League of Legends: League of Unknowns

Chapter 351: Champions Worth Less Than Cannon Minion

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Chapter 351: Champions Worth Less Than Cannon Minion

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

League of Legends had had a long sweeping reach to all universities in the nation for the longest of times. There were numerous universities, like Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Shanghai University, and Zhongshan University, that even took a positive stance toward E-sports and organized countless open-air livestream watch parties throughout the year!

The spotlight of the LPL this year was undoubtedly the match that Team Daemons, whom many cheered on for, were playing. Thus, there were many high schools that had Team Daemons’ fans set up camps and started watching the LPL livestreams outdoors.

This led to them also watching Team Sky and Team Skycrown’s match.

At first, the audience had been raging with passion when the match started, but now, all that was left in the watch parties was silence.

When Team Skycrown and Team Revelation were facing off, many students at Shanghai University were going crazy just from seeing their fellow students from the same university breach into the renown LPL!

Yet now, they were so stunned in disbelief as they saw Team Sky being wrecked!

This didn’t feel like a match. No, it felt as though a Diamond player was fighting a Bronze team… No, not even Bronze, it was as though he was taking on a Plastic team!

That difference in power was that great!

Blade of the Ruined King, Sword of the Occult, Trinity Force, and Phantom Dancer!

Whenever Vayne appeared on the map, any opponent in the same area would definitely be dead, it didn’t matter who it was – Renekton, Ahri or even Kha’zix!

So much attention was on the champions being slain that many didn’t realize that the creeps had already destroyed a few towers. Without the towers, Vayne was able to pursue her prey even further. As long as the ward found an opponent, Vayne would zip right over to his or her location… and kill!

Anyone could wreck an amateur team. However, for a team from the top-tier level to be wrecked like they were nothing but rubbish… this was such an utter disgrace for Team Sky, the so-called top team within the nation.

“World-class E-sports king… Holy sh*t!” Qiu Jingtai and Jiang Jiu couldn’t believe their eyes as they slowly shifted their eyes from the screen and stared at each other.

They were so shocked by what they saw that they clung to one another for comfort. They held each other so tightly that anyone who walked by would have thought that they were either brothers who had just been reunited after being separated for years, or that they were just weird.

They had traveled across the country to find the Gods of LOL. They had ditched their dignity to kneel to various top players so that they would be accepted as students – all so they could defeat those snobs who looked down on them back home.

Indeed, they knew Luocheng was great in E-sports. He was, after all, sought out by the E-sport Club and then went on to participate in a high school E-sports tournament, later becoming a professional E-sport coach.

They were already shocked to see that he could defeat Team Revelation’s Bai Feng, and now, they were utterly dumbfounded and stunned. They couldn’t believe that this “King of E-sports” was their roommate!

If these so-called LPL top players were “LOL Gods”, then Luocheng was basically the Genesis of LOL Gods! And this “Genesis” had been sleeping right there in their room back then!

They now felt nothing but regret! They had had so many opportunities to lick his boots back then and yet, they had wasted their chances! Wasted!

At Fujian Normal University, a guy constantly let out screams of passion.

“Now, can y’all losers just kiss my butt!?”

His roommates just gave him stares of disgust, “Yeah, yeah, we get it! This Fighting Hawk was your high school mate and we’re all your d*ck’s grandsons. Satisfied!?”

Meanwhile, Bai Feng, Hao Yue, and Qing Ye, all sat in silence in the E-sports Club of Zhejiang University. At the same time, their university mates, Zeng Feilong, Jiang Qiming, and Ke Shaoming, were all watching the livestream intently without blinking an eye.

This Yu Luocheng… this berserker was insane! He wouldn’t stop killing!

Usually, when a player slays the opponents this much, the match would have ended by now. There was nothing Team Sky could do to stop this Vayne, the Night Hunter, who had been revived twice.

Still, Team Skycrown had never once decided to attack the towers. It was almost like their sole intention was to slay Team Sky, as if they wanted to strip Team Sky of their honor and dignity.

It was undeniable that 10 minutes into the match, there was at least one Team Sky member being defeated at every minute!

There was no one who could pawn more than 30 heads in an LPL match! No matter how hard the others tried, the best they could do was get more than 25 kills, but it was always less than 30!

Yet now, Team Skycrown’s kill count was steadily rising up to 60, and out of the 60 kills, Vayne was the one who had done most of the killing – 40 kills, to be exact!

Their kill rate was absurdly high. They kept reviving one another, not pushing the creeps, not jungling, and instead, pursuing the enemy champions! Whenever they saw their opponents, they would march straight toward them with bloodied red eyes! Team Skycrown’s routine was either slaying their opponents, waiting to be revived at the fountain, or to keep on slaying their opponents!

It was as though they treated the LPL as some kind of child’s play. There were no strategies. There were no plans. There was only killing. However, if this was just a child’s play, how was Vayne able to always catch up to her prey even when they were 2000 yards away? And how was she always revived so efficiently?

“Still killing… he is still going at it… Since when did Team Sky become this much of a wimp!?” Hao Yue mumbled to himself.

“This dude… he’s too strong, boss…” Qing Ye could feel a cold chill on his spine.

