Fukyun What do you mean?

Somehow, I have a bad feeling..

“If you have inherited everything about my daughter, of course… you’re also as good as my daughter..

Wait, it can also be seen as reborned, and came back home !

This is also guidance from the heaven, this time no mistake … absolutely”

-As Yash-san said when he hugged me with a kyu.

“Come on! Think of me as your real papa and

Let me fully spoil you ! ! !”

Fukyun! What?

This deployment was unexpected! !

Ouch. Don’t rub your beard on my cheek ! I will scrape !

First Generation, Halp Me ~!

I felt like I was told “Sorry” by the First Generation.

God Dammit…

“Ahh! Let’s introduce you to your family … … I already know Eltina!

But your brothers still don’t know about the reborned Eltina.

Hehe … … they’ll definitely be happy…”

Ogogogo… How did it end up like this! How did it end up like this!

With momentums that would destroy the door, he ran out the room carrying me.

And I quietly abandoned the thoughts of getting away … (white eyes).


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