Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 80: 67

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Chapter 67 - Stop struggling! Big Villain! You’ve already been surrounded by my small loyal dog!

“No exchange!!! No exchange no matter what you say!!” I angrily bounced on the bed.

Ye Tan nervously held me down: “Master, don’t panic.”

Ye Jun spoke leisurely again: “No need to be in a hurry, Young Master Jun can slowly think it over. The Second Young master instructed me that, if it seemed like Young Master Jun was incapable of making a decision, he would send over a hand or a foot every sichen. As for whose hands or feet, you can pick by yourself.”

Hearing this, my heart turned cold.

“Allow me to dare to analyse these three people, Qiu Wujiu and you aren’t too familiar, so his life or death probably won’t matter much. Yang Qingzhou is an ordinary friend, after all, so sacrificing him won’t matter. Ye Xiao is a shadow guard and, although your relationship isn’t shallow and you might feel a bit of regret, you can buy a new one in the future. First, behead Qiu Wujiu, next, kill Yang Qingzhou, and last, eliminate Ye Xiao, are you satisfied with this order?” Ye Jun finished his analysis and gave me a thin, cold smile as he concluded, “Naturally, these people are not more important than Yaksha if you still refuse to make the exchange. Just act as though I never came here, and I’ll help you turn down the Second Young Master.”

I was immediately stunned. “No no no don’t don’t don’t first help me delay it a bit.”

“If Young Master Jun comes around, we will be waiting for the good news underneath the lonely pine by Wuding Cliff, five hundred li west of Zhongli Court. Yaksha knows the place, so you probably won’t get lost." Ye Jun finished speaking and quietly slipped away.

“We must get going.” Ye Tan began to speak.

I hurriedly pulled him back: “Since the Second Young Master gave us the solution, it must be a trap, you’re just going to deliver them your head.”

Ye Tan moved his hands back to hold me, and spoke in a low voice: “Master, don’t worry too much. Except for the period of time when my wuggong was abolished, this subordinate has still never lost to an enemy.”

…..Yaksha did actually have this outstanding setting in the martial arts world, but it’s been so long I’d completely forgotten about it.

But I was still uneasy: “But how could I send you into such great danger by yourself. Either I go with you or….. it’s out of the question.”

Thinking about it makes it even less appropriate, even though I said this, I wouldn’t be of any help at all in this state, only a burden.

“This subordinate can’t leave you here alone.” However, Ye Tan spoke, “People at One Sword Tomb aren’t good at dealing with the Nightrunner’s drugs and concealment techniques, so inevitably the won’t be able to protect you. Ye Jun can come in and out as though the place was unmanned, so how do we know it’s not a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain1 ?”

…..that too.

I thought about it over and over again until I was muddled, and my thoughts fell apart: “Sigh, how annoying, I want to die.”

Ye Tan readily complied: “Alright.”

I tried to explain in fright: “No no no don’t don’t don’t I was just saying, we still have to struggle for a bit.”

Ye Tan also said: “Alright.”

…..He agreed so frankly, was he playing with me?

But Ye Tan’s expression was serious, with not even a little bit of joking intention.

He said: “This subordinate will make the utmost effort to turn the tide. If we really have no power to reverse the situation, even if we fall from the sky to the Yellow Springs, this subordinate would be perfectly willing to do so.”

Ye Tan’s expression was proud, and he had a determined attitude, so I also calmed down a lot, and nodded as I agreed: “Good, we’ll go together.”

We had no time to lose so, in order to avoid having Qiu Wujiu become a member of our Disabled Person’s Association, Ye Tan immediately wrapped me up securely and carried me out the door.

I calmed down on the road, and mulled it over for a while before wondering: “Why did the Second Young Master set up the appointment at Wuding Cliff? Zhongli Court is his territory, so no matter what kind of trap he wants to set up, Zhonlgi Court would be more suitable, right?”

Ye Tan said: “This subordinate also finds it strange. In addition, with Ye Jun being the Second Young Master’s most trusted personal shadow guard, he shouldn’t be separated from him at this time. To pass on this kind of ordinary information, any person willing to sacrifice their life would be enough. Unless, the Second Young Master already doesn’t have any other people he can use by his side.”

I followed by answering: “This means….. he’s clearly at Zhongli Court, but he didn’t join his subordinates straight away. Why? He seems to be guarding against somebody, did he discover a spy in his army? Or, is he afraid of seeing someone else…..”

