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Robin knew his sister would be waiting for him at the hotel. However, he was waiting for someone very important in his life. As he walked, he received a message:


Robin wait for that special person at meeting point as told. Just then he was hugged tight from behind . With a jerk, he turned around and unknowingly was hurting the other.

“Oh! I am sorry Rain, I didn’t know it was you holding me”, Robin apologized.

“It’s OK Robin, you won’t hurt me. I know. Nevertheless, you ignored me from morning until now. Why? Are you purposely doing this? Robin, look at me. I need answers.”

As Rain talks the unwanted talks nonstop, Robin pulls him closer and kisses him. They kissed passionately as it put an end to Rain’s doubts.

“Rain, I love you only you.”

“I love you too”, said Rain, hugging Robin.

“Rain, my sister is here now. I don’t know how to explain it to her. I am …”

“That you love a man and I am your boyfriend. Right?”

“It’s not simple what if she does not accept us.”

“It’s been two years as of now; and you say you still need time to come out. Am I a joke to you?”

Rain stood staring at him in anger. Robin was in tears. This was hurting both. He cannot tolerate Robin’s dismay and is still in confusion about their relationship.

“Wake up Robin. This is an ultra-modern age by god. This is the twenty-first century and who is she? Ask her to fuck off.”

“Mind you, she is my sister whom you are talking about. Moreover, the truth is, until now, I have not hidden anything from her except you.. Nevertheless, I was not able to open up to her about our relationship then.”

“Do it now then. Go talk to her. Tell her the truth about you” Rain fumes in anger.

“That’s not that easy and simple as you say.”

“So, again, you are going to keep our relationship secret. No, I cannot hide anymore. I need our relationship to go public. I need to be by your side always and forever, not just as a friend or your model, but as a complete life partner. Let's grow old together,” says Rain, then starts to cry badly.

 Robin had no words to comfort him. He stood there with a heavy heart, then hugged him tight. Rain cried on Robin’s shoulders. Tears filled their eyes and brought back good memories of how they met.

Five years ago, after he completed his bachelor’s in business, Robin, who was very interested in arts and photography, applied for a photography course at a very well-known university in Switzerland. Not telling his parents, he, with help from Jiya and his friends, made all the necessary arrangements to go abroad. However, his entire dream shattered as his father caught him. They were totally against him.
Since his family had their own family business, they wanted him to study masters in  business management and he had to take over the company after his dad. Robin was not at all interested in this. He loved photography and always wanted to get a degree in that. He wanted to be free  ,travel around taking pictures and enjoying his life. He was not at all interested in the family business or taking over his dad’s company. All he knew was arts and photography.

“You are not going to study the useless photography or arts understand."  Robin's dad tears of the admission letter he received from Swiss university.

“Dad, please, I have no interest in business nor can I succeed to be your successor. Let me study and do what I love to do.”

“No, no way soon, you are leaving with me for the U.S. I have  done your admission in a top university there. Your mom will stay with you throughout your studies”

Robin’s dad had a stern word. he always made decisions in Robin's life. whether he liked or not Robin had to accept it as usual. But this time he was determined to fight against his dad.  He tried to fight against his dad's command but he was locked up and banned from meeting his friends. He was totally house arrested by his dad. One day he manages to call Jiya. She was doing her final year graduation at IIM Delhi. He tells her his situation. She promises to help him sneak out his home. next day Jiya came home as she promised to meet his parents.

“Uncle, please try to understand. Don’t force him to do what he doesn’t want to do.” Jiya, please don’t take his side, you are an M.B.A graduate please doesn’t support him.”

“Dad please listen”, Robin tried to talk but in vain.

Jiya also failed to try to convince Robin’s dads. She later asks him to be silent not to create a scene.  
A few days later, it was on the night of Jiya’s engagement with Raj, she helped him to escape from there.

“Robin, from now on you are going to live your dream. I will support you from far. So just go. One of my classmates will be there at the end of the street. I have made all the arrangements for you for your trip and stay in Australia.. Once you get settled, call me OK.”

“Jiya thank you sis. But what about you dear? I know you don’t want to be engaged with Raj. So why don’t you come with me? Our families are similar. They kill children’s dreams for their business expansion. Why, Jiya, you know, you are a scapegoat here. Come with me.” Robin asks her but she nods no with tearful eyes.

“No Robin, not now, it’s time for you to chase your dream. Go now.” She pushed Robin to speed up. He then turns back and hugs her.

