Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 16: 3

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 Waking up, I felt extremely helpless. My long hair was wrapped in circles upon circles around my neck. I had no option other than to lean on the side of the bed and try to straighten it out, but it became increasingly more tangled, so I could only give up.

  The life of the ancestors, so full of hardships.

   There were porridge and side dishes placed on the table with a top class sense of service, and I silently praised it in my heart. After eating half a bowl of porridge, I put down the spoon and commented: “Not as good as what you made yesterday.”

 The Shadow Guard looked at me uncertainly.

   “This servant will assist Master in getting ready.” The Shadow Guard brought a basin of water over and wrung out a towel.

   I parted my messy hair in complete cooperation to reveal my face, leaning to him. The warm water flowed across my face very pleasantly. All the sticky things from the sides of my mouth were completely washed away, and I felt a lot more comfortable. It turns out that the physical body needs to be cleaned daily, I secretly noted in my heart.

   When I lowered my head, I noticed that there was also something dark around the Shadow Guard’s wrists, which mottled his hands and covered them in smears, but the part that touched the water had dissolved, turning red and faintly disappearing into the water.

   I touched his hand with curiosity, and the Shadow Guard cooperatively stood still. Dipping it with water and wiping it away little by little, the solid pieces of red were gradually washed off, revealing a pair of pale and capable hands with slender knuckles.

   “Aren’t these very good looking?” I was puzzled.

   The Shadow Guard did not answer.

   When I let go, the Shadow Guard took the towel back. I guessed that he had finished washing up and asked: “Ordinary people, what should they do at this time?”

   “To do business in the market, or work in the field.”

   Oh, going to the market! That sounds interesting. I stood up, cheerfully saying: “Then let’s go!”

   “Just, going out like this?” the Shadow Guard said hesitantly.

   “Is that not good?” I asked modestly.

   The Shadow Guard shook his head firmly. “Master is naturally… very good.”

   I smiled with satisfaction, then went out with a head of hair like a chicken’s nest.

  On the road to the market, there were many people heading there, and the street was crowded with traffic.

   Donkeys, horses, and camels also crowded on the road along with people. I felt that if you were just a little careless and made a wrong step, you would get trampled on the face.

   It was rather scary.

   As I was walking, a horse on the side of the road got spooked, standing upright and neighing loudly. The girl selling flowers next to it was frightened and stumbled backwards, knocking over a stall selling rouge and stepping on the butcher who sold meat. Immediately, the sounds of yelling and scolding arose, causing a small ripple of disturbance.

   The Shadow Guard calmly moved me two steps away, and only then did I not get dragged in.

   “I almost ran into… There are too many people.” I became even more panicked.

   “This servant is here, Master can be at ease,” the Shadow Guard steadily replied.

   The Shadow Guard is really a good person.

He guarded my surroundings very gently and cautiously, and although the road was crowded, the journey was quite safe, and even the corners of my clothes were untouched. My heart indeed felt more at ease, and my courage became greater, even daring to go look around when I saw interesting shops, touching and holding things here and there.

   After wandering around for a while, I saw a blacksmith’s shop, with the sound of metal clanking accompanied by a billowing wave of heat.

  My mind was shaken. Originally, in the ancient stories I read, the heroes who travel the country must be equipped with a few magical weapons and swords. Where the sword is, the person is, and if the sword is gone, the person is also gone. The moment the name of the weapon is read is awesome, and when making big moves, movie lines are shouted. Thinking about it again, I’m empty-handed right now, a bit of a failure, not the style that the God of Creation should have.

   Joyfully walking into the store, I saw a lot of ironware arranged in display. I didn’t see any cool weapons, only a few short and square knives.

   After looking back and forth in front of the table, I was eager to try one out and picked up a knife. I looked back and the Shadow Guard didn’t stop me, so I assumed there wasn’t any danger.

   Stroking it with my finger, the heavy metal blade was cold and very comfortable. The blade was polished until it shined, the sharp edges glowing like a mirror, and when I wiped my finger across, I could feel the lines in my fingerprints.

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   I smoothly moved my finger across, habitually pulling back.


   “Ahhh oh my god oh my goddd it hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts———”

  A piercing pain made my eyesight go black, a long cut was made on my finger, and bright red liquid came gushing out. The nearby shop assistant forging ironware was frightened by my wailing voice, throwing down the weapon in his hand, and the Shadow Guard was also dumbstruck for a moment before he finally reacted and grabbed my hand.

   I was already so in pain that my teeth were clenched and I couldn’t speak, and I looked at him with reddened eyes.

   The Shadow Guard tapped the acupuncture points on my wrist and the blood flow stopped a little. He quickly tore a strip of cloth from his body, hesitated for a moment and then threw it away, tearing a piece from my clothes instead to tie around my finger.

  The physical body is really too terrible wuwuwu it hurts it hurts it hurts.

   He finished treating it, but I still couldn’t recover. It took me a long time before I sniffled and asked, “Didn’t you say you would protect me?!!!”

   The Shadow Guard stared blankly at me for quite a while, then cautiously said: “You did this yourself… this servant also… this…” He paused for a moment and sighed, “This servant is incompetent, please punish me.”

   “It hurts it hurts wuwuwuwuwu.”

   “……It’s okay, it’s okay…Let’s not cry?” The Shadow Guard sounded helpless.

   Under the gaze of a bunch of idiot-watching people, I was coaxed out of the door by the Shadow Guard, and sat on the side of the road sniffling. After breathing for a while, it didn’t feel as painful, so I thoughtfully studied the bandaged wound.

   In the places outside of where the finger was bandaged, the traces of bright red blood that had just flowed through had now turned into a very familiar muddled black.

   I looked at the Shadow Guard’s arm, and then at my own fingers, and then pulled it over for a while to compare. Isn’t this the same?

   I was incredibly shocked. “Is this your blood?!”


  The Shadow Guard’s expression was difficult to describe.

   “Is it?! All these on your body and these… these blackened marks, is it all your blood?!”

   “…Yes,” he whispered.

   No wonder the innkeeper saw that he was seriously injured at a glance! Thinking about how painful only my shallow cut was, and how he had so many large and small wounds on his back and still served me to eat, drink and wash, I was suddenly furious. “You still say it doesn’t hurt?! Do you think I’m stupid?!”

   “…I am really starting to suspect so.” The Shadow Guard frowned.

   This guy, not even using honorifics with me anymore. It’s obvious he’s looking down on me.

  Hmph! I’m just inexperienced. I’m not stupid, you just came into contact with the physical body a few days earlier than me, so what are you showing off for! I hate this kind of superior scoundrel the most!

   “Then what should we do now? Can you still walk? Does it hurt… Pah, it must be very painful. What should I do?” I anxiously spun in circles in place.

   The Shadow Guard looked at me coldly, not making a sound.

  In our times, if the physical body ​​is damaged, you can contact the maintenance staff to find after-sales service. It seems to be the same in this era. I remember it’s called a doctor. I composed myself and said to him: “Let’s go find a doctor.”

   The Shadow Guard only squinted his eyes.

   “It’s so painful that you can’t move, right? You wait here. I’ll find a doctor to bring here.” I stroked his head, then turned and walked two steps, but he staggered after me.

   I halted and said, “Be good.”

   The Shadow Guard stopped.

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