When facing off with the Fighting Hawk back then, Qing Ye had already known just how threatening he was, how superbly powerful he was. However, he didn’t know that back then, Fighting Hawk had been holding back.

Now, there was one thing that he was convinced of. Fighting Hawk’s “Resurrection Strategy” was something much more brilliant than Bai Feng’s. Qing Ye had seen so many spectators in the stadium raise their cardboards that were prepared on the spot, showing, “Bai Feng’s weak! Fighting Hawk is the real deal!”

Yes, compared to this berserking Fighting Hawk, Bai Feng was now nothing but a thing of the past. Everyone was so shocked that they couldn’t say a word. Every E-sports legend was now nothing compared to this Fighting Hawk – The very same Fighting Hawk that kept on striking his opponents down as he swung his bloodied cape against the wind!

“Qianqian, look! Isn’t that your boyfriend? Wow, he looks so cool! But why does he look so gloomy?” one of the girls from the E-sport Club whispered to Yang Qianqian.

The entire E-sport Club was enveloped by a strange atmosphere. No one dared to talk loudly, fearing to disturb the top players from Team Revelation. Besides, it was quite difficult for people to open their mouths to talk due to how stunning the performance was!

“I… I don’t know,” Qianqian admitted as she stared at the screen.

Every time a kill happened, the camera would then show Luocheng as a highlight, and during those times, Qianqian could see something in his eyes. Something that was fiercely radiating from his eyes!

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It was an extreme level of sadness and a show of powerful calmness, the latter trying to suppress the former. Meanwhile, the muscles on his face were twitching while several nerves were tensing up on his forehead, which indicated that he was now also exceptionally furious!

There was nothing he paid attention to other than the game that was happening on the screen!

“Ah!” Suddenly, Qianqian recalled something.

Qianqian remembered that Luocheng had once told her, when he was at the height of his E-sport career, he had gotten totally addicted to the world of E-sports. He couldn’t differentiate what was real and what was not anymore at the time. Everything that he saw in the “real world” had seemed fake to him.

Could it be that he had once again plunged himself deep into the abyss!?

And it was because he had done that and gotten lost in it, he had now become so terrifyingly powerful.

To the other professional E-sport players, their constant training was to maintain their reflex and speedy control. It was just so that they could maintain that ability to handle the highly tensed pressure when dealing with a match.

However, it was not the same with Luocheng. He would give it his all, and he would become one with the game.

Qianqian was fairly familiar with what Luocheng was capable of, and she knew that he was a strong E-sport player. Yet, the skills and proficiency that he showed today was way too strong. This wasn’t the usual Luocheng that she knew, and thus, she deduced that there was something else that was driving him.

There was something else that had provoked him to return to his old ways – his old ways of merging himself with the fictional world of E-sport!

Qianqian didn’t know what was that “something” that had made Luocheng like this, however, she knew she couldn’t allow Luocheng to go on like this. If it went on like this, his psyche could be crushed by this enormous “drive”. He had to escape from this!


Please end this match!

Please end it quickly!

Fingers were tapping on the keyboard, like the stings of bees!



The mouse was whirling around on the mousepad, like a dance of butterflies!





Suddenly, everything on the screen turned white, and the avatar was now showing a countdown.

Vayne was slain, but it was alright – Zilean had granted her another revival.

Oh, she was killed again. It didn’t matter, she had her Guardian Angel.

Oh no, she was slain yet again!

There was nothing to worry about! Yorick had revived her again.

4 lives! And she had used them all up.

The reason Luocheng had acquired Guardian Angel was not for keeping Vayne safe – No, it was so that she could quickly rise up and resume killing.

However, now that the Guardian Angel needed another 5 minutes before granting him another revival, Luocheng couldn’t be bothered with it anymore and pawned it off without hesitation.

After that, he didn’t purchase any defensive equipment at all.

Other than Guardian Angel, Luocheng also sold off his Sword of the Occult and bought an Infinity Edge and Last Whisper in exchange.

Now, other than her boots, Vayne had nothing but offensive equipment on her!

It had been a while since the match started, and so, the members of Team Sky had now acquired godlike equipment for themselves.

Due to Luocheng’s Vayne being slain earlier, they had been able to retaliate and had managed to push their creeps all the way to the Inhibitor Tower.

It was quite obvious what they were trying to do – they were trying to utilize the short window of time when Luocheng was reviving at the fountain to destroy their opponents’ nexus!

However, Team Skycrown didn’t care about winning. Team Sky wanted their nexus? Come and take it!

They wouldn’t stop until they had lopped off 5 more heads. Don’t even think about ending the match before that happened!


“10 more seconds! Come on, push all the way to their nexus with all we have! If Vayne is revived, we’re going to lose!” Guan Langjie yelled out to his teammates.

Langjie didn’t care about anything else anymore. All he cared about at that very moment was just winning this match.

Ever wondered how one would feel when he had been killed so many times that it was as if his champion’s head was worth less than a cannon minion?

This was the LPL!

If one was familiar with his ranking, they would know that his champion was supposed to be more valuable than that!

Langjie was now so mad that he had totally lost his mind!

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