Let’s get ready to rumble

Chapter 3: Confrontation begins

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Chapter 3

The giant now in the ring, grabbed a mic and said in a deep voice come out ST Don or I might have to have my friend bob and his gang of monster truck racers run all over your  limousine which I know certainly cost you a whole lot of money I’ll give you a minute ,as the giant said this on the big screen a footage of the parking lot was being displayed on a big screen right above the entrance to the ramp how did I not notice that big screen said young Michael, in the footage we saw men leaned against their monster trucks which were huge dwarfing the limousine, looking at the trucks young Micheal was in awe and terrified at the same time these trucks  certainly won’t have a problem destroying a limousine. what will ST Don do now will he let his limousine be destroyed or come out to confront the giant  just as young Micheal was thinking a familiar music played da dam da dam and out came ST Don now dressed from head to toe in green from the hat down to the shoes and his subordinate young Micheal has decided he is a subordinate dressed the same what are they the fucking wonder twins, this time they were alone without any goons are so it seems as young Micheal then noticed a movement around the ring they were guys dressed in black about 20 of them son of a bitch yelled Micheal as he saw the men dressed in black slide into the ring with pipes and bats and other weapons seeing this the faint roar you fucking coward I should’ve known you’d pull something like this as the giant said this he charged to ST Don’s goon gearing to fight he punched and kicked anybody in his way even clawing at them like a wild bear Micheal was starting to think that was the giant’s spirit animal but alas the numbers came into play they hit him with behind the knee near the giants hamstring causing home to hump down in pain as they wailed  away at him they even had a horse whip where the whipped him across the back while I there were stopping on his head the crowd was erupting with cheers as the giant  was being brutalized they started to hit the giant in the head with the bats all the while laughing and making him blood was dripping from the giant’s body like a fountain even when the giant seemingly been beaten till he was blue they still continued all the while the crowd cheered now Micheal was terrified not of the wrestlers but the audience thinking mom was right these guys are blood thirsty animals they feed on violence meanwhile the giant was still getting beaten the crowd cheered we want more blood!, we want more blood !!, we want more blood!!!. And with that the goons started to swing away at the giant head even more making a crunching sound as their bats made contact with the giants head blood running down  the giants face and into his barley opened eyes you could see dents in the giants head if they keep this up the will kill him stop shouted Micheal hoping the goons would hear him and stop’ but the goons only started hitting the he giant even harder and faster even through the crowd you could hear the sound of the bat’s impact on the giants head Micheal was appalled he stared at ST Don up the ramp him smiling from ear to ear while smoking a cigar Micheal stared at him in hatred if looks could kill ST Don would have died a hundred times over after a minute of gazing at ST Don for a few minutes Micheal gaze was then turned to the ring again when he head a loud pop he turned to see the giant down his eyes rolled at the back of his head and blood leaking out even more and hovering over his head was a bat covered I wa hat seem to be some human skin coated  in blood, tears flowed down Michael’s cheek as the crowd cheered even louder and chanted ST Don’s name Micheal shouting get up giant don’t let him win don’t let him get the satisfaction thinking he beat you, get up!!!!  Paramedics were running down the ramp to the ring to check to aid the giant but ST Don’s goons attacked them while ST Don was walking slowly down to the ring with a mic in his hand putting the mic to his mouth and spoke you see giant you really are a an idiot you really thought I wasn’t going to have back up you thought I would just jump into the ring just like that your friends can destroy my limousine all they want I can just get another one I am a millionaire aren’t I, he then went up the steel steps to o the ring and slowly came in under the ropes all over he while making sure his suit wasn’t ruffled Micheal hated this man to the core he then slowly walked to the giant bloody body with a smug arrogant face and bent down to the giant ear and said don’t think you’re ever on my level you hear me bitch hen then stood back up and spat on the giant’s head all the while still having that damned smug look Micheal wanted to punch him in his smug face but then something happened that stunned Micheal rubbing his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly but no the image was just the same there was a smile on the giant’s  face seeing this ST Don smug look was gone and in turned turned to fear he turned to rub but all of a sudden a cage was lowered locking him in the ring with the giant to everybody’s surprise was moving first his fingers then his hands the crowd now was silent watching this incredible miracle no normal  could survive that beat down none the less get back up minutes after it was impossible but here was the giant doing the impossible the goons backed ways in fear terrified now of the giant the gain slow got to his knee and then stopped for a minute in those few minutes everyone held their breath ST Don,his subordinate and his goons then ST Don’s subordinate snap out of his stupor and said to the goons what are you doing attack him don’t let him get to his feet the goons hearing that snapped out of their stupor and and gripped their weapons tightly and ran to the giant the crowd streets to cheer and chant again blood more blood we want blood!!!! hearing the commotion the giant jumped to his feet and opened his blood shot eyes and gave off a demonic roar scaring the shit out of the goons they froze in fear at such a roar using this moment the giant launch his entire body at the goons squashing them using insane speed in punching and knocking them all out ST Don and his subordinate steeped back in fear after getting rid of the goons the giant then turned to ST Don and his subordinate and shot them a psychotic smile sending shivers down everybody’s spine then the giant look up at the crowd and shouted let’s get ready to rumble!!!

this scene was immaculate having young Micheal in awe as he roared let’s get to it !!!.


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