Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 30: 17

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Chapter 17 - We have a house!

The next morning, by the time I woke up, Ye Tan had already come back from practising swordsmanship, and had finished taking a bath and cleaning up. Since he started practising martial arts again he was increasingly in glowing spirits, and one would be practically unable to tell he had ever been sickly. My heart was very pleased.

The course of our journey was still unclear, so I suggested we should remain one more day to buy a cart and horses.

Ye Tan agreed with me as he helped me have my meal. I looked at the small, shabby, damaged sword at his waist, thinking it was really unpleasant to look at.

“What the hell is this?”

“I bought it a few days ago using the copper I got for helping the doctor with embroidery.” Ye Tan spoke calmly, “It was very cheap.”

I pondered this for a moment, and asked: “A-Tan, does the Jianhu have any famous swords scattered about?”

Ye Tan answered: “Naturally there are a lot.”

“Anyway, we have nothing to do, so it’d be better to go find a famous sword for you next.” I said cheerfully, in my heart I was going over various books featuring famous swordsmen and beauties, and I was absolutely looking forward to it.

“There’s no need to? This subordinate doesn’t really like swords.” Ye Tan’s enthusiasm was lacking.

I questioned: “I can’t see you really disliking swords.....”

“Actually, it’s not disliking them. This subordinate just doesn’t really understand them.” Ye Tan shook his head as he spoke, “To kill someone, using concealed weapons or poisons is more effective than a sword. This subordinate still doesn’t understand why people admire the sword so much... Could it be because wielding one looks good?”

He recalled something and spoke again: “This subordinate had once raised this matter with Ze Que, for some reason soon after this Ze Que became indignant, saying I insulted the ways of the sword, and came looking for me every few days to compete. I am a Shadow Guard, and often hide without a trace. Ze Que had to cut down many rock gardens and flower trees in order to find me.”

.....Oh, so this the truth behind “Yaksha ran wild1 inside Zhongli Court for three years.”2

If Ye Tan had a title in the Jianhu, he would surely be called “the Scapegoat3 Hero”.

The sword is the ruler of a hundred weapons, since he doesn’t even have a concept of good and evil, then naturally he doesn’t understand this. Even after a while I didn’t know how to explain it, so I just dropped the subject.

After we finished tidying up, Ye Tan wanted to go buy travelling supplies, but I really wanted to go out to the streets and listen to some stories. As a way to compromise, I went looking for two seasonal workers who didn’t know wuggong to accompany me. It just so happened that these two workers didn’t know me, which was actually very convenient.

Since the payment for these two was generous, they must have thought there was some tough work involved, it would never have occurred to them that just sitting around and drinking tea was enough. They had toiled for half their lifetimes and were not used to wasting time like this, so they just stared at each other’s faces while holding on to their porcelain cups.

I sat facing the street, watching the endless stream of horses and carriages and pedestrians hurrying by, thinking about how, although everyone seemed busy, they all had something to strive for and somewhere to return to. Only I am like a weed without roots, without a home, and without a destination... floating about like a gull under the heavens.

Perhaps when one is ill, one will inevitably become a bit pretentious.

Just as I was about to sigh, a small figure suddenly stumbled into my arms and said with a sob: “Sir, I have finally found you.”

Nowadays, my shoulders and hands can’t support any weight, so I fell down as soon as he lightly bumped into me.

My surroundings were very noisy, and I was a little dizzy from falling. I was helped up and saw that it was the fair-skinned young shop assistant from the bank yesterday.

“Sir, I’ve let you down, I missed counting one of your gold pieces yesterday.” He stuffed some banknotes into my arms and began bawling.

I was startled and hurriedly handed him a piece of cloth to stop him: “What are you crying for? You’re the one that knocked me over, but now it looks like I’m the one bullying you.”

He cried for a moment, and said between sobs: “Our boss forces us to short-change people every time we exchange catties and taels for banknotes, so yesterday I told you there was one less tael, when in truth you actually had eleven tales, not ten. I thought about it last night, your illness is so severe that it must have been money to save your life. My boss forces me to be greedy for money, but I’m not a murderer.”

I weighted the banknotes in my hands and asked: “You stole this from the bank?”

The youth was choked with sobs: “This should have originally been Mister’s money, so I don’t consider it stealing.”

I laughed in spite of myself and said: “I’m afraid your boss won’t believe so.”

