Laws of the Other World

Chapter 66: CH 66

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Chapter 66: Zhou Yu & Mo Ye VS Turing

With the loss of the tail rotor, the helicopter could not keep its balance. Li Shengnan struggled to lower their altitude closer to the primeval forest. They weren’t going to be able to avoid the devil vines’ second attack.

Zhou Yu knew that this was an act of retaliation from Dr. Turing.

At this time, the helicopter’s alarm sounded, and the main rotor blades stopped spinning. They fell in a rapid descent.

Li Shengnan closed her eyes. There was nothing more she could do to save them.

In the next second, the devil vines that were about to destroy them abruptly twisted and spiraled up, suddenly catching the helicopter then slowly descending.

Li Shengnan opened her eyes and said, “What’s going on? Why did the devil vines save us?”

The devil vines slowly lowered the helicopter down in the primeval forest, like a giant’s hand lowering a frail little bird to the ground with care.

However, Wu Yun understood that this was all because Mo Ye’s powers of control were superior to Dr. Turing’s, as an S rank organism. He had taken over the devil vines after using his abilities to suppress Dr. Turing. If his reaction had been just half a beat slower, they would have crashed.

“Li Shengnan, is the communication radio on the helicopter still working?” Zhou Yu asked.

Li Shengnan tried to find a connection, but the entire helicopter’s circuitry was cut off. “No, I’m worried that if the base thinks we’ve crashed, will they still send someone to pick us up?”

Wu Yun stepped out of the hatch, took out a flare from the equipment pack on his back, and fired it into the air.

It streaked through the sky like a meteor, followed by a bright burst of light that made it hard for them to open their eyes. For an instant, the night sky above them was as bright as day.

“If Song Zhi still thinks we’re dead, then I’ve lost all hope for his intelligence,” Wu Yun chuckled, his expression growing grim. “Listen up, bring out all the equipment in the helicopter that can still be used. We can’t passively wait for Song Zhi to send someone out to find us. Turing might send his lizards to attack us.”

Wu Yun, after all, was a veteran. Although he sometimes ran his mouth, he was still rich in experience and a good judge of reality.

Zhou Yu gathered all the firearms and ammunition that could still be used. Li Shengnan left the helicopter and said worriedly, “This is my first time in the primeval forest on foot.”

“There’s a first time for everyone.” Wu Yun handed a bottle of water to Li Shengnan, “Never be quick to give up your water and food.”

“Thank you.”

Li Shengnan looked around. This stretch of the primeval forest was full of gigantic trees. There were some unknown birds perched on the trees that seemed to have woken up from the flare.

There were also some creatures scampering about in the distance. Li Shengnan subconsciously grabbed Zhou Yu, who was at the side.

“Don’t worry. Those creatures are all below D rank and won’t attack us easily.”

“How do you know? I can’t even see them.”

Zhou Yu didn’t answer, but lifted his watch to determine the direction towards the base.

Li Shengnan looked after Zhou Yu straight and steady back, but the man was incomprehensible to her. He had too many secrets, and his composure has reached another level.

Mo Ye’s voice echoed again through Zhou Yu’s mind. “Actually, you don’t need to bring any guns or bullets with you. As long as we’re still connected, no creature can harm you.”

Zhou Yu’s lips slowly quirked up. “What if we come across an S rank organism?”

Mo Ye hummed as if he was deliberating the question. “When you say S rank organism, do you mean me? If it’s not me, but one of my seniors, then I can only do my best in a fight. If nothing works, then I’ll die together with you.”

“Die together? You’ve watched too many senseless movies.” Zhou Yu wondered if Mo Ye really liked watching movies that much.

Perhaps, movies were one of the few ways he could learn about the real human world.

“Ah, speaking of movies, can you watch King Kong with me when you come back?”

Zhou Yu felt helpless. He didn’t care for movies, preferring to sleep quietly or listen to music instead. “Is there anything else you like besides King Kong?”

“Of course! There are those action movies that Wu Yun loves to watch. I want to try all the positions in them. Wait… if those actions are played out in your mind, then I wonder what the effect will be? It must be a very stimulating sight,” Mo Ye’s voice was slightly mischievous.

“Don’t tell me that when you’re alone in that room, you let your imagination run wild.”

Mo Ye chuckled. “Can this also be regarded as a mere fantasy? I thought it was your human instinct. I’m just learning to become closer to you.”

Zhou Yu didn’t want to continue the topic. “You’re so relaxed, aren’t you afraid of the virus? In theory, it can infect S rank organisms. What if you were infected one day? How will you save yourself?”

