Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 35: 22

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Chapter 22 - Rumours about the small loyal dog’s past.

The Nightrunner’s Shadow Guards could not be considered cheap.

Every ten years, the top three candidates are selected and given a title: Ye Yin the Mist Expert, Ye Jun the Imperial Servant, and Yaksha1 the Blood Demon. Each one is worth ten thousand gold.

Qin Kezou was willing to sacrifice everything he had, even willing to lose his family fortune, so after gathering seven hundred taels he carefully made his way to the Nightrunners.

He absolutely could not even afford to buy a regular Shadow Guard, and yet he returned home with Yaksha in tow.

Qin Chenyuan was shocked: Qi-ge2 , where did you get the money?

He said: I happened to get a discount.

A Shadow Guard’s ranking is clearly shown, and their price is clearly marked. Outstanding talents are in short supply, so those who are not picked are considered a disgrace, as a result, their price drops every other year.

Yaksha has been able to protect his title for four years, and his worth has plummeted from ten thousand gold to 625 taels.

Even so, he has been left on the shelf, with no one showing interest.

Qin Kezou looked at that out-of-place cheap price he was quoted, and asked: This person has such a title, how come he’s so cheap?

The Nightunner answered: Previous generations of Yaksha’s have slaughtered so many people that most of them end up losing their minds and dying, and there have also been many instances of them killing their masters. If you want one as a bodyguard, you should be cautious.

Qin Kezou stroked his chin and said: It doesn’t seem like it to me, I’ll go with him then.

The day Qin Kezou died was originally going to be his day of greatest happiness.

Seventh Young Master Qin Kezou’s wife is called Gu Ciqu.

It’s not easy to explain that Gu Ciqu is the first young lady of Taihangjian, and that she and the Seventh Young Master Qin had a chance meeting during their childhood and fell in love at first sight, so they have been devoted to each other ever since. It’s a pity that Qinling and Taihangjian have always been enemies, bound by a hundred years of hatred, so this marriage would not go smoothly. Gu Ciqu was just a woman, but she was actually able to endure obstructions and pressure from the two families, and campaigned all over the place saying that if this marriage was forged, the two families would be able to turn hostility into friendship. This accomplishment would not only be a great tale, it would mean they would be able to help each other out in the future and increase their influence on the Jianghu.

Taihangjian had always been extreme, while Qiling had always remained calm, Gu Ciqu enticed the elders of the two families that were looking for peace, and slowly managed to convince them.

This matter certainly shocked the Jianghu. These two were their families most favoured young people, so their wedding preparations were particularly grand, and the time needed for them was inevitably long. Seventh Young Master Qi saw that it was still early, so he went around to have fun as he had done before, making many good friends all over the Jianghu.

He wandered for a year before returning to Qiling, suddenly saying that he did not want to be tied down by this marriage.

When he said these words during a family banquet all the elders in attendance were shocked. Yun Pizhi, a friend he had brought back with him, who had a cut across his throat, suddenly jumped up and smacked him on the head, turning towards the elders and apologetically saying: He’s drunk and speaking nonsense. Of course he will get married, I’ll go lecture him.

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Saying that, he dragged him away.

After that Qin Kezou really never mentioned it again, but from then on there would rarely be a cheerful look on his face. He only knew how to pull Yun Pizhi away for sword practice all day, then lie down on the rooftop when practice was finished. The two people did not dare to drink alcohol, carrying green tea around and drinking it all night.

On the day of the marriage, Qinling held a large feast for its guests.

Qin Chenyuan sat down with a few brothers his age, Yun Pizhi being among them. They drank and gambled together, mingling among each other. At some point, that taciturn Shadow Guard that never showed his face also sat beside Yun Pizhi.

Qin Chenyuan knew he had always been well-behaved, so if he was sitting with them now it was probably due to his Master’s orders. Qin Chenyuan had never been arrogant, and because of today’s celebration he didn’t bother with formalities, even turning to him and offering a few cups of wine. Qin Chenyuan offered a cup, which the Shadow Guard took, but he did not answer any questions he was asked.

Soon, Qin Kezou drunkenly staggered in wearing his wedding clothes, and proposed a toast. He laughed loudly, seemingly in high spirits, but when he turned his head towards their table, he said angrily: Yaksha! You low-grade slut, how can you sit at the same table as my distinguished guests?

Following his shout, all the guests cast sidelong glances at each other. Qin Chenyuan was stunned, only then did he realise that Yaksha really hadn’t been ordered to sit with them.

Yaksha remained seated in place, not even raising his head or giving an answer. Qin Kezou was so horribly drunk he stumbled along as if he couldn’t stand up. He suddenly smashed the small cup in his hand, grabbed the dishes on the table and splashed them all over Yaksha, then picked him up by the neck and slammed him into the wall, recklessly cursing and shouting as he did so.

Qin Chenyuan knew he must be so terribly drunk he could not speak properly, so he got up to go stop him.

He had just gotten up, but then he saw Qin Kezou collapse on top of Yaksha as a three chi3 long, gleaming sword pierced through his heart.

It came out of nowhere, and of all the hundreds of guests in the hall, no one remembered to cry out.

In the middle of that deathly stillness, only Yaksha could be heard as he calmly said: Qin Qi, you dare humiliate me in front of everyone like this, now watch me turn your bones into ashes.

He looked like a demon, and before he finished speaking he had already swept out the door carrying Qin Qi’s corpse, disappearing into the boundless night. In this flash of lightning, only Yun Pizhi reacted quickly, bursting into a shout as he chased after him.

To get the Seventh Young Master’s body back, Qinling pursued and attacked him for half a month, unfortunately, Yaksha’s skills were astonishing, and they were in a deadlock, ultimately they had no choice but to allow him to escape, losing his trail.

Qinling and Taihangjian lost all hope that they would ever be able to fix this matter, after all, the two families lost their next of kin and have never been able to take action.

Three years have passed since then, and the matter has gradually subsided, only Qin Chenyuan is still looking for his brother to bring him back home.


1 The Chinese name is spelled 夜剎, Ye Cha, which follows the naming pattern for the Nightrunners (Ye + name). However, previous translations used the equivalent name ‘Yaksha’ and I feel like that one is more recognisable so I’m sticking with it even if it breaks the name pattern.Top.

2 七哥 lit. Older Brother Seven. Qin Quezou is the Seventh Young Master.Top.

3 尺 chi, measurement unit about 1/3 of a metre.Top.

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