Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 78: 65

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Chapter 65 - The small loyal dog grew up! I can be a salted fish in peace! Yeah!

Ye Tan stood up and quickly looked at the scene. At this moment, the Second Young Master was pinned to the ground by Ye Jun’s sword, Ye Lan was unconscious in Ye Xiao’s arms, and Ye Jun was half-kneeling next to me in order to bandage me.

However, Jun Wuwang still stupidly remained in place.

When he accidentally met Ye Tan’s gaze, he suddenly stood up in a hurry.

Ye Tan determined the others weren’t a threat, so he was even more vigilant against this Jun Wuwang of unknown origin. He had barely opened his mouth to ask: “You…..”

Jun Wuwang turned around and bolted as though he had been struck by thunder.

Ye Tan was also not intending on wasting his time on such an unknown stranger, so his gaze fell back onto my body.

Ye Jun saw the situation and stuffed the bandages and medicine into Ye Tan’s hands: “Since the rightful person has come, I won’t exceed my involvement.”

My fingers had not yet been fully bandaged and were still badly mangled, and the wounds on my shoulders from where the chains had pierced me had already festered, fortunately, many of the torture wounds on my body were covered by clothes. Ye Tan carefully and prudently held his gaze as he took a few glances, and his brows became scrunched up into a frown.

Ye Tan’s seclusion time was not complete yet, how was he able to come here? I was astonished and really wanted to ask him about it, but with such painful twitching when I opened my mouth to speak, I couldn’t say anything and could only groan.

“Don’t speak, your injuries are so serious.” Ye Tan took me into his arms and carried me up, speaking again, “Zhongli Court’s army is all stationed outside, this subordinate could only infiltrate alone, if we want to go out, we might have to use the Second Young Master…..”

He turned his head to look after he spoke, but the people were gone and the place was empty, with only a pool of blood remaining on the ground.

Ye Jun and the Second Young Master had already disappeared.

Ye Tan’s expression immediately froze, and emerald green fireworks rose high into the air one after the other. Ye Tan shouted: “Ye Xiao! Come!”

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tan had already carried me into a nearby underground secret passage, with Ye Xiao following closely behind while carrying Ye Lan.

Ye Tan’s movements were already extremely light, but I was still affected by these soft movements and groaned in pain. Ye Tan felt guilty and hurriedly said: “Sorry, Master.”

Just as his voice fell, there was the peal of a thousand arrows breaking through the wind outside, several of which slid by the tunnel entrance and ended up embedded into the ground, their arrowheads suffused with an eerie blue colour.

“That just now was the signal for the rain of poisoned arrows array, we can’t use this exit anymore.” Ye Tan listened, making something out, and gravely said, “We can’t delay too long, if the Second Young Master escapes safely, they will burn the place down, and none of us will be able to leave.”

The secret passage wasn’t too narrow, about a zhang wide from left to right, and it was made up of stone bricks which had become mouldy from the moisture and a long time of disuse.

Ye Xiao looked towards the inside and asked: “Boss, is there a path here? Where does it lead to? Can we use it to get out?”

Ye Tan said: “Although Zhongli Court has hundreds of intricate underground passages, most of them are traps, only three of these tunnels can be used to directly go outside. I only know about two of them, and neither of them is close by. If I remember correctly, this one should take us around the courtyard and the eastern lake, but I don’t know what kind of defences they have on those places, so we should take a look first.”

He was the Second Young Master’s personal attendant, yet he had no authority to know about these important matters, it was clear that the Second Young Master was indeed very guarded against him.

Ye Tan took off his outer cloak and wrapped me up, then carried me as he got up, softly saying: “I have to trouble Master again, please endure it for a short time.”

Softly and quietly, we groped about in the dark for a few turns of the tunnel. After a short distance, Ye Tan’s expression didn’t look right, and after walking for a few minutes the path ahead lit up. Following that, there was a sliding stone door with the faint sounds of people coming from inside, with large quantity of insults and moans mixing together.

Several armed guards stood outside the door, and they appeared to be guarding prisoners.

“The dungeon?” Ye Tan frowned and spoke, “The tunnel path changed.”