 “One day if you are lost and need a hand, remember I am always there for you”, then run away.
As planned, Jiya’s friend dropped him at the airport and soon he boarded his flight to Australia.

At the beginning, life was tough for Robin. Studying photography and multiple part-time jobs made his life completely packed for a year. Later that year, with help from some of his college mates, he starts an advertisement firm. With his hard work, dedication and talent, he scored. Not less than a year later, he was established. Soon became the most paid celebrity photographer internationally.

 It was that one such big project brought him to Bangkok where he realized the truth.
At the new office here in Bangkok , Pam was his local assistant and new intern for this project.  She was a very open-minded and completely reliable girl. Robin really was comfortable with her assistance. Four new Thai recruits were added to his team. All were Pam’s friends, Kin, Pete and Aim. Together with Robin’s teammates, Max and Leo start their work. First was to hire models.   They spend days searching for models for different products. However, he was still in search for his main model. Pam suggested an open audition camp for three days. Robin, with half a mind, agrees with her.

There are many established and new models waiting for him with their portfolio. They checked out many portfolios of models. For three days in audition camp selection of models was hectic, he busted out and could not find the one he preferred to be his masterpiece model. The whole team is drained out and seeing Robin stressed, Pam suggests a late night drink nearby.

“So come on guys, let's all go for a drink”, Pete invited them.

“Now?” Max asks, looking at his watch..

“Yes … Let’s take Robin and his team to the Sparks for a drink,” suggested Pete.

 Everyone accepted this. Pam saw Robin frustrated and smoking alone in the corner of the room, not knowing of her plans for them.

“Come on Robin, let's grab a drink, come on… keep moving” she said, pushing Robin, as he showed no interest.

At the bar, they ordered  drinks and told a legendary story about this bar- the Sparks.

“Is that true?” a curious Leo asks Pam, as Aim ends by telling the legendary story of the Sparks. Though Robin showed no interest in her cooked-up story, he suggested to Pam that Aim would become a storyteller in the near future.

“Robin, what I told all now is true. Don’t you believe me?” Aim angrily cried out.

“What??..Do I need to believe  you? And you were telling something that has no logic…oh! Come on... All of you stop believing to some  kids' stories”, an irritated Robin says.

“No dear... I don’t think so… it’s true”. Max pointed out a handwritten board hanging on the side to him.


“Bull shit! utter nonsense!!” Robin mocks after reading it.

" What does ' weird' mean? It's written on the board," asked Leo.

"A kind of special in-house booze" says Aim.

" An In-house drink named WEIRD...that's really weird",  Max says.

"Are you all nuts? Do you expect to believe this stupid story? bull shit total bull shit" yells out Robin.Pam and the others look at him in a challenging way.

“What now? Are you all challenging me? OK challenge accepted”, Robin then orders seven glasses of weird drink suggested by his team.

Everyone at the bar encouraged him to drink. Robin was good at drinking. He drank them at one full stretch without even dropping a bit. On completing the challenge, he smiles. Then make faces at them. Pam and Aim still holds the legend of Sparks close to heart. They believed in the magic of love.

Most of them were completely in a drunken state. Pam accompanied him for walking . Robin walks along the beach. The rest of the team members goes home.

As they were walking, Pam asked Robin.
“Have you ever fallen in love?”

“Me… no not yet… I am still waiting for that spark of my life.” said Robin, laughing aloud.

“Pam, does your boyfriend love you?”

“Of course, he do love me more. He is a doctor. His name is Dr.Kim... sometimes I have to spend days alone due to his work load, but it’s OK because he cares about me, a lot when I am with him. I love him a lot.” Shouts Pam. Just then her phone rang.

She got the same call. It was Dr.Kim, on the other hand.
Pam did not notice Robin walking towards the sea. She was too busy talking with her boyfriend. Later, when she turned back, she saw Robin walking more and deeper into the sea. She disconnects the call and runs towards Robin.

“Robin, stop...Stop there...Robin, come back, don’t go further in …Robin, comeback please.” Pam shouted in her voice, but due to his drunken state, he did not hear Pam calling him.

 He was not aware that he was walking deeper into the sea. At one point, he drowned. At the shore, Pam cried out for help. He was drowning. Pam suddenly saw someone jump into the sea to save Robin. Robin gets a hallucination of a mermaid reaching for him. He then pulls Robin back to shore. Pam rushes to Robin and that person. He saved Robin.

“Thank you … You are Kin’s cousin, right?” Pam bowed to show her courtesy.

“Yes! I am Rain and cousin to Kin, also a life guard... I heard you cry out at the right time. Thank god”, telling her he was helping Robin.

