Leveling through Lust

Chapter 97: 97

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When I arrived back at the school, I wasn’t surprised to meet with utter chaos. After all, as intimidating as they were, just one monster horde was hardly enough to dent the defensive measures of Silver Spires. There was a reason for its reputation as the greatest learning center in a world where everything was determined by combat capability.

But multiple monster hordes, forcing the school to choose between dispersing most of its elite fighting force to destroy them and losing all of its supporting infrastructure, leaving it isolated for a long and costly siege.

I started searching for Titania among the chaos, but a few discreet inquires I had initiated failed to give any useful result. So, I decided to try the same trick I had applied to track Cornelia and Helga. Since Titania’s progress was far from completion, getting an accurate sense of her direction was neither as effective nor as effortless, but luckily, it still worked from a close distance. I could easily feel Aviada’s and Oeyne’s locations.

Unfortunately, neither Titania nor Marianne was in the school. Not really the thing I had been looking for.

Paradoxically, I worried more about Titania than Marianne despite the huge gap in their strength. After all, Marianne was one of the better healers among the students even before the progress she had made thanks to my assistance. So, unless the team she was assigned was filled with complete morons, she would be protected to the best of their abilities as not everyone had my luxury of self-healing.

Titania, on the other hand, had been the target for at least one ambush, which would have been successful if it wasn’t for my accidental interruption. And during such an important mobilization, she was too important to be kept hidden completely. While asking a few random soldiers yielded no result, I was operating under the assumption that our enemies had better spying capabilities, meaning, they had the ability to arrange another ambush for her.

I was afraid that, even with forewarning, Titania lacked the personality to avoid a complicated ambush. She was in a habit of preferring direct solutions. I could only hope that without the constant interference from the source of her light magic forcing her to be emotionless and aggressive, she could be more cautious.

However, since I was already at the school, I decided to pay a visit to Aviada first. Even if Titania was going to be targeted, they would only do so after she properly exhausted herself, meaning I had at least half a day to visit her.

Visiting Aviada was important. She would probably be sent out for a mission as well, and unlike Marianne, she didn’t have the implicit protection of being a healer. As a front-line fighter, she was under tremendous risk, and several extra levels would come in handy. And after my interactions with the headmistress and the upcoming danger, revealing my leveling ability to Aviada wasn’t as dangerous. At this point, it was inevitable that it would be revealed sooner or later.

As another side benefit, I would be able to test whether the Companion progress was developing further.

I once again walked through the familiar corridors of the fighter section, easily slipping into the female dorm. Aviada was in her room, but she wasn’t alone. A familiar face was accompanying her, Carla, the sexy redheaded archer that had become the unwitting voyeur during our first encounter, before she evolved into a shy yet willing voyeur the last time.

Hard to believe it was just a few days ago, with everything that happened in between.

“Good evening, girls,” I said with a cheerful tone as I closed the door, barging in without even asking. Since it was Aviada’s room, it wasn’t rude, not that a little social nicety would have stopped me.

“Caesar,” they said immediately, Aviada with deep enthusiasm, but Carla’s tone was more shocked, no doubt remembering our last encounter, where I caught her masturbating while watching my private time with Aviada.

“So, how are you going in this fine evening?” I said even as I walked toward the bed, where Aviada was sitting, while Carla occupied a chair next to the bed.

“We’re discussing the mission for tomorrow,” Aviada answered. “We’re tasked to patrol the perimeter tomorrow, and Carla here is the squad head,” she added, just a touch

“Because you still think that direct violence is a solution for everything,” Carla countered exasperatedly, suggesting it wasn’t the first time Aviada had raised that exact topic. Not even close.

“Well, she’s not wrong,” I said, which made Aviada sent an annoyed glare at me, but Carla didn’t have enough time to enjoy her small victory, too distracted by my movements as I pulled off my shirt, earning a strangled gasp rather than a smug acknowledgment.

“What are you doing!” Carla exclaimed.

“Undressing,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Couldn’t your sharp ranger eyes decipher even that?” I said, then smirked. “We know that they can’t detect everything,” I added, referring to the time where I had fucked Aviada in front of her, all the while she was thinking Aviada was simply sitting on my lap, while bragging about the sharpness of her perception.

“That was-” Carla tried to argue as her face took a deep red color to match the hue of her hair, but interrupted by Aviada’s amused laughter.

