Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 15: Ceru

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15. Ceru


What was a good punchline ?

That was a good punchline. I thought as I drove the ice spear in my hand into the [ Three Headed Hound ]’s heart.

Killed [ Fanged Wolf - Lv. 18 ]

Killed [ Fanged Wolf - Lv. 18 ]

Killed [ Fanged Wolf - Lv. 17 ]

Killed [ Fanged Wolf - Lv. 17 ]

Killed [ Fanged Wolf - Lv. 18 ]

Killed [Three Headed Hound Lv. 32]

Experience has been given

[ Level up ] 

[ Level up ]

[ Crionic Devil - Lv. 19 ] —> [ Crionic Devil - Lv. 21 ]

Gained 6 Status points and 4 Skill points

Gained 6 Status points and 4 Skill points

Honestly, I was quite dissatisfied with the number of times I leveled up, but I guess it’s inevitable, the more I level up the harder it will be. It’s a fact and I have to accept it.

I didn’t devour the [ Three Headed Hound ] directly and instead I put it inside my [ Dimensional Storage ]. Saving it for later, right now I needed to see if those three are alive.



I heard someone running towards me, so I turned my head and saw that Brandon, Claus and Tina were running towards me.

Claus was panting a lot and even had bite marks in his shoulder, making it very bloody.

Tina and Brandon looked fine and were only exhausted as they were also breathing heavily.

Even though they only dealt with Lv. 17 Wolves, they are still tired.

Brandon’s level is also higher than the wolves, how is he having a hard time dealing with them?

Although I don’t know Tina’s level or her class, I am pretty sure she is about the same level if not higher than Brandon.

How weak..

If there were monsters in the Barren Lands, I would have already been around Level 40 if not more..

“Are you alright” asked Brandon while running towards me, making me finish my thoughts.

“I’m fine” I waved my hands.

Brandon finally arrived before me, and so did the other two quickly behind me.

“Wow! You really are strong, Leonidas!”

Said Claus with enthusiasm and continued, “Can you please teaach mee?”

He pleaded, but got no response from me.

Like Hell I would teach you..

Brandon cut in and stopped Claus, who was on the ground holding my leg.

After throwing Claus aside he apologized and and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

“I’m sorry for his behavior, don’t mind him.”

“It’s fine” I responded shortly.

Tina cut in and spoke to me, “If it weren’t for you, we might have been in huge trouble, even if the [ Three Headed Hound ] didn’t appear, one of us would have definitely died against the wolves, Thank you!”

I looked at her, she was surprisingly even bowing, even Brandon seemed a bit shocked at this.

I waved my hand and spoke with a lazy tone.

“We’ve made a deal, I intend to keep it, but I will take the corpses of the ones I killed.”

“Of course!” Said Tina.

I looked around us and saw that the forest had gotten a bit too quiet, so I asked Brandon, “what kind of monsters are around this area?”

Brandon looked at me and was surprised at the unexpected question, but he still answered.

“Well, the [ Fanged Wolves ], [ Ogres ] and [ Horn Rabbits ], there are other monsters but they are usually very weak and hide most of the time.”

“I see”

I nodded and looked around, my instincts are telling me that we are being watched, but I can’t pinpoint from where and who?

I activated my [ Mana Sense ] and closed my eyes. In just seconds I sensed mana in the left direction, without waiting a moment, I directly used [ Magic Missile ] towards my left.

My [ Magic Missile ] met the ground and exploded on impact, causing a 3 meter radius explosion.

Brandon, Claus and Tina were shocked at my actions and looked over the direction I shot my spell at.

The spell was also used as a beacon of light for us to see more clearly.

[ Horned Rabbit - Lv. 4 ]

[ Horned Rabbit - Lv. 4 ]

[ Horned Rabbit - Lv. 5 ]


“Bullseye” I said with a grin while I shot my breath toward my index claw, that looked like long and sharp black nails.

“That was awesome!”

Again, Claus looked at me in admiration.

I didn’t respond to Claus’ admiration for me and instead spoke a few of my own words.

“You can keep them.”

And left the scene. I headed towards where we previously camped.

I arrived there and stored my share of the corpses in my [ Dimensional Storage ].

The others also arrived just behind me.

We stood there, around the fire that Brandon had built and nobody talked. I was reading a book called ‘Monsters of the Wild’, and started reading on various monsters.

Until Brandon decided to break the silence.

“The night has only begun, we need to stay on our guard. Me and Claus will go and set up more traps.”

Tina nodded, while I had my knees crossed and continued reading the book.

If the information of the [ Ogres ] in this book is correct, those traps are not going to work.

I am sure that Brandon knows this and probably did it as a measure against the [ Horned Rabbits ].

Which he makes a mistake on. What he doesn’t understand is the thinking of the monsters, beside the ones I had already killed there. There were a lot of [ Horned Rabbits ] far away watching us. I managed to see them the moment my spell brightened up the way.

