Laia & The Transferee

Chapter 30: XXIX

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When the two were only just a few more steps away from Laia's house, the asshat's phone rang loudly.

Grumbling, he motioned Laia to give him space with a wave of his hand. Laia was happy to oblige, immediately making her way inside of her house.

As she entered her house, she was welcomed by the delicious smell that came from the meal her mother was preparing.

"Laia? Samuel?" Her mother calls from the kitchen.

Laia saunters towards the kitchen door. "He's outside,"

The older woman turns to her daughter with a frown. "Did you have another argument?"

"Nah," Laia shakes her head. "Someone called him. Maybe his rich ass parents--"


"What?" The girl nonchalantly glances at her mother's deepening frown. "Anyway, I think the soup's cooked already, mom."

Squeaking in surprise, the older woman turns back to what she was cooking, and just as Laia expected, it was already cooked and a few more minutes it would have had burned.

"Can you grab me one of the bigger bowls on the cabinet--"

Laia was already on it and immediately handed one of the bowls to her mother's outstretched hand.

The older woman's eyes widened in surprise but accepts the bowl nonetheless. She swiftly but carefully pours the soup on it and hands it to Laia who brings it to the dining table.

After placing the bowl on the center of the table, the girl sneaks a glance at the asshat who was still in the call from earlier.

With how the asshat had an infuriated expression on his face, Laia was sure that he was giving the person on the opposite line hell.

More than usual, she thinks.

Shrugging her shoulders, Laia made her way back to her mother in the kitchen. The woman was already preparing the ingredients for what Laia thought is another side dish.

Her mother turns to her. "Why don't you talk to Samuel while I prepare this dish?"

"He's busy," Laia dismisses the idea quickly, opting to look at her mother's cooking instead. "And I don't like small talks--"

"You don't like anything, dear," Her mother interjects with a teasing yet sad smile. "Maybe just studying or that stray cat--"

"You know about Mika?!" 

The older woman gives her daughter a deadpanned stare. "Honey, where do you think our leftovers go?"

Laia's eyes widened as she finally was able to connect the dots to the mystery of why Mika always seemed to be full, especially during the weekdays. "You were feeding her!"

"She is a pretty cat," 

"Definitely!" The younger girl agrees as she started to prepare the dining table. "I think she might have had been abandoned, though."

Placing the newly cooked plate of pork ribs beside the huge bowl of soup, the girl's mother nods in agreement. "I think so too."

"Can we adopt her?" Laia pouts at her mother, who had sat directly in front of her. 

"Hmm," The older woman remained silent for a while and then nods, making Laia clap her hands in glee and excitement. "Just make sure you will be the one to take care of her, and when I say take care, I mean cleaning after all her messes!"

Laia waves her mother's concerns off. "Who else would?"

Despite raising an eyebrow at her daughter, the older woman says nothing else. Instead, she cocked her head to the side to imply Laia onto calling the boy who was probably still in the middle of the conversation he was having earlier.

However, the girl knew her mother might change her mind if she wouldn't follow her orders. So for now, Laia would try her best to remain in her mother's good graces.

For now.

Sneaking a peek at the asshat through the window of their living room, Laia realized that she was right about the asshat still not being done with the call.

"Ugh, what's with the delay?" The girl whispers to herself. 

She looks back at where her mother is. The older woman raises an eyebrow at her child and points at the clock, implying that it was already lunchtime.

It was just eleven. Her mother was traditional like that.

Groaning in defeat, Laia makes her way to the door dubiously. Regardless of her usual confidence when it comes to dealing with the asshat, there was something with the asshat's conversation with whoever was on the other line that made Laia want to stay away.

However, the girl knew that returning to the dining room without the asshat would only make her mother irritated and Laia might have to kiss the opportunity to adopt Mika goodbye.

Oh well, what's the worst thing that could happen?

The girl reluctantly pokes the asshat on his back. At first, the asshat ignored it, but after Laia repeated the action five times, he turned to her with a scowl.

"Fuck, call me later Ame. I have something to do," The asshat was about to drop the call but he stops and groaned in frustration. "I'm not-- Ugh, it's not another girl!"

The asshat motioned Laia to move away, and the girl was happy to oblige. Laia knew when to give people space, after all.

Laia tried to distract herself by looking at the new plants that her mother seemed to have planted earlier this week. They were still sprouts, and Laia noted to herself to water them regularly whenever her mother had to go to work.

Her thoughts drifted to whoever the asshat was in a conversation with. She glances at him and was quick to notice how he was increasingly growing frustrated with every second he spent more on the conversation with whoever was on the other line.

Maybe his girlfriend? A clingy and possessive one?

The girl sighs. That is probably one of the reasons why Laia would rather not marry and instead spend the rest of her life with her mother, buying the older woman everything she liked and giving her everything in return for taking care of her.

And maybe traveling around the world. Greece would be a great destination for starters, especially with how obsessed Laia was with Greek mythology.

"What are you smiling about?"

Laia jumps in surprise when the asshat was suddenly already beside her. The asshat laughs at her making her roll her eyes. "You done calling with your girlfriend?"

The asshat tilts his head to the side. "Girlfriend?"

"You know, the one you were with a conversation earlier? Ame?"