After I spoke, the youth once again began crying loudly, I became flustered again and wiped at his eyes, trying to comfort him, and stuffed a pastry into his mouth. He didn’t make a sound while he ate and ate, but with the tears still constantly falling down his face he looked extremely pitiful.

“What is your name? Are you from around here?” I changed the subject to get his attention.

“My name is Luo Shu, I’m originally from Moling. My father brought us to the Rong Province a few years ago to live with some relatives, but he died of an illness when we got to Jincheng and I didn’t know where to go to find them. Fortunately, I studied for a few years and know a few words, so I stayed in Jincheng to help out with the bank’s bookkeeping.”

I asked: “Do you have relatives in Moling?”

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“Not any more.” Luo Shu shook his head, becoming sad again and crying.

“What kind of place is Moling?” I asked again.

“It’s a..... en, a place with a lot of water.” He stuffed an osmanthus cake into his mouth, his tone improving a slight bit, “There are river tributaries weaved throughout the place with weeping willows wound around their banks, and there are lanterns every night and many beautiful boats in the river, and the rainfall is more gentle than in the Central Plains.”

After listening to his words, I felt somewhat eager, and asked: “If I sent you back to Moling, would you be able to help me with a few things?”

Luo Shu looked like he was choking for a moment and finally asked: “You, what did you say?”

“You need a job to make a living, right? You have an upright temper and know how to read, so it’s perfect.” I cheerfully said, “As soon as I return you to Moling, help me buy a big residence, furniture and hire some servants. I’m going to be away for a while, so you can help me manage the internal affairs of the residence. Sounds good?”

Luo Shu was astonished.

I fished out a small pouch with gold bars that I made appear and stuffed it into his hands: “These are a welcome gift. You just have to leave me an address and I will regularly send the money you need for supplies.”

“This, how is this possible......” Luo Shu stammered, “We’ve only met twice, how are you handing over such a valuable matter to an ignorant4 kid like me?”

“You’ll be the manger of my house in the future.” I said as i wiped the tears from his face, “I’ll have to trouble you a lot.”

Luo Shu stared blankly and asked: “I still don’t know Sir.... what is your name?”

“Jun Xuanheng.”

Luo Shu responded: “Then, it will be called the ‘Jun Residence’.”

So quick to think of a name for the place, he really is meticulous.

“No thanks,” I narrowed my eyes and thought for a moment, then softly replied, “Call it the ‘Sword Pavillion’.”

Luo Shu nodded, then carefully asked: “Young Master Jun, then I... would I be considered your family’s official servant? Can I take on your last name?” Just as he finished speaking, he hurriedly explained, “I, I don’t have any other family, if it’s okay....”

“That’s a great idea. It just so happens that I also don’t have a family.” I smiled and agreed. He looked like a startled, fat little bird, so I wanted to rub his head, but halfway through raising my hand I realised it might be inappropriate, so I changed it to a pat on the shoulder instead, “Jun Luoshu, it has a nice ring to it.”

Jun Luoshu blushed and nodded, and borrowed a pen and paper to leave the address with me.

I had only been sitting for a short moment, and already felt my energy is barely enough, so I took my leave of him and returned to the inn.

I slept from midday until nightfall, only waking up for a moment.

Ye Tan was rubbing my back and, seeing that I was awake, asked: “Master, why is your shoulder bruised?”

“I had a fall today.”

“....Those two people couldn’t catch you?” Ye Tan was annoyed.

“Naturally, rough outsiders can’t be as good as my Shadow Guard.”

Ye Tan’s movements stopped, and he sighed softly.

I remembered the opportunity presented to me during the day, and excitedly said: “A-Tan, we have a house.”

Ye Tan looked at me, unconvinced.

I thought about that rainy, river-filled place that I had never stepped foot in, as well as the name of the residence I was about to buy, and as I went over it in my mind I felt calm and soft.

I buried my face in the palm of his hand and rubbed against it: “In this world there are a lot more things other than killing..... I’ll slowly teach you in the future.”


1 from the idiom 雞飛狗跳 lit. chickens flying and dogs jumping.Top.

2 See chapter 12.Top.

3 背鍋 lit. the one who carries the pot. Same as a scapegoat.Top.

4 黃毛 lit. yellow hair. Implies youth and ignorance.Top.

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