Lady of Fortune, Jiao Niang

Chapter 18: 18

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Ye Ersao felt that Ye Jiao was really her evil star – tenfold of an evil star! [1]

The Ye family took the Qi family’s money. Although it wasn’t enough for them to become a wealthy household, if they saved more money, they could live a few years without having to worry about food and clothing.

However, Ye Ersao was very arrogant. When Ye Jiao returned home [2], she was provoked into action as well. Ye Ersao tried her best to make Ye Erlang stand out, and to use the given money to do business. She wanted to be a merchant’s wife so she didn’t have to live in this small village and be bullied.

Except for the money left for Ye Bao for his studies, the rest was given to Ye Erlang as capital.

Ye Erlang, however, was not business savvy. He was a farmer. How could he stand in the same playing field as the crafty-headed businessmen? 

In the past, he was forced out to make a living by Ye Ersao and lost money. Now he still has foreign debt. As a result, recently Ye Ersao urged him to go out and work. Not only did he not accomplish anything, but he was also cheated out of a lot of money. 

Ye Bao didn’t worry too much. At school, he either contradicted the teacher or fought with other children. Just now, Ye Ersao visited the houses of the children who were beaten to pay compensation.

She was angry and anxious on this trip. Who knew that outsiders would be adding obstacles to her path, adding to her current annoyance. 

The old ladies didn’t care whether or not Ye Ersao’s life was good. They had long tongues [3] and disputes with Ye Ersao. Of course, they wouldn’t be soft-hearted now.

“That Second Young Master – I heard people say that he got sick after spying on the secrets of the sky, and now he has great supernatural powers. Otherwise, how could he have made jade liquor?”

“(Ye) Second Sister-in-Law, take a look – your sister-in-law is doing well. Can you follow the limelight?”

“I heard that your family’s Erlang lost money again. Instead of getting angry, you might as well go to the Qi family to beg a little. Maybe they can help you out.”

The expression on Ye Ersao’s face froze. She, who always had sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, couldn’t hold in her words. Her heart skipped a beat in anger.

This Ye Jiao used to eat free meals at home. Now, the idea of getting rid of her was also making her angry!

Didn’t you marry a sick demon? Then accept your fate and live your hard life well. Why do you have to make her (Ye Ersao) so miserable?

How could she live a good life? How was that possible?

Ye Ersao was not happy for Ye Jiao at all, but full of resentment.

She was already stingy. As the Ye family had no man except Ye Erlang, she felt that she was the master of the house. After cleaning up Ye Jiao, her life would be better. She didn’t expect that Ye Jiao’s life would become a thousand times better than hers.

She didn’t send Ye Jiao to the Qi Household to live a good life!

Why was her man still unable to do anything? On the contrary, how was Qi Yun so prosperous? [4]

Who said he was going to die? How does he look like he’s about to die?

In her ears, the congratulations from the old ladies sounded harsh. Ye Ersao could only pretend that she didn’t hear them, and quickly left with a basket.

As soon as she got home though, she saw Ye Erlang carrying wine and entering the door.

Ye Ersao was a little surprised. Additionally, she was angry from just now, and her tone was particularly bad when she spoke: “You’re not in town. Why did you come back so early?”

Because she always had a bad attitude at home, Ye Erlang didn’t know whether she was in a good mood or not. He just smiled and said: “I’m happy today. I came home for a drink. Go, get me a bowl.”

“If you want a bowl, you can get it yourself. Don’t call me.” Ye Ersao snorted coldly, and then felt a little distressed: “If you want to drink, tell me. I’ll make rice wine for you. When you go to town to buy wine, you also need to pay for a clay pot, which is a waste of money.”

Ye Erlang was dim-witted and honest, and he didn’t argue with Ye Ersao. He put the wine jug on the table and went to get the bowl himself. 

There was red paper pasted on the wine jug, with two words written on it.

Ye Ersao was illiterate, but she also knew that wine with red paper pasted on it was not cheap. She became anxious and shouted at Ye Erlang: “What kind of wine did you buy?”

Ye Erlang was rummaging in the cupboard. Without looking back, he casually replied: “Jade wine; it’s selling well.”

The voice was smiling. Ye Erlang naturally knew that the jade wine belonged to the Qi family. He also knew that it was brought out by his younger sister’s husband.

If Qi Yun lives well, then Ye Jiao will also live well.

