Laws of the Other World

Chapter 6: CH 6

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Chapter 6: Instructor Wu Yun

“Even though the surgery was a success, I will still die. I don’t have much longer left, I should do something more meaningful.” Zhou Qing replied.

“What is something more meaningful?”

“Without caring for the scientific progression of mankind, without caring for some established problem, by just following my own desires to discover more of that world, as well as worlds outside of this world.”

“I understand.” Zhou Yu stretched out his hand and covered his brother’s forehead, “Rest well, you’ve just had surgery.”

Until Zhou Qing fell asleep again, Zhou Yu finally stood up and left the hospital ward. He sucked in a breath and looked out at the blue skies outside the window.

Zhou Yu was someone who made decisions very quickly. The nature of his job required him to be decisive.

Hesitation was mostly because you were afraid to lose something. But to really hesitate, oftentimes, even more will be lost.

Three minutes later, he dialed Song Zhi’s number.

“I didn’t think that you would reply to me so quickly, Zhou Yu.” Song Zhi’s voice was not too fast or too slow, as always.

“Before, you told me the reason you’re going to that world is to progress biological research and to overcome various human diseases.”

“Yes, that is one of our goals.”

“What about colloid cysts?” Zhou Yu asked.

“You’re someone who wouldn’t accept lies, so I won’t lie to you. Tumors, including brain tumors, aren’t the core of our research content. But, among all of the projects we are researching, finding a cure for colloid cysts is very probable. For example, that Peryton creature you saw, it was able to reject alien objects entering its body and bloodstream while healing itself. If this cell mechanism is decrypted, we could apply it to the tumor’s self-repairing mechanism. Professor Zhou’s research topics include plant embryology. That’s also a very interesting scientific subject, if his research makes a certain level of headway, it can provide for a way for him to save himself.

“Okay, I accept your employment, but I have one condition.”


“I want to be by my brother’s side.”

“Naturally. There won’t be many people by Professor Zhou’s side who will have a common language with him, his life will also become much more enriching. I will send you the contract of employment. As for your current job, we’ll arrange for your retirement.”

Zhou Yu smiled, Juli Corp really could reach through the skies.

“I can feel you smiling. Are you thinking that Juli Corp is too influential?”

“It’s nothing. There will always be someone standing at the top of the pyramid in this world.”

“Then, I look forward to meeting you again, Zhou Yu.” Song Zhi’s voice contained a clear smile, he had long predicted this outcome.

That night, Juli Corp’s lawyers and human resources representatives came to the hospital in suits, they signed the employment contract with Zhou Yu.

Because of the medication, Zhou Qing was deeply asleep.

The lawyers and human resources representatives explained the contract to Zhou Yu, from the confidentiality agreement to the pay salary, and even familial support in case of death, to the point that it was so clear to Zhou Yu that he couldn’t even ignore it.

“In one week, there will be a commissioner arriving here to bring Mr. Zhou to a secured training session. Please prepare for it.”

“I understand, thank you.”

The following week, Zhou Yu accompanied Zhou Qing from beginning to end. The two brothers still did not have much of a common language. For most of the time, Zhou Qing recuperated or flipped through scientific materials.

Zhou Yu used his cell phone to swipe through all types of web articles, looking up different sources of news about Juli Corp.

The financial backing of the corporation was impossible to fathom. The identity of the corporation’s chairperson was still a mystery to this day. Zhou Yu was able to find all kinds of cutting-edge results from this corporation, it looked very illustrious, but it was built on smoke and mirrors.

A week later, a man in a suit arrived at the hospital, Zhou Yu nodded at that other person. He then told Zhou Qing that something came up at work that he needed to take care of, and when it was taken care of, then he would come back to visit Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing stared blankly, Zhou Yu didn’t know if he discovered anything.

The private car dropped him off at the airport, he was the only passenger on the plane, this was something Zhou Yu did not anticipate.

After a few hours of flight, Zhou Yu landed at one of Juli Corp’s private airports. As for where it was located, Zhou Yu didn’t know. This place looked like a military base, there were fully armed and equipped patrol officers everywhere, this made Zhou Yu wonder if there was an alien creature more savage than the Peryton here.

The security checkpoints on the base were even more strict than at the research center. Zhou Yu followed the human resources representative who came with him into the deeper reaches of the base until he invited Zhou Yu into a room. Three people were already sitting down at a roundtable.

One of them looked to be around twenty-five or twenty-six, had wide-open eyes, and looked to be curious about everything.

Beside the youth, a woman around thirty-five was seated, she had short hair and looked very agile, she was a capable woman.

