Kuroneko Diaries

Chapter 11: Mía (Mine)

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This is not a dream; open your eyes you fool.


Look at me like you used to long ago.


Do you think you were wrong?


How could you be right?


If dying alone is right then I would rather be wrong.


But look at you, plunging a sword into your own heart.


How could you do this to me?


We vowed to stay together forever but then you left without me!


When I rose from the flames, I met a pale white face.


Your ghostly figure was standing before me.


Stretching your hands to meet mine.


They were burnt and hurt from the fire surrounding us.

Don't cry, it's not as painful as it looks.


I promise these wounds will heal quickly.


Look at you, your wings burnt to ash.


You face is full of bruises and cuts!


Won't you take my hand and let me pull you up,


Above the clouds and away from flames that engulf you.


Come here my dear, I'll save you as I have done in the past.

Don't close your eyes just because its bright.


Look at me I'm not frightened.


Let's stay above the ashen skies.


Let's meet between edge of the worlds that separate us.


And hold hands like when we were children.


You promised you would live for me.


You promised not to die


But you died once before.


You called out my name countless times.


But I couldn't hear you because the light numbed my senses.

That's why I said it's not safe!


Don't take on the world and leave me behind.




This world is grand but its dangerous.


It's not safe to rule all the lands by yourself.


This world is too cruel for you to live alone in.


So come over here now, past the skies.


Walk past your fears and stop this mess.


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It's hot and cold but I'm not afraid anymore.


You're standing right in front of me


like I dreamt of so many times.


I wanted to hold you for so long that I forgot what it meant to be with the person I wanted most.


My heart was silenced during a time of war but not anymore!


You said we would be together for an endless time but nothing went the way you wanted it to go.


Everything collapsed before our eyes.


The world was harsh and many died.


The skies clashed with the earth beneath us.


Did you know I waited all this time?


I promised myself that I would wait for you.


Because you asked me to stay be your side and I said I would.


Whether it took a millennium,


no matter what came between us,


My heart was already yours.


But you said you would come back too.


You said just wait a little longer.


But you made me wait for an eternity.


Waiting for your revival hurt more than an impaled death.


You said it was only a short time but I called for your name


countless times until I was shrill and forsaken.


You never answered once because you couldn't hear me!


That's whys I said come find me when you could fly.


But look at you now, tattered and burnt.


Covered in your own blood and mine.


Who told you to set yourself aflame for my sake?


Who asked you to endure this much pain?


Who told you to get hurt all by yourself?


Don't leave me alone just to come back with a body full of scars.


When I met your eyes


There were tears…


Were you crying for me again?


Did I make you cry this time as well?


But what can I do when all that can I offer you is my power and strength?


All I wanted to do was protect you.

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