Kuroinu: Foreigner Vol2

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

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The girl wanted it badly, and who was I to refuse it? I was already a little upset by her attitude toward the soldiers, but if I could overlook that, I wouldn't tolerate this unceremonious attack on me.

I turn around slowly, indicatively, to the bully, who had retreated a few steps away from me, and, crunching my fingers, I stretch my neck. Luu-luu stared at my hand, which she had hit, with surprise and a good deal of shock. My reaction to it was clearly not what she had expected, confusing the martial halfling girl that for the first time in her life she was seeing someone not even scratching after her punch.

In fact, it wasn't quite like that. After a hard collision with her leg, my forearm went unpleasantly numb for a second. The pain went away, of course: the nanomachines had done their job, but it still made it clear that this little one had a lot of power, and she had put in a hell of a lot of effort into the attack. But I'm not going to show that I'm uncomfortable, am I? This duel should be a cautionary lesson, and for it to be as useful as possible, I had to appear unharmed. And I succeeded, for Luu-Luu was clearly frightened.

"Are you going to attack or not?" - I gave my whole appearance of boredom, deliberately provoking the girl standing across from me.

And it worked. As soon as my words escaped my lips, the little thing began to boil like a teapot, forgetting about the momentary fright. A vein protruded on her little forehead, her eye twitched, and her baby lips pressed into a thin line. She really didn't like being mocked.

Now, now, feel how others feel when you do that.

"You... you... you... Grr-r-r... I'm gonna kick your ass!" - The runt almost choked with indignation, and with a belligerent shriek she ran at me, swinging for the punch as she went.

The first attack went nowhere, and so did the second, and so did the third, and the fourth. My arms and legs whistled through the air, flying in front of me, and Luu-Luu, seeing that all her attempts to reach me were unsuccessful, grew angrier with each miss. She was used to relying solely on brute force, and now, when that did not work, she could not adjust to her superior opponent in every way. And instead of at least trying to think of a strategy, she continued to move like a tank, not understanding the road, but each time she invariably ran into a concrete wall, through which she could not break in any way.

"Quick... asshole..." - The girl hissed resentfully as she flew past me like a little locomotive. She had already expended a lot of energy, all sweaty and covered in sand, and her breathing was ragged and deep. The area around us was riddled with the marks of her blows, each one like a jackhammer.

"You're just not diligent enough." - I let go of the hurtful comment. I had already realized that if I wanted to put a couple of smart thoughts into this brat's head, I needed to get her exhausted first. And the more I provoke her, the sooner it happens. - "Try harder."

At least I haven't given up hope of that outcome.

"Grrrrr," - the girl growled, and then leaped in my direction, kicking me in the head with a crushing blow. - "Fight, not run!"

From which, however, I also calmly dodged, and also gave an offensive slap on the bottom place. The girl stumbled and almost rolled over in surprise, but somehow she was able to keep her balance. It was the first time I'd ever struck back, and, as planned, this "attack" was intended only to annoy my opponent.

"Hey!" - the girl jumped up, rubbing her bruised face. Her face was full of anger mixed with resentment, and she even had tear drops in the corners of her eyes. I felt a little pity for her at that moment, but at the same time I remembered why I was doing this in the first place, and how she had behaved herself a few minutes before. All pity was taken away.

"What? You wanted me to hit you back."

"Not like that, you pervert!"

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My little prank seemed to have hit the nail on the head, because the little girl came at me with twice the fury, sparing no effort. And to no avail. I saw her every move and didn't allow myself to be touched in any way, blocking or dodging every attack. Only now it was even easier: Luu-Luu's speed was slower, her shortness of breath even greater, and sweat dripped from her forehead, getting into her eyes and obstructing my vision. She was close to collapsing without strength. I'm sure the little bully had regretted her association with me a hundred times, but I'll give her credit for not giving up and trying her best to do something for me.

From the corner of my eye I noticed that the people who had been chased by the girl, trying not to make much noise and keeping their distance, were whispering mockery at Luu-luu, seeing how she was pushing, but could do nothing with them. In part, I understood these people perfectly. The warriors did not possess the same strength as this gifted asshole, who relied on her strength for everything, and it pleased them to see her being rolled on the ground as she had recently done to them herself. But that didn't justify them in my eyes. Now they were like jackals, circling around a wounded lion, waiting for it to finally bleed out and take its breath away. I don't think they were really gloating, but... it still brought back unpleasant memories from the past that made me wonder what I was doing now. I am, in fact, mocking, too. It may be the girl's fault for acting like a spoiled fool, but how do I know what the real reason for this behavior is?

I have to admit, I was just angry. Deservedly so, it was true, but I had no right to start a circus either. It could have been solved quickly by simply twisting the little girl and waiting for her to calm down. Glancing at the tired and already visibly hard to move her legs, I noticed something that had been hidden from me before. Tears. She was about to burst into tears and throw a tantrum right there. I didn't think it was a good idea to let that happen. If the others found out that I'd made a girl cry in front of half the castle, it would ruin our relationship, and I'd lose a fair share of their trust. And I'd have a guilty conscience. But I shouldn't let it go either, because if I were a simple man, an attack in the back could cripple or even kill him. I must hurry up and get out of this mess and go and talk to her where there are no spectators.

At another attempt to kick me with my foot - rather sluggish, by the way, due to fatigue - I catch my opponent by the ankle and pull her to me, and then, intercepting the little squeak of surprise, I gently lay her face on the floor. Everything happened so fast that the girl did not even immediately realize how she was on the ground. Only a few seconds later she realized her position.

"Get... get off me!"

"Stop it. You're exhausted, you can't even move now," - I said, holding Luu-Luu's hands behind her back.

"Luu-Luu...can't lose...to some jerk," - the girl mouthed, trying in vain to get out from under me. She was only getting more and more dirty in the sand with her fidgeting.

"Oh, you onion wretch..." - I shook my head disappointedly, and, seeing the little girl's body flying past me, I gave her a slap that knocked her sideways and brought her to a halt a few meters later.

"Wha... what are you going to do?!" - Lou-Louw asked frightened, turning her flushed face in my direction, and throwing her arms across my chest in an unsuccessful attempt to push me away.

"Really, what should I do with you?" - I sighed heavily, looked into her eyes, and not finding an answer to my question there, sighed again. - "Well, let's go and think together." - Then I noticed the spectators, who were still in no hurry to disperse. - "What are you doing? Don't you have anything else to do?"

And all of a sudden everyone had things to do, and everyone started to go away. And it had nothing at all to do with the fact that my gaze didn't promise anything good to those who wouldn't listen. Absolutely not. And everyone is not only the knights that Luu-Luu kicked in front of me, but a bunch of gawkers who gathered while we were galloping across the sandy ground. Of course, it's so much fun out there! All people want is bread and free entertainment, and there's a movie on!

But that's it, the movie theater is closing. Thank you all, you're all dismissed.

And I was just about to leave when I heard a familiar voice nearby:

"What's going on here?"

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