Kuishinbo Elf

Chapter 38: CH 38

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Here’s chapter 38. Please tell me any mistakes that I’ve made.


38th Meal Returning Alive

Hello there! Who was the one that fought the dragon?

That's right, it's me! The white mochi elf, rare beast flavor.

Incidentally, it isn't for sale.

It's been a day since the battle with the Garune Dragon.

As expected, we were at our physical limit after the Garune Dragon ran away and fainted.

We were protected by Alp-ossan-sensei that rushed over.

Currently, I am under medical treatment at the school’s infirmary.

The Healer Association is far away and I can't use 「Heal」openly because the king is noisy, so I can't recover that fast.

This is really troublesome.

That’s why we are receiving treatment at the school's infirmary.

This pure white room is filled with the smell of medicines.

We are being treated with both healing magic and medicine.

Since this is a big school, there are exclusive healers, but to be honest …… Vivid-oniichan have better skills.

As expected, Vivid-oniichan is in a different league!

In the room, there are also the injured Rioto and Ganzurok

And for some reason, Hulitia is also receiving treatment on the bed.

Why is she so ragged …? (Mystery)

"You guys were reckless. Garune Dragons are labeled as a super dangerous monster and it would originally be challenged after forming a large subjugation party. And to repel it with only two people……"

Alp-ossan-sensei, who heard my story was amazed.

And as soon as he heard how we repeled the dragon, his face turned pale while still being amazed.

"You … it's not sane to get eaten and explode inside the body!"

"There's nothing as fun as being crazy!"

Fukyunkyunkyun …… and I laughed creepily.

Alp-ossan-sensei's face cramped up.

Ganzurok and the others' face who was listening to our story also cramped up similarly.

Rioto is the only one that nodded.

Only the people who've confronted the Garune Dragon would understand its overwhelming strength.

Weak attacks not only have no effect, but instead we will be the one that takes damage.

In order to beat that guy, we would need considerable resolution and preparation.

This time, I was just lucky.

I can hardly imagine that it'll go this well the next time.

"We were able to surpass the imagination of the Garune Dragon and survived. If we fought normally, our strength is too far apart. If only I'm stronger …… Damn it!"

Rioto explained his actions to everyone.

Everyone was listening attentively.

But, Rioto keep the fact that he was fighting while receiving「Heal」a secret.

I guess even he understands this much.  

"Sorry! Even though you experience such a painful experience, I retired that fast."

Ganzurok apologized like he really meant it.

There is no need for him to apologize.

Rather, if Ganzurok didn't make contact with the Garune Dragon, I might not even be here anymore.

“… I also wasn't able to anything.”

Hulitia's shoulder was shaking.

Because I was concerned, I asked her why is she that injured. I was told that "It is embarrassing, so it is a secret."


When she said that word, I recalled myself who had fought the Garune Dragon naked.

Also, I don't know the reason, but Rioto was also naked for some reason.


While thinking of such an embarrassing thing, I shouted in a loud voice. I would be labeled as a "Perverted Girl" without a doubt.

Oi, calm down! Me! In the past, being naked was the default!

Hi~fu~! Hi~fu~! ! Take a deep breath!

Hi~hi~fu. Hi~hi~fu.

Wait! Why am I so embarrassed! ?

My big ears are definitely really red right now! ?

Ahhhhh! Calm down! Count prime numbers … ….

“Haa …… Haa … … I'm back to normal !!”

"Oh … okay?", Ganzurok looked at me worryingly.

It seems that my strange behaviour had made him worry.

Sorry, Gan-chan.

When I was struggling with the embarrassment and guilt, I heard multiple footsteps approaching the infirmary and stopped in front of the door.

Eventually, the door of the infirmary was knocked.

I immediately reacted to the knock.

“It's occupied. ”

And everyone fell over. (T.N. You know when someone say something in an anime and the people listening to it falls over. Yeah that. Anyone have a gif?)

"No no no, that's not it! Haah ……. You guys! As you can see, El is perfectly fine!"

The door opened and the ones that entered was my classmates.

Everyone looks worried.

"Uwaaaaaa! El-chan! We were worried!"

Linda charged at me without mercy.

When receiving the charging hug, I heard a "guki" and received a large damage.

For the time being, aren't I an injured person receiving treatment?

I would like to show regret about receiving a further injury from the charge.

Ah… Linda, I understand that you're worried already, so can you get you runny nose away from my cheek?

Mucus and tears from Linda got onto me when she's hugging me.

Folbert also seems relieved to see us.

After the fight, I applied first aid to the collapsed Ganzurok, encouraged Linda that was trembling in fear, and carried the incredibly heavy Ganzurok back to the meeting point where Alp-ossan-sensei was at.

Being able to do this much at the age of seven is really a big deal.

“El, are you okay?”

"Ah, no problem, I'm okay … … except for the fact that Linda's mucus is sticking onto me."

