Leveling through Lust

Chapter 80: 80

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There were many interesting things going in my mind as we traveled toward the huge base of the necromancers, but coincidentally, none of them was about the undead we would have to face. Not when I had just got ridden of the panties of Titania, fingering her mercilessly. Most of my attention was on the amazing sensation that covered my fingers.

[+300 Experience]

[-256 Mana]

However, a part of it was focused on a related, but very important problem.

The Companion Acquisition Process.

Even with Cornelia, introducing the system had been a relatively simple affair, that while I didn’t trust her entirely, I was relieved by the fact that she had no choice but to rely on me for the power she searched.

The same didn’t apply to Titania. While my assistance was critical, it was only until the current crisis was resolved, one way or another. Even worse was the presence of the headmistress, with her unknown strength and her ability to assess soul spaces. The ancient witch was truly dangerous.

However, to make things even worse, even with the looming potential threat of the Headmistress, I had to continue. For better or worse, I had already triggered the process, and it had created its unique node in Titania, which might have been already discovered by the Headmistress. The only thing I could do under the circumstances was to push forward, and hope either Headmistress doesn’t make a habit of checking Titania’s soul space regularly, or, in the case of discovery, she would entertain my offer of alliance enough to ignore I boned her subordinate repeatedly…

That left only one problem. I still didn’t want to alert Titania until it was too late, so I needed to hide the source of her first achievement. So, rather than pushing inside her immediately to quench my throbbing shaft, I waited until the perfect opportunity, fingering her in the process, as well as deploying enough mana to suppress her emotional blocker.

Her resulting moans were spectacular, so was her distinct lack of complaint.

[+500 Experience]

[-411 Mana]

I saw the opportunity in the form of a Darkness Wyvern, preparing to dive toward us immediately. It had a scary reputation in a similar vein to Shadow Wolf, only several times larger in scale. After all, despite its intimidating skill set, Shadow Wolf was a class nine creature, meaning its danger to real powerhouses was limited, and it culled the weak.

Darkness Wyvern was the opposite. It was a high-class creature, usually above twenty-five, some even passing thirty, and like the Shadow Wolf, it was an ambush hunter. Unlike the wolf, it had a more select palette, only hunting people with overwhelming strength, rarely attacking anyone below level twenty. Luckily, it was a rare creature.

And, even better, I wasn’t afraid of it thanks to my skill set, allowing me to both detect it easily and assault it with ranged options. I even achieved something most thought as impossible, and noticed it as it prepared its dive, rather than just before its claws connected. With that, it wasn’t a threat, because its explosive attacking ability wasn’t matched by its defensive traits.

Just as it was about to dive, I pulled my shaft free, and plunged it in Titania, earning a loud moan as she was assaulted by the familiar presence of my invasion. “Did you miss it?” I whispered as she tightened around it.

[Companion Acquisition: Progress 24%]

[+1000 Experience]

[-217 Mana]

“O-of course not,” she stammered. “It’s just for the mana, and nothing-” she tried to continue, but I cut her off.

“Look out,” I cried as I wrapped one hand around her waist as I ordered the air elemental to move to the side, dodging the dive attack at the last second. “Attack,” I ordered, while casting an earth elemental spell, summoning several pillars around the creature to pin it in place, strong enough to resist its furious thrashing.

[-651 Mana]

For her credit, Titania didn’t waste a second despite the extreme situation and raised her hand, sending a ray of light that cut through the darkness of the night, filled with a scary amount of mana, even as I continued to pump in her. I could feel a huge chunk of her mana, almost half, disappear in one spell, but not without its reward. The moment it connected with the Darkness Wyvern, the creature burned immediately, leaving a pile of ash behind. Damn, I thought, pitying the waste. Even with the strength of her spell, I wasn’t expecting such a result, but maybe, Darkness Wyvern was weak against her light magic, to the point of ruining it completely, leaving no hopes of extracting any materials.

Still, the notification that popped told me that I fulfilled my primary aim, so all was well.

[Companion Acquisition: Progress 25% - First Stage Completed +5000 Exp]

She made no mention of an achievement —which didn’t surprise me— as she gave an order. “Let’s go back, we alerted the necromancers to our presence.”

“No,” I said even as I started pumping inside her.

“W-what do you mean, no,” she stammered as she turned to look at me, forcing her to turn at the waist as my hands were still firmly on her hips, preventing her from moving.

“It’s an excellent opportunity,” I explained while I directed our mount to take an alternative route to our secret entrance. “No matter what, the surprise effect of our assault will fade in a few seconds. If they increase the guards at the entrance, it’s even better for us, as we’re going to use a hidden entrance.”

“But-” she tried to speak, only to be silenced when I ripped her top without a warning, leaving her only with her bra.

“No, the plan is solid. Now, we need to focus on recovering your mana,” I explained before I silenced her with a kiss, transferring a great amount of mana in the process to fill her drained mana reserves.

