Let’s get ready to rumble

Chapter 1: Let’s get ready to rumble

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Let’s get ready to rumble chapter 1

 Here is Michael a young man 21 years old preparing for his debut wrestling match,  his hand shaking his palms  are sweating arms are heavy him being very anxious and nervous almost feeling like throwing up his mom spaghetti, hearing the crowds chant “we want blood we want blood!”, a man came up to him having  a bald head and a mustache with A nasty scar on his eyebrow said to Micheal “time to go kid good luck”, Micheal turning serious now nodded and got up heading to the curtains to walk down the ramp and into the arena he  whispered to himself in a low voice “ I can do this”he then held his  head high Micheal  no longer feeling anxious or nervous his eyes devoid of any any fear but filled with determination move through the curtain. Young Michael has been a fan of wrestling for as far as when he learned to speak as a baby. His first encounter with wrestling started on a Sunday  November 5th 2004 his mother was prepping dinner rice and peas with fried chicken,his father was in his body shop working on a bike of a customer whiles his brothers were out doing odd jobs while a young child Michael was seated in front of the tv watching cartoons when he accidentally touched the tv remote changing it to a program where three men dressed in black in a ring surrounds by audiences int he arena were attacking a big man about 6feet tall one was attacking his legs the other his middle section the other punching the big man in the face young Michael was stunned and scared for this is the first time he’s ever saw such brutal violence and was cheering in his mind for the big man to somehow get out of this predicament, and then the stunned Michael was shocked out of his stunned state to the deafening roar of the big man Micheal with his mouth wide open at the stunning scene he was seeing right now he watched as the big behemoth with sheer animalistic power lifted up the three men who were in no way light, raised them above his head and threw them to the announcing table outside, the three men barely looking alive were motionless spread out on the destroyed announcement table with the announcers arguing about there table always being destroyed weekly. Micheal face  paled thinking  that they were dead his eyes now glued to the screen now turned to the behemoth in the ring on one knee taking a breather then all of sudden he rose to his feet and gave even fiercer roar and when near the ropes of the ring and shouted for a mic the behemoth then dressed in a cave man outfit and sporting a nippy hair turned his attention to the ramp and spoke in a booming voice in the mic St Don sending out your lackeys to do your dirty work why don’t you be a man and fight me fair and square, face to face, man to man unless your less of a man than I thought you were after that last sentence a music hit out of nowhere da dam da dam out came a man with spiky hair a slight muscular build dressed in a suit in all white. A white hat that those guys in mafia movies wear white oh white leather Texas boot and yellow glasses hiding his eyes he was not alone he had a group of mean mugged looking muscular guy all equipped with bats, pipes and boards he then took a mic from another beside him also dressed in all white looking like a subordinate with shades covering his eyes like the other dude, the spiky haired man then spoke his voice sounding snotty as silk now giant barbarian you know I won’t be lured into your trap by your taunts and such I’m sure you’d punch my lights out the moment I try to step in that ring so I won’t be coming to the ring but don’t worry I left you some friends to play with and with saying that the spiky haired man handed back to man in the shades and walked back where he came the man in shades following as they retreated the men that came with h them proceeded to the ring young Michael now again  worried for the giant prayed he made it out alive the giant then knocked any man that even tried to get in the ring the giant was in control for a few minutes before he was hit with a bat in the knee making him dropped to the uninsured knee and hold his injured knee roaring in pain he was then silence by a steel pipe to the head leaving him unconscious with blood dripping from his head profusely the youngMicheal teary eyed then shouted with emotion “get up giant this can’t be it don’t let them win giant get up!!!”. As if the giant heard him through the tv the giant woke up bloody eyes and gave a thundering roar frightening the his attackers  in the ring who were attacking him causing them to subconsciously step back as the giant behemoth slowly got to his feet as he was getting up one of hai attacker snapped out of his stunned stupor then ran up to him and struck him with the the pipe across his back with a down the giant slowly turned his head and looked at his attacker and said in a low voice “annoying” and with that word he punched and knock the attacker cold as he got to hai feet the faint then slightly moved hai knee flinching from the pain, the attacker seeing he still suffered from that knee then determined ran to the giant the giant seeing this shouted in a deep booming voice that shook the arena “come on bitches!!!” The men now screaming as they ran to attack 

young Michael seeing this marveled at the sight reminded him of those paintings at those art museums his mom used to take him showing hundred of j knights in armor charging to one  man Dressed in shining armor and a  wielding badass sword charging at the knight also no fear in his eyes just pure determination that painting left young Michael brimming with respect to the knight the scene  of the giant starting to charge his  charging attackers, with the same absence of fear in the giant eyes but there was a big presence of determination present this rose the same respect from young Micheal as that of the knight the giant laid rest to his attackers tearing them apart like a wild bear he piled there unconscious odors into spike and put his feet on that pile with his head gel high and gave a warriors roar signaling victory young Micheal in awe, as the crowds in the arena roared with cheering and applauses the giant stood there with a smile basking in his glory hen then asked for a mic and spoke in a deep booming voice agin “St Don you made a grave mistake  pal I’m coming for you and oh it’s gonna be a hell of a payback.”

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