Ye Tan shot Ye Xiao a meaningful glance, and Ye Xiao immediately understood. He put Ye Lan down and concealed himself, easily knocking down the guards, then leaned forward and listened at the door for a while before pushing it open and going inside.

I didn’t know the situation inside, and didn’t know whether it was a trap or not, but right now I was like a bird frightened by the mere sound of a bow1 so I couldn’t help but be anxious.

“Please be at ease. If it’s hard to break through, this subordinate will surely send you out into the care of the One Sword Tomb’s people.” Ye Tan saw my apprehension, and reassured me in a warm voice, “But only as a last resort, this subordinate is unwilling to sacrifice Ye Xiao and Ye Lan.”

I answered him in my heart: Yes, I know you’ve always been the most gentle.

When Ye Xiao went inside, the sounds of cursing and begging clamoured on for a short time, he ignored the background noise of this crowd and strolled around before coming back and yelling: “Boss, it’s safe! Also, there is another path in front, should we go take a look?”

The dungeon was covered in heavy, solid iron bars on either side, and it was fully packed with prisoners inside. Ye Tan carried me through the centre and, without glancing sideways, took us through.

As we were halfway across, someone yelled out: “How is it you?! So it turns out you were Zhongli Court’s people?!”

When I heard this, I cast a few curious glances and found that it truly seemed like I’d seen him a few times before. He seemed to be precisely that Young Master that picked on and spilled hibiscus soup on me at the Swords Conference. What was his name…..

“Yi Qiao?”

Ye Tan saw that I began talking to him, and discreetly stopped walking. Yi Qiao’s whole body was covered in dust and mud, and he cut a sorry figure due to the filth, but in any case he didn’t seem to have been seriously tortured, so he was still very lively.

“Hey, you’ve misunderstood, we’re just passing through.” I hastily explained, but this scene was inevitably strange, so I was forced to avoid the topic and ask again, “Is everyone here from Henglian?”

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Yi Qiao leaned against the bars and swore: “What are you pretending for! When I saw you two long ago hugging and chattering like women, I didn’t like the look of you, and to my surprise you are the Second Young Master’s dogs…..”

“Ye Xiao.” Ye Tan was at the end of his patience, but his hands were full holding me, so he had no choice but to hand it over to someone else, “Beat him up.”

Ye Xiao accepted the order: “Yes yes yes heiheihei2 .” He grabbed Yi Qiao’s wrist from across the bars and dragged him out, then slapped him across the buttocks for a short time.

“Sigh….. Ye Xiao, civilised people use reason, not violence.” I still had to strain to speak, so I could only stop him with this light sentence, but it didn’t have any effect at all, “What about Yang Qingzhou? Is he here?”

“No, the important people from Henglian have been isolated somewhere else…..” Yi Qiao answered in a daze, then came back to his senses, “You want to get me to talk! Don’t even think about it!!”

“Master wants to save him?” Ye Tan asked in a low voice next to my head.

“Yang Qingzhou is my friend, and he surely must have suffered many hardships….. I do want to save him, but I also shouldn’t make things difficult for you.” I nodded as I replied, then took another look at the Jianghu guests in this bleak and desolate room, “As for them….. leaving them here will surely mean their death, at least if we let them go, whether they live or die in the future will be up to them.”

“What! You want to free me! Really?! You hypocritical liar!” Yi Qiao’s mouth was unwilling, but he honestly gestured and said: “The keys aren’t on the bodies of the guards by the door! They’re with the ones who deliver food to the dungeon! They come by on their patrol every two sichen, they should be here soon! Don’t you want to hide first…..”

Sigh, why does this person speak more than Ye Xiao, it’s annoying.

Just now, I remembered that Ye Xiao’s lock-picking skill was fast and nimble, so I asked: “Ye Xiao, can you open these locks?”

“I can! But I used up my remaining needles just now! I only have one needle left now!” Ye Xiao fished out that carefully-wrapped cloth bag, and presented it in one move as though he were having an audience with the emperor, “It’s the needle boss left behind on the stage that year he fought for his title! It’s my treasure! I don’t want to give it up!”