[Companion Acquisition: Progress 27%]

[+1000 Experience]

[-216 Mana]

[+2 Speech]

One good advantage of the changed route was that it gave me a chance to enjoy Titania as we travel. She was a spectacular sight, her alabaster skin shining under the moonlight, wearing nothing but a bra and a bunched-up skirt that revealed her delicious legs, while I continued to pump her.

I pulled out of the kiss, pulled her on my lap more comfortably, pumping in a leisure manner. She caught flatfooted by the sudden change, but made no attempt to change her position, no doubt convincing herself that it was for the mana only, though the way she tightened around me betrayed her enjoyment. I could easily imagine her staying on my lap silently for the rest of the route, trying to act impervious as much as possible.

I had no intention of allowing that, not when I finally have it under my hand.

“So, are you comfortable with the position,” I asked even as I lazily pumped her, each push slowly filling her mana.

“W-what,” she stammered as she tried to adjust her position, feeling self-aware, but didn’t pull out. I slipped my hands underneath her skirt to rest on her hips, enjoying the way her ass clenched under my touch.

“I’m asking whether you’re feeling comfortable, or whether we should push for a change of position?” I asked. “Maybe you want to lay down and I take you in missionary, or maybe you want to ride me in cowgirl? Or maybe I take you from behind while you lay on all fours?”

[Companion Acquisition: Progress 29%]

[+600 Experience]

[-135 Mana]

“T-that’s not necessary,” she managed to stammer, even though her blush intensified with every whisper of a new position, her eyes losing focus as she fell into the imagination.

“As you wish,” I said, though that was by no means was a reason to stop my meddling. I grabbed the hem of her skirt, and after a pull, ripped most of it off, turning it into a miniskirt that would barely hide her ass, and that was only when she was standing perfectly still. It was delicious. And even better, this time, she didn’t even complain. “This is better, right?” I asked, pushing my luck enthusiastically. “This way, it’ll not get in the way.”

“Y-yeah,” she stammered and answer, doing her best not to moan, but failing spectacularly.

“Good,” I said even as I returned my hand to her hips, continuing to pump as I enjoyed her wetness gushing around. “You just need to suffer for another five minutes, and then we’ll arrive at the secret entrance, you can handle it, right?”

“I can,” she whispered, her eyes closed, feeling more self-conscious after my questions, which was the aim in the first place. I didn’t want her to let her go dazed, I wanted her to enjoy every single detail.

For the rest of the journey, it continued at the same pace. I stayed slotted inside her, pumping gently, while she did her best to act like it wasn’t affecting her —and failing terribly.

[Companion Acquisition: Progress 33%]

[+1000 Experience]

[-291 Mana]

“We’re here,” I told her as we arrived at the entrance of the cave, and dispelled the air elemental, glad that its drain was much more manageable thanks to my improved abilities. Unlike before, I still had almost half of my reserves even with all the mana I transferred.

Multiple active regeneration perks were certainly useful.

My feet touched the floor, but I didn’t let hers touch. Instead, I hooked my arms under her knees, forcing her legs to open to the limit, her body lighter than a feather thanks to my strength. “L-let me walk,” she stammered.

“No,” I simply said as we walked at the cave, and rather than continuing, I stood in the middle of the cave. “We still need to fill your reserves completely before we can act.”

“The position is weird,” she whispered, admitting.

“Sure, let me fix it,” I said as I grabbed her waist, and turned her 180 degrees, so that she was facing me, before I rammed her again. Her legs wrapped around me reflexively, and our eyes met, allowing me to read her emotions.

Frustration, because she was being betrayed by her own body as her entrance tightened around me, slippery wet.

Humiliation, because she was feeling a lack of control, turning her into a toy despite all her might.

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Excitement, because of the stirrings of a way of life she had never imagined before.

Pleasure, because as I picked up speed, she was losing control of her own thoughts, overwhelmed with pleasure.

Then, I exploded, filling her insides with my seed and mana in equal amount, the torrent of liquid sweeping her conflicting emotions, leaving pure ecstasy behind as she climaxed, making her forget every single unimportant detail, from her position to impending deadly assault, making her focus on the reactions of her own body, her arms and legs tightening around.

[Companion Acquisition: Progress 38%]

[+2000 Experience]

[-611 Mana]

“Not a bad way to recover, right,” I commented lazily, enjoying the way she tried to calm her expression, only to fail spectacularly. I wanted to tease her, ask her whether she liked my cock, but I had a feeling it was still slightly early to break the illusion of mana recovery assistance. She knew the truth, and I certainly knew the truth, however, speaking the truth still ruined the comfortable illusion that was established, one that was still necessary.

Pity we didn’t have a bed in here, as I would have loved to enjoy an extended holiday.

However, just because we didn’t have a bed, or I still needed to maintain the illusion, didn’t mean that I couldn’t push my luck a bit more. I finally let her go, and she stood straight, her legs trembling, my cum sliding down her inner thigh. “You’re still not full, right?” I asked, despite knowing the answer.

“No, I’m at two-thirds,” she answered.