On her other side was a man who was about forty, wearing black framed glasses and a dark colored sweater jacket, he looked old-fashioned.

Zhou Yu sat down. There was no indication that anyone wanted to start a conversation, Zhou Yu wasn’t interested in chatting with strangers either.

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A few minutes later, a large and straight-postured man in camouflage walked in. His sleeves were rolled up high on his forearms, that area of exposed flesh had smooth contours, bursting with strength. They weren’t good-looking but useless muscles trained from the gym, they were trained from real combat.

There were deep slashes of scars at his temples, but on the contrary, he didn’t look fierce at all, instead, he had the wisdom of a man matured over years of being polished. His gaze swept over the few people present, with a somewhat examining view.

The moment he smiled, he revealed a carefree expression of being indifferent to everything.

Both of his hands were propped up on the edge of the table, and he inclined his body forwards, “Here, there is a top-notch IT professional, a doctor with first aid experience on the battlefield, a high-level engineer, and also…”

His gaze stopped on Zhou Yu, obviously turning something over in his head.

Zhou Yu looked back at him with a calm demeanor, as if nothing could upset his water into waves.

“I’m your current training instructor, Wu Yun.”

Wu Yun relaxed his shoulders and smiled: “I’m a pretty unlucky person, just like my name, Wu Yun——Wu Yun. I’ve trained more than hundreds of students, it’s a pity that not one of them is still alive today. They’ve all died in Nibelungen, most of their corpses can’t even be recovered.”

“So unlucky…” The middle-aged man with black glasses frames sighed.

Wu Yun obviously heard him, but he continued talking, unconcerned, “Most of my students were too arrogant and lacked self-control. What I told them they had to remember and what they had to do, they didn’t even remember half of it.”

The man in the black framed glasses choked once.

Wu Yun lightly hopped onto the table and sat there very naturally. He turned sideways and faced Zhou Yu, “Does anyone know how more than seventy percent of the organisms in Nibelungen determine and hunt for their prey?”

No one answered.

“I’m only going over there to design a system. Juli Corp told me my job is to modify the system in the local base at any time.” The wide-eyed youth said, unconcerned.

Wu Yun smiled, “Ah, so you’re the Stanford drop-out who messed with the banking system of a certain multinational bank until it nearly collapsed. Li Qian?

“That’s right.” Li Qian lifted his brows.

“Why do you think Juli Corp hired you?” Wu Yun asked.

“Because I’m a genius in my field, and because they couldn’t find anyone better than me.” Li Qian replied.

His voice was very calm, but his eyes revealed his frivolous and arrogant personality.

Wu Yun smiled and asked Zhou Yu, “Zhou Yu, what do you think?”

Zhou Yu knew that Wu Yun had started to observe him from the moment he came into the room. Or even from before that, Wu Yun had been watching him.

“Because the important position of a systems engineer is empty.” Zhou Yu said with an expressionless face.

“Then, why is it empty?” Wu Yun continued.

“Because they died.” Zhou Yu met Wu Yun’s gaze.

“For a systems engineer, he only had to stay inside the laboratory, there was no need for him to interact with the outside world. Also, there were definitely many professionals protecting him, how did he die?” Wu Yun’s direct gaze at Zhou Yu suddenly became serious.

“Then it means that everyone was wiped out.” When Zhou Yu said that, everyone’s faces except for Wu Yun’s changed colors.

In Zhou Yu’s mind, the images of his teammates’ tragic deaths came to view.

“Yes.”Wu Yun finally turned to face the pale-faced Li Qian, “This is why you were hired. If you plan to accept this job, to stay in Nibelungen, you must remember everything I say.”

“Returning to my first question. In Nibelungen, how do more than seventy percent of the organisms hunt for their prey?” Wu Yun looked at Zhou Yu.

By that time, the other three people had noticed Wu Yun’s special attitude towards Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu’s face still did not betray any emotions.

Wu Yu continued to look at Zhou Yu as if he wasn’t going to continue talking if Zhou Yu didn’t answer him.

“It’s fear.” Zhou Yu answered.

“Huh? Why is it fear?” The only woman present expressed her confusion at the answer.

“Because it’s not the world we reside in, so we can’t use our understanding of this world to judge the life forms of Nibelungen.” Wu Yun answered, “If you’re unlucky enough to be surrounded by what are known as Perytons…”

Suddenly, the projector behind Wu Yun started to play a film.

The camera shot was extremely shakey, it was taken from the body camera of a person being surrounded.

When the fierce appearance of the Peryton appeared in the camera lenses, the three people present all subconsciously leaned back into their seats.

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