Laia & The Transferee

Chapter 75: LXXIV

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VIVI JUST HAD to hold a celebration party right after the final exams.

Laia wasn't supposed to come but here she was, currently inside Brie's car and trying to keep her friend from crashing her new car (yes, another one) since the long-haired girl decided to multitask by driving and putting on lipstick at the same time.

"Brie, stop the car," Laia attempts to snatch the lipstick out of her friend's hand but to no avail. "Or at least wait for a red light before you start applying lipstick again--"

Brie showed off her lips that were currently black from the lipstick to her friend. "Do you think I look good in this shade?"

"I think you'd look better if you decide not to drive and apply lipstick at the same time!"

"Boo, you're such a bore,"

"Maybe I'm just one of those people who'd rather live up to their thirties at least,"

With a frown, Brie decides to put her lipstick back inside the compartment and focus on driving. 

Laia sighed in relief. "Thank you,"

Brie turns to her with the look she always had if she was up to some mischief that she undoubtedly would drag Laia to again. "You will have to help me wear my kitty suit later,"

"Kitty suit?"

"Yep," Brie wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. She pointed to the bag of clothing that was on the backseat. Laia visibly paled as she saw a headband with cat ears and was that a tail? "Jakey apparently likes cats so--"

"I don't want to hear about your escapades and your interests in the bedroom," Laia proceeds to cover her ears with her hands, making her friend laugh. "Though won't you be a little bit overdressed? I mean, didn't Viv say that we're just supposed to wear casual clothing,"

Casual clothing being like what Laia is wearing-- a hoodie, a skirt, and her knee-high boots that she bought a long time ago on sale and decided to just wear now.

Brie raised an eyebrow. "Haven't you been on any of Vivi's parties before?"

Laia gave her a deadpanned stare. "Have I ever been to a party before this?"

"Oh," The long-haired girl sheepishly grins. "Hehe, but at least you're getting out of your comfort zone? I mean, we are about to be college students in just a few months,"

The idea of being in a new environment in just a few months was both honestly terrifying and exciting to Laia. She doesn't mind being in a new school with new people around her, but the concept of having the same people with her is relieving.

However, the chances are extremely low as her friends all have plans to go abroad, specifically Brie who wants to go to Scotland. 

Her only classmate that she knew that had a possibility of going to the same school as does is Andrei, but the boy himself wasn't quite sure yet for his parents want him to go abroad as well.

Laia honestly had no idea why rich people want their kids to go abroad instead of just letting them stay. But whatever, it's the least of her problems at the moment.

"Have you asked Sammy about his college plans?"

Speaking of one of Laia's problems.

Laia shook her head. "Not yet,"

"Well you definitely should," Brie ties her hair in a tight bun once they had to stop due to a red light. "But I should warn you, I think his dad would push him to go abroad as well,"

The image of the Senator forcing Samuel against his wishes comes into Laia's mind, making the girl frown. 

If only she could do something to help.

"Can't he just let his son decide for himself?"

Brie shook her head in obvious disappointment. "I reckon not," She sighs. "Even Sawyer had to go to a school abroad even if he wanted to stay here,"

Sometimes it really puzzles Laia how could Brie stand the sight of that awful Senator for so long. If she and Samuel were acquaintances turned friends since they were kids, wouldn't that mean that Brie already had an idea about the Senator's rotten attitude since then?

Then why didn't she speak up or at least tell anyone?

Laia shook her thoughts away as she glanced at her friend who still had an unhappy expression on her face. Laia doesn't know the whole story so it's not right for her to judge her friend one-sidedly.

Maybe she should ask Samuel about it?

Or not.

After Brie parked her car just a few steps away from Vivi's huge mansion (which wasn't really a surprise to Laia at this point to find out that yet another one of her close friends has a huge mansion) the two were quick to see Samuel stepping out of his Ferrari.

"Hey!" Brie waves at the boy.

The boy turned to their direction and walked towards them. "Hey,"

He accepts Brie's hug and kisses Laia on the temple once Brie was out of earshot, obviously looking for her boyfriend. "Nice outfit,"

She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to gauge whether he was making fun of her again or if he was being genuine. "Are you making fun of my fashion sense again?"

"I was being genuine, though?"

"Somehow I have doubts about that," Laia pulls away from the boy to look at his outfit. He wasn't wearing anything special-- just an all black ensemble complete with eyeliner that Laia just noticed. "You're okay with eyeliner?"

The boy pressed his finger on his left eye. "Why wouldn't I?"

Laia looks at it closely and couldn't deny that he looked (sexier) better than usual. "I suppose I was used to boys thinking that wearing makeup makes them less of a man,"

"That's bullshit," Samuel shook his head. "It's just their internal misogynist thinking,"

"Is this the part where I get to realize that you're not like other guys?"

"I'll take your realization as a compliment," He replies with a knowing grin.

She lightly smacks him on the shoulder. "You're an idiot,"

"Laia! Sammy! Come inside, already!"

The two turned towards Brie who was already wearing the cat suit that Laia was supposed to help her wear.


Brie doesn't seem to be angry though, as when Laia approached her and was about to apologize regarding the cat suit arrangement, Brie waves her concerns off with a grin.

She then whispers, "It's okay, Jake helped me zip it up," The girl proceeds to wiggle her eyebrows. "If you know what I mean,"

"Apparently, some things are better left unknown," Laia glanced away from her friend's skimpy outfit that showed her cleavage off. "Where's Vivi?"