“He got you there,” Aviada said simply, removing her top as well, revealing her perky breasts. Apparently, she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

“Hey!” Carla said, her blush achieving the impossible as she watched Aviada’s uncaring nakedness. Though, since they used a communal shower, it was clearly more about the implicit action it was about to enable rather than simple nudity.

“What?” Aviada said even as I removed my pants and underwear on the background, and Carla shut her eyes.

“You’re both getting naked!” Carla answered, shocked that her objection wasn’t seemingly obvious for us.

“So,” Aviada shrugged even as I lay next to her, while she finished removing her clothes. “It isn’t like the first time you’re going to watch us having sex, is it? Or you can only handle watching while hiding in a corner like a coward, like all rangers.”

Aviada’s words were harsh, but from the way she uttered them casually, and Carla’s resulting blush and a lack of anger —except the frustrated, friendly kind— it was clear that it counted as banter to them. I might have attempted to judge them, but after watching Cornelia and Helga trying to one-up each other during a threesome that lasted hours, it wasn’t exactly extreme.

“It’s called patience and tactics, not that I expected a meathead that required her full intelligence to figure out how to swing a big sword to understand it,” Carla shot back, almost automatic, using the familiar grounds of the banter to

“Don’t judge your friend, sweetie,” I said even as I hugged Aviada’s waist. “She’s clearly feeling self-conscious, it’s not something to be mocked. We should understand that,” I said, which earned a quirked eyebrow from Aviada. Then, I grabbed the cover and pulled on us, hiding our bodies from her view. “Here, it’s done,” I said, my smirk widening even further. “You can surely handle it like this, right?”

“I don’t think she can,” Aviada jumped in before Carla could answer.

“Of course I can,” Carla answered rapidly, her pride overcoming her common sense. “You should be more concerned. Can you focus on our mission while you moan like a slut under his cock!”

“What can I say, he has a nice cock,” Aviada countered her, but before she could continue, my fingers found her entrance, caressing aggressively to moisten her entrance. Not that I needed to spend a lot of time doing that. The possibility of having sex in front of her friend was already doing wonders for her.

“So, about the patrol route,” Aviada said after a moan escaped her mouth while I lodged my shaft to the inviting embrace of her ass, enjoying the warmth of her plump curves. “What should be the role distribution?”

Carla replied with several names and their strengths and weaknesses, but Aviada wasn’t exactly in a point to give her all to listen to those words, occupied by the way my free hand landed on her breasts, teasing her nipples. The occasional moan that burst out informed Carla that her explanation wasn’t being listened to.

Not that Carla seemed torn about that particular fact. Even as she explained, her gaze was sliding repeatedly toward the blanket on the bed, or more accurately, the movement that gave a general idea of what was going on under it. She continued speaking, but it was more droning while her earlier shock slowly melted into desire and arousal. Her legs, subtly rubbing against each other, was another sign of her growing arousal.

“It sounds-” Aviada said once Carla finished her explanation, though the latter half of her explanation was mostly gibberish. I chose that exact moment to slip inside her, which extracted a delicious moan off her lips. “- nice,” she completed after her moan subsided.

“Really?” Carla said, amused at Aviada’s attempt to act like everything was normal, though that didn’t subtract anything from her growing arousal, her beautiful green eyes shining with desire. “I’m not sure about the third rotation, what’s your opinion on that?” she asked.

“Third rotation?” Aviada flinched, though, it might be more about me pushing my shaft even deeper into her wetness rather than the question. Still, that didn’t change the fact that she had clearly missed most of Carla’s explanation. “I agree with your plan completely.”

“Really?” Carla said even as she rotated on her chair to display her side to us, which was a subtle adjustment to hide the way her legs rubbing furiously, though it wasn’t successful as she was clearly thinking. “So, you don’t have any problem taking the rear guard both for second and third rotation,” Carla said smugly, saddling Aviada with the most annoying job during such a patrol, with lots of risks, but little actual excitement, responsible for defending the group for unexpected ambushes while they dealt with monsters.

It wasn’t the worst job in general, but with her personality, it was clearly the worst job for Aviada, forcing her to stay alert for the duration of the duty, but depriving her of the excitement of combat. For a combat junkie like Aviada, it was an excellent punishment. And the best part was that all Aviada needed to get out of it was to tell her she had made a mistake, but her pride would never allow her to do so.

