Leaked NVP-files

Chapter 1: NVP-16

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MHGVI [explanatory notes: hostility level]: 200/200

PLI [powerlevel index]: 20/200 

RAC [Regenerative Ability Capacity]: 75/200

NVP-16 is the collective designation for a subtype of humans acting as paranormal consciousness hosts. Whose bodies are being parasitically controlled by pneuma [1] originating from Extra Universe Space-17[2]. Pneuma scoring 20 or above on the Agozino Demonology Checklist are classified as demons, humans possessed by these are within laymen paranormal circles often known under the umbrella term hellhost — and within Foundation nomenclature as demonically infested individuals (DII). NVP-16 falls within this subgroup of paranormal consciousness hosts, being a specific form of DII. 

General DII characteristics

DII:s are given a 200 out of 200 on the modern human goals and values incompatibility-score (MHGVI). Meaning that they are extremely hostile toward all or almost all humans. Wishing to cause great physical harm, psychological anguish, and death. This wish to damage constitutes an intrinsic instead of an instrumental goal. As well as them wishing to bring forth changes to our universe that are completely at odds with our well-being. Foundation guidelines define the mere existence of any entities on the level of MHGVI 200/200 to be a catastrophic threat, with the only relevant variables being their level of power and activity. 

Demons possess such a strong will to harm humans that they are unable to restrain themselves, even when their long-term interests are obviously incompatible with immediately harming humans they are unable to temper this desire. During tests in which captive DII:s have been connected to torture devices, told that if they show any aggression towards humans the device will be activated, they have nonetheless shown clear attempts to harm simulated humans. Trying to break free to attack video clips of humans, despite repeated doses of severe pain. Only commands from other infernal entities, or human Satanists, have so far been able to hold back these impulses. 

In order to utilize DII:s as servants and soldiers, Satanists make use of theurgy connected to The Fruitgiver (eventually synonymous with Satan/Iblis, see footnote for detail) [3]. A supreme deity in most forms of theistic Satanism, that lends protection from and control over demonic spirits. Said to have conquered all demons, he/she can be used in rituals to provide Satanists with an aura that makes them less provocative for demons and also directly hinders demons from attacking them.

DII:s are incapable of independent sexual or asexual reproduction. Their numbers are maintained and added to by Satanists performing consciousness replacement — i.e the summoning of a demon, and forcing said entity into a human host, this foreign mind then overrides the presence of the original human psyche. This process requires the capture of a human host, as well as additional humans to use as sacrifice victims. The commanding Satanist also has to explicitly instruct any DII:s to not kill some of their victims immediately, to instead save them for later, or the DII:s will be overcome by their hatred of humanity and slay victims before they can be used for reproduction.

The hosts are due to the necessities of the ritual, either a prepubescent child or a child in the early stages of puberty. The sacrificial victims often being adults, not out of necessity but due to children being prioritized to be used as hosts. 

Sacrifice victims will be given a brutal and painful, but relatively quick death. Which one varies depending upon the ritual in question. The host will then have their bodies go through sudden and irrevisable changes, and become physically stronger but also more monstrous in their morphology. The form taken depends upon which type of DII, which is in turn determined by the ritual used. 

Distinctive features of NVP-16


One victim is put through the execution method of the breaking wheel, followed by crushing of the head. The breaking wheel entails that the victim's arms and legs are broken, with the body then being braided into a wheel, which is made possible through the broken limbs being tied around the spokes of said wheel. After this has been done, the head is crushed through blunt force trauma.

Threat and method of pacification

Once created, the beings are hard to destroy with mundane weapons but capable of elimination by such means. When lacking any paranormally enhanced weapons, simply damage the body enough to disable movement. Then either dissolve the body in acid, burn it with fire, or crush it into an amorphous mass before the regenerative abilities of the creature have completed restoration. NVP-16 possesses a RAC (Regenerative Ability Capacity) of 30/100. Meaning that it can heal from most injuries over time, even reattaching severed limbs without any medical attention. Neither does it need to consume sustenance to support this regeneration. But it remains incapable regrowing limbs, and can't reform its body beyond a certain point of damage. Full regeneration from serious injuries can take up to an hour. 

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Weapons that have been theurgicaly enhanced prove far more effective against the NVP-16, causing greater harm as well as mitigating or even completely removing its healing abilities. This includes low-level theurgy, such as a priest blessing a bullet before it is used against the creature or playing prayer music in its vicinity. The effect obviously scales with the level of theurgical might put into the artifact or ritual. Most non-satanic religions are effective, with Abrahamic ones being particularly potent. 



NVP-16:s take the form of a humanoid entity with additional limbs, a cluster of around 6-12 additional arms growing from its lower body. These legs are used to walk and climb in a spider-like fashion. An extra mouth is grown within its torso, equipped with a BFQ of 181 [bite strength in proportion to bodymass]. The size and weight of the entity can vary, but usually comes around 1.6-2.5 meters (5.2-8.2 feet), with around 80-200 kg in weight. 

The facial and bodily features remain largely childlike, lacking the features associated with puberty. But the body has been stretched and expanded to reach at least the size equivalent to a typical adult. 




Pneuma = spirit


Extra Universe Space-17 is colloquially known as hell.


This deity is also known as "the bringer of light", and share many other aspects with the Christian and Islamic figure of Satan/Iblis. Many of his human worshipers self-identifying as Satanists, as well as being labeled as such by other GOI:s (Groups of Interests) and experts.

Some experts argue that the figure is Satan/Iblis in what has been called "the religious rectification" model, meaning that the Bible and/or the Quaran and other Christian and Islamic myths are factually true to a significant degree.  Other experts prefer the "stolen identity" model, that The Fruitgiver is a real entity older than any world religion, that these religions are inaccurate but that experiences with the followers of The Fruitgiver inspired the fictional character of Satan/Iblis. With his followers perhaps even internalizing some of the myths around the deity over time.  

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