His house’s little sister was a fortunate one.

Ye Erlang was still apologetic about selling his sister. Not that he saw Ye Jiao living a better life, Ye Erlang was naturally happy. Thus, he bought jade wine and came back to drink it.

He found the bowl and was about to turn back and tell Ye Ersao that the wine wasn’t too expensive, and that they could afford to drink it. Who knew that as soon as he turned around, he saw Ye Ersao holding the jug and about to throw it on the ground!

Ye Erlang was shocked and hurriedly said: “Don’t drop it, it’s expensive!”

As soon as Ye Ersao heard this, she stopped. Her face turned red for a bit and then white. She gasped angrily, but gently put the jug on the table for fear of knocking it.

Ye Erlang breathed a sigh of relief, but then he heard the woman shout again: “Look, this is your good sister, good brother-in-law! He has his own wine shop, but you still need money to buy wine. What is this situation!”

Ye Erlang didn’t want to give her attention, but it was obvious that she was shouting loudly. He hugged the wine jug and whispered: “Don’t forget what Jiao Niang was living like.”

In a word, Ye Ersao’s mouth was blocked.

If there was still anger, now the woman was more afraid..

Ye Jiao was so prosperous. In the future, would she turn her head back and find trouble for her (Ye Ersao)? 

Ye Erlang ignored her and drank the jug of wine all night. He didn’t make any trouble when he was drunk and fell asleep. When he dreamed, he babbled about his big brother and little sister. Who knew what he was dreaming about.

But everything happening in the Ye family was unfamiliar to Ye Jiao; not even half of their circumstances could touch her.

As soon as she finished eating breakfast, Ye Jiao sat next to Qi Yun.

Today was the day when the stewards brought the income to settle accounts. Liu Shi did not let the daughters-in-law come over.

It wasn’t to guard against them. It was because Fang Shi was small-minded. The last time she heard that Steward Song had taken the lead, she was so angry that she lay in bed for several days. Now, if she comes over and sees something again, wouldn’t she get angry?

Ye Jiao was free, but she didn’t go out. Instead, she squeezed beside Qi Yun.

Qi Yun was wearing a robe and holding a book in his hand. Seeing Ye Jiao coming, he didn’t dodge. He just stretched his arms around her and wrapped the woman in his robe.

Ye Jiao looked at the hand warmer on his lap and thought about how to hold his hand. Now that she had a chance, she immediately grabbed Qi Yun’s hand and moved it closer.

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Qi Yun put down the book in his hand and let her move. He slightly curved the corners of his mouth: “Cold?”

Ye Jiao shook her head. How could it be cold in this warm room?

Qi Yun also felt that his Jiao Niang wasn’t cold, but that she wanted to be with him as this happened more and more. This made his heart especially calm.

The Little Ginseng didn’t know what the man was thinking. She just lowered her head and stared at the hand warmer.

The stove was warm, heating the man’s fingers. Ye Jiao’s fingertips slid across his joints, little by little, and pinched his hand. There was surprise on her face: “Xiang Gong, you have more meat than before!”

If others heard that they had too much meat, they would feel uncomfortable. Nowadays, thinness was considered beautiful, and neither men nor women wanted to make themselves too plump.

These words were different for Qi Yun. He had been unceasingly sick and didn’t like to eat after drinking too much medicine. Since he was a child, he had been thin. In addition, his bones didn’t delay in growing and he had a tall figure. After putting on clothes, he was like a flag raised on a pole, swaying as the wind blew.

Recently it felt like his condition was getting better. It’s better to say that the meat has grown rather than firming up.

Qi Yun didn’t know that this development had to do with the nourishment of the Little Ginseng, but he felt that it was good for him to take his own wife.

This is the philosophy of life that Qi Yun summarized recently; that is, the woman is good at everything.

He grabbed Ye Jiao’s hand with his own. Qi Yun squeezed it and slightly sighed: “Lady, you usually eat a lot. Why don’t you grow meat?”

Eating three meals a day was a lot of meals, as well as snacks and desserts. If one ate this way, one would be plump in no time.

But Ye Jiao became more and more slender, with no fat at all.

Not only was Qi Yun unhappy, but sometimes he felt distressed when he looked at Ye Jiao’s pointed chin. He thought that she was so hungry before, she couldn’t make up for it now.

Ye Jiao wasn’t too worried. Instead, she cheerfully said: “I’m a little thinner so I can sleep with Xiang Gong at night.”

