Let me make you a Star

Chapter 37: Chapter 35

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Chapter 35. Kang Minyuk (1)

7:55 AM 

Producer Yoon looked at the clock, then glanced at the screen to stare at the comments that kept flowing in. 

The viewers reaction was explosive today. 

He was sceptical about the special show today at first, but the response was better than he had expected. 

"It looks like we got lucky with him."

"Midas, right? You should thank me since I bought him."

"Yeah, let's go celebrate today. I will pay!"

Writer Park cheered hearing that. Honestly, she had invited Lee Hyun just because he was handsome.

His recent hit song was only the secondary reason, but her move has shown great results.

"I wonder how he can act so carefree."

Producer Yoon suddenly said, attracting Writer Park's attention. She glanced at him and said, 

"I wonder that too? He acts like someone who has lived his life appearing on entertainment shows. Many comments were about this today too."

"Yeah, maybe, he wanted to be an idol at first."

"He would have been successful at it too. He's a great composer and I don't think he would be a bad singer. Many agencies would give him a good offer."

Producer Yoon shook his head and replied with a solemn expression. 

"I think he enjoys composing more."

"How did you know?"

Writer Park raised her eyebrows and asked.

"His expression changes when he talks about music. It's hard to notice it, but he really enjoys talking about music."

Producer Yoon and Writer Park stared at Lee Hyun who was giving his end remarks. 

His segment was about to finish. The live singing was next which was also the last part of Morning with music. 

Writer Park's gaze trailed off to Ham Choolsoo and she opened her mouth. 

"We got unlucky with Mr. Ham Choolsoo."

"Yeah. I thought he would do well, but his answers were bad and he was just glancing around in the quiz round. Moreover, his jokes…"

Producer Yoon stopped talking when he thought about Ham Choolsoo's jokes that were enough to blank a person out. 

"Let's not talk about that."

Both Writer Park and Producer Yoon nodded their heads in tactic understanding. 

* * *

'Ah, it was better than expected.'

Lee Hyun came out of the booth with a wide smile. He didn't want to go to the broadcast at first, but it was not that bad at all. 

Im Sungho was knowledgeable about music. So, it was fun to talk with him about music and stuff.

Both of them got close during the broadcast and the viewers enjoyed their chemistry a lot.

It can be said that everyone was happy with today's broadcast except a single person who looked like someone who had just lost his country. 

'I'm never coming back here.'

Ham Choolsoo thought in dejection. He has been practically ignored in the broadcast and the viewers' reactions towards him were 'not so friendly'. 

Moreover, Lee Hyun, a newbie composer had beaten him. Not only in the quiz, but also in the whole broadcast. 

He felt boiling anger inside of him, but before he could say anything, Writer Park came towards them. 

"Good work. Both of you."


"... Yeah."

Ham Choolsoo sighed hearing that. He repressed his anger and decided to just leave it. He started walking towards the door, but suddenly, Lee Hyun stopped him. 

"Mr. Choolsoo."


He turned and stared at Lee Hyun with a displeased expression. 

'Let's not make enemies here.'

Lee Hyun had already seen Ham Choolsoo's dissatisfaction, but he can't do anything about it. 

If entertainment shows were like playing in the streets, then live broadcasts were like playing in the stadium and Ham Choolsoo has lost the match. 

Lee Hyun can only console him now. 

You are reading story Let me make you a Star at novel35.com

"It was a fun broadcast. I hope to meet you again."

He pushed his hands towards Ham Choolsoo and a sigh again leaked from his mouth, but he shook Lee Hyun's hands in the end. 

"Sure, it was a fun broadcast."

Lee Hyun smiled wryly hearing the sarcastic tone. 

Ham Choolsoo left Studio 5 after that. Lee Hyun wondered what it would be like to meet him again. 

In the end, he didn't hate him. 

'Now, where's Uncle Dongsu?'

Lee Hyun took out his and began to message him, but a message came from Kim Dongsu suddenly. 

[The meeting is taking longer than expected. So, I would be late in picking you up. Just look around in the station till then.]

'I wonder if negotiations are taking more time.'

Kim Dongsu was meeting with the CEO of an agency who was interested in buying one of his songs called 'Flame'. 

It was not a new song, but just another recreation of his old songs. 

After Never give up, he had only recreated his old songs. It was not like he didn't want to make another new song.

Lee Hyun just haven't found the right inspiration for a new song yet. He was still thinking of what type of song he should make. 

'What should I do now?'

Now that he has to wait, Lee Hyun didn't know what to do. He can roam the radio station, but he was not interested in it. 

Instead, he thought of something else.

"Writer Park, the live singing part would start soon, right?"

"Ah, yes."

"Can I stay here and listen to it?"

Writer Park made a surprised expression hearing that, but she didn't have any problem with it. 

"You can. The singer who will perform in the live singing would come soon."

"What's his name?"

"Kang Minyuk!"

Lee Hyun asked as he was curious, but the answer came from someone else. He turned back and saw Im Sungho looking at him. 

"Is he an independent singer?"

"Yeah, I recently heard his singing and he was good. So, I gave him a chance. He would also be performing an original today."


Lee Hyun grew more interested in it when he heard that. 

An original song by a independent artist? It would be a good listen at least or he won't be performing it in the live sighing. 

'I wonder how good he is.'

Lee Hyun thought and at that moment, the door to the room opened. 

A man with a sharp jawline entered the room. He was not particularly handsome, but he was not bad looking either. 

With the guitar case on his back, he was giving off a musician kinda feeling.

The man looked around the room before his eyes fell on Im Sungho. He quickly greeted him. 

"Good morning, Senior."

"You are on time. Don't be nervous and sing like you usually do."

The man nodded his head on Im Sungho's words. Lee Hyun quickly understood that the man was Kang Minyuk. 

'He is older than I thought'

Lee Hyun looked over Kang Minyuk and thought. 

Minyuk also noticed Lee Hyun glancing at him and looked at it. He was listening to the show as he was coming here.

So, he knew who Lee Hyun was. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kang Minyuk."

"Hello, I'm Midas, but you can call me Lee Hyun."

Lee Hyun also introduced himself.

There was not much talk after that as the commercials were about to end. Im Sungho quickly put on his headphone and Minyuk took his place before the mic. 

'I wonder how is his singing.'

Lee Hyun stood there, staring at Minyuk's face. He felt strangely interested in his singing. 

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