Leviathan’s System

Chapter 13: Three, and First Request

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“What a hike,” I grumbled, finally arriving at the Guild Hall with Asmode still leaning on my shoulder, “you’re one heavy guy.” I slid from under the large man. He stood, seemingly fine. His arm had only been pulled out of its socket, and he had pushed it back in whilst on the walk back. 


“You can carry a lot more than you look like you could,” retorted my companion, and we smiled at each other before pushing open the door to enter the tavern. 


Everyone’s eyes turned to look at us, and a group near the back dressed in all orange-red garments scoffed when they saw us. I saw the large man beside me glare at them, but he held back from acting on his ire. 


We made our way to the bar, I sat on a stool whilst Asmode stood, and the barmaid from before once again lounged against the counter as she spoke. 


“Welcome back, you look like you lost some weight in the hospital,” she japed, and I laughed in reaction. She smiled slightly and continued. “I see you found a new teammate. Kaper was worri-“ 


“Not too worried that he couldn’t have waited a day or two,” I cut in, noticing Asmode watching on quietly without any knowledge of the topic. The barmaid shrugged her shoulders and stood from her hunched-over position. 


“That silver-haired lass was biting his arse to go hunting, can’t blame the man.” She sighed, reaching up to a tall shelf and bringing two mugs down to the counter. “They're on the house. What do you and this big hunk want?” 


“I’ll have ale, you fine little thing,” my teammate replied, suddenly more interested now that he had been complimented, “and a side of you if it’s going.” He smirked, and I saw her lick her lips slightly as they made eye contact that was uncomfortable to watch. 


“Just some milk,” I muttered, now put off by the pair’s shameless undressing of each other with their eyes. I waited for the barmaid to finish filling my cup before I stood up and began away from the bar. “Enjoy. I’m going to go and mingle, maybe look at the quest board.” 


“Take your time,” they both replied in unison, laughing about it afterward, with Asmode sliding into the stool I had been on as soon as I stood up. 


I shook my head once more and entered the large social area. Tables sat in rows, with a small space in between each of them. Parties sat at every table either blabbing big about prior quests, overindulging stories of failed romances, or introducing new members to the others. 


“I’m not sure you’re needed in this party,” I heard a man state from a table beside me, “you’ve not got what we’re looking for.” He finished, the smallest tinge of hesitation in his voice as he glanced to the three men beside him for confirmation. 


“Oh please,” a feminine voice moaned, standing up and slamming her hands on the table, “please let me try again. I just need a little longer until I grasp my magic, please give me a wee-” She begged, only leaving the table after being cut off by one of the men shouldering her from the booth. 


I watched as the three men grumbled and sighed, more than one of them craning their heads out of the booth to catch a glimpse of the woman who had just left them. I couldn’t say I blamed them. She was gorgeous but walked with a sense of self-consciousness that did not match her looks nor her bold, grey mana signature that flowed like a river around her body. 


“What’re you looking at, you little shit?” One of the men, bald with a braided beard, shouted at me. It was only then that I realized I had stopped in the aisle and had been practically staring at the group for the last minute. “You think something’s funny, tramp?” He mocked, sticking his chin out. 


Ignoring the group of men, I sipped at the milk I was carrying and carried on down the aisle. I thought about the girl that had just left the party, and how much stronger she seemed compared to them. I heaved a heavy sigh and chased after her, trying to remember the path she took.  


I slid through the crowds of people, giving thanks to my thin frame for making it easier. My back and nose still stabbed the odd bit of pain, reminding me of why I had applied to the Hunters’ Guild in the first place.  


“Gorgon Extermination, Milliteeth Nest Destruction…” I heard a familiar voice mumble, flipping through a pile of papers with writing scribbled all over them. “Steel-Tongued Lizard Extermination…” She continued, taking the bundle over to a place with a seat. 


“What is it you’re looking for?” I piped in, walking over to where she was seated. “I might be able to help you, and I won’t tell anyone that you stole all the notices. I assume it’s against some sort of rules.” I added, laughing slightly at the end. 


“It’s not going to end up in any scolding I’ve not had before, but I’d be glad if you kept your mouth shut about it,” she replied, looking up to me with a smile. “Just don’t expect anything in return.” 


Slightly tanned, perfect skin with no marks from her battle. Ruby-red lips that curled into a crescent, and her pearly-white teeth that shone out of her mouth. Her brown eyes, which matched her skin, gave me a once over before motioning to the seat beside her. 


“I’m just looking for something easy. I’ve just been kicked from my party,” she explained, telling me what I already knew. She rolled her eyes as she stated the last part, but it caused me to ask a question. 


“What one would you pick if you were teamed with two people who were going to grow strong enough to rival the Holy Shields?” I asked, my voice dead serious. The girl laughed but managed to stop herself before it became offensive. 


