Laws of the Other World

Chapter 75: CH 75

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Chapter 75: One bullet

“But before that, I will have already blown Song Zhi’s head off.” Turin chuckled, “You should know that even Song Lin and Ymir together can’t kill me!”

“Oh… I see, you did go to our Base No. 5, only to flee with your tail between your legs after they wiped the floor with you, so you went all in and targeted Song Zhi. Because with him, you’ll be able to threaten Song Lin.” Wu Yun looked at Turin as if he were a clown.

“Don’t mind me, kill him,” Song Zhi spoke through clenched teeth.

There wasn’t any hesitation in his gaze. There was a calmness that saw through everything.

He could gauge the value of their lives while also being indifferent to his own.

Although Wu Yun and Zhou Yu both raised their guns, neither pulled the trigger.

“Turin—you should be able to sense that Song Lin is almost here. When he sees you pointing a gun at Song Zhi, he’ll tear apart your bones, rupture every cell in your body, and make you suffer so much that you won’t even be able to scream.”

“Then I’ll shoot right through Song Zhi’s head and make him suffer so much that he won’t be able to scream either.” Despite what he said, Mo Ye could sense his fear when he heard the name “Song Lin.”

When Zhou Yu shifted his feet slightly to the side, Turin struck Song Zhi on the back of his head with the muzzle of his gun. “I know you’re fast, Zhou Yu. I learned that a long time ago, so this time, I’ll be extra careful.”

Zhou Yu couldn’t break through Turin’s defenses. He could only speak to Mo Ye mentally: Help me.

Mo Ye’s eyelids slowly drooped until he closed his eyes. Even though he felt Di Xin’s formidable power lingering around Turin’s body, he still forced his power into Turin’s body.

Turin immediately felt the fingers he was holding the gun with stiffen. That section of bone didn’t seem to belong to him anymore.

Mo Ye’s brow trembled. It was an existence more ancient than himself. Mo Ye could hardly imagine what it would be like if it weren’t through Turin’s body but that of the S rank organism itself. The power released would be all-powerful and destructive.

Zhou Yu sensed Turin’s hesitation in that instant. He immediately turned sideways, found an angle, and discharged a bullet. It grazed past Song Zhi’s cheek and looked like it would hit right between Turin’s brows.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Turin turned his shoulders to avoid the bullet, and the bullet entered the trunk of the tree behind them.

In the air flowing through the forest, Zhou Yu could feel a force breaking through the wind coming at them. That sound… seemed to be from the high-speed bullet of a sniper rifle!

“Watch out—” Song Lin’s voice rang out. He came dashing in from afar and reached out to touch Song Zhi, who was standing in front of Turin, trying to yank him back with one hand.

It was with such unrelenting determination that he did not hesitate, even at the cost of being broken apart himself.

Just when his fingertips were about to touch Song Zhi’s shoulder, Mo Ye and Zhou Yu also rushed forward.

A bullet passed in between Mo Ye’s index and middle fingers and into Song Zhi’s temple. The moment it went clean through the other side, Song Lin finally pulled him into his arms.

The sound of a skull shattering was clear, and the world seemed to shatter along with it.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye.

But in Wu Yun’s astonished eyes, it was like a century of change. Each moment made him feel like his heart was about to split open.

Mo Ye steadied his steps and turned sideways. He saw Song Zhi with his eyes still open, his time standing still.

Song Lin immediately pulled out a dagger from his thigh and slashed his palm to drip blood into the wound where Song Zhi was shot.

“Hurry… hurry!” Song Lin forcefully squeezed the blood out from his palm, but Song Zhi’s gunshot wound did not show any signs of healing.

Zhou Yu instantly thought back to the time when Mo Ye had come from thousands of miles away to squeeze blood into his wound and save him.

Zhou Yu was lucky, but Song Zhi didn’t have the same luck.