“I am Pam Kin’s friend and this is our new boss, Mr.Ranbeer Kapadiya”. Pam introduces Robin.

“Ranbeer Kapadiya...Indian?” Rain asked out of curiosity.

“Well yes... but you can call him Robin. That’s what we all call him.”

“Ok... Pam tell me this boss of yours drunk?” Rain questions Pam. She kept silence. Rain understood it.
Robin was in a semi-conscious state. Rain gave him first aid and brought him to a better normal condition. Though Pam tried to carry him up, she was not successful. Therefore, Rain helped her to carry Robin back to his room. Pam unlocked the room. Rain carries him to bed, as Pam said. Pam’s phone rang, her boyfriend was down waiting for her.

“Rain, please help him out...I have got to go. My boyfriend is waiting downstairs and needs to rush ..Please him... his name is Robin. Please help, I beg you. Here, this is my card. Call me if necessary, OK, bye.”, saying she rushed out without even trying to know if he would help or not. She shuts the door behind her.

In the room, Rain was struggling with the drunken Robin, who was really in a very bad shape. Rain saw Robin shivering in the cold. He then undresses Robin’s wet clothes and dresses him up in warmer clothing. As he was about to leave, Robin got hold of his hand and pulled him towards Robin. He then sits near Robin on the bed.

“Thank you … for being with me...Thank you, I found you …,” he said. He rose up and tightly hugged Rain. Before he could react, Robin suddenly puked over him.   

“Oh shit!” Rain pushes him away.

Later, Rain carries Robin to the washroom, cleans him up, later gave him water to drink as he was dehydrated and allowed him to rest on his shoulders. That night, he sat beside Robin as he had a mild fever and vomited a few more times in between sleeping. Rain rubs a cold towel on his face, neck, hands and even rubs his abdomen to bring down his body temperature. He then sticks a cold patch on Robin's fore head.

The whole night he spends beside Robin giving him medicine and water. He took note of his temperature at regular intervals. He took good care of him completely.

Next morning Robin got up from bed and went straight into the washroom. Robin had no idea about last night. As he entered the washroom, he saw a man showering. Robin screams on seeing him and rushes out. As he rushed out, he saw Kin and Pam standing in the corridor.

“Who the hell is he?” Robin freaks out.

“What is he doing in my washroom? Pam tell me”

Pam tries to pacify Robin, but who is completely stressed out about seeing Rain.

“Clam down Robin, he is my cousin Rain”

“Why the hell is he in my room?” Robin was getting agitated.

“If it was not him you would have been dead by now,” Pam shouts back.

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“What? I did not get you. What did I do?”

“Oh... Really… you don’t remember anything from last night”, Kin asked Robin on seeing him confused.

“How could he remember Kin, he was so drunk last night?”


“So? Robin, you were drowning in the sea yesterday and that man in your washroom saved you. Idiot.” Saying she explains the whole night story in detail to Robin. By that time, Kin went into the washroom to give Rain the dress he brought.

“Thank you Kin...”
“Actually, I have to thank you for saving my boss…thanks brother.” Kin hugs Rain.

As both Kin and Rain came out, Robin got up from the couch and, not looking at Rain, he ran into the washroom. On seeing his weird act, Rain laughs. Pam brought coffee for them. He then sat on the couch and told Pam and Kin the rest of the whole night .Robin freshened up quickly as he arrived. He saw Pam and Kin griming at him.

“Now what more did I do”, Robin asks.

Both Kin and Pam kept on looking at him, not answering. Rain got up and walked to Robin, then touched his forehead with his palm to check his body temperature. Robin had a very different feeling when he touched him. Both looked into each other’s eyes deeply. Just then, Robin remembered what he had all done last night. Drowning at sea, the mermaid saved him and, lastly, he puked on Rain, while hugging him in bed.

“I am sorry for last night.” Robin apologized to Rain.

Rain ruffles Robin’s hair. Though it irritated Robin, he loved the way Rain cared about him.

“Last night you had a fever. Now you look fine.”

“Thank you for taking care of me and sorry for causing trouble.”

“Well it's OK… I got to leave, it's time for class”, said Rain, taking his bag. Robin stood there looking at him.

“I will drop you. I go get my car. I will wait, pack your things and come down.” Saying Kin leaves.
Robin saw Rain packing his stuff. Some kind of new feeling was going through Robin. He really enjoyed watching him doing his packing. Later, Rain waves good-bye to Pam as well as to Robin and walks to the door.