Edward is peeping into the room with an anxious face.

You are reading story Kuishinbo Elf at novel35.com

He seems to have been worried after hearing the news that we were attacked by a Garune Dragon.

After Alp-ossan-sensei have gone to rescue us, Edward had cooperated with Stilva-sensei to gather the classes and evacuated safely to school.

"I'm glad, I was seriously worried if anything were to happen to you."

There was relief on that expression.

No matter what I say, my relationship with Edward is quite long.

As expected, there you'd be restless if someone you're close to suddenly disappeared.

After he wiped off the mucus on my cheek with a handkerchief …… he rubbed his cheeks against mine as if it is the most natural thing to do.

Damn it, as expected, this was the purpose of that guy again!

But, my cheeks are still being targeted!

An evil hand is approaching my other cheek!

"I didn't worry at all! Yeah, I didn't worry!"

The silver drill Cluten started to attack my empty cheek.

She brought her own soft cheek to mine and started rubbing. I think I can see myself taking damage from frictional heat!

This is an unforgivable act! I will firmly protest against this! Fukyun!

"Ly, lying isn't good! Sh, she was always worrying about you … … Sh, she was crying!"

Gurysine, a large girl that is also a child of a noble family denied silver drill-sama's words.

After hearing those words, Clutten tried to explain while panicking.

"Ah ah ah ah ah … … no, that's wrong! Tha, tha, tha, that, that was!

Calm down. (Tired)

Getting embarrassed, silver drill-sama's cheeks suddenly became hot.

Still, to not let go of my cheeks even now.

I can't see it, but I know that her face is dyed red.

That is the proof that she was seriously worried about me.

The strength used to embrace me got a little stronger.

It is a bit painful, but I will have to endure it for now.

“Anyways … I'm glad that nothing serious happened."

Danan, who have came to see us opened his mouth.

As expected, he didn't come and hug me.

If he did, I would've dealt with him with explosives.

Fukyunkyunkyun …… I am tough against men!

Edward is an exception because in appearance he looks like a girl!

Danan seemed to had been worrying about us normally.

Normal is the best, my heart have been saved by the ordinaryness.

"Well … … I'm thinking about making you experience into a play and make a profit off of that."

Ah … … Danan, you too?

There seems to be no one decent in our class.

As a result of our usual interactions and making a lot of noise, the healer in charge of the infirmary got angry at us.

It's not my fault … I promise…

One day later Hulitia and I got out, two days later, it was Ganzurok, and five days later Rioto was discharged.

The healer in charge was impressed and said "Such an amazing recovery speed!" After I was discharged, every time I visit them, I would secretly use 「Heal」little by little.

In other words, the culprit is me (Evil face).

Rioto and I am heading for the shopping district after school.

We plan to meet up with Linda and others to celebrate our recovery in a coffee shop.

"It was long … … Did I lose some muscles?"

Rioto is confirming his strength by grasping and opening both his fists.

I envy those who have muscles to lose!

My arms are thin and soft.

I'm fine with getting more muscles. (Plain wish)

"I'll just have to train again, besides … … He will come again, that damn dragon."

"It probably will … … he looks like a stubborn dragon. Also, it probably remembers our smell."

The battle between us and the Garune Dragon isn't finished yet, the fight had ended in the form of a draw.

The Garune Dragon received serious damage to his internal organs.

Rioto is in a state that is impossible to fight due to fatigue.

And I was in a state where my magical power is near the bottom.

That was because I got cocky with the explosions.

I was angry that time, so I wasn't paying attention to my remaining magical power.

If the Garune Dragon didn't run away at that time, we would've been the one that was defeated.

Now that I think about it again, I really was lucky.

“I want to become stronger ……!”

"If it is Rai, you can surely do it."

We both had made such an outrageous rival.

For the rematch someday, we have to put in maximum efforts.

"Yeah, right now is the time to get stronger."

Peachy-senpai's low calm voice came out of my mouth.

…… You were still there Peachy-senpai. (Sorry)

"It was close to a miracle that you could make the Garune Dragon to retreat. Shounen's effort and kouhai's reckless strategy were just barely enough."

My strategy was at a level of walking on a tightrope.

It was a miracle that we had a got by chance.

To be honest, please excuse me from that experience a second time.

I feel like no matter how many lives I have isn't enough.

“Power …… That’s right, I want more power.”

While clenching his fist, Rioto closed his eyes.

"It was the first time since I was born … that I felt so scared. I want to get stronger so that I will never go through that experience again."

He looks up at the sky with his determined eyes.

I also looked up at the sky.

The blue sky is filled with a few white clouds that are floating around at ease.

It is a blue sky that wakes me up.

Let's keep it a secret that it made me want to eat cotton candy.

"Let's go, Linda is waiting for us."

"Un, yeah … let's go, El…"

We walked down the road leading to the shopping district side by side with the feeling that we would meet the Garune Dragon again.

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