Mo Ye seemed to mull it over, and Zhou Yu did not hear his voice again for more than a dozen seconds.

Li Shengnan touched Wu Yun and said worriedly, “What’s wrong with Zhou Yu? He hasn’t said a word along the way.”

Wu Yun shook his head. “Don’t worry, he’s fine. Zhou Yu always knows what he needs to do and what his goal is. Follow him, and we’ll all be safe. At least we’ll never go in the wrong direction.”

Wu Yun’s trust in Zhou Yu made Li Shengnan feel more at ease.

Just at this time, Zhou Yu suddenly stopped in his tracks. In front of them was a large number of snake scorpion beauties. It wasn’t flowering season for the snake scorpion beauties, but there were already buds growing among the leaves and branches.

Wu Yun was well aware of the habits of such creatures. When touched, a creature resembling a silver snake would scurry out from the heart of the flower. It was still very lethal at close range, and once bitten, they could be parasitized or even killed.

It was Li Shengnan’s first time seeing this kind of creature. They were beautiful, as if they had been carved from transparent crystal. Under the moonlight, they possessed an enchanting luster.

When she just lowered herself to get a better look, she was grabbed by Wu Yun. “Hey, were you not trained before you came here? Do you want to touch them because of how beautiful they are?”

Li Shengnan reacted at once. “Thank you, I forgot for a moment.”

The field of snake scorpion beauties was like a fairyland in the primeval forest. In the faint, hazy fog of the night, the snake scorpion beauties seemed to be dancing under the moonlight.

Zhou Yu was not at all attracted by the beautiful scenery before him. He weighed the gun across his back and took a step forward.

He avoided the snake scorpion beauties, not sparing a single extra glance down at them.

Wu Yun pulled Li Shengnan forward and instructed, “Remember, step where Zhou Yu stepped and don’t go anywhere else.”

Li Shengnan nodded.

The snake scorpion beauties seem to get some kind of hint. Wherever Zhou Yu went, they vied to bloom, gazing up at Zhou Yu like a woman awakened from a long dream. But the silver, snake-like creatures in the center of their flowers did not appear, as if quietly dormant.

Zhou Yu’s gaze was fixed straight ahead as he left the field of snake scorpion beauties and continued on. 

Mo Ye’s voice sounded again, “You’re so unromantic, Zhou Yu.”

“What’s romantic?” Zhou Yu asked in his mind.

“In your human world, if a man falls in love with someone, doesn’t he give her flowers? Those are the flowers I gave you. Aren’t they beautiful?”

Zhou Yu replied, “They are very beautiful, but it’s a pity that they’re called snake scorpion beauties. Also, men give flowers to women, not to another man. You’ve misunderstood the movies.”

Mo Ye laughed again, “Fine, let me answer your earlier question. You asked me if I was afraid of being infected by this virus, so I contemplated for a long time; what would happen if I were infected by the virus? Would I lose the ability to reproduce? Or would I die? If it’s just the loss of my reproductive capacity, then I don’t really care. I don’t have a strong desire to produce my own offspring and pass on my DNA. As for whether I would die of disease, Zhou Yu, you yourself told me previously that your life is but as brief as the flash of a shooting star in my eyes. Since it is only an instant, then I will also shorten my life to an instant. If this virus really were to befell me, then I will accept it. But there’s only one thing—I don’t want you to leave me, or else even that brief instant will lose its meaning.”

Zhou Yu stopped and looked up at the moon in the sky. It was silver-white and beautiful, just like when he had seen Mo Ye in the water for the first time.

“You’re quite the master of honeyed words, but it’s a pity that you’re using them on the wrong target.”

Suddenly, Mo Ye said, “Be careful, Zhou Yu!”

“What?” Zhou Yu’s eyes widened. To his great astonishment, he found Dr. Turing standing right in front of him!

There was the enigmatic hint of a smile between Turing’s lips. He looked at Zhou Yu with a scrutinizing gaze.

“It’s been a long time since we last met, my child. Although you’ve always been so rebellious, even ruining many good things for me, I still miss you very much and can’t let you go.”

Zhou Yu quickly drew his sidearm and aimed at him.

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“What are you talking about?”

Under the moonlight, Turing’s face was as pale as a vampire’s from a movie, making his golden eyes appear all the more striking.

Behind Zhou Yu, Wu Yun also drew his gun and blocked in front of Li Shengnan.

In the midst of the silence, something was moving through the shadows of the trees, and as they slowly emerged in the moonlight, it was the strange legion of lizard monsters alienized by Dr. Turing.