“Don’t die! Don’t die! Hurry up and heal!” Song Lin’s cold eyes were flooded with fear, and his other hand gently patted Song Zhi’s cheek, pleading all but humbly, “You can’t die… don’t die…”

But Song Zhi was no longer breathing. His pupils had completely dilated, as if he still retained the image of Song Lin rushing towards himself.

Blood flowed from Song Zhi’s forehead all the way down his face and into his eyes, but nothing changed.

His body was gradually growing cold.

“No… you won’t die… you won’t die with me here…” Song Lin was still stubbornly trying to squeeze his blood out. “Heal faster! Heal faster!”

Song Lin’s shoulders were trembling more and more severely, and his despair was suffocating the people watching him.

At that very moment, Turin suddenly got up and quickly ran away.

Mo Ye chased after him without a word.

The two of them exchanged blows in the wind. Mo Ye turned sideways, his gaze like a cold, sharp blade piercing down into Turin’s bones.

The pressure of destruction pressed down on him and Turin shouted, “Do you think I killed Song Zhi?”

“Wasn’t that one of your men?!” Mo Ye suddenly reached out his hand to grab Turin’s neck and slam his body into an ancient tree. The force caused the tree trunk to crack along with the shattering of Turin’s spine.

“My men? Do you think that was Li Shengnan? Li Shengnan wasn’t even in that direction!” Turin shouted, then sneered, “Do you understand humans? Do you know how far they’re willing to go for profit? For example, cleaning out the dissenters in Juli Corp! Song Zhi is Juli Corp’s virus, and now they can no longer stand the effects of this viral invasion, so it was time to clear it out!”

Mo Ye narrowed his eyes.

“If you continue to hesitate and waste your time on me, there likely won’t be another chance to find who that person is.”

Mo Ye’s expression grew dark. He covered Turin’s forehead with his palm. Keeping this guy alive would only come back to bite them, so he might as well kill him once and for all.

But when Mo Ye’s power seeped into Turin’s skull and was about to rip his bones apart at the seams, the power hidden deep inside Turin’s mind swiftly struck back. However, Mo Ye refused to stop. He had to get rid of Turin so that he would never have a chance to harm Zhou Yu again.

Mo Ye forced himself to exert his power. Every cell and every nerve in his body felt like it was being split open. He felt something warm gushing out from his eyes. It was his blood.

He couldn’t give up here, since there may not be another chance like this! He must kill Turin!

Mo Ye clenched his teeth and let out a muffled grunt.

Turin’s head was in excruciating pain. He screamed, his jaw clenching so hard it creaked. It was as if there was a universe in his mind that was about to explode.

It was only an instant before Mo Ye’s power was abruptly expelled from Turin’s body. He staggered backwards and sat down on the ground.

Turin took gasping breaths. With surprising strength, he picked up the gun he had dropped and pointed it at Mo Ye’s head. The moment his finger was about to pull the trigger, Zhou Yu, who had rushed over, fired a shot.

Zhou Yu’s shot was decisive and unhesitant. An ordinary person simply could not dodge it.

But Turin’s reflexes were much faster than those of ordinary humans. He narrowly dodged to the side, then turned back and ran.

Zhou Yu went after him and fired three shots in succession, all of which were dodged by Turin.

He came to Mo Ye’s side and crouched down on one knee. As he was about to support Mo Ye up, Mo Ye said in a cold voice, “Don’t put down the gun in your hand! Go after the person who shot Song Zhi! They didn’t hurt Song Zhi by accident, their target was Song Zhi all along!”

“Are you saying… that someone wants to get rid of Song Zhi?”

“Not just anyone! Or rather, it’s Juli Corp!” Mo Ye lifted his hand to wipe away the bloodstains on his face.

Zhou Yu gritted his teeth then turned around to dart in the direction the bullet had come from.

The wind whistled past his ears, and in front of him was a tree trunk that had fallen down diagonally, blocking his path. Zhou Yu had no intention of stopping, so he leapt up, stepping on the fallen tree trunk and jumping over it before continuing to run after landing steadily.

