Laia & The Transferee

Chapter 37: XXXVI

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Just because fate happened to like making fun of Laia in the most spontaneous moments, she just had to see the girl they were talking about yesterday with the asshat the moment she arrives at school.

Or more like the girl Laia presumed to be the asshat's girlfriend.

She was in a convertible that resembles Brie's, but hers was black in color. It was obvious that it was new, seeing from how shiny the paint looked.

Or maybe she just got it car washed. Laia's not sure and she doesn't really care much.

It's not like she can afford one.

Laia immediately crouches down to the ground and hid behind one of their school statues to hide from the asshat who seemed to have scanned his surroundings before getting out of the girl's car.

"... yeah, I'll see you later," was what Laia heard the asshat say.

Peeking from the school statue, Laia's eyes widened when she saw the asshat kiss the girl on the lips before waving goodbye. The girl drove away the moment the asshat disappeared among the crowd of students by the entrance.

Laia was right. The girl was indeed the asshat's girlfriend! 

Or a fling?

The short-haired girl scoffs. Not that she's interested in his love life, it was all a coincidence!

A bad coincidence, she might say.

Like who the hell kisses their girlfriend or their fling or whatever in broad daylight where everyone or anyone could see?

What if the vultures saw them?

Laia grimaces at her invasive thoughts. Who cares, honestly? The asshat's probably of legal age anyway, so his doings are his responsibility.

Dusting herself off, Laia makes her way to her classroom after their flag ceremony was canceled the moment she was about to take her usual place on the back. 

The rain came pouring like a bad surprise. Laia liked the rain, but she didn't like it when it happens during weekdays.

Especially when it's a school day.

Laia thinks back to the asshat's girlfriend. Won't she get wet due to her car not being appropriate for the weather?

Or does her car have a hidden roof? 

"Why am I even thinking of her," Laia mumbles to herself as she made her way to the classroom, not minding that everyone stayed behind to watch the rain for a little while. "This is stupid."

"What's stupid?" Brie suddenly appears behind the short-haired girl like she usually does. 

But of course, it still makes Laia jump in shock every time. The girl honestly thinks that her friend was doing it on purpose to get a good laugh from Laia's shocked face.

"Brie, I swear to God, if you frighten me once more I will hit you with my fist," Laia even raises her clenched fist. "I am not kidding,"

Brie's eyes widened as she takes a few steps back. "Laia, what's with the violence?!"

"You almost gave me a heart attack, dumbass," Laia replies. She doesn't wait for her friend to follow her as she continued walking towards their classroom. "Anyway, why aren't you watching the rain with most of our classmates who seemed to have seen rain for the first time in centuries?"

The long-haired girl laughs but pulls Laia towards her as they arrived at their empty classroom. "Laia, I'm used to your snarkiness and all but what's honestly with your sarcasm and bad mood?"

Laia's shoulders slumped. Looks like she can't run away from this one. "Don't tell anyone."

Brie nods. "I mean, who would I tell?"

"Shane? Jake? The asshat? Your friends--"

"Okay, okay, I get it!" Brie laughs again. "But I swear, I won't say a word to any of them if you tell me not to,"

Laia was still skeptical about telling her friend but she relents. It's not like she can hide anything from Brie anyway.

Okay maybe except for her lingering anxiety issues and addiction to caffeine. But Laia has a hunch that Brie already knew about that.

"I saw the asshat with his girlfriend earlier," Laia whispers to Brie who leaned in closer. "Not that it's the reason why I'm all snarky like you're saying but yeah, that's what I saw first thing in the morning."

Brie didn't look one bit surprised like what Laia thought she'll be. Looks like Laia's late to the news of the asshat having a girlfriend.


Pursuing her lips, Brie leans back to her chair. "Well, there's actually something about that,"

Laia's eyebrow raised. "What do you mean?"

Brie looked reluctant for a bit to say, but she tells anyway. "The girl he's seeing? That's actually his older half-brother's fiancee."

Standing up abruptly from her seat, Laia's actions made those who came inside their room turn to her, perplexed. Laia sheepishly sat back down in her seat but the surprise and disbelief on her face didn't dissipate. 

She hisses under her breath. "Are you kidding?!"

Brie shakes her head and covers Laia's mouth with her hands. "Shush! Don't let anyone else hear! Sammy's gonna be livid if it spreads,"

Laia rolls her eyes. "Why'd you tell me if it's supposed to be a secret?"

Her friend had the audacity to smile sheepishly. "Hehe," She raises her pinky towards Laia who raises an eyebrow at her childishness. "Pinky swear not to tell anyone?"

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Despite her lingering puzzlement at the whole situation, Laia absentmindedly intertwines her pinky with Brie's for a minute until both girls pull away. Brie claps her hands and once again leans towards Laia to continue.