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That small jab had elevated Carla’s position in my mind a couple of ranks. She might be quite shy and a little perverted, but even in her distracted state, she was cunning enough to squeeze a little punishment despite her passive position.

Of course, her little victory might satisfy her mentally, but it was far from satisfying her physically as she watched Aviada’s face contorting with pleasure as I pushed deeper and deeper, the blanket moving violently. She could have beaten a hasty retreat, or accept her defeat with grace, but she did neither, her womanly pride blocking both paths. Instead, she decided to push back the only way she could, by messing with Aviada.

“Another question,” she said, trying to suppress the huskiness of her tone, before asking Aviada a detailed one about the team logistic, one that was actually forcing her to talk, biting her lips toward the end of the question.

“I’m not - SURE!” Aviada tried to answer, only to explode into a cry as I sank my fingers to her plump breast, enjoying the treatment. I listened to the rest of the explanation amusedly, using that to suppress a particular frustration. There was no progress in her Companion tracker, meaning, it was being sourced from the same source, cutting the second most important source of growth for me as well.

It meant that the power I had been giving to the girls had been coming at the expense of my own personal growth, with an unknown exchange ratio, or whether the different stages of the Companion process had different costs. I almost hoped that it did, because otherwise, I had wasted quite a bit of potential by spreading it half-completed across several targets rather than focusing on a few.

At least Helga and Cornelia had completed, giving me the permanent perks in the process. My life would have been much more inconvenient without the permanent Mana Regeneration, multiplying my combat potential significantly.

It wasn’t all bad, however, as the similarity between the Companion Process and the weird emotional suppressing aspect of Titania was rather similar. And since my Companions were powered with this so-called divine spark, chances were it was the same for Titania. Though, while having a strong clue was good, the destination it was pointing to was less so. After all, the headmistress already invited me to receive the ‘blessing’, meaning that the elusive item I was searching for was either in her possession, or she had a strong connection to someone that had it.

In either case, not the easiest target to pillage.

Aviada moaned loudly, interrupting my thoughts, which was a welcome interruption. “Sorry, I didn’t get that,” Carla said smugly. “Would you mind repeating it?”

“I said—” Aviada tried to say, but I squeezed her tits once more, cutting her explanation again.

“Really, Aviada,” Carla said gleefully, enjoying Aviada’s struggle as much as she was clearly enjoying the erotic aspects of our show. “You are almost strong enough to graduate, you should answer such a simple question easily,” she added, amusement dancing behind her beautiful green eyes. “I can’t even imagine the reaction of the instructors if you took this long to think during an expedition.”

“You’re pushing your luck—” Aviada answered, the pleasure making her needs too urgent to continue with their little challenge, but her argument got interrupted when I decided to change position, laying on my back before pulling her on, creating a delicious reverse cowgirl. Since it was time to change the pace, I let the blanket slip during the shift, revealing her delicious body, even as her weight pushed her down deeper onto my shaft. The change in the angle allowed my shaft to reach a different sensitive spot, which was the end of Aviada’s —admittedly halfhearted— attempts to chastise Carla.

To be fair, Carla wasn’t looked torn up about Aviada’s sudden silence, her eyes locked at our midsection, where my thickness was disappearing inside Aviada again and again. Her expression of arousal was unmistakable as she abandoned any attempt to keep it hidden. She just watched, her legs rubbing against each other as she tried to solve her own arousal, too self-conscious to actually start playing with herself in front of me.

A minute passed, the room slowly filling up with moans and grunts. Carla watched the way our bodies slammed against each other repeatedly without blinking, the last scraps of her resistance slowly disappearing under the strain…

[Level: 30 Experience: 447193 / 465000

Strength: 41 Charisma: 53

Precision: 35 Perception: 37

Agility: 35 Manipulation: 40

Speed: 34 Intelligence: 44

Endurance: 34 Wisdom: 46

HP: 5370 / 5370 Mana: 6600 / 6600 ]


Master Melee [100/100]

Master Tantric [100/100]

Master Biomancy [100/100]

Master Elemental [100/100]

Master Subterfuge [97/100]

Master Arcana [95/100]

Expert Speech [70/75]

Advanced Craft [50/50]


Mana Regeneration

Skill Share

Empowerment (1/1)



[Cornelia - Level 21/25]

[Helga - Level 17/21]

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