Their eyes were blanched white, their scales were stained with blood, and some of them were still wearing the camouflage clothing they had on for the mission, although now considerably more tattered.

Zhou Yu and the rest were within range of the lizard monsters’ attacks.

Dr. Turing did not seem to fear Mo Ye at all as he walked up to Zhou Yu. He raised his hand to sweep aside his bangs and reveal his forehead, letting Zhou Yu see his eyes more clearly.

“Hey, do you know how these alienized field workers lock in on their prey?”

Zhou Yu didn’t reply. His finger was on the trigger, and he swept his gaze over the lizard monsters that were poised to strike out of the corner of his eye.

The wind was bitterly cold, but felt strained and suffocating.

“I’ll tell you the answer: they’re sensitive to heat. Compared with the creatures of Nibelungen, the human body has a higher temperature, which these alienized creatures are more perceptive to. So you’ll have to be careful.” With his hands in his pockets, Turing stood just one step away from Zhou Yu, looking at him with his head cocked to the side.

Zhou Yu asked Mo Ye mentally, “Do you know Dr. Turing?”

Mo Ye replied, “I don’t.”

Just then, Dr. Turing spoke again. He seemed to have heard Zhou Yu’s conversation with Mo Ye in his mind. “Oh yes, I heard that the people at the base have named you ‘Mo Ye,’ correct? I still remember when I had brought you back from Night Spirit Island; you were just an egg. Maybe it’s not accurate to say that you were an egg, but we humans call life forms like you in their first stage of life an “egg.” It sounds rather cute. When I dug you out of the cave of the night spirits’ remains, I thought you were already a fossil. I wasn’t expecting you to show signs of life when I did a biological scan on you. I was overjoyed, thinking that it was a gift from the heavens. I wanted to raise you, watch you grow up, and do the things that you want to do with you, but I didn’t expect that you would become subservient to someone else. Is it this guy in front of me called Zhou Yu? I am so very envious and jealous, my child. You originally belonged to me.”

Zhou Yu was frozen in shock. Mo Ye had originally been raised by Dr. Turing!

“Mo Ye is not subservient to anyone. And you, from when you first discovered Mo Ye’s existence, you planned to use him. You found out earlier than anyone else that a virus was infecting the creatures here in Nibelungen. You went to the death dahlia’s cave on purpose; you wanted to be infected with the virus. You wanted to gain the unique power of the organisms of Nibelungen. In fact, your original goal was not the death dahlia, nor was it the first ancestor Ymir who is rumored to have died, but it was Mo Ye. When he grows up, you’ll have the virus infect him, and then have him infect you. Wouldn’t you obtain the abilities of an S rank organism then?”

Turin lowered his head and laughed. “I didn’t expect you to be so smart, Zhou Yu… But did you discover this yourself or did Mo Ye tell you?”

Zhou Yu didn’t answer his question. He didn’t know how he was able to connect all the clues.

“I had always hoped that Mo Ye would hatch within my expectations. I tried various methods, adjusting the temperature and nutrition level. I put all my energy into it, yet he still refused to hatch for me. But seeing you, I now know why. It’s because I wasn’t chosen by him, and you were. So let’s change the rules of the game, Mo Ye. Since you don’t want to come out and see me, nor will you follow me, then let Zhou Yu play this game in your place.”

With that, the lizard monsters rushed at Zhou Yu from all around him as if they had received orders.

Wu Yun immediately shot at the lizards, working together with Zhou Yu.

But there were too many of them, and some lizard monsters were charging at Li Shengnan.

It was Li Shengnan’s first time encountering such a scene, and she did not draw the gun from her waist for a long time.

Fortunately, Wu Yun pushed her down. A lizard monster leaped across the air and missed. In a flash, Wu Yun shot it dead.

Suddenly, Zhou Yu’s mind was being tightly held back by some force, and all his thoughts were manipulated and dragged into the abyss. His body was under the control of another force. His eyes could still see clearly, but he had no control over his body.

“Don’t worry, I’m Mo Ye. Let me take care of it.”

Zhou Yu’s eyes widened as he once again felt Mo Ye’s power rolling out in waves. All the lizard monsters that leaped at Zhou Yu were shot back by a powerful force, hitting trees and rocks that smashed them to pieces.

A lizard monster was torn apart right above Li Shengnan’s head, its blood almost splattered onto her. Li Shengnan was much faster to adapt to the situation compared with Li Qian and his ilk. Not only did she quickly avoid it, but she even took out her gun to kill another lizard monster that attacked them from behind.

