Laia & The Transferee

Chapter 8: VIII

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THE REST OF THE DAY WAS UNEVENTFUL EXCEPT FOR THE CONSTANT FLIRTING of the asshat and the girl he was with earlier which made Laia continuously lose focus on taking notes. With how the asshat was smirking at how irritated Laia was due to how the giggling behind her, Laia knew for sure that the asshat simply finds it delightful to ruin her life.

Luckily for the girl, Brie invited her to sit beside her for their next classes. Despite having to resist telling her friend and her boyfriend to stop whispering sweet nothings to each other as their teacher talked in front of them, Laia was definitely better off in her current seat than having to see how the asshole smirked whenever Laia stopped writing her notes, momentarily distracted with the giggling of the girl behind her.

Laia lets out a sigh as she continues writing down notes on what their teacher was discussing. She was thankful to herself for doing that as after the discussion, their teacher made them take out their notebooks and surprised them with a ten-item quiz.

Brie anxiously turns to Laia, and Laia had no choice but to nod as if implying that she will let her friend copy. It's not like the girl can refuse, since Brie did try to defend her earlier from the asshole and she also offered to take her home later.

The quiz was undeniably difficult. Everyone seemed to be stressed out the more their teacher continued on with his questions, and he even made them write a short essay regarding what they learned in the discussion he made. Laia was quick to answer it and was even the first to pass her notebook in front.

Of course, she did not miss her chance to grin smugly at the asshole who was still writing his essay. Look at where flirting got you, asshole.

The girl wanted nothing else but to do her happy dance when their teacher announced that she got the highest score and had no mistakes. She was even more tempted to do her happy dance at the very instant when their teacher announced his disappointment out loud with how the asshole's essay had a completely different topic. Laia fought the urge to cackle. Karma's a bitch!

Brie was quick to notice the smile creeping up on her friend's lips. "Why are you smiling?"

Laia gave her friend a deadpanned stare. Why wouldn't she? She did get the highest score and their teacher announced how the asshat made a huge mistake in front of everyone. But of course, as anyone could probably be eavesdropping on their conversation, Laia opted for a humble answer. "I studied the night before about this topic and I'm glad we had a quiz about it. My efforts weren't in vain."

More like the girl had already studied everything in their textbooks at this point. But again, she would rather not brag. She would rather stick to her reputation of being humble, thank you very much!

Their class ended pretty much after that whole fiasco. It was their final class of the day too, which made Laia sigh in relief. She cannot wait to lay down on her bed face first and sleep for the next twenty-four hours. It was also the weekend, which meant Laia would not be studying as she had a rule for herself to not study during Saturdays.

She studies on Sundays, though. But that's alright, it's all gonna be worth it when she finally gets into the university that she wants as a full scholar and gets an allowance too!

"Laia, Jakey and I are going to a new restaurant that opened recently, do you want to come with us?"

I thought she would be dropping me home. Laia shook the thoughts away and smiles instead. "Nah, my bed's calling me. Enjoy!"

Looks like she'll have to ride her bike home again. Well, it's alright. At least she will get to see the sunset and she can also greet the kind vendor that sells ice cream near their house. And maybe buy some ice cream. Here's to hoping she won't get another one of her annoying sore throats after eating such delicious ice cream.

The girl was about to ride her bicycle when someone grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from her bicycle and therefore leading to it falling to the ground.

Laia pulled her wrist free from whoever grabbed her and checked if her bicycle was alright. It wasn't much, but it was her only way of going to school without having to spend extra money. Deeming it alright, she turns to whoever grabbed her, and of course, it just had to be the asshole who was also smoking a cigarette.

He exhales the air towards Laia's face, and the girl lets out a cough. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She hisses as she covers her nose with her hand.

The asshat suddenly stepped closer, and for a second, Laia was genuinely afraid. The boy in front of her seemed to be completely different for instead of the usual smirk lingering on his lips, he currently had an impassive expression on his face. What is wrong with him?

