Laws of the Other World

Chapter 13: CH 13

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Chapter 13: Revenge of the Two-Headed Wolf Spider

“Now that Professor Zhou is no longer taking his medication, Dr. Daniel can’t die either. If he dies, there will be no one left who can operate on Professor Zhou.”

Wu Yun smiled while using his elbow to jab at Zhou Yu.

“Should I thank Professor Zhou?” Daniel covered his face in distress, “Actually, I wouldn’t recommend that medicine to Professor Zhou either, but Juli Corp insisted.”

“I understand. Not only do they want to over-extend my time, but they also want to over-work me to my potential to contribute the greatest amount of research results in a limited amount of time.”

Just then, Wu Yun suddenly accelerated, and the car sped along.

Li Qian almost bumped his head on the roof of the car.

“Hey! What was that?!”

A crackling sound came from behind them.

“Oh my god! It’s the two-headed wolf spider… lots of them!” Han Li yelled after she turned back to look.

More than a dozen two-headed wolf spiders came leaping from between the ancient trees, chasing after them.

“…They were hatched from the eggs of the two-headed wolf spider we met last night.” Wu Yun said from between clenched teeth, rushing the car forward at top speed.

If they knew this would happen they would’ve gotten rid of the eggs!

He concentrated on driving, they were doomed if they collided into anything.

“Are they here for revenge?” Li Qian asked, dumbly.

“I thought you’d be screaming by now.”

Wu Yun was still in the mood to joke around at this time.

The car’s machine gun was turned on and pointed to the rear, Zhou Yu then looked into the gun’s sight and started to fire.

Because Wu Yun had to avoid all kinds of large trees, Zhou Yu was unable to aim accurately.

After about a dozen round of bullets, only one had been hit.

“Do you realize that you’re wasting bullets?!” Wu Yun shouted.

“If you’re so much better, drive in a straight line.” Zhou Yu shot back.

When they flew off a mound of dirt, everyone in the car cried out, including Wu Yun himself.

“We’re all going to die! We’re really going to die this time!” Li Qian was about to let out all of his tears with snot.

The car landed steadily, and after jolting twice, it continued to rush forward.

The two-headed wolf spiders got closer and closer, running past the mound of dirt.

Although they were not yet as large as their parents, they were exceedingly quick and nimble.

Zhou Yu let out a breath, in the two seconds that Wu Yun drove in a straight line, he dispatched of two wolf spiders in two quick shots.

“Nice!” Wu Yun couldn’t help but praise him.

However, Zhou Yu replied, “We’re out of bullets.”

“What? We’re out of bullets?!” Han Li opened her eyes wide while Li Qian was also about to go crazy.

“The bullets are…”

Before Wu Yun could finish talking, a two-headed wolf spider suddenly leaped onto the roof of their car. Fortunately, their body size was only a quarter that of their parents’, or else the entire car would’ve flipped over.

It violently struck the roof of the car with its claws, each strike was hair-raising. Although they understood that the car wouldn’t be so easily pierced through, they still gawked at the roof with faces full of fear.

Wu Yun jerked the steering wheel, wanting to throw the creature off, but instead he shook it over to Zhou Yu’s window.

Zhou Yu quickly opened the car door, and before the people in the backseat could scream, he sharply fired his gun once before banging the car door shut.

The two-headed wolf spider tumbled off.

“Have you been watching too many Hollywood movies?! Why are you always pulling these dangerous moves?! I’m locking the car door next time!”

Wu Yun was about to cuss him out. His heart had almost jumped out of his chest, if that two-headed wolf spider were to spit something out at him, not only would Zhou Yu suffer, but he, Wu Yun, would also suffer along with him!

“Then why don’t you lock the door? Aren’t you supposed to follow the rules of the road?” Zhou Yu coldly replied.

The other two-headed wolf spiders were still close behind. From time to time, the claws of two of them would scratch the trunk. The sound grated on their nerves, driving everyone insane.

“Where are the bullets?” Zhou Yu asked, “I need to reload the machine gun.”

“In the trunk.” Wu Yun answered.

“Do you want me to crawl back and evade attacks from those two-headed wolf spiders while we’re going at top speed, open the trunk, take out the bullets, and then crawl into the car again?” Zhou Yu asked.

“I know you’re skilled, but I had no idea you could even do all of that!” Wu Yun faced Zhou Yu with an expression of worship.

“I’ll drive, you climb out and get the bullets,” Zhou Yu replied.

Wu Yun gnashed his teeth, “I knew you couldn’t have been that skilled!”

“Stop messing around, you two! What should we do now?!”

Han Li and Li Qian were about to go crazy.

At this time, a gentle and ethereal voice sounded in Zhou Qing’s mind, “Go west.”

Zhou Qing froze. It was the voice of that S rank organism. Was he nearby? Or had he been following them the whole time?

“Go west.”

The voice sounded once more, it softly extended out a thread of pressure.

His eyes appeared in front of Zhou Qing, they seemed elegant and ethereal, but they also tugged at his soul.