The bullet was quite fast, so that person shouldn’t be more than a thousand meters away. After running nearly a thousand meters, Zhou Yu stopped and closed his eyes to sense their location.

From the vibrations in the air, as well as the gossamer-thin smell of gasoline that lingered, Zhou Yu knew that they had driven away.

“Fuck—” Zhou Yu punched the trunk of a tree.

At this time, Wu Yun was by Song Lin’s side. A few minutes had passed, and in Song Lin’s arms, Song Zhi showed no signs of waking up. Wu Yun stretched out his hand, trying to comfort Song Lin, only to let it hang in mid-air without being able to say a word.

It wasn’t until Song Lin’s face turned deathly pale and his blood stained the ground beneath Song Zhi a dark red color that Zhou Yu and Mo Ye rushed back.

“Did you guys kill that bastard Turin?” Wu Yun asked.

Mo Ye shook his head, then looked in Song Lin’s direction and sighed.

“Turin escaped. And the one who killed Song Zhi was someone from Juli Corp. Maybe Song Zhi did something that went against the interests of Juli Corp, so he was killed.”

Zhou Yu looked at Song Lin. Perhaps Song Lin was an organism at the top of the hierarchy in this world, but he had not been in this world long enough to feel the ups and downs of life as Song Zhi had. To Song Zhi, and even to Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, he was still just a child.

Even Zhou Yu felt like everything had happened so fast that they could not process it yet, let alone Song Lin.

“This is humanity… Death is swift when it arrives. There wasn’t enough time for you to do anything about it.” Zhou Yu kneeled down on one knee in front of Song Lin.

When he looked at Song Lin, Zhou Yu was reminded of the mural of the female researcher he had seen in that tree fortress. They really were somewhat similar. No wonder Song Zhi, who clearly hated S rank organisms, did his best to raise and protect Song Lin. Perhaps for Song Zhi, the feeling of watching Song Lin grow up and being intimately trusted by him far exceeded his scorn and hatred for S ranked organisms.

Song Lin’s tears flowed freely, and he pressed Song Zhi into his arms tightly, his chin resting on his forehead. Song Lin’s mouth was slightly open, true pain rendering him unable to speak at all.

But Mo Ye knew how he felt.

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Song Lin had always protected Song Zhi’s mind from being deciphered by any S rank organisms, yet at that very moment, a bullet had killed Song Zhi… it was especially ironic for Song Lin.

The image of Song Zhi being shot through the head would be repeated over and over again in Song Lin’s mind in the long years to come.

Song Lin held Song Zhi like that until the stars fell away from the curtain of night and daylight arrived once again.

The sunlight weaved down through the gaps in the forest and fell on Song Lin’s body.

There was no hint of warmth, making one feel indescribably colder.

The people in what remained of their fleet gathered and were all stunned when they saw the bloodied Song Zhi in Song Lin’s arms.

“Mr. Song is dead… My God…”

The chattering was incessant.

Zhou Yu lowered his voice and said to Wu Yun, “We have to take everyone back.”

“Do you know of a way to make Song Lin let go of Song Zhi?” Wu Yun shot back.

Zhou Yu patted Song Lin’s shoulder and said, “It’s time for you to go. There are already many people here who saw you. I promised Song Zhi that if anything ever happened to him, I would bring his body back to the base and give it to a certain person. I think you know who that person is.”

“He’s not dead… he’s not going to die.” There was something fanatical in Song Lin’s voice.

“No… he’s dead. You can hear the voice in his mind, you know what he said to you. You also know… how exhausted he was. Occupying a position he loathed, making unappreciated decisions, worrying about your future. Now he can finally have a good rest. Let him go, okay?”

Zhou Yu moved aside Song Lin’s arms. Even though he knew deep down in his heart how cruel it was to take Song Zhi out of Song Lin’s arms, he had to do what he promised Song Zhi.