When the lizard monsters all died, they were surprised to find that Turing was gone. All was quiet again in the primeval forest, as if nothing had happened.

“Where did he go?” Wu Yun looked around on full alert. “Where the hell is he hiding?”

“In the sky.” Zhou Yu replied.

Li Shengnan and Wu Yun looked up and saw a giant three-eyed bird flying into the distance carrying Turing.

Wu Yun came to Zhou Yu’s side and whispered in a lowered voice to Mo Ye in his body, “Can’t you use your ability to disintegrate Turing?”

Mo Ye couldn’t help smiling. “What are you thinking of, Wu Yun? Not only does he have the power of an organism of Nibelungen, but he also has the genetic characteristics of you humans. I can’t disintegrate humans, so of course, I can’t disintegrate him either.”

“But why were you able to disintegrate those lizards?”

“Those lizards have only one state, but Turing is different. You can understand it like this: since Turing was infected by the death dahlia, the human form is Turing’s original state, and the death dahlia is his mimicry state. If I want to disintegrate Turing, it will have to be when he is in the state of mimicking the death dahlia. If he remains human, then I can’t do anything to him.”

Wu Yun was stunned. “That’s to say, if Turing really does obtain the powers of an S rank organism, he will be invincible?”

Mo Ye in Zhou Yu’s body shrugged his shoulders. “Yes, so you should protect me well!”

Wu Yun was speechless. “Do you need any protection? You should get out of Zhou Yu’s body quickly. The longer you stay, the angrier he’ll get.”

Mo Ye looked at Wu Yun with a puzzled expression. “Why is that? I can help you with a lot of problems.”

Wu Yun replied, “No one wants to be controlled by another person. Maybe you want to help Zhou Yu, and protect and understand him. Mo Ye, if you really care for someone and want their recognition, then you should achieve your goal in a way that he approves of.”

Wu Yun then turned to Li Shengnan and said, “Hey, are you okay? We need to move on. We have to keep an eye out in case of an ambush from Turing along the way. What a bother…”

Just then, Li Shengnan suddenly collapsed, her whole body shivering.

Wu Yun was startled and ran over to help her up. “Li Shengnan! Are you alright?!”

Mo Ye had not yet left Zhou Yu’s body. He also came over and bent down. “Let me see.”

“She wasn’t hurt by a lizard monster, was she?”

Wu Yun undid Li Shengnan’s shirt collar. There was no wound on her neck.

“Look at her back.” Zhou Yu held Li Shengnan up, setting her chin on his shoulder.

When Wu Yun lowered his head to examine her, Li Shengnan suddenly opened her eyes and raised her hand to plunge a syringe into Zhou Yu’s thigh!

Zhou Yu let out a muffled grunt. The pain drove him to retake his body.

The link between him and Mo Ye seemed to have broken.

Feeling a cold liquid entering his bloodstream, Zhou Yu roughly pushed Li Shengnan off and pulled out the syringe, throwing it aside.

Wu Yun glared at Li Shengnan and roared, “What are you doing?”

Li Shengnan stood up slowly with no trace of guilt on her face. “I’m sorry, maybe you really wanted to treat me as a companion, but I’m Dr. Turing’s student. Everything my teacher wanted to achieve, I will do it for him. I believe that my teacher will accomplish achievements that no ordinary person is capable of, so I will follow him always! He was the one who changed my destiny!”

When she spoke of Dr. Turing, her eyes were tinged with madness, making her appear as a completely different person from the calm and resolute helicopter pilot.

Wu Yun looked at Li Shengnan in disbelief. “Are you being controlled by Turing?! What the hell is wrong with you!”

Wu Yun fiercely shook Li Shengnan’s body, but Li Shengnan only pushed him away with disdain. She looked at Zhou Yu with a sneer. “Zhou Yu, do you know what was in the syringe?”

Zhou Yu frowned and repeatedly asked in his mind, “Are you still there? Mo Ye?”

There was no response.

He felt his body gradually burning up, and his vision became blurred. He could not keep his grip on his gun and it fell.

“It’s the virus extracted from the death dahlia. If you’re also alienized into one of those lizard monsters, I wonder how the S rank organism that chose you will react? If you get hurt, he can save you any number of times. But this time, he can only watch you become something beyond his imagination, right before his eyes!”

Li Shengnan’s laughter echoed in the forest.

“You lunatic! Wu Yun pointed his gun at Li Shengnan. “Where’s the antiviral?! Where is it?! If Turing developed that thing, then he would definitely have the antiviral!”

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