Kuishinbo Elf

Chapter 77: CH 77

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Pururu and the Rare Beasts

And like that, time passed… and today is finally the preliminaries for Grand Golem Masters!

Early in morning, we all gathered at Peachy Sanctuary.

「Today is finally the preliminaries! Let’s win~! !」

Along with my energetic shout, Museru and the others also raised their arms. And for some reason, the wild beasts also joined in.

Seeing this scene, I crossed my arms… un un! And nodded.

Museru and the others stood before Peachy-sensei’s sprout and held up their individual weapons… and made some sort of vow. For Museru it is a machine gun, for Ishizuka it is a spear, and for Tsutsuou it is his paw…

「Nfufu… it’s a nice thing to be excited. 」

「Aah! I also want to quickly participate in a tournament like this! 」

Riot is probably talking about the one where he fights with his own body. In this country, there is a martial arts tournament that is held every year. It seems that 8 years old is the bare minimum requirement to join…

Well, apparently there’s also other requirements, but… that doesn’t matter right now! If we don’t get past the preliminaries, nothing will begin!

「Alight! Then, you guys… Departureeeeeeeeee! 」

We left after giving Peachy-sensei our greeting. A Wiggle Lad had crawled onto my shoulder. It seems that the other wiggle lads are staying behind to take care of sensei.

「…Too many.」

The wild beasts are also following us in groups. Do you guys want to watch too… ?  

「Is it fine if we bring them along? 」

「I wonder about that? 」

「Last time we brought Wiggle Lad in with us… and it was fine! No problem! 」

And as usual, a bizarre group was formed again. By the time we reached the shopping district… we’ve gathered the attention of many passersby.

「We’re standing out, as one would expect… 」

Pururu’s face is bright red, probably from being embarrassed. When you’re used to it, there isn’t anything to be embarrassed about! Get used to it!   

We’ve arrived at the revenue for Grand Golem Masters’ preliminaries that is next to Hustle Bobby. Uumu! I’m getting more and more excited! !

「Oiiii! Wild beasts… we’re going in! Make sure you guys behave~!」

All the wild beasts… nodded. Alright! Let’s go in now!

Once we’re inside, a staff member greeted us with a startled face.

「U… Umm~?」

「We came to participate in the preliminaries! Yep! Let us join! 」

“Quickly! Quickly!” I said with a high tension. Because festival-like events are my favorites, my tension unintentionally raised. It can’t be helped! Fuhihi!

「The animals behind you are… 」

「Cheerleaders! It’s fine, there isn’t any problems! !」

The wild beasts simultaneously nodded.

「Is it okay… ?」

“Well, whatever… “ said the nice staff member while scratching his head and guided us. Normally, we’d get kicked out the second we met.

We are being guided towards the venue for the preliminaries…


To think that I’d be able to participate in Grand Golem Masters…

I, Pururu Duranda am… bad at socializing with others. It’s not that I dislike people. But… I don’t know why, I tend to avoid people. Is it because of my personality?

Even within my class, I usually am alone. I’m more at ease being alone. If I fail, it is my own fault. If I succeed, it is my own skill. I won’t be… causing trouble for anyone.

I’m alone even at home. Both my parents died when I was two, so I currently live with my grandpa. However, I’m usually the only one home. I also had a grandma, but… she passed away two years ago. My grandpa who is a golem craftsman who would often stayover at work doing maintenance or production, so he is rarely at home. Because of that, I naturally… feel more at ease when I’m alone.

And because I’m like that… I was really troubled when we needed to form a party. It took quite the effort for them to understand that’s just who I am.

…Although there are still those that don’t understand.

「Uhoo! Such amazing enthusiasm! 」

「Uooo! Let’s do it, idiots! I’ll do it, idiots!」

You are reading story Kuishinbo Elf at novel35.com

Un, it is actually those two. My Golem Masters teammates. Riot Dale and Eltina Ranford Etil.

Riot is a lion type beastkin boy that is extremely energetic.

His head is a disappoint because of that, but… he isn’t a bad child. Within the class, his physical strength and explosive power towers above the rest. There is also his ability to take action.

