Lantern Against the Wind

Chapter 23: CH 23

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Trigger warning.

The king rejoiced when Gareth, who rarely obeyed other people’s orders, visited him. He had compensated Gareth generously and had allowed him to take anything he wanted from the castle at any time, including women. Gareth had required that the same privilege be given to his subordinates. The king had accepted Gareth’s request without hesitation, as he admired Gareth’s skills as a mercenary and wanted to win him over and make him his vassal.  

Gareth hated being in noisy places and had locked himself in his room despite the services offered by the king. Giggs, on the other hand, was all for entertainment. He had gone out and was watching the dancers’ astonishing moves for the first time in a while when Logan had insulted him.

‘Even if the king gave me permission to be here, I need to avoid making a commotion. Gareth won’t like it if I cause conflict.’ With this thought, Giggs bowed slightly to Logan and tried to step back.

However, Logan grabbed him by the ear and began to shout, “I found a jester, everyone! He says he’s here to entertain us!” 

All eyes turned to Giggs at those words, causing him to flush with embarrassment. He jerked out of Logan’s grip and said through gritted teeth, “I’m not a jester. I don’t want to start anything, so please stop.” 

However, Logan drew his sword and said, “What is this b*stard going on about? Restrain him.” 

Logan’s men instantly grabbed Giggs and dragged him into the middle of the banquet hall. Giggs looked up at the king hoping he would say something, but the king only looked back and forth between Giggs and Logan with amusement. 

“Do you mind if I teach this guy a lesson?” Logan asked the king in a lively voice, looking around the room as if seeking agreement. Everyone was looking at Giggs with interest. Some seemed to know who he was, but others did not. Either way, it was impossible for Logan to read what anyone was thinking since he was drunk. 

Once the alcohol was flowing freely, King Halbert’s banquets had always become filled with lewd and cruel acts. The king himself enjoyed cruel plays like this. After all, he had become king after dethroning the true heir, Ethan, through a rebellion.

At the king’s feet sat a woman named Lydia who possessed breathtaking beauty. She had a gleam in her eyes while she ran her fingers through her bright red hair as if to show it off.

“Lydia, do you want Logan to entertain us?” Halbert asked his favorite sister.

The beautiful Lydia opened her scarlet lips. “Are you sure about this, Lord Logan? You look like you’re having a hard time just moving around.” 

Logan realized she was subtly provoking him and lost his temper. Giggs was now kneeling in front of him. Logan slapped the back of Giggs’ head and called out to her, “What would you give me if I cut his throat and threw his head into your arms, Lydia?”

At that moment, Giggs protested angrily, “I’m not a dog. Please let me duel with him instead!”

He jumped up, unable to bear any more insults. However, Logan ordered even more of his men to restrain Giggs. No matter how strong he was, it was impossible to overcome the force of numbers. Giggs received a beating and was tied against a pillar, blood dripping from his nose.  

Logan approached Giggs, and Giggs spat a gob of bloody spit into Logan’s face and said, “You must really want to die, Logan.”

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“Your tongue will be the last thing I cut out. I’ll be interested in what you have to say as you watch your body get torn into pieces,” Logan replied.

The king called the grand chamberlain over and whispered something, prompting the man to rush out of the hall. At the same time, Logan struck Giggs in the face with his scabbard. Applause broke out, encouraging Logan, and his arrogance only grew. Logan decided to put on a show. He thought it wouldn’t be fair to end it so soon using his sword, so he placed his weapon back on his waist and put on his gauntlets instead. 

All the nobles rushed to find and settle into suitable places to see Logan beat up the bound man. The sounds of the beating echoed through the hall. People could hear Giggs’ laughter in between each strike, but they never heard him groan in pain. Nevertheless, scarlet stained Logan’s gauntlets and dripped to the floor. 

“Bark like a dog, now!” Logan yelled. However, Giggs only grinned bloodily, and Logan renewed the beating with even more vigor. 

He didn’t get far, though, as he suddenly found his arm frozen mid-swing. Someone had grabbed him by the wrist.

Logan whipped his head around in surprise. “Who the h*ll do you think you are!” he shrieked to the black-eyed man who had grabbed him. 

The only response he received was a punch to the face. He staggered back from the blow, but Gareth continued to strike him until he fell to the ground with a thud. 

Louder laughter than before rang through the hall. Logan was angry, but he was fading in and out of consciousness from the devastating blows. Logan’s men tried to rush in to help, but they were blocked by Gareth’s mercenaries.

Meanwhile, Gareth untied Giggs, bending to ask his roughed-up subordinate a question. As soon as Giggs answered, Gareth approached Logan with gleaming eyes. “You wanted some entertainment, I hear?” His voice was so indescribably cold that each word felt like a knife between the ribs.

Logan covered his bleeding nose and spat out, “How dare you punch a count. Do you have a death wish?”

Ignoring Logan, Gareth turned to look at the king instead. His eyes seemed to be asking something. The king, who had been waiting for Gareth to appear, rested his chin on one hand and said, “You can’t kill him, Gareth. He’s still my cousin.”

As soon as the king gave him permission, Gareth unstrapped his sword belt and handed it to Giggs. He then put on gauntlets like Logan had and murmured, “I’ll have you know that it is an insult to me to lay hands on my subordinates.” 

“Nonsense!” Logan shouted. 


The world went black. Logan inhaled sharply as he fell back with a bang. Gareth followed him with heavy steps, smashing his foot into Logan’s side with so much force that the count was lifted slightly into the air.

Drunk and in so much pain that it felt like his bones were beginning to crumble, Logan slipped into a daze. Gareth’s beating continued, and Logan had no choice but to scream. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Lydia watching with obvious interest, her gaze fixed on Gareth.

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