At this time, Wu Yun came to Zhou Yu’s side and whispered, “Someone reported the news of Song Zhi’s death to Juli Corp. Li Qian just told us that Dr. Cook arrived at Base No.3 and is leading a fleet here. We have to settle things here as soon as possible.”

“How did Dr. Cook hear of it so quickly? And… she already crossed over, just like she knew Song Zhi would die beforehand.”

Zhou Yu looked at Mo Ye.

“Because the person who assassinated Song Zhi was sent by her.”

Mo Ye came to Song Lin’s side and whispered, “Put down Song Zhi and leave immediately. Unless… you really want all of Song Zhi’s efforts for you to be in vain.”

But Song Lin was no longer able to listen to anything.

Mo Ye sucked in a breath and pushed his power deep into Song Lin’s mind: You have to go. Dr. Cook is coming soon, and I believe she is prepared. If you want to become Juli Corp’s prey again and let Song Zhi’s death be in vain, then keep staying here.

Song Lin’s unfocused pupils instantly recovered. He clenched his fists and stood up. He looked at Mo Ye, then clenched his teeth and turned to leave.

Zhou Yu knew that Mo Ye could sense the thoughts in his head: You need to go too. Dr. Cook won’t spare you.

Mo Ye tucked his hands into his pockets and came to Zhou Yu’s side: Unless you go, I will always be by your side. You still need me.

Zhou Yu sucked in a breath: Zhou Qing is still at the base, I have to go back.

Mo Ye nonchalantly replied: If you decide to stay at the base to protect Zhou Qing, then I’ll stay by your side. If you decide to take Zhou Qing away, then I’ll survive in Nibelungen with you.

Zhou Yu looked at Mo Ye, his gaze firm.

Just like how Mo Ye witnessed Song Zhi die in Song Lin’s arms, the current Mo Ye was afraid that something would happen to Zhou Yu in someplace he couldn’t see.

For the first time, Zhou Yu found that it was not a bad thing to have his feelings linked to another person’s feelings.

Mo Ye’s emotions were like a tidal wave crashing down from above. Fear and obsession over not wanting to lose him overwhelmed Zhou Yu.

“Let’s clean up for Song Zhi. That guy always loved to be clean. I didn’t like him much… but for some reason, I want him to look decent in front of Dr. Cook,” Wu Yun spoke up.

“Go get some mineral water from the trunk.” Zhou Yu tilted his chin at Mo Ye.

Knowing that Zhou Yu was no longer thinking of forcing him to leave, Mo Ye’s lips curved open to reveal a smile.

It was the first time Zhou Yu had seen such a pure and simple expression on Mo Ye’s face since he took on a human form.

The blood on Song Zhi’s face was wiped clean, and fortunately, the bullet’s entry wound was small, so Song Zhi’s head wasn’t deformed. Otherwise, Zhou Yu couldn’t even imagine what kind of grief the person helping Song Zhi would feel after they brought his remains back.

Only a few minutes later, they heard the sound of the approaching fleet and helicopters.

“They got here pretty fast,” Wu Yun snorted coldly.

A Hummer pulled up in front of Zhou Yu and Wu Yun, and Dr. Cook, dressed in camouflage, stepped out.

Her face was expressionless as she came up to Song Zhi’s remains. Zhou Yu and Wu Yun were like air in front of her. She lowered herself down and pressed her fingers to Song Zhi’s neck to ascertain his complete lack of a pulse, then she turned over Song Zhi’s face to examine his bullet wound.

“Thank you for washing his face clean.” Dr. Cook looked to Wu Yun.

“We wouldn’t want you getting your hands dirty,” Wu Yun replied with a smile.

“Where’s Song Lin?” Dr. Cook asked.

“Gone,” Zhou Yu answered.

