Let me make you a Star

Chapter 42: Chapter 40

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Chapter 40. The reveal (3)

'Bae Hyunsung!'

Lee Hyun widened his eyes hearing that man's name. His eyes shook and he was not able to believe what Harin was saying. 

Bae Hyunsung had framed her!

That was something he was hearing for the first time. He didn't even know that Harin used to be a part of Top Entertainment.

But hearing that man's name was enough to engage him, but he forced himself to calm down. 

Lee Hyun knew that this was not the time to be angry. He first has to listen to the whole story. 

"Harin, tell me the whole story."

He looked at Harin with an indescribable expression on his face. Hearing Bae Hyunsung's name has completely shocked him.

"Um, it happened when I was still a trainee."

Harin lowered her head as she started recalling that night that she was framed. All of it was still vivid in her mind.

"It was after the daily practice. Everyone has left the trainee practice rooms and I was alone practising there. I knew I was lacking in skills. So, I used to do more practice daily."

It was just an ordinary day for her, but it had changed her whole life.

"That day, after my practice, when I was going towards the trainee dorms. I suddenly heard some voices. I thought it was weird as no one would be there at that time. So, I walked towards the voices because of my curiosity."

Harin drank some water before continuing. Lee Hyun was silently hearing her story, but his mind was filled with various things. 

'Can Bae Hyunsung really do something like this? No, that man can do anything.'

He was thinking about his previous boss, Bae Hyunsung. 

Most of his life Bae Hyunsung had been his friend, but that was only until he was making hit songs. 

As soon as Lee Hyun had started giving out flop songs, Bae Hyunsung had started to disregard him and ultimately, he had even thrown him out of the agency. 

Lee Hyun can never forget that!

"When I came close, I saw two people fighting there..."

Harin suddenly stopped speaking there and Lee Hyun urged her.

"Don't stop. There's no need to hide anything."

"Um, one of them was a senior trainee who was in the agency for 4 years. The other one was actually…"

Harin hesitated to speak again.

"Who was that person?"

"It, It was H-Ho Sumi."

"Ho Sumi!!!"

Lee Hyun instinctively shouted hearing that name. The people drinking coffee in the cafe looked at him weirdly, but he didn't have time to think about their gazes

His mind has shifted from one name to another.

Ho Sumi. 

There would be no one in Korea who won't know of her. She was a superstar both in Korea and China. 

She started as a member of a girl group, but that girl group disbanded just a year later, but Ho Sumi's career also started with the girl group's downfall. 

She quickly started her solo career and she was a huge success. She even debuted in China and her album there broke records. 

Ho Sumi was currently the face of Top Entertainment. 

'Even I have worked with her in my past life.'

Lee Hyun thought as he gulped down his saliva. Ho Sumi was also connected to this incident? It was really shocking. 

"What was Ho Sumi doing there?"

Harin looked slightly nervous as she continued. 

"Ho Sumi and that senior were fighting over something. I was only able to hear bits and pieces, but both of them looked angry. Their fight quickly escalated into a physical one and Ho Sumi pushed that senior away and..."


"The senior head struck against the wall and blood started to come out. I panicked seeing that and decided to run away, but in my confusion, I fell and Ho Sumi who was also running away saw me."

Harin's shoulders started to shake at this point. Her emotions were out of control due to remembering that incident. 

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Lee Hyun can already guess what would have happened after that.

"That senior trainee. She…"

"She died."

Lee Hyun frowned hearing that. He couldn't believe that something like that had happened. 

"After that, I somehow escaped to my room, but when I woke up, I was called by Bae Hyunsung. Ho Sumi was also there and she was looking at me with a complicated expression."

"He asked you to take the blame?"

Lee Hyun asked and Harin slowly nodded her head. At some time, tears had already started to fall from her eyes. 

"I, I refused, but he promised to make me a star if I took the blame. I was still a minor. So, I just have to spend some time in the juvenile centre. He was saying all that, but I clearly refused and left but..."

Harin could still remember that day. She was really scared of what she had seen. 

"Before I knew it, the police were already there. I screamed that I had not done anything, but they still took me away. The security cameras displayed that I was the only one there at that time. Ho Sumi was nowhere in the security footage given to the police and I, I….."

Harin stopped speaking there and Let Hyun didn't ask more. 

He already knew about the whole incident now. At the same time, he felt immense anger. Not only towards Bae Hyunsung, but also towards Ho Sumi.

'I never knew that man was this black.'

There is a saying that every person in the entertainment industry is black. Only some people are grey and no one is completely white. 

Even among all the black people, Bae Hyunsung was at the top.

'That bastard!'

Lee Hyun clenched his fists in anger thinking about him. If he can, he just wanted to go and punch him in the face.


'This is not the right time.'

He very well knew he can't do anything currently. He was just too weak and Bae Hyunsung was too strong.

'Still, I won't let him go!'

In his past life, Lee Hyun had a hunch that many wrongdoings were happening in Top Entertainment, but he just ignored all of them and focused on his music. 

But this time, he won't do the same.

Lee Hyun glanced at Harin thinking that. 

If he hadn't found Harin in the hospital that day, then she would have probably lived with the tag of a murderer all her life. 

Not only that, her voice would have probably been suppressed and only few people would have heard it.

He was sure that it was the same in his past life, but things were different this time.


"Ah, yes."

Harin raised her head when Lee Hyun called her. She was barely holding back her tears and her face looked dirty. 

"I want your voice to be heard all over Korea. I promise you that."


"I know I said this earlier and I'm again saying it to remind you that I would fulfil that promise no matter what. So, don't worry about your past and follow me."

'Just follow me.'

Those words seem to echo in her mind repeatedly. She became confident, but she was still somewhat hesitant. 

"W-will the society really accept me?"

Lee Hyun smiled hearing that question. He stood up from his seat and pushed out his hands towards her with a bright smile.

"We just have to believe that they would accept."

Harin was momentarily dazed because of Lee Hyun, but this time, she shook his hands and said.


That was the moment when Lee Hyun acquired the first member of his girl group and it also started a direct confrontation with Top Entertainment. 

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