And they were scared shitless. So they won’t even consider coming 100 meters close to us.

As for the [ Ogres ], they probably won’t come.

In the book that I am reading, [ Ogres ] are humanoid monsters, green skin and tall.

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They are described as very ugly, with two horns on their foreheads. Although despite looking humanoid, they are not that smart, but still smart enough to avoid traps if they see them many times.


I closed the book with a bit of force, which jump scared Tina. The water she was drinking spilled all over her outfit, which consisted of a long, red robe.

She looked at me a bit angrily.

“Sorry” That’s all I said, not sounding apologetic at all. Not like I was in the first place.

“I’ll go and change.” She said as she stood up and headed somewhere in the woods.

Which gave me enough time to test one of my skills.

Crow Contract 

It probably has something to do with summoning, but I wasn’t too sure, so I thought I’ll give it a try.

I mumbled “Crow Contract”

A scroll appeared before me. Not only that, there was also an alert.

If you wish to sign the contract, use your blood

I opened the scroll and the details were written in bold black ink.

Magic Contract


Party A(Leonidas) and Party B(Crow Clan) will sign a mutual contract.

Party B will serve Party A until their existence is wiped out, just like they did for the Ice Crow.

The stronger Party A is, the stronger will be the summoned member of Party B

Party A: —— Party B: Signed


A master-servant relationship? That’s better then I thought. I bit my arm and dripped the blood at the part where I had to sign with my blood.

After the blood met with the Magic Contract, mana released from it for a second and then disappeared.

At that moment something else also happened.

Racial Skill [ Crow Contract ] turned into [ Crow Summon ]

“Cool” I immediately tried it.

“Crow Summon”

Before my eyes, on the ground near the fire, a black shadow emerged and started forming itself, turning into a crow.

The crow was normal in size, it also had a pair of red eyes that looked at me with intelligence.

I used [ Identify ] on the crow.

[ Zestian Crow Lv. 6]

~ Scout-type crow

Skills - [ Passive - Enhanced Vision] [ Camouflage ]


Because the Crow is my summon, I could see even the skills.

“Very interesting” Those were the two words that came to mind when I saw the crow’s status.

The skills were self-explanatory, enhanced vision and the ability to blend into the surroundings, though it will probably not be able to trick the eyesight of someone with higher level then the crow itself.

I could also feel a connection between us, I felt like I wanted to, I could command it telepathically, so I put to the test.

I grasped the connection and and tried to talk to it telepathically.

‘Fly in circles’

The Crow looked at me and then started flying in circles around me.

‘Pretend you are dead’ I held back the urge to laugh as I commanded it.

The Crow stopped flying in circles, it looked at me, and I swear for a moment I could see the crow with a look that said ‘are you serious’ and fell on to the ground, it really looked like the crow was dead.

This Crow is quite intelligent.

I checked the [ Crow Summon ] skill and I could see something else appear beside it.

[ Crow Summon Lv. 1]

Duration - 2 hours

Cooldown - 1 hour

-Summon Slot 1 / 1

• Zestian Crow


As I expected, the crows that I will be able to summon on the future, will not be able to stay with me as long as I want. When I summoned the crow, I could feel that my mana was slipping away, although barely noticeable, that amount of mana was being used to maintain the summon.

If I stopped supplying the mana, the crow would disappear.

Even though the skill is only Level 1, it’s very versatile.

“You can get up” I tell the crow telepathically.

Following my orders the Crow got up and stayed there.

Next was the most important test, which was communication. If I was the only one at the end of the call who could speak, the only things this crow can do is sent messages, but since the crow is a scout type, There are definitely ways for me to use the Crow to do recon.

Next, I told the Crow to go somewhere where I can’t see it.

After doing as it was told, the crow went somewhere far away.

I closed my eyes and tried to feel the connection between me and the crow.

It worked surprisingly easy, and I could tell its location fairly easy.

And the other test I wanted to try was ..shared vision.

If I am able to see what the Crow can see, this ability will be very very useful.

So I focused a little more on the connection and I metaphorically tried to go near it. If I followed the path, I would arrive directly at the crow.

As I focused more, my plan went well and I arrived at the Crow.

Suddenly I opened my eyes and my surroundings had changed, I looked around and saw that I was somewhere else.

Shared Vision. It really worked! Although I couldn’t control the crow’s body directly, I could see everything the crow could. The [ Passive - Enhanced Vision ] worked for the both of us. I could see even the tiniest little details.

The trees, the ground, the tiny little rocks and their carvings.

The only disadvantage of this skill is that my main body is very open and if somebody attacked, I would die without even being able to put out a fight.

I deactivated the Shared Vision and returned to my main body. I also called the crow to come back.

The crow flew towards me and landed on my shoulder.

From now on, your name will be Ceru.

The Crow now named Ceru, cawed at me, as if he was thanking me.

Suddenly a though came to me..

Hmm is Ceru a boy or a girl? 

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