“Good,” I said as I cast a spell against the wall, turning its rough natural surface into a smooth layer that would rival the best marble. “I want you to remove your bra, then go and lean against the wall, and push your ass out.”

[-4 Mana]

The position certainly wasn’t the craziest we had done together, but there was a big distinction. Until this moment, everything we had done together, she had been a passive participant, following my every whim and nothing else, like a leaf caught in the wind. This time, however, while still under my orders, she needed to take the action herself, with the full realization of what was about to follow.

Her stiff expression suggested that she was very much aware of that particular nugget. After all, she might be inexperienced in managing her emotions, but she was a very smart woman, and understood what was going on. And after several repeats, the pleasures of the flesh weren’t so novel that it would blanket her decision-making process completely.

She was still in control.

Still, she walked toward the new wall I constructed, her hips dancing invitingly, her hands reaching back to remove her bra, before she tossed it on the side. She did look at me questioningly when I cast a fire spell to burn it. “It’s better if we don’t leave any evidence,” I explained, like a sculpted wall —or a secret tunnel— wasn’t evidence.

She leaned against the wall, her tits pressing against the cold surface, her hands stilted to support. “Good,” I whispered as I stalked toward her, enjoying the sight of her puffed lips, her short skirt barely able to cover the upper side of her hips with the angle. “Now, bring your hand down and separate your lips, so that I can slide in.”

[+3 Speech]

Once again, it was not a functional request, but a test of my control over her. Even more beautifully, she followed the order immediately, widening her slit enough to reveal her soft flesh, begging for my presence. “Beautiful,” I gasped, fascinated by her obedience even more than her beauty.

Then, I pushed, my shaft disappearing inside her inch by inch, slow enough to savor it. She swallowed all without the slightest issue, almost sucking me in. Her wetness making it even easier. “Faster,” she moaned, and I gasped in shock. She turned to face me, frozen by her own reaction, though she was quick to recover. “T-the sooner my mana recover, the sooner we can attack them,” she gasped, even though her tone indicated that she didn’t have the slightest conviction behind her latest excuse.

“As you wish, sweet cheeks,” I said, spanking her ass to leave no ambiguity about which cheeks I was talking about, before I slammed hard inside her, and a cry of pleasure escaped her mouth, loud enough to make me glad the wards in the cave included silencing charms.

“Do it,” she groaned as I slammed, again and again, my spear dominating the battle, leaving her no option but to surrender to pleasure. “Faster, harder.”

Following her request, I started a merciless assault to her entrance, each slam making her tremble, pushing her to the limits. And unlike the other magically inclined girls, her physical stats were quite a bit more developed, allowing me to truly ravage her.

She was doing her best to handle the assault, huffing, puffing, moaning, crying, and even begging, all for her search for a release, while I slammed her repeatedly, filling her with mana until she was filled to the brim.

It was another test, to see whether she would ask me to stop now that her mana reserves were completely full. However, from the way her moans exploded, I doubted that it was even an option in her mind. Several minutes later, I exploded inside her, triggering another orgasm in her.

[Companion Acquisition: Progress 45%]

[+2500 Experience]

[-1396 Mana]

My seed was once again accompanied by a flood of mana. However, since her reserves were already full, I decided to leverage it a different way. I continued to inject mana, however, used it to envelope her emotion-blocking perk, essentially warding it up so that it would be impossible to affect her anymore. For all intents and purposes, it was destroyed.

[Achievement: Stolen Servant. Acquire the Acolyte of your rival through direct intervention, cutting his connection completely. +3 to all stats. +20000 Experience]

Level UP!

[Select one of the following skills: Grandmaster Tantric (5), Grandmaster Elemental (5), Basic Craft]

My gasp of shock mixed with Titania’s moans as I received the achievement. It was a spectacular gain in terms of benefits, but also, it finally gave me a few more clues about my system. The term Acolyte seemed technical enough to give me a starting point, and the huge rewards suggested that it was pretty important to do so.

In contrast, skill selection was easier. As much as I was tempted to select Tantric, it was still sufficient for my needs. On the contrary, Craft might provide me with the edge I require, allowing me to prepare against the challenges beforehand.

I pulled out, hugging her to prevent her from collapsing, intent on taking a couple of minutes of rest, allowing her to recover while I regenerated mana.

A dangerous battle awaited us.

[Level: 29 Experience: 421500 / 435000

Strength: 36 Charisma: 51

Precision: 33 Perception: 35

Agility: 33 Manipulation: 38

Speed: 32 Intelligence: 42

Endurance: 30 Wisdom: 41

HP: 4756 / 4756 Mana: 2475 / 6003 ]


Master Melee [100/100]

Master Tantric [100/100]

Master Biomancy [100/100]

Master Elemental [100/100]

Master Subterfuge [95/100]

Master Arcana [86/100]

Expert Speech [62/75]

Basic Craft [0/25]


Mana Regeneration

Skill Share

Empowerment (1/1)



[Cornelia - Level 17/25]

[Helga - Level 13/17]

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