Leviathan’s System

Chapter 17: The King’s Eyes and Ears

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‘Who is Paima?’

[Paima is known for his unique magical ability to store and access any of his memories like a projector. He is called upon by many royals, mainly the King, to provide them with information.]

“I’m sorry if we interrupted your rest and relaxation with our antics,” Tiala pleaded, returning to how she acted back at the tavern. “We’ll keep it to a minimum from now on.”

“I’ve really got to go,” Paima pointed over his shoulder, smiling wearily as he did so. “My carriage will be coming by any moment now. It was lovely meeting you, party of Levi.”

Before we could say another word, he had already left. I didn’t know how he had deciphered who we were from the short exchange, but it left me with a sour taste in my mouth.

“Isn’t it awesome that he just knows everything?” Tiala swooned. A deathly quiet blanketed the sauna, and my eyes met Asmode’s, and I noticed that his thought process was much more aligned with mine. 

“Far from it,” I sighed, laying back and closing my eyes to clear my head. “How much do you know about him?” 

“Well,” she started, stopping for a moment to ponder. “It’s people with wealth and information that are the most powerful. Anyone can master their magic to a decent level, and even though they’re the strongest they can still be bought by those with money.”

“But his blackmailing business gains him more than just money,” I concluded. “Asmode,” I said, getting the attention of my teammate. “Did you tell anyone else you were Wrath before you met me?”

“Hm...” he thought for a moment, closing his eyes to recall. “Not many.”

“That’s still too much,” I sighed, slumping in the hot water until it was waving just under my nostrils. 

“Why do you care so much about that? You can just tell him you’re lying about it. Nobody will be too mad,” she shrugged. “Besides, they aren’t going to be reborn for another thirty years.”

“Oh, are we not?” Asmode chuckled. “How about that Levi? We’re yet to be born!”

“You guys are weird,” Tiala sighed, laying her head back to relax. “I’m going to sleep. Make sure I don’t drown.”

‘Tempting,’ I thought, relaxing my body and mind as I closed my eyes.

I felt like I hadn’t been able to stop since I got here. My brain felt like it was in a vice because I was thinking about every option, and my body still felt too tight compared to my old one. I was flabby in my past life, but I was built like a tightly wound spring here.

A little bit of rest never hurt anyone.


“Good evening, My Lord,” I bowed, staring at the marble floor beneath. “Was there a reason you summoned me?”

“Enough with the formalities, Paima,” the King ordered, allowing me to meet his gaze. “Old friends needn’t bow in this castle.”

“Thank you,” I replied, yet I still found myself bowing my head. 

“And I'm sorry to get to business so quickly, but I have heard rumours spreading amongst the citizens that the Sins may be revived earlier than we assumed,” he stated, and I saw his hands tighten on the arms of his throne.

“I, too, have heard these rumours,” I said, which only made his mix of anxiety and anger worse. 

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“Allow me to hear them as you have,” he ordered. “I cannot trust men that may muddle words and mince intention.”

“As you wish, My Lord.”

I sighed lightly- as not to be heard- before removing my glasses. I put my fingers back to my eyes and held my eyelids open further before pulling them out.

‘That doesn’t hurt any less the hundredth time.’

I held them up in my hands and chanted under my breath. A memory bank of information appeared in the darkness before me, and I sifted through them to reach the necessary information.

A scene replayed in my mind of when I chatted to a woman in a tavern, admittedly trying to woo her.

“You’ve never seen a boy so sickly pale have such strength. It was like a ghost, no, a wraith of disaster passing by. And he was younger than me and you- same age as my son even.”

“Do you know his name?” I had asked, but she shook her head no.

The memory ended, replaced by another in which I was at a hospital to get treated for a few bumps and bruises.

“You’re a bit eccentric, but at least you’re not wrecking the place calling yourself a Sin. Big red beast came in here saying he was Wrath. And he took a thin boy hostage I think, practically dragged him out before he was fully healed.”

“You know their names?” I remembered asking, once again receiving a shake of the head as an answer. “You must be scared with all of this going on. How about I walk you ho-”

I cut the memory off, albeit a little late, and replaced it with another. I could feel my brain thinking and trying to connect all the dots of what I was seeing, surprised I hadn’t given any credence to these rumours before.

“Yeah, there’s apparently a guy who lives in that castle by himself and uses time magic to help these folks out with their plants and everything. Something like divine protection. He’s called Acedia or something. Bunch of bullshit if you ask me.”

“Why would they live in seclusion if they’re seen as a Deity to these folk?” I asked the travelling merchant. 

“Maybe he’s a Sin trying to get in favour with the villagers and eat their souls when they trust him,” he theorised, laughing after a few moments. “That’s probably some bullshit that fishmonger made up though.”

I pushed my eyes back into their sockets and took a few long blinks, the world coming back into view. I wiped the droplets of blood that had trickled down to my chin before standing.

“What are your thoughts on this, Your Highness?” I asked, trying to hide the thumping migraine I had gotten.

“I think that we should chase them down and teach them a lesson. We’ll show this country that blasphemers have no place here,” the King surmised, his mumbling just barely audible. “Whereabouts was the apparent time wizard in the tower?”

“Ravenport,” I informed him with a level tone.

“Thank you for your help, your country is forever grateful. You may leave,” he dismissed me, standing form his throne. “And collect your reward as you exit.”

“Hail to the King,” I yelled, turning to leave. I grabbed the large bag of coins that was my reward before leaving the castle and getting into my carriage.

As the carriage pulled away, I had a sudden realisation. Ravenport was where Levi’s party was headed, and the descriptions matched perfectly, didn’t they? But they seemed too diligent to be the ones claiming they’re the Sins.

I’m probably thinking too deeply. They’re just a normal C-Class party, right? What’s the worst that could happen?

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