"I don't think they're really together-together, though," Brie says. "It's more of a sex friends relationship I think,"

That's definitely not what it looks like to Laia who saw the two share a tender moment just an hour ago but she's not gonna say that out loud.

"I honestly think Sammy's doing it to spite his dad," Brie stole a glance at Laia presumed is the asshat, probably just arrived. Fortunately, Laia had her back turned against him, making him not see how Laia's face was still a mix of emotions. "Or his older half-brother. He hates them both, anyway."

"Are you sure you should be telling me this?" Laia asks in confusion.

It's not that Laia doesn't want to acquire blackmail material when dire times arrive but the girl's moral compass thinks the information her friend's been relaying to her shouldn't be said in such a public setting where anyone could hear.

Anyone being the vultures who somehow decided to sit close by to the two friends.

"And also, the vultures could overhear something they shouldn't," Laia adds as she sends a withering glare to the three girls who awkwardly looked away. "We don't want that to happen, right?"

Brie sighs but stops nonetheless. "Okay, okay."

Laia turns her back to her friend just a few seconds before their first-period teacher arrived. Much like how Laia expected it to be, their teacher merely discussed the topic he had already discussed last week.

But oh well, that just gives Laia more time to take into consideration what she just learned.

So apparently the asshat has a bad (maybe) relationship with his father and older half-brother. Laia doesn't know how to make sense of why the asshat has a bad relationship with his father, but she thinks it's probably related to how the asshat has a bad relationship with his older half-brother as well.

She doesn't know how the girl from earlier, who apparently is the asshat's older half-brother's fiancee, is connected to everything as well. 

Maybe an arranged marriage of some sort? Rich families always do that, especially to furthermore gain more money and influence in the process.

Laia started drawing figures in her notebook to somehow connect the dots. She's not really much interested in the asshat's backstory or whatever, but it's at least more interesting than her teacher's monotone voice rereading everything he read the week before.

"Okay, so the asshat's this box and--"

"Miss Lopez, may I please request you to answer number three on the board?"

Number three, what?!

Laia restrained herself from looking like a deer stuck in headlights as she slowly made her way to the board and read the question.

It didn't take long for her to come up with an answer, fortunately, but she wasn't a hundred percent sure if she was right.

Or maybe it's just her anxiety issues speaking for her.

Laia returned the marker to her teacher who read the girl's answer and nods after a while. "Very good, Miss Lopez. You may return to your seat."

The girl almost bolts back to her seat, ignoring the curious looks some of her classmates sent on her way. 

Her teacher is nuts! Why'd he even make her answer a question that's not supposed to be discussed during this quarter?!

Laia narrowed her eyes at her teacher who was grilling another one of her classmates with the fourth question. Was he doing it on purpose, trying to humiliate those who didn't study ahead of time?

"Mr. Laurie, number five?"

The asshat rolls his eyes (in an obvious manner!) and made his way to the board. He doesn't even take the marker their teacher was about to hand him and instead took another one from the corner of the board.

Laia fights the urge to laugh at the asshat's boldness. Once in a while, the asshat's audacity to do things Laia can never do makes the girl shake her head in amusement.

Emphasis on once in a while. It never happens often, if Laia may add.

He was quick to answer the particularly difficult question that was assigned to him. Even if Laia did have an answer in mind, it took her some time to come up with the right words to form a full sentence with both proof and rationality to avoid further questions from her teacher.

Speaking of their teacher, the old man's eyes widened at the asshat's answer and almost reluctantly announces that the answer was correct.

The asshat even hands their teacher the marker he just used, probably to spite the old man further or just to make everyone laugh.

He succeeded on both.

After that, their teacher assigned them another project that was due next week. To make his students (suffer) take it easy, he even assigns them into groups that he assembled prior and without the knowledge of his students.

Because, of course, Laia had to suffer, she ends up in the same group as the asshat. Thankfully, she's also groupmates with Jake who smiles at her when she approaches them.

Brie wasn't groupmates with them, but Laia did see that she was in the same group as both Vivi and Shane. Laia doesn't know what to think of that.

"Looks like your girls are in one group, Jakey," Laia hears the asshat whisper to Jake who glares at him. "What? Am I lying, though?"

Jake pushes him off. "Stop, Samuel."

"But I'm not lying, though?"

Laia decides to cut their conversation short upon realizing that everyone (or at least she thinks) has assembled in their makeshift table for their group. "Okay, let's start?"

Much to Laia's chagrin, someone just had to arrive at their group and effectively ruin not only hers but everyone's moods altogether.

"Yeah, let's start,"

Laia just had to be groupmates with Andrei, who was already staring daggers at her.


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