 “Wait!” Robin stops Rain. Rain stands confused.

“Can I have your contact”. Robin hands out his phone. With a smile, Rain shares his contact number with him and leaves.

Pam noticed something happening to Robin. He was unusually smiling, looking at his phone. He ruffled his hair, lost in thought. She silently watched his change with a smile.

At the office, Robin was not the same person they knew in the past. Max and Leo were very sure that he had changed. At times, they saw Robin lost in another world.

“Pam… looks like Robin is different.”

“Well, I think it's all because of that guy,” Pam giggled.

“Guy?” confused Max asks.

“Pam… is the one Rain you are talking about?” Kin shoots. Pam nods ‘yes’ with a highly volatile smile on her face.

“Rain”, the rest of them sang in chorus out of excitement rather than in anxiety.

 Pam gives a very detailed briefing about Robin and Rain very clearly. One by one, he starts to rejoice when Robin gestures again after Pam completes the Rain story. Robin in his cabin was not aware of it. He was busy at work and thinking of last night with the guy Rain at the time. He could not focus on his work. It seems hard to concentrate. Just then, Pam enters his cabin and interrupts him.

“Excuse me Robin, we have got a client meeting in five minutes,” Pam reminded him.

“That’s good. Let us go”. Saying he followed her.

As the meeting preceded tension, they still did not finalize their main mode. The client was pressured by some models of their choice but Robin did not agree to their demands. He rejected all their choices. The client kept arguing he did not care. Max and Pam try to convince the client. As the discussion continues to heat up, Robin’s phone rings. He looks at the name of the caller. He gave a winning smile.

“Enough” he yells out and gives a bang on the table. He was fuming in anger. Everyone kept silence. Everyone knew if Robin was in a bad temper, no one could talk back. He is ferocious now.

“My model, my decision got that…I have the decision to finalize shooting stats in two days from today. Max and Pam make all the necessary arrangements. I will contact you in two days now. Both of you should leave and thank you for coming. Leo, please show these gentle men the way out. ” Robin said sternly, leaving everyone numb. His phone was still ringing. He then leaves with a stern attitude. As he went out, he looked for Kin.

“Kin…drive me to Rain. He is my model. Take me to him.” He calls out, and then throws the car key to Kin. Kin and Pete looked at each other in shock.

“Rain our model!!!” Pete stared at Kin. Kin played dump and leaves with Robin.

In the car, he then asks Kin about his cousin Rain.

“Well…Rain comes from a rich family. He never depends on his parents. He loves singing and swimming. He even does some voluntary work for some NGO. He doesn’t have too many friends.”

“Any girlfriends?” Robin eagerly interrupted Kin’s talk.

“No, he has got no girlfriend, in my knowledge, but..” Kin paused for a moment. This created uneasiness in Robin.


“He had a strong crush on one of our classmates but I still don’t know who. Later, he told me he was heartbroken. So, basically he is single till now.” Kin’s words moved Robin.

After that I have never seen my cousin Rain falling for anyone .” Telling Kin drives. 
Soon they reach university. Robin captured beautiful pictures along the way along the campus.

“Rain works here as the swimming coach.” Telling Kin makes a call to Rain. They wait for Rain at the café on the campus. Robin was busy clicking photos of a café and some real life pictures. He saw Robin walking towards them but there were many girls following him, they got small gifts for him and a few even took pictures with him. This irritated Robin.

“Why am I irritated? jealous?” Robin’s thoughts confused him within.
Rain enters to greet Kin and Robin. He then touches robins to see if his fever has gone completely. The girls who followed him saw this. A few took pictures of both Rain and Robin's closeness. Robin smiles in return for Rain’s touch.

“Fever totally gone. I am good”, Robin assures Rain. They then settle for coffee.

“So how come you are both here? What help can I be for you?”

“Be mine “Robin’s quick answer was shocking to Kin and Rain too.
Kin, as the reflex action to Robin’s statement made, pats Robin’s shoulders. Rain was looking at them weirdly


“I mean to be my model. I want you to be my new model.  Be my one and only masterpiece.” Saying he holds Rain's hand

“WHAT?” Rain yells.

“Yes, be my model for my Bangkok project.”

“No…Never. I am not interested.”

“But I am interested in you” Robin spoke out his mind loudly.

“Have you gone crazy?” Rain was irritated. He looked at Kin, who was still not responding, just looking at Robin without a blink of an eye.

