Let me make you a Star

Chapter 3: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1. Starting the dream again (1)

It was a rainy day. Dark clouds covered the clear sky, and water kept pouring down hard in a cantankerous manner.

It was raining so heavily that one would get wet even if one had an umbrella.

The dark and heavy rain made people feel gloomy. Even in this weather, there was a wide smile on Lee Hyun's face.

No, it was more of a grin. 

Lee Hyun was grinning as he looked at the dark and gloomy rain from inside his room. 

"I can't believe this is happening to me."

He muttered and left his room. His destination was the bathroom.

Lee Hyun didn't remember where the bathroom was but his steps were moving on his own.

He quickly reached the bathroom and looked at the large and wide mirror on the wall. In the mirror, his face was being reflected.

Only one word came to his mind when he looked at his current appearance 'young'. 

The face reflected on the mirror was young. It was a shaved face with a sharp chin. His hair was cut short and it looked good on his handsome face.

It was to the point that people can mistook him for a model. 

His face can't be compared to those top actors or singers. Although most of them have plastic surgeries, they still have godly appearances.

On a scale of ten, the top celebrities would have an appearance of 9-10. Compared to them, Lee Hyun's appearance was around 7-8.

Still, that didn't matter to him currently.

"All that matters is that I'm back in the past."

An event that would only happen in a drama or a web novel. A protagonist returning back to the past and conquering the world. 

Lee Hyun had become that protagonist. 

He recalled back to what had happened yesterday.

His wife had revealed that she was cheating on him and a divorce was inevitable. 

Lee Hyun was just walking on the streets when he saw a car coming his way.

He can still remember the frightened and shocked expressions of the man and woman sitting in the front seat. 

After that, there was silence as his body was flung in the air. His body was in pain but that was only a second before he eventually… died.


Lee Hyun took a deep breath when he thought about all that.

When he had woken up today, he thought that he was in a hospital but he had quickly noticed his strange surroundings.

It hadn't taken him much time to find out that he was back in the past.

The possibility that it could all be a dream passed his mind but he had never experienced such a vivid and real dream. 

That's why, Lee Hyun had shook that possibility and searched the internet for current news and articles. 

'14 August 2010.'

That was today's date.

Lee Hyun had come back 20 years in the past. It still felt surreal to him but he just thought that god had given him a blessing by sending him in the past. 

Bringing in god helped him to make sense in this illogical situation.

"Now, what should I do?"

Lee Hyun asked that question to himself but there was no immediate answer to it. 

After a moment of shock, Lee Hyun had calmed down but the situation was something that he can't digest straightway. 

'Let's think about what I was doing in 2010.'

Lee Hyun could still recall bits and pieces of what had happened in 2010. He would even say that his memory was better than before. 

He was just 25 currently and has just returned from his compulsory military service. 

After returning from his military service, Lee Hyun had immediately joined Top Entertainment as a composer and worked for 20 years there…

"... I won't make the same mistake again."

Lee Hyun muttered as a bitter smile formed on his face. 

He shook his head and left the bathroom. His destination was not his room, but his brother's room.

Lee Min was his blood brother and he was just 16 currently, still in high school. There was a nine year difference between them.

'I wonder if my brother has become younger or not?'

The reason he was going to his brother's room was to check if he had become young like him or not.

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With a slight creaking sound, Lee Hyun entered the room of his brother. 

His brother was curled up in his blanket like a caterpillar. Lee Hyun focused on his face and indeed, his brother was young now. 

"I'm really back in the past."

Lee Hyun again confirmed that and like if he had heard his voice, Lee Min groaned in his sleep. 


A smile formed on Lee Hyun's lips seeing that.

He thought about waking him up as it was already morning but he hesitated before doing that.

'Come to think of it, we never talked much after he got into university.'

Lee Hyun thought about the past. 

He and his brother were once close. They would always stick together and after their father's death, Lee Hyun supported Lee Min. 

But they stopped talking after Lee Hyun became a famous composer. He just got too busy after getting famous that he even ignored his family. 

The distance between the two brothers grew and they even started calling each other formally. 

'I was really a bad brother.'

Now that he was in the past, the memories of all his mistakes were coming back to him. 

"I would correct all my mistakes this time."

Lee Hyun said and shook his brother's body. After shaking him three times, Lee Min finally opened his eyes. 

"Ah, Brother, what time is it?"

"It's already 9 in the morning. Wake up."

"It's Sunday. Let me sleep more."

Lee Min said as he closed his eyes once again. He curled up his body and turned around. 

A mischievous smile appeared on Lee Hyun's face when he saw that. He didn't hesitate and kicked Lee Min. 

"Ahh… why are you kicking me?"

"Don't be lazy and get up. I would go make breakfast."

Lee Min's eyes opened wide when he heard that. His brother would make breakfast? Was he joking? 

"You would cook?"

From what he knows of his brother, Lee Min knew that he didn't like cooking. Even if he knows how to cook, he won't do it because it was tiring for him. 

But now, he was saying that he would cook…

"Why are you surprised? I know how to cook."

"I know that but don't you find cooking boring? You won't cook even when I will tell you to."

"I still find it boring but I can cook once in a while."

Lee Hyun said as he sighed. 

His brother's reaction was really extreme. He was still finding it hard that Lee Hyun was going to cook. 

It was also understandable.

When they were living together, Lee Hyun never cooked. Not even once. All the cooking was done by Lee Min. 

Now that he was in the past, Lee Hyun wanted to make some changes. 

There why, he offered to cook. 

"Anyway, get up. I'm going to cook. I would kick you again if you dared to sleep again."

Lee Hyun left the room after that.

'He seems different.'

Lee Min thought as he thought about his brother's earlier behaviour.

His brother was the same but something seemed different. He seemed to be more mature, like he had experienced something drastic. 

"He must have a nightmare or something."

Lee Min just shrugged it off as his brother seeing a nightmare. 

In a way, he was also right. 

Lee Hyun had really experienced a nightmare. It was just that the nightmare was real. 

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