If it were only himself, Zhou Qing might have tried going west, but there were other people in the car, how could he use all of their lives to gamble on whether the S rank organism was telling the truth?

Moreover, that so-called S rank organism might be a hallucination caused by the brain tumor…

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A two-headed wolf spider suddenly rammed into their car, Li Qian knocked his head against the front seats and directly passed out.

“If you hesitate any longer, someone will die. Try following my words, the results won’t be any worse.”

Zhou Qing sucked in a breath and then shouted, “Go west! Drive west!”

“Why west?!” Wu Yun shouted.

“A feeling!” Zhou Yu replied.

“What feeling?”

Before Wu Yun could move, Zhou Yu directly leaned over to take control of the steering wheel. The car drove west like mad, a string of two-headed wolf spiders trailing behind them.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! We’re just going to drive west for no reason?!” Wu Yun yelled.

“My brother’s feelings, don’t they count as a reason?” Zhou Yu replied.

In front of them were huge vines twined around the trees, they were crisscrossed, and the practically sealed the route ahead of them.

“This is your brother’s feelings led us to! Great! We’re done!”

Wu Yun’s hands left the steering wheel.

“Press down on the gas! Go straight there!”


Han Li and Li Qian had their eyes open wide and watched as they drove straight into the vines.

Then, something unexpected happened. The vines that were blocking the road let out an extremely loud sound, and instantly cleared the path ahead of them! Their car drove straight through.

“Retreat! Retreat! These are devil vines!”

Wu Yun turned pale with fright.

Although devil vines were plants, they were categorized as B rank organisms. Research confirmed that devil vines had the mental capacity of an animal. They were able to attack and twist to death organisms which had entered their territory. They would then reveal the digestive organs on the surface of their vines to absorb nutrients from the organisms.

They moved fast, had a large area of attack, and very strong entangling and penetrative abilities.

If the devil vines full-out assaulted them, then the car they were riding in would be mashed into pieces.

A devil vine twisted up from the ground and brushed past Li Qian’s car door, then it suddenly and ferociously pierced through one of the two-headed wolf spiders that had been chasing them.

The two-headed wolf spider let out an ear-piercing shriek and was instantly ground to pulp by the devil vines.

“Ah! Ah!” Han Li cried out in fear.

The devil vines quickly shifted their movement, they were like huge waves that overflowed the skies as they continued to capture the young of the two-headed wolf spider.

Wu Yun was entirely preoccupied in pressing down on the gas pedal like mad, but he also saw the devil vines brush by their car to form a large net behind them while they pushed through between a narrow crack.

The two-headed wolf spiders were skewered one by one, even those who wanted to flee were blocked by the vines. It was like the saying ‘if there’s a road in heaven, you won’t walk it, but if there’s no door to hell, you break through it’. In other words, they just had to do it the harder way.

This was hell for the two-headed wolf spiders, but why wasn’t it hell for Zhou Yu and the others as well?

Half of a two-headed wolf spider almost fell onto their car roof, but a vine immediately skewered it then rolled it away.

Their car drove by from within the mass of vines almost as if they had entered through the devil’s esophagus.

Their hearts not daring to beat, Han Li’s tears had already started to flow. They were nearing the end, and ahead of them stood a massive black rock.

“Stop the car!”

“The brakes aren’t working!” Wu Yun stepped down with all his strength, but the car didn’t slow down in the slightest.

“Are you kidding?!” Han Li was going crazy.

They watched as they were about to collide head-on with it. Han Li was at a complete loss and held onto Li Qian, who had already passed out. Dr. Daniel pressed down on Zhou Qing’s head, and both of them tried to maximize their defense by shock absorption.

The expected impact did not come.

Their speed suddenly came down to a stop, as if something had tugged at it.

Wu Yun’s body swayed intensely, he almost crashed into the steering wheel.

Wu Yun had closed his eyes and now opened one of them, he discovered that the car was basically suspended in midair and had stopped right in front of the large rock.

They didn’t crash into it.

“What’s going on?” Zhou Yu frowned, he looked back and saw that the spiders that had been pursuing them were now food for the vines.

At such a lavish feast, they were like mistaken visitors among them.

“The car stopped?” Han Li peer out from the windows.

“Don’t move,” Zhou Yu said.

The car wheels were still turning in midair, so what had stopped the car?

“Devil vines,” Wu Yun said.

“They want to… squeeze open the car and snatch us out?” Han Li asked, trembling with fear.

“Very likely so,” Wu Yun was still the same as usual, he rummaged through his bag for a while before remembering that his box of cigarettes had long fallen out.

“What are you doing?”

“Of course I’m trying to smoke the last cigarette of my life. Maybe the nicotine fumes will knock out the vines.”

No one appreciated Wu Yun’s humor.

“The two-headed wolf spiders are gone, but now we have to deal with the devil vines. Nibelungen is a fine place.” Dr. Daniel sighed, “Professor Zhou, are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Zhou Qing straightened up.

After a loud noise, their car wheels stopped turning.

“W-What happened.?” Han Li asked in a trembling voice.

“The devil vines destroyed the engine,” Zhou Yu replied.

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