…Although he doesn’t think about his action, it is amazing to be able to pull it off.

His appearance… I think isn’t bad, he does have a well-featured face. He already has a large body, but it seems that he is still growing.

Eltina is a rare white elf girl that is very energetic.

However, her physical ability is the lowest of the low. She possess high magical power, but she can’t properly utilize them. I think her head is on the smarter side. She is usually placed in the higher ranks for her written exams.

And her attractive appearance. Her beauty is on the level that if she’s silent and behaves, she could be mistaken as a doll. Her short height also contributes to that fact, but… Eltina herself seems to be conscious about that.

Also known as “Kuishinbo”… it is a nickname attached to her because of her strong opinion on food. Those that are close to her simply calls her “El” , but… doing so is out of my character.

Kuishinbo is also thinking of something weird… since we’re about to actually do it, we can’t be careless.

To let the group behind us into the venue… normally one wouldn’t think of it. I took a glance towards the group of animals behind us. Everyone is behaving and following us.

I could only think that… this is because they understand what Kuishinbo is saying. Is this also one of her abilities?

Speaking of abilities… she is also the Saintess-sama. Her healing magic towers above everyone and is an S-rank. Everything else is the lowest E-rank… everything about her is extreme. However, she was able to save a large amount of people… it really is amazing.

Leaving that aside…

Let’s talk about the Hobby Golem that Kuishinbo created! A rank SSS isn’t something that you see everyday! When I saw it the first time… I was really excited!

It has three eyes and a weirdly shaped head, hands with five fingers… and it even came with a Roller Dash skill. It has a green figure… an armored golem that only knows of battle. Its name is Museru. He’s an obedient child.

Its ability is outstanding, 5 times that of a normal golem. However, it still lost in Golem Masters…

Ever since losing to Essac that is an S-rank… he’s been viewing Essac as a rival. His ambition is really strong.

… How nice, I also want one like him.

Ah… also, the one that Riot created, Tsutsuou is also an interesting one.

Its rank is only C, but it is a rare beast type golem. It is a small cute cat… lion type was what he called it.

I can’t tell if the golem itself has motivation or not, but in its debut fight it was able to defeat a golem of a higher rank. There’s also the fact that its opponent self-destructed, but it’s still something amazing.

On the said Tsutsuou’s head, there is a small green sprout growing out of it. Since it’s an earth golem, a seed probably dropped onto its head from somewhere. Nfufu… it looks nice on it.

And lastly, the golem I created is Ishizuka, neither good nor bad, an ordinary golem. Having no special feature is a special feature in itself…

However, the one that is properly putting the three golems together is… actually Ishizuka. It might have a talent in that… although it’s not shown in the Status.

Un… Ishizuka. You’re the first one to be born out of the three that day. As the older brother, you’re the one keeping everyone together?

I gently caressed Ishizuka that is trudging behind us.

「Then, please register your names, golems and team name at the reception desk over there.」

We’ve arrived at the venue for the preliminaries after being guided by the staff member.

It is the venue that we’ve practiced in before. Normally… I’d come here as a spectator. This time… I came here as a participant. It’s because of those two.

“Ahh!”,  at that moment, Kuishinbo suddenly raised her voice.

「Oiiii! We didn’t decide on a team name! ?」

「Hmm? I thought for sure that you’ve already decided on one.」

“Nuwaaaaaa!” The Kuishinbo rolled around while hugging her head.

… You’re beautiful clothes will get dirty you know?

Today her clothes is a mix of primarily red and black. She’s wearing a golden colored ornament and on her head is a large black ribbon. It really fits her beautiful platinum blonde hair. It seems that the ones that chose her clothes today was her parents.

「Wawawa… wait, calm jown, we stull have chime… not! 」

「Calm down, El you’re stuttering.」

She stood back up and swung her arm around to prove that she’s fine. Even Riot is calmer than you.

「Nfufu… we still have time… so should we think of one now? 」

Recently… I’m able to laugh more.

This is… definitely because of those two. I see… is it because I’m with another person that I’m able to laugh? After all, when I’m alone, I don’t have much reason to laugh.

I see… not being alone isn’t that bad. Before I know it, I was already thinking like this.

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