He laughs as he enters the gate before Laia. "Ame's not my girlfriend,"

"Then who is she? A fling?" Laia narrows her eyes at the asshat suspiciously.

"Why are you so curious?"

Laia fights the urge to choke him. "I just don't want her to come here without notice and murder me in my sleep thinking I'm your--" 

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The short-haired girl grimaces at the thought of having to say the G-word. Despite trying to hide it from the asshat, he was as usual quick to realize what Laia was about to say.

"Girlfriend?" He finishes the sentence for her.

Laia reluctantly nods and turns away. "Yeah,"

Asshat had the audacity to shrug as if he didn't mind. "Well, don't worry about it. Ame knows I would never go for girls who look and act like you anyway."

The girl was about to open her mouth and say she thinks the same when the asshat quickly makes his way to the dining room where the girl's mother was already on her second cup of rice.

"Oh," The older woman smiles at the asshat who sat beside Laia, much to the girl's chagrin. There are literally six seats on the table and of course, he just had to sit beside her to spite and ruin her lunch. "Did your parents call?"

The asshat shakes his head as he reaches for a cup of rice. "It was a friend,"

With a teasing smile, the older woman asks, "Hmm, a girlfriend?"

Glancing in a not-so-subtle manner at Laia, the asshat responds with a nod. "Yeah,"


Laia immediately turns away and cursed her self-control internally. Ugh, of course, she just had to react to the asshat's obvious lie. Now her mother's gonna think she's jealous or something related to that!

Much to Laia's turmoil, she was right. The older woman's grin had widened and she even winks at her child before interrogating the boy further. "So, what is she like?"

He replies after taking a bite of the pork. "She's nice,"

"Just nice?" The older woman leans in as if excited to hear more about the boy's girlfriend.

Spoiler alert, she obviously just wants more information to tease her daughter further later when the asshat finally decides to leave Laia in peace.

"Well," The asshat smiles and shakes his head. "She's a huge fan of indie music,"

His unexpected statement makes Laia and her mother raise an eyebrow consequently. Laia honestly expected him to talk more about Elisa's looks rather than her music taste.

Maybe he isn't that shallow after all?

"And she likes reading books during her spare time,"

"Oh, much like Laia," The older woman quips, winking at her daughter again.

Laia groans. "Mom--"

"Yeah, but she's not into studying," The asshat laughs at what he revealed, even wiping a stray tear from his eye. "She's also insanely pretty."

The older woman lets out an appreciative sigh. "You seem very head-over-heels with her. I hope you stay strong, dear."

"Thanks, auntie."

However, the older woman just won't let her daughter eat in peace. "Looks like you'll just have to settle for another boy, honey."

Laia rolls her eyes and bites her pork harshly. "Not like I'm interested in settling with the ass-- Samuel," The girl grimaces at having to call the asshat by his name. "So, don't worry about me crying in my bed because of all the cheesy things he had to say about his girlfriend."

The older woman dramatically sighs and pouts. "Samuel, dear, if you happen to have a friend who might be interested in grumpy women, do tell me! I'm afraid my daughter might end up single for life if she's always like this--"

"Mom, I'm literally in front of you,"

"Much appreciated that you didn't run to your room immediately as you usually do," She turns back to Samuel who was still laughing. "Can you promise me that, dear?"

The asshat turns to a fuming Laia and shrugs despite the lingering grin on his lips. "No promises, auntie."

The older woman continues her dramatic act until the asshat's phone rings in his pocket. He excuses himself again, leaving the Lopez women in the dining area.

"Laia, dear--"

"Ugh, don't start mom. You've embarrassed me enough for a single week. Try again next week," Laia quickly gathers the plates and the utensils in her hands and places them in the sink.

As she was about to start washing them, her mother appears beside her and takes the sponge out of her hands. "Go and send Samuel off."


"Honey," Her mother glares at her. "Do us both a favor and have at least a day of interacting with the male species!"

"He's more of an insect specie--"


The girl raises her hands in surrender. "Fine!"

She wipes her hands on a nearby towel and makes her way to where the asshat was. Fortunately, he was already done with the call and was just looking at her with curiosity. 

After a few moments of staring at each other without saying a word, the asshat speaks up. "Looks like I have to go now,"

"Finally," Laia whispers under her breath but based on how the asshat laughs she was sure he heard it. What is up with his ears? "You calling a fancy cab or something or do I need to guide you to the bus stop?"

The asshat shows her a car key. "I actually brought my car with me,"

"Is it an invisible one because I don't see any car here--"

He points to a nearby expensive-looking car just parked across the street. 

Laia whistles. "Nice. Daddy bought it?"

Asshat glares at her for a split-second and nods albeit a bit reluctantly. "Yeah. 18th birthday."

"What is with you rich kids getting fancy-ass cars during your eighteenth birthday?" Laia says bluntly.

"What is with you and the constant use of the word ass?" The asshat retorts back.

The girl shrugs. 

"Well, tell Auntie the food was delicious."

"Will do."

With the lingering silence between them implying there is no need for a goodbye, the asshat just runs to his car and immediately leaves after honking once.

Laia walks back to her house with a smile attempting to form on her lips.

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