“Kin ... Please take your boss and leave now”

Kin tries to stop Robin, who was about to push himself on Rain. Rain got angry and walked out. Robin tries to stop him but he could not stop him. Therefore, he quickly followed the rushing rain . Kin too followed them.

“Rain, listen, please stop,” Robin shouts from behind him. Rain, not giving ears, walks fast to his car. As he opens the car door, Robin bangs the door and stops him from entering the car. Robin gets hold of him by pushing onto the car and blocking tight with his hands.

“Now you got to stay calm and listen to me…just listen to me, Rain, I never had a feeling like I have now for you. I do not even know what it is. Therefore, to clear myself, I need you to be around me. The best option is to be my model.” Robin tightens the hold on Rain’s hands. Rain tried to free himself but in vain. On seeing the struggle of Rain, Kin rushed to rescues him from Robin.

“Are you out of your mind? You are hurting him …Robin, will you just calm down.. Move “ said Kin, pushing Robin away from Rain. Rain was in tears. He stood looking at Robin who was so dominating.

“Am sorry Rain…” Robin pleads.

“Now stop there… I shouldn’t have saved you”, said he gets in car and drives off.
Robin knew he was too harsh on Rain but he was not able to control himself then. Rain's eyes spoke of his pain given by Robin, which now he regrets.
Kin then turns to Robin in anger. He demanded answers from Robin, who stood silently.

“Robin… please leave him alone. He is my brother. I won’t allow you to hurt my brother.” Kin warned Robin, but Robin kept silence. Kin left him in the parking lot.
Kin did not return with Robin to the office. He tells Pam and the others about Robin’s behavior towards Rain. Max and Leo confront Kin, saying the Robin they knew would never be like this. Pam tried to reach Robin. She told Pete and Aim to look out for him. As they were about to go find him, Robin enters the office, drained out completely. Pam tries to talk but Robin shuts himself in his cabin. Pete and Max stop Pam entering Robin’s cabin for now.

“ Let him be by himself .. Let's give him some space. We can talk to him later.” Max consoles Pam, who was in tears. Leo saw Aim crying. He too consoles her.
 In the cabin Robin was shattered, but why?  He was angry at himself.. Why?

“Why did I do this to Rain? Am I in love with him? No.. not possible . Then why did I say those things to Rain.. why?…I went there to ask Rain  to be my mode but  what happened to me after seeing him ?what imitated me to tell all these to Robin. I did even hurt him badly. Why did I do that? “Speaking to his mind, he slams both his hands against the glass window, breaking it to pieces. His hands got injured, he was bleeding very badly.
Hearing the sound, Max and Pam rush in. They saw Robin lying on the floor and his hands were bleeding.

“Pam… quick help me. Let’s take him to hospital”. Max carried him to hospital.
 On the way to the hospital, Pam called Dr.Kim and informed him of the emergency situation. As told earlier, Dr.Kim and his team quickly took care of Robin as he arrived  the emergency medicine.
Pam and Max waited outside. Both of them were covered in blood. Soon, Leo, Pete and Aim arrive at the hospital. Seeing Aim, Pam bursts into tears, hugging her. Kin reached hospital. He saw Max and Pam covered in blood. Kin then runs into the emergency department. He was not stopped from entering, because he is the son of the chief of surgery.
Kin saw Robin in a pool of blood. Doctors were trying hard to stop the bleeding. Out of panic, he calls his mom, the chief of surgery.

“MOM” on seeing her Kin reaches her.

“What is the condition?” she asks Dr.Kim .

“Dr.Song…” as Dr.Kim explains his condition, Kin got agitated.

“shift him to emergency OT right away.” Dr.Song instructs  Dr.Kim and the team.

“Mom, do help him…save him mom”, Kin pleads.

“Kin stop.. I will see what can be done now. Please calm down.”

 Robin shifted to the OT. Kin explains the other Robin’s condition, they then wait outside the OT. Pam then pulled Kin aside from the others.

“Kin… call Rain.” Pam asked Kin


“Look …Kin, this is not the situation to argue about. Let Rain know what happened to Robin.”

“Why should he?”

“Can’t you see Robin felt guilty so he did this to himself. Rain must also be in the same situation. Call him now. Inform him.” She commands strongly.

“ OK....alright I will.” Kin tries to get Rain on the phone. After several attempts, Rain finally received his call.

“Kin...Please don’t …I have nothing to say. I don’t want to hear about Robin.”

“Robin is in hospital. He is undergoing  surgery now.”
On hearing Kin’s words, tears rolled down Rain’s cheek. He collapsed  drastically. He was shivering completely...


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