He suddenly pushes Laia to a nearby wall, making the girl yelp in pain. She scanned her surroundings for anyone who might be on their way towards them or just anyone close enough to hear her scream and was about to scream when the boy pinned her wrists to the wall, effectively terrifying the girl more.

"Get off me, Laurie!"

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Despite her continuous resistance, the boy did not budge. It was as if he wasn't himself, the girl noted. Is it about their teacher humiliating him earlier? Their teacher did seem to hate the asshat for no reason, probably because he's getting all the attention from both female students and female teachers, but that teacher had always been mean to him.

Is it about his score on the quiz? He can easily get a higher score next time, Laia thinks. She also notes that she should probably study even harder for the next quizzes to come.

Snap out of it, Laia! This asshat in front of you might end up choking you to death and you're still thinking of studying and quizzes?!

"Laurie, I swear to God, if you do not let go of me this instant--"

The girl lets out a pained whimper as the asshat grabs her wrists harder. It will probably end up bruising and she would have to explain it to her mother again. How would she explain having bruises on both her wrists?

Well, she can think about it later after escaping from this asshat who had obviously lost his mind over making a mistake on the essay part of their quiz. Laia knew she was a bit (very) crazy too when it came to making a few mistakes on a quiz that will directly affect her grades, but she never did pin someone to a wall and grab their wrists until they bruised!

"Laurie, I will be kicking you in the groin if you do not let go of my wrists this instant," The boy still did not budge. It was almost as if he was in a trance.

The girl kicks him as hard in the groin.

The asshat falls on his knees and falls unconscious. Laia had no idea if it was because of the pain from his groin getting kicked, but as she saw a guard about to reach them, she immediately rides her bike and speeds off. She does not want to go to the principal's office again over another fiasco involving the asshat!

Due to how she was panicking and had a lingering thought that the guard might have had followed her, she reached her house in no time. She didn't even get to buy ice cream as she merely passed through the ice cream vendor and waved.

Laia was quick to notice that her mother still wasn't home. She probably worked overtime again. The girl's eyes drifted to the clock. 6:00. Looks like it's Laia's turn to cook dinner.

Not that Laia was bragging (she is) but she knows that she is one hell of a chef. Learning how to cook when she was just seven, she had to be independent at such as young age for her mother was juggling three jobs during those days and was barely home. She would only arrive home when Laia was already asleep on the couch instead of her bed, as the young girl waited for her mother to read her a bedtime story.

Laia tasted the soup she was making through a spoon. Amazing as always, Laia thinks as she pats herself on the shoulder. After deeming that the soup was already cooked, the girl fried three pieces of chicken breasts to pair it with the soup.

She knew waiting for her mother would only lead to the food she cooked ending up cold as a cat's nose so she opted to eat ahead. As she ate, her thoughts went back to the whole fiasco earlier with the asshat. It was easy to push it back to the corners of her mind as she was busy cooking earlier, but now that she's eating the thoughts came back like a tidal wave.

What the hell was wrong with the asshat? It was almost as if he was in a trance and lost control of himself. What's even weirder was how he had a blank face the entire time. It was as if he couldn't hear Laia at all.

He's probably taking those drugs was Laia's initial thought. But why would a natural genius such as the asshat take those medications? Laia remembered how the asshat took one glance at the study materials of History and he's immediately an expert at Egyptian cultures. Laia had to make notes and read the same study materials repeatedly for the rest of the week just to pass a good essay!

The girl lets out a sigh before drinking the tea she made. As if she doesn't have enough problems hindering her from sleeping, the situation with the asshat just had to happen!

After washing her plate and utensils, the girl set the table with her mother's favorite plate and utensils before walking towards her room to study.

And she said earlier she would be sleeping the moment she arrives home.

Laia yawns but continues studying until the clock struck 9. The girl had already studied for three hours, that's enough for the day. Her mother still wasn't home, Laia checks before opting to finally go sleep.

The asshat's bizarre tranced state was the last thing she thought of before drifting to her most awaited slumber.

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