Ye Tan was speechless: “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Ye Xiao felt very wronged, he went to pick the lock with tears in his eyes, but his hands trembled like a leaf as he explored the inside of the lock for a long time, not making any progress.

I consoled him: “Later I’ll have A-Tan give you a few more.”

Ye Xiao: “Good good good that’s good.” And he quickly picked the lock after a little while.

Yi Qiao: “Really, really amazing.”

Yi Qiao stood to the side and stared blankly at Ye Xiao as he opened the other locks one by one and let the others out, and scratched his head as he awkwardly asked: “Are you not working for the Second Young Master? What happened to the Second Young Master?”

“He was wounded and ran off. Sigh, it can be said that the tiger is returning to the mountain3 , and it will cause unending trouble.” I sighed and asked, “I heard that Henglian was completely wiped out, is that true?”

“How could it be! There is still one division left!” Yi Qiao excitedly refuted, but his vigour gradually weakened, “A flank was left garrisoned a hundred li outside before coming, it was overseen by our Wuyi Hill’s Dragon Palace Light4 Yi Shuihan and Qilian Stronghold’s Northern Beacon4 Qi Ganquan, it’s, it’s roughly two or thee hundred people…..”

…..What’s the difference between that and being completely wiped out?

Even if it was like pouring a cup of water on a burning cart of firewood, it was still better than nothing. If these people were able to escape, they would have a place to go to after all.

We waited until everyone had been released, then Ye Tan turned to Ye Xiao: “We’ve been delayed for long enough, let’s go.”

Ye Xiao nodded and went back to pick Ye Lan up. We had only walked a few steps when the crowd of people from Henglian who didn’t know what was going on dazedly staggered after us.

Ye Tan turned his head to look at them, and stopped them facing Yi Qiao: “We really don’t know the right way, and it is very easy to discover a lot of people, so I hope everyone won’t follow us from now on.”

The people in the crowd tried to charm him one after the other: “Daxia has to save people to the end, right? This place is full of traps, we won’t be able to get out on our own!”

Ye Xiao: “Boss these people are really annoying, ah, I’m going to lock them back up and forget about them.”

The people in the crowd gestured one after the other: “No no no don’t don’t don’t.”

I also had a big headache. I didn’t know anything at all about the situation, and didn’t know what we should do. With the safety of so many people in my mind, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to live with my conscience if I made even a small mistake.

I had no alternative but to turn to Ye Tan and ask for his help: “A-Tan, what do we do? Leaving them here is really very dangerous, even if the Second Young Master isn’t here, what if the other people with authority in Zhongli Court order for someone to move against them…..”

“You don’t need to worry too much about this matter. The Second Young Master has always made decisions on his own, apart from him, no one else has the authority to mobilise troops in Zhongli Court.” Ye Tan lowered his head, “You don’t need to trouble yourself, we have One Sword Tomb providing support from the outside, you just need to worry about recovering, and everything else will be handled by your subordinates.”

I nodded, feeling relieved, and closed my eyes as I leaned into his arms: “Good, I’ll listen to you.”

Ye Tan turned his head towards everyone: “The Second Young Master has already disappeared, so there won’t be any other activity in Zhongli Court for the time being, you all just wait here, don’t wander around. I will contact your people to come and provide support. If no one comes after a day, or if you’re attacked with fire or poison, everyone must flee by themselves. If anyone is unhappy, they will immediately be locked back up. Any objections?”

Ye Tan’s tone was unwavering, leaving no room for discussion. A few people still wanted to say something, but he glared at them and they all kept quiet out of fear and retreated.

I rubbed myself against Ye Tan’s chest, remembering how it seemed like it was not long ago that he was still always frowning and miserable, often needing me to comfort and enlighten him.

When did he grow up to be so reliable?


1 An idiom used to describe someone who frightens easily, especially due to past experiences. Top.

2 It’s an evil laugh. ψ(`ω´)ψ Top.

3 An idiom meaning that if you let the enemy go, it will bring trouble in the future. Top.

4 I think these are their nicknames? They don’t sound like ranks or titles lol. Top.

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