As soon as these words came out, Qi Yun blushed. Xiao Su, who was cleaning up beside him, choked and ran out.

Ye Jiao looked at Qi Yun in inquiry: “What’s wrong? Didn’t you say that your bed was too small last time?”

Qi Yun pursed the corners of his mouth. While there was helplessness and embarrassment in his eyes, there was more of a smile than anything.

His bed wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small. There was more than enough space for two people to lie on it. The reason why he said it was small… wasn’t it to be closer to Ye Jiao?

But Qi Yun wouldn’t admit those words. He just tried to make himself look more serious: “Well, I’ll let them make a big bed to send here in the future.”

Ye Jiao didn’t doubt him, smiling as usual.

At this time, Tie Zi’s voice came in from outside: “Second Young Master, all the stewards are here at the front. The master calls you to go to the front yard.”

Qi Yun replied: “Okay, I understand.” Then he let go of Ye Jiao and softly said: “This time, they came with money. There are lots of people in the house, so don’t leave the yard.”

Ye Jiao nodded obediently and helped him get on his clothes. She stuffed a new hand warmer for him before watching Qi Yun go out.

This time Ye Jiao didn’t follow, but went to the wing to study the flowers and plants sent by the Dong family.

It was already the afternoon when Qi Yun came back. There was no joy or anger on his face, but Tie Zi, who trailed behind him, was grinning from ear to ear.

Just now, Steward Song made a big splash. The case had strings upon strings of coins and was hefty; just looking at it gave people a heavy pressure.

Steward Song made a good show, and Qi Yun even won the praise of Father Qi. Tie Zi felt good listening to it.

He used to be afraid of Qi Yun, but as Steward Song said, the Second Young Master now had the ability to make money. In his eyes, he’s a shiny, golden man. What’s there to be afraid of?

However, Tie Zi didn’t dare say anything more in front of Qi Yun. After sending Qi Yun back to the yard, he jumped away and went to Xiao Su to describe the scene just now. 

As soon as Qi Yun entered the door, he saw Ye Jiao sitting at the dinner table, waiting for him with a hand on her chin.

The Little Ginseng was already hungry and it was time to eat. Still, she waited eagerly for Qi Yun to come back. Her eyes lit up when she heard movement. When she saw Qi Yun entering the door, she got up and ran over. She grabbed Qi Yun and said: “Xiang Gong, come eat!”

Qi Yun actually wanted to tell her something. When he saw that Ye Jiao was very hungry, he swallowed his words, smiled, and sat down with her to eat.

After the meal was finished, they let people clean up the table. Qi Yun closed the door, pulled Ye Jiao to sit in front of the table, and handed her a red cloth bag from his arms: “For you. Make sure to put it away.”

Ye Jiao blinked her eyes and felt that the cloth bag in her hand had some weight. She opened it and found five small silver ingots inside.

The silver ingot didn’t look too big, but when she weighed it in her hand, she felt that it was more than a dozen taels. Ye Jiao needed to hold it with two hands.

The Little Ginseng doesn’t understand many things, but she knew what this silver could do. Ye Ersao from the past fought with Ye Jiao because of the lack of it.

She looked at Qi Yu in surprise: “Xiang Gong, why did you give this to me?”

Qi Yun sat next to Ye Jiao, his voice still soft: “The more the shop earns, the more will be given to the steward and me. This is my share and the size is an income. You can keep it for me. If you want to spend it, Jiao Niang, just take it for yourself.”

Ye Jiao didn’t understand what it meant to help people manage money. She blankly looked at Qi Yun and shoved the money back to him: “I don’t know anything about how to manage money.”

Qi Yun gently smiled and put the red cloth bag into a box. He gave the box to Ye Jiao, asking her to hold it. Qi Yun gently said: “It’s okay, I’ll teach you.”


The author has something to say: 

Qi Yun: hand in salary card.jpg



[1] An evil star is a term that refers to a person who brings deaths, calamities, disasters.

[2] This “return home” refers to the return of the bride to her maternal family’s home on the third day of the wedding, historically.

[3] “Long tongues” refer to people who talk too much.

[4] The literal translation is “the wind blows and the water waves.” According to Baidu, it’s a complimentary metaphor synonymous to “rising to fame.” The wind blows over the water and the water makes waves → things are doing very well, growing rapidly towards prosperity.

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