At this point, I suddenly had a thought:

“…..Jun Wuwang.”

Ye Tan was a little puzzled.

I explained: “You met him once when you first came back, it was that man with the fox mask.”

“Oh, him.” Ye Tan nodded, “He was indeed a hidden danger, this subordinate couldn’t determine his cultivation base, if I got into a fight with him, I couldn’t be certain of the outcome.”

“His attitude was very strange, he clearly could have easily saved me, but he didn’t save me. He clearly didn’t intend to save me, but he still helped me.” I thought about this strange variable and also felt like it was very mysterious, “His attitude towards us was sometimes good, sometimes bad, and hard to pin down, but at least he showed pure hostility towards the Second Young Master. In addition….. his attitude towards you appeared to be unusual, the Second Young Master must want to exchange you in order to control him.”

Ye Tan doubted: “This subordinate has never met him before.”

Ye Tan’s feet were quick, and we arrived near Wuding Cliff in a short time. The cliff was like a towering broken wall, with a few weeds scattered between the cracks of the cold hard rock.

The atmosphere was filled with a strong, peculiar smell.

“…..It’s kerosene.” Ye Tan sniffed, making out the direction and range, “With this range, we should still be able to escape.”

I was more and more nervous, and asked: “Where’s the Second Young Master?”

Ye Tan lifted his head to stare at a large rock sticking out the side of the cliff: “Behind that rock. Not just him, there’s still….. huh? Seven people?”

So many people? Was my prediction wrong?

A short time later, the figure of the Second Young Master appeared at the edge of the towering cliff.

The Second Young Master’s injuries were considerably serious, he should have spent the whole night worrying and was unable to sleep, so he seemed to be even more miserable than me. He reclined against the back of a wheelchair, and the cloudy ruthlessness in his eyes increased without letup.

Ye Tan concentrated the sword intent in his body, and fixed his eyes on the fire stick on Ye Jun’s hands.

I was also nervous, calculating whether or not I would be able to jump ten zhang with my physical condition.

The wind roared furiously by the cliffside, and the weather turned. The Second Young Master opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly a figure flashed next to him, flying over and kicking him to the ground.

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This unforeseen event emerged abruptly, but Ye Jun’s sword was already drawn, ready to take the person’s life. Unexpectedly, the Second Young Master stopped him first: “Ye Jun! Don’t move.”

Ye Jun was forced to withdraw his sword. The invader turned around on the spot, pressing a dagger against the Second Young Master’s throat and clutching him by the roots of the hair, forcing him to lift his head.

When I fixed my eyes on him, the invader turned out to be the Eldest Young Master.

At the same time, a person had leapt up behind Ye Jun, fast as lightning, and tried to hold his hands behind his back. Ye Jun gracefully avoided him, and helplessly said: “Sigh, no need to do that, I won’t resist.”

This was also an acquaintance, it was actually Yun Jiangli.

Huh? Um? What?

What is this storyline development?

Or is it some kind of new trick?

Ye Tan and I were flabbergasted, still guardedly watching their movements.

The Eldest Young Master grabbed the Second Young Master and jumped down from the cliff, Ye Tan nervously retreated a few steps.

“This is not the place to talk, let’s speak again once we’ve gone back.” The Eldest Young Master turned his head back, “Brother Yun, bring those three people out. Don’t worry about Ye Jun, this person is in my hands, so he won’t dare make a move.”

The Second Young Master was completely stunned, staring blankly at the Eldest Young Master. Ye Jun’s sword was taken by Yun Jiangli and, with an awkward cough, he jumped to stand a distance behind the Second Young Master.

Yun Jiangli called out towards the bottom of the cliff. There was a rustling sound, and soon Ye Xiao scuttled out from the cliff: “Wow Boss! You guys came to save me!! I’m so happy!!”

Yang Qingzhou had suffered torture, so he was still half unconscious, and Qiu Wujiu carried him on his back. He bowed his head towards Ye Tan and apologised humbly: “This subordinate failed to live up to Sect Leader’s trust, please punish me.”

Ye Tan shook his head: “It’s fine.”

The Eldest Young Master urged Yun Jiangli to seal Ye Jun’s acupoints, then he rigidly bound his upper body and Yun Jiangli carried him up onto his shoulder.

The Eldest Young Master turned his head towards me and indicated: “Let’s go.”

I was dumbfounded.

Wasn’t this going to be the most brutal and bloody final BOSS battle? How did it end so suddenly??

