Kuroinu: Foreigner Vol2

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

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That's what I was going to Claus about, to see if he could mix "boom powder. Primitive smoke powder is made quite simply. Of course, I did not know the right formula, but knowing the right ingredients, it was easy to calculate their proportions with Martha's help, which I did, and then I gave the scientist a cheat sheet. I had only to wait until the right quantities of sulphur, nitrate, and charcoal were brought for the experiments, which he would do without me. This was a little over a week ago, and I am sure he has long since begun, and probably finished. So I was feeling a little impatient as I went to him, for soon I would finally be able to refill the shotgun cartridges from which I had carefully collected cartridges after each use. It would work worse, of course, and the barrel would have to be cleaned much more often, but I would be glad of that. Better than being left with a piece of good quality but useless metal in my hands.

Claus's lab was right in the basement of his and Claudia's house, which was separate from Grave's, but on the same block. The block itself was not far from the royal castle, so when I returned from the last sweep and said goodbye to the girls, twenty minutes later I was almost there. Already I could see the two-meter brick fence enclosing the large two-story house in which the scientist lived, and I was about to see the gate, as my ears caught fragments of conversation in high tones, coming from inside.

- ...you've been fiddling around in your hole like a rat!" - The first voice belonged to Grave, and he was displeased about something.

"I'm doing an important job for all the Free Cities!" - Claus's voice was indignant.

"I wish you were making yourself an heir, not some useless nonsense!"

"You know I can't!"

[I think we're witnessing some family drama, Carrier. It's just like those soap operas on your tablet.]

[There are those too?] - I wondered as I continued to listen to the altercation. I feel like a gossipy grandmother... it's just a matter of figuring out who's a junkie and who's a prostitute.

[There's a lot out there. It's about time you saw for yourself]

"What nonsense! We're on the brink of war, and all you're doing is fiddling with your cans and your powders! Look at you! I'm ashamed to have such a son!" - Meanwhile, the father kept on pressing his son, and I think I understood what it was that was bothering him. - "What will happen if I die? Our lineage will be broken!"

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"You call yourself a scientist, so think of something! Cure your disease, or all your trinkets are worthless! I shouldn't have let you get away with it... and let you marry that bitch because she made you look like a wimp."

"That's enough!" - The loud sound of a fist slamming against the wooden table was matched by Claus's angry outburst. - "You will not insult my wife in my own home!"

Gee, I didn't expect him to be so forthcoming.

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"Your own house?" - Grave was as surprised as I was. Only the reason was very different. - "You ungrateful little brat! This house was a gift from me, and I can throw you out of here if I want to!"


"Know your place!" - The elder Levantine also decided to show his mighty strength, except that after his blow there was also heard a crack of wood. He definitely broke something. - "I am the leader  of Levantine's family, and here's my word: either you figure out how to conceive an heir, or, goddess knows, I will do it myself. Time's up."

I did not like the latter, especially if you compare it with the attitude of the father of the family to his daughter-in-law, which I could see.

A minute later the front door of the house on the other side of the fence slammed shut, footsteps in the yard, and then Grave was swinging the gate wide open, leading his horse by the reins. His face was still red from the nervous tirade, and still red with blood flow. He swore, jumped on his horse, and galloped toward his house. He did not see me, for I prudently decided not to approach, and remained standing some distance away.

I waited till he was out of sight, and then, with a deep sigh, I walked quickly into the yard and shut the gate behind me. The elder Levantine did not bother to do so.

Standing on the porch, he knocked three times. I heard footsteps and muffled cursing, and the door was opened by a disheveled Claus. The boy opened his mouth to say something harsh, obviously thinking it was Daddy coming for more, but froze when he saw me instead.

"Kay?" - he asked in a slightly stilted, tired voice.

"Yeah, hi," - I nod weakly in response, and then point behind me with a finger over my shoulder. - Trouble, huh?

"...Yeah." - Claus is all drained and visually even smaller than he is. And he's already got a very slight build, so he looks really small.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

"...Come in," - the scientist muttered in a doleful voice as he let me in.

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