“I like you. My name’s Tiala,” she introduced herself, extending a hand for a handshake. I returned the gesture, and kept her gaze, still trying to convey that I was serious, but it never worked as she continued. “Do you talk to all the girls like this?” She smirked, and I shook my head. 


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“My name’s Levi, and no. I only speak to worthwhile candidates like this,” I stated, causing Tiala to whistle in appreciation for the smoothness, “but you still haven’t answered my question.” I took a swig of the milk, finishing it with a slight bit of glee that I hadn’t wasted money on the texture. 


“That’s because,” she announced, slamming a thick pile of paper she had plucked from the pile onto the desk, “these are the ones I would pick if I had a party like that. Ones that are mainly focused on growth, not too far from each other and that provide an easily-to-split pay.” She shrugged, sliding the fourteen-or-so bits of paper towards me over the table. 


I read over the quests and realized that she had found ones that matched what Asmode and I needed, mainly exterminations of a singular enemy with the odd job of killing numerous beasts. As I was reading, I glanced to the bar and tutted as I saw that my teammate and the barmaid had gone missing. 


“So the two tramps have banded together, eh?” The bald man from before teased, leaning over my shoulder and perching himself upon his hand as he angled his head to get the perfect view of Tiala’s cleavage.  


“I bet you’re already feeling sorry that you left us for a thin wee freak like him, eh?” Another man chimed in, taking the same position, except next to the lady, practically bridging his body over her. 


“No way, lads! Freaks’re attracted to freaks! She’s an elf, remember,” a third called from out of my vision. The stench of alcohol swirled around the table, and I saw Tiala cower slightly as they outed her secret. 


An awkward moment passed, with the lone woman closing her eyes in hopes that her harassers stopped and moved on, with the drunk men slamming the table and laughing loudly, practically screaming. 


“Tiala,” I whispered, catching her attention, “join my party.” I opted, causing her to look at me with a confused gaze. “If you want to, of course. Asmode and I will not only rival the Holy Shields, but we will beat them. Will you be by our side when we do?” I beckoned.  


“Yes,” she replied after a few seconds, causing the men to go quieter, only the man who wasn’t standing at the table still laughing, “please. Please let me follow you,” she pleaded, a few tears forming in her eyes, “but you can’t defeat them…” She sobbed. 


I didn’t know why the elf was so different around these men than she was with me, but I knew she could beat them all without breaking a sweat. That was likely why they were using such manipulative tricks to make her more loyal to their team- her untapped power. 


“You’re right, sweetheart. He couldn’t even fight sleep! Now come on, we’ll take you back if you let us spend the night with y-“ 


I reached across the table and pulled the man who was arched over Tiala by his neck, squeezing tighter than I expected to. I saw his eyes bulge and heard the man behind me casting some sort of spell. I threw an elbow behind me and felt it connect with his top row of teeth, then a crack resounded from the same place. 


‘Electric Discharge.’ 


I felt the crackling within my arm reach my hand, then saw the man I was choking begin to spazz, and he fell to the floor grunting when I loosened my grip. When I let the man fall to the floor, the third man approached me with a dagger in his hand. 


He stabbed towards my chest, and I retorted by tapping his blade away from its trajectory and ramming my closed fist into his nose, then his throat. His gargling, and gasping for air, was proof enough to me that he wouldn’t be a threat any longer. 


“What the fuck?” Demanded the bald man with the beard, the blood that had pooled in his mouth dribbling out onto the floorboards as he moved his hands.  


“She’s my party member,” I stated, grabbing him closer by his tunic, “so watch how you speak to her,” I ordered, slamming my head into his. I felt a slight tug as I brought my head back, only to realize that my horns had snagged on the man’s scalp, and lifted it slightly. 


“My party is my family, no matter how recently they have joined, and I do anything to protect my family,” I whispered in the man’s ear to ensure he heard me over his wails of agony, “do you understand?” I felt him nodding against my shoulder, and his tears ran down my bare arm. 


I let him go, and he gathered his friends instantly, scooping the friend who lay unconscious on the floor over his shoulder, and aiding the man with a severely damaged throat by throwing his arm over his neck. They hobbled away, leaving the tavern which had suddenly fallen quiet amongst the commotion. 


“Thank you,” Tiala sobbed, throwing her arms around my stomach as she repeated it over and over again. I rubbed her back gently, allowing her to empty her emotions, not caring that her sniffles and sobs were the only noise within the Guild Hall alongside a light tapping from the floor above. 


[Name: Envy (Levi Elbrus) 

Species: Leviathan.      

Level: 18 

Magic Skills: Devour, Electric Discharge, Electricity Resistance, Water Manipulation (+5), Web Secretion, Vine Control, Wind Manipulation. 

Physical Skills: Transform, Night-Vision, Thick Skin. 

Innate Skills: Mountain-Splitter Style Swordsmanship (Advanced), Ancient Blood (Not Awakened) ] 

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