Although I was absolutely not looking forward to it…..

I looked back and forth, bewildered: “You, how did you two…..”

“We jumped ship.” Yun Jiangli smiled.

He restrained his smile, and spoke again: “Young Master Jun, I investigated the matter you spoke about, you were right. Yun Pizhi was my younger brother, he died under Ye Jun’s hands. Originally, this matter had already passed….. unfortunately, since Xiao Qin had come in contact with Yaksha, the Second Young Master wanted to use the opportunity to eliminate Xiao Qin in the time when everyone in Henglian fell into Zhongli Court’s hands, so I was left with no other option.”

I then looked at the Eldest Young Master in confusion.

The Eldest Young Master looked tired, he only let out a sigh: “I’ve had enough of acting, I don’t want to play any more.”

I was at a loss as we easily made our way back, three healthy people carrying three half-crippled people on their backs, with only Ye Xiao left over, happily bouncing ahead.

The Eldest Young Master carried the Second Young Master, who was dripping with blood, for a section of the road, but suddenly turned towards Yun Jiangli and said: “Brother Yun, let’s switch.”

Yun Jiangli: “Why?”

The Eldest Young Master coldly said: “I loathe it when he stares at me.”

His tone was cold, a far cry from his usual casual appearance. It reminded me of his lonely appearance that time I saw him at Yangxi, did it have something to do with the Second Young Master?

There was no more conversation along the way, and we safely returned to our temporary residence at the Ye Residence on the outskirts of Changluo.

Qiu Wujiu carried Yang Qingzhou to receive medical treatment, and Ye Xiao jumped inside his room to see Ye Lan.

The Second Young Master’s crudely bandaged wounds were all split open, his shoulders were dyed red, and he had scabs of blood and sweat on his body. Both of his hands were almost crippled and his feet were bent in an unnatural curve, he looked extremely wretched. Yun Jiangli stood and threw him down on the ground. No emotions could be seen on the Second Young Master’s face, he struggled to turn his face to the side, and just stared blankly at the Eldest Young Master.

The Eldest Young Master turned to Ye Tan and said: “My younger brother’s punishment, whether it’s killing him or cutting his flesh, do whatever you want.”

He was somewhat uneasy being stared at him, so he spoke again: “I don’t really want to stay here with him, so I’ll go out first and wait for you.”

The Second Young Master snapped out of it as he watched him leave, weakly calling out: “Brother…..?”

The Eldest Young Master had his back to him, and didn’t answer. Zhongli Zixi struggled to crawl two steps towards him, asking: “Brother….. why?”

“…..You don’t understand? My clever, scheming, good little brother, you don’t understand?” the Eldest Young Master clenched his teeth and laughed grimly, “Under whose hands did A-Sheng and Ze Que die, did you really think I was stupid?”

My heart trembled: Turns out he knew all along.

The Eldest Young Master flung his sleeves and returned in front of him in large strides, clutching him by the neck and lifting him up, his heart filled with hatred: “I really don’t understand, do you have a heart or not? Every time you needed to send me away, your excuse would be news that ‘Yue Changsheng is there’, riling me up again and again, was it funny?”

“Yue….. was from Taihangjian…..” the Second Young Master found it difficult to speak, “He got close to you….. he didn’t have good intentions…..”

“He conspired against me?” the Eldest Young Master’s smile was filled with pain, and he asked, “He never hurt me, but you? Ever since we were young, how many times did you harm me? Just when would it have been enough?”

“It was all temporary, ah, brother….. Yue Changsheng, Ze Que, even mother….. they were all temporary.” Zhongli Zixi trembled slightly, lifting his hand to hold his palm, his eyes were already out of focus from the pain, “When I unify the martial arts world, and there won’t be any more factions….. no more friends or foes….. and no need to worry about these things anymore….. You’ll be free….. I definitely….. will succeed soon, brother….. why did you…..”

“Free? Shut up, my good little brother.” The Eldest Young Master rejected him, slapping his hand away, emphasising his hatred with every word, “All the obstacles I, Zhongli Zixu, have encountered in life, all the pain from being separated from my love and the misery of not being able to find it——everything was your doing.”

He let go of his hand and left without looking back. The Second Young Master crumbled back down to the ground.

I watched silently to the side, feeling like the sentiments between these brothers were especially bewildering.



1 Idiom that means to lure someone away from their territory to take advantage of their absence. Top.

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