Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 41: 28

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Chapter 28 - The small loyal dog doesn’t want a brain (No, he can’t, I will not allow it).

As we made our way back on the road, I turned a few things over in my mind. I saw the truth about the events from three years ago, but I’m afraid that if I directly tell him, he’ll think I’m making it up and lying. Although I don’t need to hide this from him, I do need a bit of evidence so he believes I’m telling the truth.

“A-Tan.” I got straight to the point and asked, “How did Qin Kezou die?”

Ye Tan stopped walking, and after a while, he said: “ seems like this subordinate really killed him.”

I brought my hand to my forehead: “No, start from the beginning—just say what you originally thought, from before you saw his corpse yesterday.”

Ye Tan nodded his head at this, and repeated the events from that day according to his recollection, and finished speaking just as we arrived back at the inn.

“Qin Kezou died from Taihangjian’s poison.” I summed up.

Ye Tan nodded.

I: “Could someone have poisoned Young Master Qin Qi in your presence without you noticing?”

Ye Tan said: “Impossible.”

I: “Where you there during the times Young Master Qin saw Gu Ciqu?”

Ye Tan said: “He never made this subordinate withdraw during this.”

With our progress going so smoothly, I asked again: “Then, during which times did he ask you to withdraw?”

Ye Tan frowned: “.....During the times he sparred with Young Master Yun Pizhi.”

Done, it’s settled. I casually asked: “Why?”

Ye Tan spoke: “The first time he had this subordinate withdraw it was Young Master Yun’s suggestion, he could have been afraid this subordinate would discover that Young Master Yun was from Taibailou. After all, Taibailou and Qinling are also enemies.”

I tripped on my feet, and Ye Tan didn’t make a move to help me.

Does this guy understand?! Should I call you smart or stupid?

“You, you knew.....” I stuttered.

“This subordinate recognised his martial arts form.” Ye Tan nodded, then said something astonishing again, “Young Master Yun Jiangli is also from Taibailou.”

I was simply dazed: “This matter..... did Qin Kezou know? Does Qin Cheyuan know?”

Ye Tan stopped, and sincerely said: “.....I never thought about it.”

.....this guy. He obviously knew everything, and yet he’s still being tricked by others, it really pisses me off.

I bitterly said: “Brains are really good things, I hope you also have one.”

Ye Tan blankly said: “Ah? it necessary?”

I wanted to be angry, but it was also laughable, I waved my hand away from him and argued: “Since it’s like this, then the only one who had the opportunity to poison him was Yun Pizhi.” Ye Tan frowned, apparently not agreeing too much, but also not saying anything. I spoke again: “Open the coffin.”

On the left arm of the corpse, as expected, there was that notch left behind by Gu Ciqu’s last attack, I remembered that natural and unrestrained young woman, and I felt both thankful and sorry for her.

“A-Tan, look at the arm right here, did Young Master Qin Qi have an injury in the same place?” I carefully guided him.

He was too stunned yesterday, and had clearly missed this detail. Now that he saw it, his head was also full of doubts: “How is it possible? This knife wound severed the muscles and veins, his left hand would’ve been useless, what’s more, this subordinate examined him before burying him, and there was no wound here....”

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“Then that proves this isn’t Qin Qi’s corpse.” I hurriedly said, “Think about it again, that day, did you see anyone with an injured left hand?”

This had happened so long ago that I didn’t have high expectations, but Ye Tan’s pupils shrank: “That day, when I went back to deliver the message for Young Master Yun, he wasn’t holding his sword on his left hand, which was unnatural.”

His memory was so good, I couldn’t help but want to praise him, so I helped him put everything in order: “From this, is it possible to deduce that: Yun Pizhi of Taibailou got close to Qin Kezou in order to win his trust, originally wanting to use a poison unique to Taihangjian to kill Qin Kezou in front of everybody to provoke conflict between Taihangjian and Qinling, acting for the benefit of a third party. Because he can’t act in your presence, he makes you to withdraw each time in advance, so that way he can poison him more naturally on that day. At that time the atmosphere was very sensitive, so as long as one party took action it would be useless even if the truth was discovered afterwards. He didn’t expect that Qin Kezou would discover he’d been poisoned and ask for your help, and that you would cover the matter up by yourself, hurting Yun Pizhi’s efforts and in the end causing it all to be for nothing.”

Ye Tan seriously listened to all this, thinking for a long time, when suddenly his eyes shone: “What you say makes sense.” He paused, and said with sincere admiration: “Master is really smart.”

I hurriedly said: “I’m not going to lie to you, these things did not come out from my own reasoning, I.... en, I used another method to find out. But I can’t tell you about this method.” I thought that the people lying to him were already too many, so I absolutely could not be one of them.

Ye Tan nodded: “Oh.”

He’s extremely obedient.

I can’t help but stroke his head: “I also know what kind of person Yaksha was back when he was at his peak.”

Hearing this, Ye Tan stealthily stared at me through the hair spilling out between my fingers.

“Exceedingly fearsome, with a face that looked like he wished he could stab everyone under the heavens to death.” His fine black hair had been rubbed into a chicken coop-like mess. I felt a little guilty and tried to help him straighten it out but, when nothing improved, I just pretended nothing had happened and pulled back my hand, continuing to speak, “Still, the Ye Tan of right now is a lot cuter.”

“Really?” Ye Tan muttered.

“First we should go up, the wounds on your hands need to be cleaned again.” I said.

Ye Tan nimbly leapt down from the car and reached out to help me get down. Looking at the crude bandages I’d wrapped around his hands, he was suddenly dazed for a while.

I was concerned: “What’s wrong, does it hurt?”

Ye Tan’s face was a little red, and he hurriedly shook his head.

Back in the guest room, I instructed the waiter to bring a bowl of fresh water and some bandages with medicine, but for some reason when I went to remove the cloth wraps, Ye Tan wouldn’t let me touch him. I don’t like to force him, so in the end I silently went to crouch down by his side and watched him with folded arms.

“But there is one thing I don’t understand.” I said, “Why use Yun Pizhi’s body when swapping out Qin Kezou’s?”

Ye Tan had inevitably never considered this question, so he was probably also not prepared to think it over now.

At that time, both Taihangjian and Qinling were being kept in the dark, so it couldn’t have been them, don’t tell me it was also someone form Taibailou? Although Yun Pizhi made a mistake at that time, it was not his own fault in the end. If it was someone from his own family, why would they need to break off a piece of their fighting strength?

I’m afraid that, at that time, aside from Taihangjian, Qinling, and Taibailou, there was also an external fourth power present.

“I think..... If the first half of these events were targeting Taihangjian and Qinling, the second half seem to have been targeting you.”  I was not without worry, “A-Tan, you need to be careful from now on.”

Ye Tan was filled with doubts and suspicions, but still nodded without asking any questions.

I was also very doubtful.

He was such an insignificant, reckless little bodyguard who believed every lie, what on earth was there to conspire about?

Soon after it occurred to me, it was precisely this reckless little bodyguard who, being at the heart of a struggle between at least four different powers, destroyed all their long-time carefully laid-out plans, relying only on his own strength to avoid pursuit and hide the truth.

Again I couldn’t help but be in awe.

I couldn’t help myself and hugged him.

Ye Tan’s hand had just been half covered in wound medicine, and he immediately froze, not daring to move.

“A-Tan, don’t be afraid.” I soothingly patted his shoulders, “I will not allow anyone to make Ye Tan bear the same misery and injustices Yaksha suffered for having taken the blame.”

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