Cook’s icy gaze looked right into Zhou Yu’s eyes. “Aren’t you the ones who let him go?”

“Dr. Cook, Song Lin is an S rank organism, we aren’t capable of going against him,” Zhou Yu emphasized his words.

At that very moment, Dr. Cook suddenly took out the gun at her waist and pointed it at Zhou Yu. “What about that S rank organism you raised?”

In the next second, Mo Ye was behind Dr. Cook. After dislocating her wrist with one hand, he quickly dismantled her gun into parts.

“Are you looking for me? I’m right here.”

Dr. Cook chuckled as she lifted up her broken wrist. It was healed with a flick of her wrist.

Zhou Yu and Wu Yun looked at the scene in surprise.

“Turin isn’t the only one who’s researching that virus. My research progress is far more advanced than his.” Dr. Cook lowered herself down to pick up the disassembled parts and quickly put them back together. “At least… I don’t need to rely on Di Xin to have a firm grasp on my own abilities.”

Zhou Yu had a terrible feeling about the situation. Just now, he should have immediately sent Mo Ye away instead of hesitating.

Dr. Cook looked at Mo Ye, her face expressionless like a machine without desire. “Be a good boy and I’ll let you remain with the one who raised you. Let’s go back to the base.”

Cook turned and went back in the car. Only then did Zhou Yu and Wu Yun realize that Dr. Daniel was actually sitting in Dr. Cook’s car.

“Fuck…” Wu Yun cursed in a low voice, “Daniel is Cook’s man!”

Zhou Yu looked at Mo Ye and asked in his mind, “Is Dr. Daniel the one who assassinated Song Zhi?

Mo Ye nodded.

Zhou Yu mentally drew in a breath, thinking back to every operation Daniel had done for Zhou Qing. Cold sweat dotted his back.

“Let’s go.” Wu Yun lifted Song Zhi up and put him in the back seat of the car. “Zhou Qing, Li Qian, and the others are still waiting for us to go back.”


For Zhou Qing’s sake, Zhou Yu had to go back. But he knew that when they arrived back at the base, Dr. Cook would most likely use Zhou Qing to threaten him.

The best solution was to find a chance to take Zhou Qing out of the base. But… making an enemy of Juli Corp would mean never being able to return to the world of humans ever again.

Their fleet headed for the base. All was quiet in the car.

Wu Yun drove the car and looked ahead, the shadows of trees skimming past his cheeks.

“I suddenly feel like… S ranked organisms are nothing. People like Dr. Cook and Dr. Turin…. are the real monsters.”

Wu Yun spoke.

“Are you worried about what Cook will do to me after we return to the base?” Mo Ye leaned forward and asked.

“Of course! Look at how they treated Song Zhi! They’re ruthless even to their own people, let alone you. I feel like you and Zhou Yu are the old Song Lin and Song Zhi.”

“No, we won’t be. I’m not like Song Lin. I won’t leave Zhou Yu in a dangerous place.” Mo Ye turned sideways and looked at Song Zhi, reaching out to cover the bullet hole at the side of his head. “The bullet that shot Song Zhi was an ordinary bullet, not one containing neurotoxins.”

“Is that so… I see… they’re using Song Zhi’s spinal fluid to lock down Song Lin’s power. If they use a bullet containing neurotoxins, it will contaminate Song Zhi’s spinal fluid. They must still want to use Song Zhi’s remains for something!” Wu Yun slapped the steering wheel hard. “If I had known that, I would have let Song Lin take Song Zhi away!”

“Maybe that’s Juli Corp’s goal, but I believe… Song Zhi said he wanted me to bring his remains back to the base because he must have had some other arrangements!” Zhou Yu said.

“Do you guys remember when Song Zhi wanted Song Lin to go back to the base to save his ‘uncle’? Who is that uncle? Song Zhi’s goal shouldn’t be to bring his remains back to the base, but to hand his remains over to that person,” Mo Ye said thoughtfully.

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