"She's in the kitchen," Brie points at the room next to the living room on where a lot of people are dancing wildly and drinking alcoholic drinks. "Why?"

"I have to at least greet her right?"

"Eh," Brie noticeably looked against the idea. "I don't think you'll like the sight of Viv at the moment very much,"

Samuel laughs behind a perplexed Laia who turns to him. He bents down and whispers to her, "She's probably having a makeout session with some stranger there,"


"She gets really wild when she's drunk," Samuel continues. Laia noticed how he was already enjoying the beat of the song that was currently being played by the DJ that Vivi probably employed just for the party. "Do you want to dance, princess?"

Laia dubiously looked at the living room turned dance floor that had a lot of strangers that she wouldn't want to be close with based on how sweaty and wild they looked. "Uhm,"

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She returned her attention to Samuel who was still enjoying the beat of the song being played. He seemed so relaxed in contrary to Laia who felt like she was about to hurl the biscuit that she ate while waiting for Brie to fetch her.

It took a sudden shout from one of the partygoers for Samuel's attention to return to Laia who visibly looked uneasy and borderline terrified at his suggestion and the overall place. "How about let's get some fresh air?"

Brie pouts. "But we didn't dance yet!"

Jake suddenly appeared out of nowhere, wearing nothing but leather pants. Laia looked away immediately but didn't miss how the boy had some lipstick marks on his upper body. "Yo,"

Black lipstick marks.

Laia really wanted to hurl all the contents of her stomach upon realizing.

"I need to smoke," Samuel says, pushing Laia gently towards the front door. "We'll be back soon,"

"Just smoke here!"

"Brie," Jake gestured his girlfriend to go to the dance floor without him. He then turned to Samuel. "Don't smoke too much,"

"Yes father,"

Jake rolled his eyes but didn't say anything else, instead he walked towards Brie who was already drinking wine from a glass handed to her by one of the other partygoers.

Laia would've wanted nothing else but to grab it out of her friend's hands but she had to put herself first so she quickly walks out of the house and breathes in the fresh air.

Breathe in the fresh air, breathe out the disgusting stench of party drinks and sweat.

This is why she hates parties.


She turned to her companion who was leaning against his Ferrari. "Yeah?"

He beckoned her towards her and she complies, deciding to rest her head on his shoulder as they basked in the silence of the night.

More like semi-silence of the night since they could still hear the music that was being played inside albeit indistinct right now.

She raised her eyes to look at the expression that was currently on the boy's face.

Laia certainly didn't expect that he was already looking at her all along.


Laia momentarily forgot her words, almost as if they got stuck on her throat. Clearing her throat, she decided to ask him about his college plans instead of asking why he wasn't smoking like what he gave as a reason to Brie. "Are you going abroad for college?"



He was silent for a while and then he suddenly ducked to kiss Laia in the lips, shocking Laia who jumped a bit.

"What was that for?" Laia asks after the boy pulls away.

"I just wanted to,"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you trying to distract me from knowing your answer to my question?"


"Samuel," She turned to him and grabbed his hands which was significantly cold.

She lets out a sigh upon realizing that he was indeed going abroad like everyone else.

Everyone else except her, apparently.

"Are you going abroad, then?"

His brows furrowed but he replies. "Yeah,"

"Is it your decision?"

His hold on Laia's hands tightened. "No," He looks away, obviously guilty. "But the course that I want is taught better there,"

Laia gently massages the boy's hands with her own in an effort to calm him down. "Then isn't that still a good thing and opportunity?"

"Do I look like I want to be away from you?"

"It's okay," Laia regretted that she brought the topic up. She didn't want to ruin his night and yet here she was doing it. "We can still communicate through our phones and laptops--"

"I want to be with you," The tone of the boy's voice almost sounded as if he was pleading. "I want to see you everyday,"

She bit her lip to stop herself from scolding him. If given the opportunity to go to school abroad she would do it, no doubt.

And yet here she was being the hindrance to the boy going abroad and unlocking more opportunities for himself.

"It's okay," She repeats but it almost sounded as if she was just trying to convince herself, not him. "We can still talk everyday and video call everyday,"

"I'll just tell my father that I'll be staying here--"

"Listen to me!" She pulled her hands out of his hold and cupped his cheeks. "You have to reach your dreams,"

"You have to be successful and to do that you have to enroll for a university that suits and teaches your course best," She fought back the lingering urge to stop convincing him because despite everything there was still a part of her that wanted him to stay. To stay with her. "Don't argue with your father if he only wants what's best for you,"

More like don't agitate your father because he might end up sending you to some isolated boarding school somewhere in Mars or something.

The boy looked like he wanted to argue further but didn't. Instead he sighs heavily and puts his own hands above Laia's.

He then leaned his forehead against hers. "I like you,"

She closed her eyes. "I like you too,"

"I'll call you everyday," He whispers. "I'll message and send you letters,"

Laia laughs. "You do realize we still have a month before we graduate, right?"

"Let's spend everyday together,"

"I still have to study,"

"Exams are already over and you aced it, no doubt,"

Laia should really get used to the boy complimenting her genuinely. "It doesn't guarantee me being the valedictorian,"

"And here I thought that you were already done with your speech," He teases with a grin.

"I haven't started yet," She rests her head on his shoulder again as the two leaned against the boy's Ferrari. "Will you help me?"

"Anything to spend more time with you," He raises their intertwined hands and gently kisses her knuckles.. "Anything for you."

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